Strongest Guard

C909 20 Million Dollar Baby

C909 20 Million Dollar Baby

Just as Henry was getting impatient for the third time, the hot tofu was finally served.    


It was the same two burly women. They were holding a girl with a black cloth over her head as they walked out from a corner door beside the booth.    


Henry and the others immediately cast their gazes over.    


These seven people were definitely people who were used to seeing top quality beauties. Usually, they did not pay attention to beauties that drooled after being stared at by the silk ribbon.    


The Lord who used to eat big fish and big meat, would he fight with the beggar for a few bran cakes?    


Rather than focusing on "hot tofu," they focused on Convia's $13 million offer.    


He really wanted to see how this Chinese girl, who was praised by Kang Weiya and was worth $13 million, would be worth this money.    


"So, it's actually quite ordinary."    


Henry and the others, who had experienced nothing, looked at each other for a few seconds with their extremely picky and professional eyes. Then they shook their heads and raised their glasses to drink.    


Based on their professional aesthetic standards, they didn't need to look for too long to see that this girl wasn't very tall. She was around 1.65 meters, had legs that weren't too long and was about 1.12 meters long, buttocks that weren't very raised, and breasts that weren't too big either.    


The only good thing about girls was that their skin was very good.    


Smooth as satin.    


However, good skin was only one aspect of it. No matter how beautiful one was, if one's figure was too outstanding, then no matter how beautiful they were, they would be of a lower grade.    


"This girl can't even compare to those girls just now. Her starting bid is at most one million dollars. I don't understand how Convia could have offered thirteen million. "Has this woman gone mad recently?"    


Henry, who was slowly shaking his glass, looked at the girl who had been set up on the platform by the two women. He shook his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up in ridicule.    


Not only him, but the other six big bosses were also like this.    


There were even some who started whispering to each other when they were supposed to be observing the auction with wide eyes.    


For some reason, they couldn't complain to Convia. It was a waste of their time, so they could only express their dissatisfaction this way.    


Of course, Ms. Convia, in her bright red suit, could see what they were thinking.    


As she bent over to pick up the glass of wine on the table, the pearl earrings hanging from her ears swayed back and forth with her actions. The charm she exuded was not something that could be described as "extraordinary".    


Especially when she was bending over, the collar of her little suit was slightly open so that Henry, who was sitting to her left, could see inside her at a glance.    


This woman was wearing a suit out of thin air.    


He wasn't wearing any kind of necklace.    


That's because — Henry felt that no necklace could match her beautiful neck, her sexy collarbone.    


Wearing the necklace would instead affect her sexiness, nobility, and elegance.    


"You shouldn't have called her Convia. You should be called Athena. Athena, the goddess of beauty in ancient Greek mythology, you are the only one. "    


Henry glanced quickly inside the Conveya suit and before she could see him, he looked back at the booth.    


In his heart, however, he sighed lightly: "Sigh, a woman like you should be worshipped on this snowy mountain. Or, by the richest man in the world, built a castle to hide, you will not be allowed to see anyone for the rest of your life. "How can you do such a heartless, dirty thing like trafficking in human beings?"    


In the sudden melancholy of Mr. Henry, one of the women on the platform lifted her hand to remove the black cloth bag from the girl's head and gently pushed her on the shoulder.    


After the black bag was snatched away, Min Rou couldn't open her eyes anymore and subconsciously raised her hands in front of her. She staggered forward two steps, then took a step back, and as her body swayed and was about to collapse, she reached out her hands to maintain her balance.    


There was a drug that could make a girl fall into a trance, as if she was standing on clouds and couldn't even stand properly. Only her feet could not help but stagger, her hands swaying from side to side as she tried to open her eyes wide in an attempt to see the situation she was in.    


Without a doubt, this medicine could numb some nerves in a person's body. However, its side effects on a person's body were negligible.    


Convia had people inject the best virgins with the drug in order to make them sway from side to side — only in this way could they show their most original and real side.    


When the medicine helped them to maintain their balance, it would reveal the flexibility of every part of their body.    


Moreover, their blank, frightened faces could also highlight how enchanting their reaction would be when they were extremely happy.    


Girls with flexible bodies and excellent coordination skills were what men loved the most.    


This advantage could make up for the fact that their legs weren't long enough, buttocks weren't raised enough, chests weren't big enough, and they didn't look too good.    


What's more, Min Rou's appearance was pure and her skin was as white as satin.    


For some girls, if one were to separate her body from another, just looking at a certain part of her body wasn't the best. There were even some flaws.    


However, if someone were to see her entire body, they would be astonished — no, they would be shocked — to discover that she was actually this beautiful.    


Those parts that didn't look outstanding, those very ordinary facial features, when combined together, would all change, giving people a beauty that others couldn't ignore.    


The more he watched, the more beautiful it became!    


It was as if she had been designed by dozens of top computing masters, using the most advanced computers to calculate precisely for the first anniversary.    


Min Rou was such a girl.    


She was not breathtaking.    


But she was patient.    


With every additional glance, he would gain a bit more insight, 'Why didn't I see how enchanting she was just now'.    


Lee Nanfang and the others who were familiar with her didn't realize this before because they had never seen her current "true colors".    


Especially the way she stuttered and spoke in a hoarse voice: "Where … where am I? "Who, who's over there?"    


Her helplessness, loneliness, fear, hesitation, and other negative emotions were all mixed together. It was enough to break the heart of the most ruthless man in the world. She only wanted to hug him without caring about anything else and have a good relationship with him.    


Henry and the others weren't cruel men.    


So when she heard Min Rou say this, Xinn'er melted immediately — Henry slammed his glass down heavily on the table, picked up his card, and said loudly, "Thirteen million, I'll take it!"    


After hearing someone speak in the darkness behind the bright light, Min Rou staggered and stopped. She opened her eyes again, and due to the dazzling light, she had no choice but to narrow her eyes and try her best to look in that direction.    


Min Rou felt as if she was standing alone in the center of the sun.    


In a trance, the only space she could see was the space beneath her feet.    


In that case, Henry and the others who were sitting on the sofa not far away were hiding in the darkness.    


Even though there were lights on the ceiling above them.    


However, Min Rou couldn't see it.    


He could only hear someone speaking.    


It wasn't just one person speaking.    


"I bid 13.5 million!"    


"I bid 14 million!"    


"Five hundred thousand dollars more!"    


"One million!"    


"17 million."    


The sounds of Henry and the others bidding against each other could clearly be heard in Min Rou's ears.    


Only then did she know that there were more than one or two men in the darkness.    


She understood even more now that those men were crazily bidding on her.    


She belonged to whoever offered the highest price.    


She stopped and her body kept staggering. On her pale face, a bitter smile surfaced as she murmured in a low voice: "Lee Nanfang, do you know? Now someone is offering seventeen million dollars to buy me. If it was converted into Chinese currency, how much would it be? Heh heh, you fool, you big fool. In the next life, don't let me go so easily. "    


What Min Rou didn't know was that her mumbling could be transmitted to the Bluetooth earphones of Henry and the others through the sound transmission hidden in her left ear.    


One of the important factors these people used to judge whether she was "worth it" was her tone and voice when the goods were in their most real state, whispering something to each other.    


When Henry heard her mutter, he suddenly became alert, raised the sign, and screamed, "Eighteen million!"    


Min Rou's voice and helpless tone sounded like heavenly music that came from the clouds in the sky to the ears of these rich men.    


Henry, who had initially decided to bid a maximum of fifteen million, was ready to give up when someone else raised the price higher than that.    


No matter how good a beauty was, his recent business deal was not good enough for him to spend a lot of money for a beauty.    


However, when he heard Min Rou's murmuring, his blood boiled. He didn't care anymore and shouted 18 million.    


However, before he finished speaking, an elderly voice lightly said, "Twenty million."    


Henry turned and glared at the man.    


Carlos from Spain smiled and lifted his glass, taking a pose of drinking.    


"You are ruthless."    


Henry's anger vanished in an instant.    


Carlos was the king of Spanish ships. Even if Henry risked his money and shouted a price higher than twenty million, it still wouldn't be as high as this damned old man's.    


Therefore, he could only glare at Carlos resentfully. He picked up the bottle of red wine and downed it in one gulp.    


Convia watched them silently as Henry and the others competed, with an elegant, noble, and triumphant smile on her face.    


Although she seemed calm on the surface, she was overjoyed in her heart.    


For the first time, he began to sincerely thank Hamm.    


If it wasn't for Hamm who smuggled Min Rou to the hospital, how could she have earned $12 million in a single exchange?    


Twelve million dollars was not a small sum for anyone.    


Because this was a cash flow.    


Not the ones on the stock market.    


Convia's right foot was red in high heels. When she started to wander again, the other five people had also put down their signs, shrugged, and spread their hands in a gesture of helplessness.    


Carlos was very proud. He raised his glass to express his thanks to his competitors and then looked at Convia, "Beautiful madam, to thank you for your kind gesture, I would like to invite you to come and have a look at my little darling here. "What do you think?"    


To give everyone a complete appreciation, the meaning was to ask Convia to take off the last few pieces of black cloth from Min Rou's body.    


Letting Henry and the others see Min Rou's beautiful body was the reward Carlos gave to them.    


"Of course. Because from now on, she belongs to you. Congratulations, Mr. Carlos. "    


Kang Weiya smiled gracefully as she covered her left ear and whispered something.    


Immediately, the two women who were waiting by the booth went up on stage. Their actions were crude as they undid the last of Min Rou's defenses.    


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