Strongest Guard

C895 Past and Present Life

C895 Past and Present Life

Of course Lee Nanfang had to live.    


He hadn't saved Min Rou yet, and he still hadn't fulfilled his grand ambition of sleeping with Yue Zitong and He Lan. How could he die just like that?    


So, no matter how powerful the hurricane was, or how dark Hamm's heart was, he would still live on.    


But one thing was certain, even if he possessed the black dragon's body, and was so powerful that even he himself was surprised, he still couldn't transform into a real dragon. He let out a long hiss in the stormy sea and started swimming happily.    


He was still a person.    


It's a body.    


In front of the raging waves and the raging waves, humans were so insignificant that they could be ignored.    


The aircraft carrier of British Island had to retreat before the tsunami arrived. What reason did Lee Nanfang have to not be hit by the huge wave that was created by the hurricane? He helplessly rolled his eyes and fainted.    


In his coma, he seemed to hear someone coughing violently.    


It sounded like someone was crying.    


And also calling out his name: "Lee Nanfang, hurry, wake up, wake up!"    


He really wanted to wake up — but a black dragon in virtual form was not omnipotent.    


By the time he was left to the side of the Black Dragon and howled at the waves, he had already overused too much of his strength.    


After that, he swam for half an hour in the sea and rescued Yang Xiao.    


At that time, he did not know that the strength bestowed to him by the Black Dragon was nearly exhausted.    


Only when he carried Yang Xiao on his back and tried to climb up to the bow of the ship with White Peony hugging his left and right, did Black Peony cut off the rope and forced him to fall into the sea with ten thousand mud horses roaring in his heart, did the strength that the Black Dragon had bestowed upon him completely run out.    


Lee Nanfang, who had become an ordinary person, had no reason to resist the huge waves in the sea.    


Therefore, it was normal for Lee Nanfang to fall into a deep coma after he had exhausted all of his stamina.    


He had actually opened his eyes when he heard someone crying in his ear, shouting his name.    


In a trance, he actually saw Yang Guanguan.    


Yang Guanguan's beautiful face was covered in tears.    


Maybe the sea.    


However, the look of ecstasy that appeared when he opened his eyes was absolutely true.    


Lee Nanfang wanted to ask her: "Bro, what's wrong? "My whole body feels sore. Oh, my entire body feels sore and weak. Even opening my eyes would be so exhausting."    


However, before he could say anything, he was quickly swallowed by darkness.    


Lee Nanfang had a dream.    


He dreamt that he had become a paper man, that he had seen six big Little Beauty, and that he had taken their souls away.    


He also saw that the Sovereign King was still clad in his black dragon robes, and was blowing his beard and glaring at him.    


Lee Nanfang had had this dream before. Now, he could be considered to have "replayed his old dream".    


There was a difference between old dreams and new dreams. The way the king treated him seemed a little better.    


He even asked, "Do you know who I am?"    


Lee Nanfang answered straightforwardly, "Who are you? I don't know."    


"I'm Yang Guang."    


"Who is Yang Guang?"    


"Do you dare to not know my name!?"    


The king in the dream became angry again, and made threatening gestures as if to tear him apart.    


Lee Nanfang was a bit scared: "I suddenly remembered. You are the most famous person in the history of China, the 'Dumb Lord' Yang Guang. "    




Yang Guang roared, "I am not an idiot. I am the unrivaled Lord. Laozi's contribution to China is comparable to that of the Shao Shun Yu Tang and the Qin Emperor Wu. "It's all because the historians who fawned over Lao Lee's family and those long-tongued people disgraced us after the fall of the Great Sui Empire!"    


Seeing that there were many golden-armored warriors beside Yang Guang, each of them had their eyes wide open, looking like they were about to pounce on their prey, Lee Nanfang was very afraid: "Ah, it's you, Brother Ren. Do you really have the nerve to lower yourself to anger a nameless newbie like me? "    


"Hehe, it's not anger, it's sadness."    


Yang Guang's expression suddenly became sad as he muttered, "You think that I was a mighty warrior who had millions of wronged souls under my blade. The beauties that I conquered were unfathomably — ahem, but unexpectedly, I died in the hands of someone of Young Master Xiao's generation. After death, she took over my Empress Xiao without even giving me a proper coffin. Because I'm afraid that my heroic soul will find them and make them suffer, I ask the Profound Sect Dao to strike my soul into the depths of hell. For thousands of years, let me hover in the dark world, angry, and cry. "    


In Lao Yang's narration, Lee Nanfang gradually understood.    


After Emperor Yang was killed by the Yuwen Clan's boss, Boss Yuwen was afraid that Lao Yang's vengeful spirit would do something to scare him, so he invited a Daoist to imprison Emperor Yang's soul in the netherworld: "You, old man, just play around happily over there. Don't come out again and bring disaster to the world."    


A person with great ambition like Emperor Yang dying before his ambition could make the hero cry. How could he be willing to stay in the netherworld and never reincarnate?    


And so he cried, and he made a fuss, and he roared around all day.    


After more than a thousand years of this, the other residents of Nine Nether City were annoyed. Everyone gathered to look for the real estate company and ask if they could solve this problem. Otherwise, they would be tortured to the point of losing their nerve.    


The supervisor of Nine Underworlds took a look. He couldn't just let Lao Yang continue to cause a ruckus like this, otherwise, everyone would rebel sooner or later. That was something he didn't want to see.    


However, if he let Lao Yang out just like this — Damn, wouldn't he cause a huge ruckus?    


It was the golden age of China, and the people lived and worked in peace. They would work from 9 to 5 every day, and at night they would go to a bar to pick up a girl. How happy would life be?    


He could neither let it go nor let it go.    




The one who was worried, the one in charge felt very upset. He could only hum "Entranced by both sides." After drinking a pot of wine, he finally had a plan.    


Lao Yang can go out.    


But there were conditions.    


As long as he could leave that damned place, no matter what the conditions were, Lao Yang would agree.    


You can go out, but not in the form of reincarnation. Otherwise, sooner or later, you'll drag your family down to their deaths. You, on the other hand, are in the form of a deposit. Do you know what a deposit is? What? You don't even know what a deposit is? Sigh, Lao Yang, I'm not talking to you. All you do is cry and howl, why don't you read more? In modern society, being illiterate is a rather scary thing.    


The so-called deposit was to find a host.    


The key point was, this host couldn't be a normal person.    


According to the Taoism's "Six Paths of Reincarnation", every normal person who came to this world had done a lot of good things in their previous life, and they didn't have enough level to go to the Heavenly Dao, and they were even more unwilling to go to Shura Tao, Hell Tao, beasts, and other Daos.    


He had finally come to the human realm, so why should he keep you in his body?    


Lao Yang was a little confused, and asked: "Then whose body do you want me to take over? "Wow, I know, you want me to be born as a real dragon."    


"You wish. It really was a dragon image. Tsk, brother, I guarantee that if you were to reappear in this world as a real dragon, you will not live more than three days and you will be able to become a food dish of the 'there is nothing that you don't dare to eat' from the Guangdong people. "    


"Holy sh * t, are those people that cruel?"    


Lao Yang was shocked, "Back in the day, I was really good at it. He Ruobi and other brave generals killed all the southerners and almost fell asleep Zhang Leehua."    


"Sigh, this time, this time." Sigh, this time, this time.    


Da Na sighed and said sincerely, "Lao Yang, what I mean is that I want you to find a child that you are destined to not live long and use it as a host."    


"Destined not to live long?"    


Lao Yang's forehead was covered in black lines as he stuttered, "It's Heaven's Destruction!"    


As soon as he said those words, he was interrupted by the bartender: "Lao Yang, you are not only uncultured, but you also don't know how to keep up with the times. What did Heaven's Destruction count for? There were many cases of illness outside the city right now. Have you heard of syphilis? AIDS? That thing is scary. A while ago, I almost -- ahem, about that, I suggest that you store it in a Premature Failure Child's body. "    


"Is your name Premature Failure Child?"    


Lao Yang's widened eyes were filled with ignorance.    


He had no choice but to spread the knowledge of what Premature Failure Child was.    


The reason that Lao Yang was suggested to find a Premature Failure Child as a host was because in the majority of Premature Failure Child, none of them had lived past thirteen years old.    


In addition, their lives had also been spent in the midst of others' pity and hatred.    


It could be said that he was suffering a fate worse than death.    


So, let's just let him have it. Let Lao Yang find such a host.    


Lao Yang would help such a child achieve heaven-defying reverse growth. The longer he grew, the more handsome he would become.    


To put it simply, Lao Yang and that child were sharing life and death together.    


When he died, Lao Yang's soul completely vanished. From then on, this figure no longer existed in the universe or in the netherworld.    


Therefore, before that child could achieve heaven-defying reverse growth, Lao Yang had to get close to his full strength to help him.    


While Lao Yang was helping him, he was also cultivating his own ability.    


This way, there would be two lives in the body of the Premature Failure Child.    


One was his own humanity, the demonic nature of Lao Yang.    


Following the grand principle that if it wasn't the east wind overpowering the west, then it was a principle that women would tire men to death, this Premature Failure Child's entire life would be spent fighting with Lao Yang for the body.    


From then on, humanity and the devil coexisted.    


When Lao Yang became more humane, he would have to obediently lie in his Dantian like a small loach.    


With his demonic nature, not only could Lao Yang control that body for a long time, he could also change the color of the sky and the earth — he could do whatever he wanted.    


In any case, in this world, there were so many artificially beautiful girls. Even if he were to ruin them, with 800 of them every day, he would never be able to finish them.    


After being tricked by the Nine Serenities Tower, Lao Yang had written his name on the certificate of emigration. He had left behind his name like a dragon flying in the wind and a phoenix dancing in the wind.    


But he also had a request, and that was, this Premature Failure Child must be chosen by him.    


Lao Yang's request was nothing to the big card--otherwise, he would refuse to move out and continue to cause trouble in the Nine Nether City.    


Lao Yang hoped that this Premature Failure Child was his blood!    


To be honest, after Lao Yang said this request, the big boss was still shocked to the point of cursing.    


But she still agreed to him.    


The most important thing was to get him to f * ck off as soon as possible.    


And so, on a night of thunder and lightning — again thunder and lightning.    


One of the eight hundred girls scouted Monarch Valley to see if there was anything interesting inside.    


The brazen girl, after successfully entering the Monarch Valley, was even more thunderous.    


She had just tiptoed into the 9th level of the holy pagoda when a dark figure jumped out.    


Eight hundred of the aboriginals were super experts in close-combat.    


Girls too.    


Of course, when the black shadow pounced on her, she would have a snowflake covering the top with her left hand, Black Tiger on her right, one to split the mountain, and the next — Guan Yin sitting lotus.    


After being tricked by something unknown, even a girl who was afraid of pain would go crazy.    


She was mad, but there was a trace of reason in her that knew she was pregnant.    


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