Strongest Guard

C912 Are You Scared Late

C912 Are You Scared Late

In fact, Mr. Carlos was the one who suffered the most at the scene.    


He was the oldest and had been injured the longest. He should have been treated the most.    


However, Qi Yue did not care about that. She only wanted to carry Min Rou out of this place as per Yue Zitong's orders — the smell was too unpleasant.    


"Thank you, Mr. Beckham. I will explain this matter to you through our Ambassador Liu Qizhao."    


Seeing that he could still be considered cooperative, Yue Zitong also returned the favor.    


Beckham, who originally had a troubled expression, immediately became ecstatic upon hearing Beckham's words and repeatedly thanked him.    


Due to Yue Zitong's special identity, her fiancé, who sacrificed himself to save Lord Fei and the others, and her God Killing Bodyguard by her side, no matter how monstrous of a crime she committed, Beckham did not dare to make the decision without authorization. He ordered her to be arrested and asked if she understood the law.    


He could only endure the pain in his stomach.    


He prayed to God to make this god of slaughter leave quickly and not to bring him any more trouble.    


Once he was done, Beckham would immediately give a detailed report to his superior.    


If necessary, he could exaggerate his words and say how much he had painstakingly advised her to do so, but Yue Zitong turned a deaf ear to his advice and ordered her bodyguards to start a massacre, trampling on the sacred laws of British Island.    


However, it could be predicted that no matter how Beckham tried to shirk his responsibility, he was still the person in charge of this crappy case and had to take some responsibility.    


In particular, Lady Convia's lover would never let him go.    


Even though he was carrying King of England's imperial edict in his arms, he was worried that King of England wouldn't offend those powerful figures for the sake of his black muslin hat.    


Just as he was feeling anxious, Yue Zitong had "offered him charcoal in the middle of a snowstorm".    


Of course, the status and position of China's ambassador to British Island in his own country couldn't be compared with King of England's.    


However, Ambassador Liu represented the Eastern Hua Divine Region!    


His attitude was no longer his personal attitude. It was China's attitude.    


A citizen of any country in the world was tragically sold off by a trafficker from another country. If her country did not pay attention to this matter, then this country would be a fish for slaughter.    


China, which had experienced countless foreign wars, was no longer the country where Last Century suffered many calamities.    


Now, like a giant dragon, she had already soared into the sky in the east of the world. The dragon roared, roared, looked down on everything, and once again, she had the demeanor of the king of her world.    


She would never allow her people to be harmed outside the borders of her territory. She would only interrogate her British Island with a firm and unyielding attitude.    


If necessary, they could fight with swords and spears.    


At present, no country dared to contend against the furious giant dragon.    


Ambassador Liu Qizhao was the emissary of the Eastern Dragon.    


His every word and action represented the attitude of a billion people.    


Thus, in his capacity as an ambassador, after he officially informed British Island about this matter, there was nothing else for Mr. Beckham to do.    


Don't look at Convia's lover who was at the heart of British power. Although she was arrogant in her British Island, she was thankful that she did not get held accountable by the British authorities for serious negotiations between countries, especially when she was in the wrong.    


Who would dare to hope that he would destroy the friendly relations between the two countries for the sake of his lover's crimes?    


Beckham, who had thought through all of this in the blink of an eye, was dissatisfied with Yue Zitong. His grievances immediately vanished into thin air as he shouted in high spirits at his men, "Why the f * ck aren't you carrying that stretcher over?!"    


Seven or eight lackeys surrounded her with a whoosh, lifting Min Rou off the ground and walking towards the door with quick steps.    


Accompanied by Qi Yue, Yue Zitong walked to the door. She suddenly turned around and raised her right hand. Her slender fingers formed the shape of a pistol. She narrowed her left eye and made a soft "smack" sound with her mouth half-open.    


Convia shivered, as if she had been shot.    


After a while, she slowly came to her senses.    


Carlos and others whose eyes had been dug out alive and the bottles of wine had smashed them into a pile of mud were now being carried away for rescue.    


Bureau Chief Beckham, with his left hand on his waist and his right hand directing his men, was madly taking photos.    


Including copying the shots on the monitor.    


These things were all evidence that Beckham had protected himself. Of course, he did not dare to slack off.    


"Over there and over there, search!"    


Beckham saw that there seemed to be a secret door behind the east wall sofa, so he immediately ordered people to search it.    




Mrs. Convia screamed, got up from the ground, spread her arms to stop the policemen, and shouted, "Get out of my way, all of you! Beckham, just you wait. I swear, you will get your retribution! I will accuse you of working with foreigners, maiming your own citizens, and foreign friends. "    


"I'm so scared."    


Beckham shivered and his face was filled with fear.    


Kang Weiya, who was flustered and exasperated, did not notice that Beckham was playing any tricks.    


He smirked sinisterly: "Heh heh, are you afraid? "Too late."    


"It's too late."    


Beckham suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed Kang Weiya's arm and pulled her fiercely towards him.    


Caught off guard, Madam Kang Weiya let out a cry and threw herself into Beckham's arms.    


Beckham stretched out his hands and embraced the woman, who usually only dared to covet, but did not dare to touch her. He shouted to his subordinates, "What are you all doing here? Hurry up and search her."    


Those subordinates immediately threw themselves against the east wall and kicked.    


"Let go of me, Beckham you bastard. I'm warning you, you're dead!"    


Mrs. Conveya struggled to believe that Beckham would dare to molest her.    


"I'm so scared."    


Beckham sneered. He took out a special yellow paper from his pocket and waved it in front of her, "Madam, you should know what this is, right?"    


From the nineteenth century, British Island became a great power that swept through the entire world.    


At that time, the current superpowers of the world were just their colonies.    


It was at that time that the British Island created the Unsetting Sun Empire which dominated the world.    


King of England was the one who had personally issued the orders to every troop that marched on the battlefield.    


This kind of paper was exactly what was used.    


The paper was covered by King of England's large red seal.    


Even though King of England was only a symbolic spiritual leader with her British Island now, she no longer needed to sign this kind of order.    


However, every citizen of the three islands still knew about it. Knowing that it had appeared signified that King of England had come personally.    


This was the imperial edict of China's feudal society.    


Whether King of Englandrong is symbolic or not, the people of the Three Islands do not dare to ignore it.    


Mrs. Conveya, too.    


"Should I take a closer look?"    


Beckham shook the order in front of the woman and smiled, "Maybe, you think this is fake."    


Mrs. Kang Weiya really didn't expect Beckham to give her King of England's pass. Instinctively, she was stunned for a moment. The anger on her face had mostly disappeared.    


Of course, she was very clear that Beckham didn't dare to lie. She also finally realized that things weren't as she expected anymore.    


King of England had actually personally intervened in this matter.    


However, she didn't care too much.    


After all, King of England was currently only a symbol of power, and her authority in British Island was not much higher than hers.    


"Hur hur, Beckham, you can do it now."    


Lady Canvia shook off Beckham's hand and pretended to be calm as she sneered, "So what if King of England interferes in this matter? I don't believe that King of England would watch her people being slaughtered by foreigners. "To be able to let the distinguished guests of the allied powers suffer grievous injuries in our own country."    


After hearing what she said, Beckham knew that this woman was still hoping that her lover would be able to help her settle this matter.    


Beckham looked at her with a pitying gaze, then leaned his head in front of her and whispered a few words.    


Lady Convia's face suddenly turned pale and her body shuddered. She staggered and plopped down on the sofa.    


"The Chinese ambassador to British Island will formally raise a protest against the British over the kidnapping of Min Rou."    


"The lady who ordered her bodyguards to start a massacre was the youngest rich family head in China. Her fiance is Lee Nanfang, who sacrificed himself to save Lord Fei and the others a few days ago. "    


"Madam, I think you know exactly how much trouble you are in right now."    


Beckham's words were like a memory iron hammer, viciously smashing on Madam Kang Weiya's body, causing her to be unable to stand anymore.    


Since she was the lover of someone in the centre of British authority, she should be more clear than the average person on how serious the case would be if it reached the height of negotiations between the two countries.    


He should also be clear about how much influence the title of China's youngest Patriarch of a Wealthy Class had on British Island.    


"The youngest Patriarch of the Wealthy Class in China actually came to me. Oh, God, what have I done? "    


Just as she felt the cold air rise behind her, another heavy hammer struck her on the head.    


"Chief, come quickly! This, this room, is filled with human organs, officials! "    


One of his men ran out of the secret door, and his legs began to tremble as if he had seen a ghost.    


Beckham ran in and was stunned after a few glances.    


He didn't dare to watch for too long. He hastily ordered his men to take care of the scene before running out.    


He kicked the woman hard and growled, "Bastard, you're dead!"    


Lady Cornelia screamed in pain, rolled to her feet and threw her ten fingers at Beckham: "Bastard, how dare you hit me!"    


With a bang, Beckham sent the woman flying. His mouth was wide open as he gasped: "You, you're dead for sure."    


Yue Zitong didn't care about the life or death of Lady Convia at all.    


After rescuing Min Rou last night, she reported everything to Chairman Liang on the phone.    


Chairman Liang to her proposed to let Ambassador Liu appear, by the handover letter with the British negotiation proposal, with a supportive attitude.    


He promised that he would send someone to do this task, so that Yue Zitong could take good care of Min Rou and escort Lee Nanfang's Ling Shu back home as soon as possible.    




When the setting sun shone in through the window, one could see fine dust dancing in the sunlight.    


Dancing gracefully and gracefully.    


Yue Zitong had been standing in front of the window, staring blankly at the dust for a long time.    


Qi Yue sat on the sofa beside him, holding a magazine in her hands.    


This way, Yue Zitong would be able to think about what she wanted to do without any interference.    


In the morning, when Ambassador Liu was formally negotiating with the British Foreign Ministry, Yue Zitong received a phone call from Yue Qingke.    


On the phone, Yue Qingke tactfully advised her to cremate Lee Nanfang's body on the spot.    


This way, there would be no need to escort the body back to the country.    


How easy is it to fly with only a casket?    


Of course, Yue Qingke's suggestion was because Lee Nanfang's corpse was already a tragic sight.    


Yue Zitong's mood would be better if she was cremated one day earlier.    


Then, he could concentrate on handling the Yue clan's work.    


"M-Director Yue!"    


A scream filled with terror suddenly came out from the bedroom.    


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