Strongest Guard

C882 He Has Gone to Heaven

C882 He Has Gone to Heaven

Amidst the roar of the propellers, a helicopter slowly descended.    


Before the plane could come to a stop, dozens of medical personnel who were already waiting at the side pushed their Trolley and ran over.    


According to the information sent back by the search force, many of the survivors were injured.    


There was no need to ask anyone about this. The medical department had brought in a large number of ambulances and medical personnel in the shortest amount of time.    


Two extremely lucky military helicopters discovered that the cargo ship had not been capsized and there were still a large number of hostages on board. They were excitedly reporting to the land and immediately calling for reinforcements.    


The two soldiers on the helicopter immediately carried the wounded to the ground for treatment after boarding the ship.    


At that time, when they saw the mighty British army jump off the plane, the cargo ship was filled with weeping.    


Especially those noblewomen who had been brutally abused by the traffickers. They were even more breathless from crying, as if they had finally seen their parents' children after being lost for many years.    


The soldiers were also so excited that tears were flowing, but they did not forget their responsibilities.    


After two helicopters full of wounded hostages rumbled into the air, the dozen soldiers split into three groups.    


A small group, responsible for keeping watch on the cargo deck.    


The other two teams descended from the bow and stern of the freighter and began a carpet search.    


No one could guarantee that there were no traffickers on board.    


With the roar of the propeller, the ten injured hostages were all ladies.    


They were all disheveled and their faces were filled with tears.    


But they refused to get into the ambulance.    


They said that they were still strong and that they would grit their teeth and wait with the esteemed queen for everyone to come.    


Linda was moved and satisfied with her urgent wish.    


Of course, it was quite necessary for the medical staff to carry out the on-site treatment.    


As the two helicopters rumbled off again, more military helicopters, medical helicopters, took to the air from different parts of the coast.    


The sound of a destroyer's whistle as it slowly sailed out of the military port resounded through the world.    


Many more soldiers stood on the deck with steel spears in hand. Each of them had their eyes fixed on the sea surface, searching for white Life-saving Ball s.    


When the helicopter carrying the wounded had just taken off, the headquarters had already received a report from the search and rescue survivor team. According to the description of the cargo ship survivors, before the tsunami struck, those extremely sinful traffickers had already escaped into the sea, entering the Life-saving Ball s.    


There were around fifty Life-saving Ball.    


Those traffickers, in order to snatch these Life-saving Ball, had once engaged in a fiery war, resulting in more than twenty casualties.    


Without a doubt, those who managed to escape into the Life-saving Ball s had a higher chance of survival.    


Life-saving Ball can not only waterproof, but also prevent heat.    


But one thing was for sure, the Life-saving Ball would not guard against the British army.    


"If we find them, we'll immediately fish them out. I want them to pay the heaviest price for the crimes they've committed!"    


These words were from the Defense Minister gritting his teeth as he gave the order to the military.    


From this, it could be seen that those traffickers who thought that they had escaped with their lives were not going to end up well.    


These things, and most of the hostages who survived, were trivial things that could be ignored.    


As the queen of British Island, she naturally would not care about all this.    


She just walked among the Trolley with a warm and kind smile, shaking hands with every injured noble lady and comforting them.    


"Lord Fei is a hero."    


These words were the words that Linda loved to hear the most.    


Who said that the beautiful women of Europe were all alike? If they didn't know how to flatter and flatter, then they would be like a hammer.    


From the mouths of these women, when the brutal traffickers suddenly attacked and everyone became stupefied, it was Lord Fei who stepped forward and openly fought with the traffickers. Otherwise, the number of casualties would be horrendous to behold.    


Whenever a lady praised Jack as a righteous, brave avatar, Linda would shake her head with a faint smile and say that was what he should do – but she would definitely be very happy.    


Was there a woman who deeply loved her husband and did not like hearing others praise her prince charming?    


However, just as Linda was about to listen attentively to the praises given by the ladies to her husband, she heard two names.    




Lee Nanfang.    


Everyone knew who God was. He was a Great God that did not exist, but was more important than all existences.    


But who was Lee Nanfang?    


This name sounds quite Chinese.    


How could his name be admired and praised by the ladies along with the great God?    


Everyone present was stunned.    


They could all see the fanaticism in the eyes of all the noble women when they mentioned this Wu Tie after singing their praises of Lord Fei and God.    


If they didn't have to sing praises for the brave Lord Fei and God, they would definitely praise Lee Nanfang from the moment they were taken off the plane.    


Who exactly is Lee Nanfang?    


A few minutes later, Linda and the rest found out who Lee Nanfang was and what he had done to be called by everyone, and they worshipped him from the bottom of their hearts.    


Lee Nanfang was Yuping Group Beautiful President Avril's lover.    


This was obvious to all.    


He was the one who killed Hamm after he was attacked by Hamm and the others, pretending to be the underling of a trafficker — this was not a problem at all!    


The thing was, if it wasn't for him, that cargo ship full of hostages would have long since been thrown into the sea by the huge wave, which was over a hundred meters high.    


At that moment, Lee Nanfang was the possession of God.    


He let out a long dragon's roar that made the waves stop, and the only thing he could do was to circle around the freighter and throw himself at the shore from both sides.    


When the unassailable hurricane came and the freighter was about to capsize, it was he who jumped into the sea — in the form of the oldest "water sacrifice" — to quell the fury of the sea and keep everyone safe.    


However, just when people on the left and right thought that he had miraculously appeared out of the sea and was about to climb up, a disgusting ghost girl cut the rope with a single slash of her blade.    


Lee Nanfang, who was possessed by God, could only fall back into the sea.    


Then, the menacing hurricane quickly let go of the cargo ship and left to play in the distance with little interest.    


"Lee Nanfang is the incarnation of God on earth. Without him, we would all have died. "    


This was the conclusion the ladies came to when the second group of hostages arrived.    


As they excitedly narrated these events, a large number of reporters felt that the short cannons of the lance had been aimed at them. The bright lights never stopped.    


No one would stop them.    


This was an invitation from the official.    


The authorities hope that the media will learn the truth about this shocking kidnapping and that they will be encouraged by the brave and just image of the British people.    


It is even more important that criminals who hide in the dark and try to subvert the happy lives of their people see it and get a stern warning: "You better be good people. Fighting against justice would not end in a good way. For justice and God always exist! "    


However, justice, God, and Lord Fei, who was supposed to be a great hero, had their glory stolen by that guy called Lee Nanfang.    


Lee Nanfang, Chinese.    


The Secretary of Defense, who had only heard of these two information from the hostages, immediately ordered his subordinates to contact the Chinese embassy in the United Kingdom and invite the ambassador to the scene.    


Although the Defense Minister and other officials from the United Kingdom really didn't want to make the Chinese with the surname Li stand out, when they saw the hostages talking about Lee Nanfang and the near crazy admiration in their eyes, they realized that if they were really stopped from boasting to the reporters and especially to the Chinese, they would go crazy and use their fangs and claws to attack them.    


Although these noblewomen were at the mercy of others in front of the traffickers, in front of the government, they were like queens that could not be easily provoked.    


Therefore, no matter how unwilling the British authorities were, they had to let them brag and brag.    


Especially when Lord Fei also safely landed on the ground.    


Under the gaze of thousands of citizens, after Linda saw her husband walk off the helicopter alive, she no longer cared about her exalted status. She should maintain her queen's modesty and elegance, just like all the other heartbroken wives who cared about her husband's safety.    


No matter how noble a woman was, she was still a woman that needed the protection of a man. She also had her love, her god.    


Lord Fei and Jack, Linda's love, Linda's day.    


No one would blame Linda for losing her composure.    


On the contrary, when Lord Fei hugged his beloved wife and twirled her around, a warm clapping sound could be heard.    


Everyone applauded to congratulate the couple who had experienced decades of change in the human world for safely surviving this calamity, happily embracing them again under the sun, and dying of jealousy for those single dogs …    


"My dear, I came back from the dead this time to thank someone."    


After a hot kiss with his wife, Lord Fei ignored the short spear on the side and said seriously to his wife.    


Linda smiled.    


Her smile was still as beautiful as it was when they first met decades ago. She said calmly, "Do you want to thank Lee Nanfang?"    




Lord Fei obviously wouldn't be surprised that his wife knew who he was going to say. After all, the first batch of people that were sent were all long-tongued women who couldn't hide their true feelings.    


"Where is he?"    


Linda smiled slightly and looked at the hostages that were surrounded by the doctors and nurses. "Bring me to see him. I would like to personally express my heartfelt thanks to this young lad from China. "    


Lord Fei lowered his voice: "He, has already gone to heaven."    


The smile on Linda's face instantly froze.    


Those ladies just now were just trying to brag about Lee Nanfang's magic, but none of them said that he had already gone on a trip to heaven.    


"Jack, my condolences. I'm sorry about that too. "    


Originally, Linda, who had just heard that the glory of God and her husband had been snatched away by a kid from China with the surname Li, who was concerned about the national interests, had even planned to suppress his limelight a little — What did it mean to make a foreigner the hero of the people of British Island?    


However, Jack said that the hero was already at peace.    


In order to save his husband and the others, the heroes had happily gone to heaven to drink tea. If the British side were to continue suppressing the limelight that he had earned with his life, it would be too unkind.    


After all, including those hardworking bodyguards, there were more than 200 of them who were still alive.    


If the British side suppressed Lee Nanfang's limelight, the people who mentioned his name and wanted to kneel at his feet and lick his shoes would definitely be furious.    


That might embarrass the British side.    


"Jack, don't worry. We won't forget the heroic deeds done by the heroes. We have notified the staff of the Chinese Embassy in Britain. I promise that when I find out the background of the hero, I will immediately contact his family and invite them to come here with British Island to express my sincere gratitude. "    


Linda's thoughts raced. Just as she was about to face the camera and voice out her plan, the crowd around them suddenly parted.    


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