Strongest Guard

C929 Last Blood Romance

C929 Last Blood Romance



Lee Nanfang was obviously stunned when he heard Hamm say that they should not let their son follow her path in the future.    


Even a fool could see that without any medical equipment, the chances of Hamm and his son dying together would be about 99.9%. However, she endured the pain and told Lee Nanfang seriously.    


The child was already dead, how could he still not follow her path?    


However, Hamm didn't explain anything. He placed his left hand on her stomach and instructed her in a more serious manner, "Lee Nanfang, you have to promise me."    


"Alright, I agree."    


Since he couldn't figure out what Hamm was up to, and seeing that she was going to disappear at any moment, Lee Nanfang obviously couldn't ask any further. He could only nod his head: "Okay, I promise you. When the child grows up, I will not let him go your way. "Let him be the most ordinary person."    


In fact, the happiest people in our society today are none other than the most ordinary.    


Although they were always envious of those influential people, those who had the power to kill, those who were drunk on the knees of beauties, and those who complained that their father wasn't that sort of person, they rarely thought that the reason why famous people became famous, other than themselves or their parents' hard work, was that they could be cruelly beaten at any time.    


If they failed, it would be a fate worse than death.    


The commoners often said that many people only saw the thieves eating meat and drinking wine, but not the thieves were beaten and tormented.    


As for the most ordinary person, even though they were lacking in materials and spirit, and could never live the life of a cart-type Bmw, they did not need to go out of their house to be accompanied by bodyguards. They did not need to worry about a single person walking around, and there would be a bullet that would fly over.    


Thus, sometimes being an ordinary person from 9 to 5 was the most peaceful and happiest.    


This has nothing to do with having high ambitions or working hard to earn a dime.    


"Yes, let him be an ordinary person. To marry and have children … "    


Hamm mumbled and laughed again.    


Her smile this time was incomparably miserable. She slightly closed her eyes and said softly: "Lee Nanfang, kiss me again."    


Lee Nanfang, who was hugging her head, lowered his head and kissed her without any hesitation.    


When he lowered his head, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Yang Xiao, who stood beside him with his hands behind his back and a face full of schadenfreude, suddenly take a step forward.    


Lee Nanfang didn't mind.    


No matter what Yang Xiao was going to do at this moment, he wouldn't care.    


He only wanted to fulfill Hamm's final wish and send her to hell to go back on her word — —    


However, just as their lips were about to touch, a shadow of a leg flashed past. Hamm, who was about to kiss him, suddenly trembled and screamed: "Ah!"    


When Lee Nanfang suddenly raised his head, Yang Xiao had just put down his right foot. Hamm's right hand, which was placed on the beach, had a clear trace of being kicked.    


"Fuck, what are you doing stepping on a horse!"    


Jack was furious, his eyes wide with indignation.    


Seeing that Hamm was about to die, Yang Xiao even kicked her hand. This was too heartless.    


You even let me die happily?    


Yang Xiao sneered. He didn't say anything and just looked at a distance.    


Subconsciously, Lee Nanfang also looked down and saw a palm-sized shell on the beach a few meters away.    


On this side of the beach, there were many such shells, intact and incomplete.    


It was an incomplete weapon, its sharpness even faster than a blade!    


It could easily cut open a person's stomach.    


Lee Nanfang's eyebrows twitched as he looked at Hamm's stomach.    


There was a "fresh" bloody wound on his bulging belly that was at least three to four centimeters long.    


All of a sudden, Lee Nanfang understood.    


Hamm, who knew that childbirth would cause both mother and son to die, repeatedly reminded him that he must take good care of her child and never follow her path again, finally ending up in a miserable state.    


It turned out that this woman, who was ruthless to others and even more ruthless to herself, was the only one who took double care of the little life in her stomach. She tried using a sharp seashell to cut open her stomach and take out the little bastard that was standing still.    


If that happened, Hamm would have died an unspeakable death.    


But children, they could survive.    


Hamm knew very well that if she told Lee Nanfang how to save the child, he would definitely not agree.    


If he really agreed, then he would no longer be Lee Nanfang.    


Since Lee Nanfang didn't agree, she could only use the opportunity to let him kiss her goodbye and perform the final act of a blood-colored romance.    


When Lee Nanfang, who was feeling distressed, realized this, his stomach had already been cut open.    


The raw rice had already cooked the ripe rice. Since Hamm could not live, Lee Nanfang could only save the child and continue to expand her wound until he could take the child out of her stomach.    


Hamm, however, did not expect that when she was carefully looking for the shell, and was about to cut open her stomach, Yang Xiao would kick away the scalpel in time.    


Staring at the eye-piercing wound on Hamm's stomach, Lee Nanfang couldn't help but feel the urge to smash his head into a rock.    


Even though it wasn't Hamm's fault that he couldn't have children.    


But this child was the seed he had sowed.    


Just as Lee Nanfang was staring at Hamm's stomach, the woman suddenly sat up from his embrace and screamed, "You demon! Why did you kill my son!? What enmity does he have with you? You demon, you beast, you bastard who deserves a thousand cuts! "    


After Hamm's suicide attempt was destroyed by Yang Xiao, Lee Nanfang wouldn't allow her to take the child out in such a miserable manner even if she had to say it out loud.    


In the end, they could only watch helplessly as the two of them died.    


If that was the case, it would be equivalent to saving Hamm's Yang Xiao and killing the mother and son.    


Hamm didn't care about her life anymore, but she just wanted the child to live.    


When you grow up, be a happy man.    


Yang Xiao destroyed her last hope, how could she not be furious?    


It was also because of this that she really couldn't jump anymore.    


If she could get up, she would definitely pounce on Yang Xiao and use her teeth and nails to tear this bastard who killed her son into pieces!    


Facing the ferocious Hamm, Yang Xiao curled his lips in disdain. He bent down and picked up the black Iron Plate and started to read it over and over again while the woman was shouting and cursing.    


"Lee Nanfang, quickly kill this bastard! Go and kill him, and avenge your son! "    


"Why are you still standing there foolishly without moving? Are you even a man? "    


Hamm, who tried to get up several times but failed, was in so much pain that his vision turned black, and he really wanted to faint.    


However, the hatred from losing her son became the greatest motivation, supporting her strength. She glared fiercely at Yang Xiao and refused to faint as she continued to curse him.    


Lee Nanfang was a man.    


There was no doubt about that.    


And it was very brave.    


If not, how could Hamm be pregnant with his child.    


However, even if Lee Nanfang was a brave man, would he have to fight with him to the death just to kick away Hamm's shell?    


From a realistic point of view, Hamm's actions were the most correct.    


Her tragic death could save the child.    


If she died slowly, both mother and child would die.    


Since both her left and right were dead, then why not just die in a miserable way and let her child live?    


This logic was very simple.    


Lee Nanfang understood.    


He would also choose to give up.    


However, understanding and choosing to give up was one thing. If he really wanted to let Hamm do that, it would be another.    


"Lee Nanfang, are you even stepping on a horse as a man?"    


Seeing that it was useless to encourage Lee Nanfang to kill Yang Xiao, the fellow continued to look foolish. The despairing Hamm, with strength from who knows where, grabbed his long hair and desperately shook it with both of his hands as he screamed: "You don't dare? Afraid of being killed instead of him? Okay, then I won't force you. Kill me, kill me, okay? I won't fight back, and I won't hate you for it. will only, will only be grateful to you. "    


Lee Nanfang's head was shaking like a rattle drum.    


He was still in a daze, without any sort of reaction.    


"Lee Nanfang, I beg of you, please cut open my stomach. Quickly — I can sense that our son is about to die. No, no more delays. I, I don't have any strength left either. Quick, quick, hold it, hold it. "    


After a series of excited roars, Hamm's eyes dimmed down once again. The hand that held Lee Nanfang's hair also powerlessly drooped down.    


However, he continued to randomly grab a shell and stuffed it into Lee Nanfang's hand: "Lee Nanfang, quick, quick, any later and the child will die. Otherwise, even if I die, I won't let you off! "    


What Hamm didn't know was that Lee Nanfang's mental state was close to collapse.    


Naturally, he didn't want his child to die like this before it was born.    


Even if, after he was born, he only had a glimpse of this world.    


At the very least, he had been to this world before.    


However, he left in a hurry.    


However, if he was to cut Hamm's stomach open for the sake of his child — —    


No matter how evil this woman was, what kind of character she had, and how much he disliked her, she was still his woman, the mother of his children.    


Being pushed to kill her by the child's mother was an unbearable pain for any man with a bottom line of principles.    


What Hamm said was right.    


If he hesitated a moment longer, the child would be finished.    


If the child died, Hamm wouldn't be able to save him.    


"What should we do?"    


"What should we do?!"    




When the shell was stuffed into his hand with the last of Hamm's strength and cut his palm, Lee Nanfang suddenly howled like a wolf. He suddenly raised his right hand that held the shell, pressed his left hand on her stomach and fiercely stabbed down.    


At this moment, his humanity, and the unbearable pain was drowned out.    


In its place was a devil.    


The Black Dragon, representing the demonic nature, loved to do these extremely bloody and cruel things.    


What Lee Nanfang didn't know was that when he let out a beast-like roar, his eyes had already turned red and were flashing with a crazy light.    


When Hamm saw it, he was very scared.    


But it was also … very gratifying.    


As if she was being bullied by Lee Nanfang, Hamm's limbs and bones seemed to rise up like electricity, causing her eyes to brighten up as she screamed, "This kind of you, is worthy to be my man!"    


Lee Nanfang couldn't hear what she was saying, so he used his right hand to stab her stomach.    


Blood was about to splash out.    


A foot, but just in time.    


Just like when the shell in Hamm's hand was kicked away, Lee Nanfang also felt a sharp pain on his wrist and the shell flew out.    


This one flew over in time to stop Lee Nanfang from using the shell to cut open Hamm's stomach. Of course it was Yang Xiao's foot.    


"I will kill you!"    


Lee Nanfang, who had lost his humanity and was no longer afraid of anyone, jumped up from the ground while roaring.    


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