Strongest Guard

C917 I will Make You Live a Life Worse than Death

C917 I will Make You Live a Life Worse than Death

Yue Zitong wanted to hear Ambassador Liu's explanation very much.    


In particular, dual nationality.    


Chinese citizens were not allowed to have dual citizenship. Half of their hearts were white, and the other half were white. That was a disrespect to the country.    


Without waiting for her to ask these questions, a black car stopped outside the funeral parlor.    


The door opened and two policemen jumped out. They opened the back door and pulled out a woman with a black hood, handcuffed hands, black windbreaker, and brown high-waisted riding boots.    


Crude action undermines the gentleman's manners of the British man.    


"What the f * ck? Ambassador Liu guessed correctly." Rooney, you old fox, you have made me suffer. "    


Upon seeing this scene, Yue Zitong screamed in her heart. Her little face instantly flushed red as she cursed Rooney in her heart.    


The facts proved that Liu Qizhao's speculations were absolutely correct.    


Yue Zitong's greed, let for how to deal with Rooney, Kang Weiya, found the most suitable host.    


Today, Rooney came to Yue Zitong and offered a big gift. Other than expressing his deep guilt towards her, he also wanted to spend a large sum of money to ask her to take away the ticking time bomb called Kang Weiya.    


Mr. Rooney believed that with the Chinese intelligence, it was impossible for them to not see the instability of Kang Weiya.    


However, this instability only affects the British side and Rooney, but it has a huge impact on the people who took Convia away.    


Mr. Rooney wanted Yue Zitong to take Kang Weiya away, so he prepared a great gift for her, asking her to treat that woman as a slave and raise the kitten and dog — no matter what they did in Huaxia, as long as they didn't kill her and prevent her from getting hurt, it would be fine.    


That way, he would have an explanation for the political enemies and countries that were gathering their strength to attack him after the matter had been exposed internally.    


Even though he truly couldn't bear to part with her.    


If one were to say that in this world, there were truly bewitching foxes and foxes that could not pay with their lives, then the thirty-eight-year-old Kang Weiya would definitely be one of them.    


And it was at the top.    


According to some rumors in China's Profound Sect, Kang Weiya was an exceptional beauty.    


Who could bear to be a woman like this?    


However, no matter how much Kang Weiya made Mr. Rooney reluctant to part with her, compared to his political status, it wasn't worth mentioning.    


As long as a man held power, the feeling of success of being able to sit above thousands of people could not be compared with a woman who was bewitching.    


Furthermore, Mr. Rooney was already old.    


Especially in recent years, he had been "afraid" of Convia.    


It was really unbearable.    


He could only be with her at most once a month, and he would still need to rely on medicine to make up for his shortcomings.    


Could Convia, in the days of tigers and wolves, be satisfied?    


Of course, it was to forcefully squeeze him, making him "live a life worse than death".    


He had thought of abandoning Convia, or finding some young men to accompany her.    


However, Mr. Rooney's heart ached as he thought of how such a coquettish woman would be able to use her charm to please other men. It was like a knife cutting through his heart.    


After all, a man has a strong possessive nature.    


Convia was also very clear about this. She knew that if she went to have fun with other men behind Rooney's back, the result wouldn't be too good.    


Therefore, to Rooney, Convia was someone who could not enjoy and was reluctant to part with her money. This made him very depressed.    


I can't just go all out and make her disappear from the world.    


Convia was not the kind of woman with a big chest and no brains.    


Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to make the private hospital operate in such a "melodious" manner in just ten years.    


She knew a lot of Rooney's secrets, from more than ten years ago when he was still a bureau chief, he had already started to carefully collect them.    


If Rooney really wanted to get rid of her, then the secrets she kept elsewhere would be exposed.    


Then, Mr. Rooney was done for. He had been reduced from a prestigious Finance Minister to a prisoner all of a sudden.    


This was also what Rooney was afraid of the most after Kang Weiya was captured.    


After so many years of being lovers, he naturally understood this woman's temperament.    


Convia had just been arrested into the police station in the early morning, and it hadn't even been five minutes before Mr. Rooney, disguised as one, secretly saw her.    


"I don't want to die. The world is so good. I'd rather die than go to jail. You have to keep me. "The price is that I leave all the evidence against you to you."    


Convia was Convia. When she saw Rooney sneakily going to see her, she immediately made her request before he had any objections.    


Rooney was a sly old fox.    


After hearing the conditions put forward by Convia, he was silent for a long time. Then he thought of how he could use Yue Zitong to remove the ticking time bomb.    


He hoped that the young Patriarch Yue would be able to see him climb to his current position with great difficulty and a generous "reward".    


On the way to see Yue Zitong, Rooney thought over and over again about what he should say in order to persuade her to help him.    


God, Mr. Rooney was favored.    


Rooney took out several hundred million US dollars to express his deep regret to the Chinese people. Before he could say his personal request, Yue Zitong suddenly asked for Kang Weiya's request to return home.    


At that moment, Mr. Rooney was truly shocked.    


He saw God.    


God had possessed Yue Zitong.    


He wanted so much to crawl under Patriarch Yue's feet and kiss her toes with his mouth. He cried out loudly with tears streaming down his face, "Good people, good people!" You are the person who is good and timely like your country's Song Jiang. "    


However, Rooney, who had been fighting in the government for so many years, obviously wouldn't show this joy. He would only think quickly when he was silent. What he needed to do next was to get more benefits.    


Next, Yue Zitong, who was especially straightforward, gave him the biggest benefit.    


Rooney was so happy that he almost laughed out loud when he saw Yue Zitong casually walking out of the small pavilion while performing her "plan of capturing the enemy".    


He held back.    


He carried the other bank card in his pocket. His back was lonely as he staggered down the mountain with an umbrella in his hand.    


After walking to a place that Yue Zitong couldn't see, Rooney immediately called his think-tank and told them to make Convia a dual national within half an hour.    


Don't think that politicians like Rooney are hard to deal with when ordinary people can't do it.    


The resourceful people under his command could definitely turn Kang Weiya into a legal citizen of China within half an hour, without needing to go through any of China's government channels.    


No matter how strict the system was, there were still loopholes.    


After instructing the think tank to do this, Rooney immediately ordered someone to bring Convia, who had been waiting at the foot of the mountain for a long time, to the mountain to fulfill Yue Zitong's request to see her before two in the morning.    


By the time Yue Zitong, whose eyes were blinded by greed, was reminded by Liu Qizhao, Kang Weiya had already been brought in front of her.    


Not only that, but there were also a few reporters who were driving towards here like lightning.    


The wood has been made into a boat.    


Yue Zitong no longer had any leeway to go back on her words. She could only watch with tears in her eyes as Kang Weiya faced upwards after her hood was taken off, taking in a deep breath of fresh, free air with her eyes closed.    


"Madam, your call."    


A police officer expressionlessly said as he handed a phone to Convia.    


Convia gave a coquettish smile and waved her handcuffed hands, reminding her that she was still wearing handcuffs and that it would be inconvenient for her to answer the phone.    


The other officer immediately took out his key and unlocked her.    


"Sir, please be gentle. I am a citizen of China, my ambassador is over there. If you have the guts to cause China to be dissatisfied with British Island, then continue to be rude to me. I promise not to sue you, but I can't guarantee that my ambassador will agree. My great China is now a powerful country of the world, and is far from something you can mess with. "    


Convia said with a smile, shaking her hands again, avoiding the hand the constable was reaching for her wrist.    


The policeman's mouth moved a few times, but he did not say anything. He only gently opened the handcuffs for her.    


"Where's my Chinese ID and passport?"    


Kang Weiya moved her wrist, which had a ring of bruises on it. It was white, and her left hand was slender and extremely beautiful. She elegantly extended her arm.    


The police officer immediately took out his Chinese citizen ID card and passport from his pocket.    


He looked at Ambassador Liu, who was not far away. Kang Weiya smiled proudly, waved the passport in her hand, and spoke in fluent Chinese, "All these years, I have heard that the Chinese side has to change the words on the passport. I also heard that there is already a movie that has already announced this to the world. "    


Pausing for a moment, Kang Weiya suddenly raised her voice and shouted loudly, "I hope that I can see my passport one day. It will be just like the movie in which — Chinese citizens, when you encounter danger overseas, don't give up! "Remember, behind you, there is a strong homeland!"    


Without a doubt, for every citizen of China, the words that Kang Weiya shouted had the ability to move them in an instant. They could not help but tear up their pride and pride.    


Those who weren't abroad wouldn't be able to understand how much inspiration and excitement these words would give to a Chinese citizen.    




But the person who had shouted it was not Convia.    


Even if a Chinese field dog could say it, she couldn't.    


She was not qualified.    


Every time she said it, it was a blasphemy to China.    


Yue Zitong's ailment was slowly changing as she matured.    


However, there was one thing that she wouldn't change even if he killed her.    


That was, she would never allow a woman who even had a Chinese field dog to desecrate her great motherland.    


So, when a reporter came flying, holding up her camera as she ran, she walked quickly through the slanting drizzle to Convia and slapped her across the face with her hand.    


The slap was so loud.    


It even overshadowed the screams of Convia after she'd been in pain.    


After slapping the woman to the ground, Yue Zitong lifted her leg and kicked.    


Having been in the country for six years, she knew very well which part to hit when beating someone up, so that person wouldn't be able to say a single word.    


After being kicked in the stomach by Yue Zitong, Kang Weiya's well-developed body immediately curled up on the ground and shrunk into a big shrimp.    


He opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were also wide open. His forehead was covered in cold sweat, his complexion was terrifyingly pale, and his entire body was trembling like it was shaking.    


"In the future, if you dare to blaspheme against my great homeland again, I will make it so that you will live a life worse than death — Cousin."    


As if she didn't see those flashing and crackling light bulbs, Yue Zitong stared at Kang Weiya who was lying in the mud and spoke those words word by word.    


When she knocked Convia down, Liu Qizhao cursed in his heart.    


He had been in the West for a long time, so he was very clear on the extent to which these obviously well-prepared reporters could confuse the situation and turn black into white.    


The generous Patriarch Yue very generously satisfied them all.    


He was about to rush over when he stopped.    


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