Strongest Guard

C893 One of the Three Great Young Men

C893 One of the Three Great Young Men

Lee Nanfang was unable to determine which monarch was buried within the eight hundred Monarch Valley. However, Xue Xinghan, who had already lived here for many years, was very clear in his heart.    


In history, the famous Emperor Yang and Yang Guang.    


When it came to Yang Guang and his people, many people's first reaction was "Tyrant".    


Before Xue Xinghan came eight hundred years ago, he was also like this. After all, this was how the history books described Yang Guang.    


Yang Guang, who had the word "shanghai" in his name, and Xia Jie, the first monarch of China's slavery, who had the word "jie" in his name, and Shang Zang, who had the word "Zhou" in his name, were also known as the three outstanding youths in the history of China.    


Therefore, Yang Guang was a tyrant and had been admitted by the people. He was the one who held the power in all of China's dynasties and was often used as a role model.    


When Xue Xinghan first arrived at 800 yuan, he learned that 800 yuan was guarding the tomb for Yang Guang, so he was sure to be disdainful in his heart.    


Not to mention, Xie Qingshang had also ordered her to stay and guard the door for this tyrant.    


What kind of existence was the Xue Clan in Shu?    


For thousands of years, the Xue family of Shu has been revered by the people as the living Bodhisattva of Salvation and Rescue.    


Legend has it that famous doctors like Li Shizhen had received guidance from the seniors of the Xue Clan in Shu when she was young.    


One of them was called a good person, while the other one was called a good person. It was normal for Xie Qingshang to be unhappy with showing Tyrant the door after making Xue Xinghan, a good person.    


However, when Xie Qingshang brought a few thick ancient books from the old village chief's house for Xue Xinghan to read, her impression of Tyrant changed drastically.    


With his back facing the sky, he sighed and said, "Historian, you have harmed me."    


At this point, I have no choice but to talk about Yang Guang.    


Yang Guang, Sui Emperor Wen's second son, mother Dugu empress. In 581, King Feng Jin was appointed marshal of the army in 589, and in 600 he was appointed emperor's concubine.    


In the year 604, the throne of the Emperor was crowned with the great cause of the year, and he remained in the throne for 14 years.    


"Sui Shu Shi Shi Ji" records Emperor Suiyang: "Beauty Yi, less quick-witted."    


His political achievements and tyranny were outstanding. Some people compared him with the merchant, King Zhou, and Emperor Qin, and called him the Three Tyrants (Xia Jie).    


After the inauguration, he had grand ambitions for the national government and put his efforts into the implementation of them. He would build the Grand Canal, Daxing City and Luoyang City in the east, open up the territory and open up the Silk Road, open up the Imperial examinations, and wade into the three lands.    


The Grand Canal, the imperial examination system, would affect future generations for a thousand years.    


After fourteen years of hard work, in March, Emperor Yang saw that the world was in chaos and was irrevocable. He ordered the Danyang Palace to be repaired and moved there.    


However, those who rode the chariots were the guardians of the pass. They missed their hometown and fled one by one.    


At this time, Huban Lun and others, colluding with Pei Pi Tong, used the guards to reminisce about the resentment of their hometown, led by Yuwen Huaji, Yuwen's son, to launch a mutiny, Yuwen Huaji forced Emperor Suiyang to be hanged.    


After Yang Guang died, he didn't even use a proper coffin. After the Queen Xiao and the court lady tore down the bed to make a small coffin, they secretly buried it under the Liuzhu Hall in the Jiangdu Palace.    


After that, Emperor Yang's body mysteriously disappeared on the night of lightning and thunder.    


All the above are basically from the Tang Dynasty, which was built on behalf of Sui.    


Li Yuan, who was originally Emperor Yang's relative, replaced Big Sui with Big Sui, to stop the common people from talking.    


Since the Tang Dynasty was the dynasty that replaced the Sui Dynasty, it could not say that it had rebelled, but was forced to do so for the common people. Therefore, it had to prove that the Tang Dynasty's replacing the Sui Dynasty was to follow the will of the heavens, not to rebel. It had to prove how tyrannical the monarchs of the last generation were, how perverted they were, and how corrupt they were.    


But Tang Dynasty is only one of the few forces that discredit Lao Yang.    


Other than the Great Tang's father and son, there were still a few other powers.    


The Confucian view of historiography, which calls itself "orthodox", has at all times been based on a code of conduct.    


Simply put, they were nothing more than a bunch of lackeys. As long as it suited the interests of the current dynasty, they would brag about it as much as they liked.    


Because China had a conclusion, called the final conclusion, that after death, everything would be set. So after the Tang Dynasty started demonizing Emperor Suiyang, the future generations of Confucian scholars all evaluated it in accordance with Tang Dynasty's theory.    


In their eyes, Emperor Suiyang was just like what Emperor Tang had said. This was an object of opposition advocated by the Confucians, completely denying Emperor Suiyang and giving warnings to the future emperor to prove that Emperor Suiyang had died because of tyranny, deceit, corruption, and so on. They should not repeat the same mistakes.    


The third group of people who demonized Yang Guang was from the history of the government.    


As an official in the history of cultivation, the officials had no right to participate in the revision of the history of the country. As an official in the history of cultivation, the officials had no right to participate in the revision of the history of the country.    


The fourth force was of course a faked novel written by the common people.    


Because the people of ancient times didn't have as much entertainment as they currently did, they heard their teacher tell them stories, and their teacher often exaggerated things. If it was true, their teacher could say it was fake, but if it was false, he could say it was true.    


The fifth force naturally couldn't leave the folklore.    


After the further rendering of the parody novel, the people will believe that following the crowd is like clouds, and then listening to the wind is like rain, endless --    


After experiencing these five great forces, even the best person would turn into an unforgivable bad guy, not to mention Emperor Suiyang who had already died in the country.    


In order to thoroughly discredit Lao Yang, several stories about him as a tyrant were recorded in the historical records.    


The most famous of them all was that Yang Guang had killed his elder brother Yang Yong, seized his sister-in-law's hand, and had taken her into his harem.    


Otherwise, how could he brutally force the common people to dig the Grand Canal and say that it would be more convenient for him to go south to see the flowers?    


When the time came, he would hold the beauty in his left arm and the gin in his right hand. He would look at the fiancees on both sides of the canal and be happy to play a song with Queen Empressli, "The Love of the Fiancé".    


Or he could say that he fought three battles for the beauty because he had taken a fancy to the beautiful beauties there — and so on.    


What the commoners talked about the most were the legends related to Zhang Leehua.    


When Yang Guang heard that Zhang Leehua was a great beauty during the Chen Dynasty, he sent someone to tell the general to keep Zhang Leehua.    


However, Gao Yu was worried that Zhang Leehua's peerless beauty would cause her Sui Dynasty to perish, so he said: "Previously, Jiang Ziya killed himself with his mask covering his face, why would we leave Zhang Leehua as a villain today?"    


Thus, Old Gao took the initiative to behead Zhang Mei.    


For this, Yang Guang bore a grudge and declared that he would definitely take revenge in the future.    


This was not the case.    


The Yang Guang of history is definitely not like the folklore written by the historians of the past.    


Many people had never thought about it in detail, if Yang Guang had not gone to war to expand his territory, how could the countries of all states pay homage to his subjects and thus establish the great heavens and the dynasty of China?    


If it were not for him cultivating the Great Wall to the north to cut down the Turkic, how could the northern border of Tang Dynasty be more peaceful?    


If it were not for his three conquest of Gaoli, how could the Northeast of Tang Dynasty be safe and sound?    


If he had not opened the canal, how would Song's prosperity have come about?    


If he did not open the Imperial Examinations, how could the children of the Shu Clan have the chance to become his subjects?    


If --    


Emperor Yang, a king crushed by a great cause!    


He was not only doing it for himself, he was doing it for the people, for the country.    


Yang Guang was afraid that Lu Li wouldn't be able to complete all of these grand plans in his lifetime, so he had to quickly implement them. Yang Guang wanted to leave behind wealth, culture, and true spirit for the future!    


But in the end, he was exhausted by his great cause.    


Emperor Yang had died one thousand and five hundred years ago, and it had been one thousand and five hundred years.    


The power of folklore was terrifying.    


Until now, there were few people who knew that in the year 589, Yang Guang, who was only 20 years old, was acknowledged as the Great Marshal of the Sui Dynasty. He commanded a great army of 510 thousand to attack the Chen Dynasty and achieve unity.    


Under the command of Yang Guang, the Sui Army was disciplined and bravely battled. In one fell swoop, they broke through the Yangtze River Chasm. Wherever they went, they swept away everything in their path.    


But to the people is not a crime, to the Chen dynasty Ku Mansion wealth to get nothing, won widespread praise from the people.    


"The world is known as a place of excellence!"    


This sentence was the praise people gave Yang Guang at the time.    


When Yang Guang was 20 years old, he had completed his grand project to unite China's Divine State, ending the division of the Divine State over the past hundred years. He had also ended the era of war and chaos that spanned three to four hundred years, allowing the country to enter a peaceful and prosperous era.    


In the ten years since the emperor was founded, when a large-scale rebellion broke out in some parts of the old lands of South China, Yang Guang was appointed as the general manager of Jiangnan, garrisoning the capital to pacify the rebellion.    


His task in Nanfang was quite complicated and difficult. In order to alleviate Nanfang's resentments and doubts, he carried out a reasonable administration after the military occupation, breaking many political and cultural barriers that prevented the southerners from becoming loyal subjects of the Sui family.    


Mend the canal.    


Scouting in the west.    


He started the Imperial Examinations.    


Developing the Western Regions.    


eastern hyperbola    


These five big projects can summarize Yang Guang's entire life.    


Unfortunately, when the later generation mentioned Yang Guang, they only remembered him killing their brother and sister, ignoring the lives of the people as he dug canals, and committing three atrocities.    


The majestic emperor, after his death, did not even have a coffin to bury him. He was only loyal to his empress and others. In a flash, he retreated to the bottom of the Flowing Pearl Hall.    


It was only when the soldiers loyal to Emperor Yang took advantage of the night's thunder and lightning to steal his body and escape to the northeast, where he would be buried in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountain Range.    


The valley where Yang Guang was buried was changed to Monarch Valley from then on.    


The sergeant who had stolen his body here was willing to be his professional gravekeeper.    


To live outside the valley of Monarch Valley is eight hundred.    


After thousands of years, tens of generations, eight hundred residents had used their hands to build a nine-story pagoda. Only then did this great overlord finally possess a resting place worthy of his status.    


In each of the nine levels, there were officials and generals loyal to him.    


The sculptures of Yuwen, Mai Tieshan, Zhang Xiuda, and the others were all in the ninth level of the holy pagoda.    


And there was also Yang Guang's miserable Queen Empress.    


Speaking of this Empress Xiao, the historical records are also quite - interesting.    


He couldn't help but want to talk about her, even though he was scolded.    


The number of sisters who had bewitched the monarch in history could be said to be countless.    


However, even though he had changed dynasties many times, the number of women who could make a group of beauties prostrate themselves were few and far between in the history of China.    


And Empress Xiao was such a wonderful girl, she had won the title of the most popular woman in history in one fell swoop.    


Empress Xiao was naturally beautiful and charming.    


As for the extent of her beauty, perhaps it was impossible to describe it with words. Judging from how she was still able to cause Li Shimin to lose three souls and six souls even in her late fifties, she definitely deserved to be called a devastatingly beautiful woman.    


Perhaps, Empress Xiao was born to be a human being.    


When she was born, a fortune-teller was surprised by her appearance. He carefully calculated her birth date and finally came to the conclusion that she was a lady of the world, born with peach blossoms.    


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