Strongest Guard

C946 I Ask You to Recall an Old Story

C946 I Ask You to Recall an Old Story

After confirming that Sui Yueyue, who had changed her name to Li Shiyue, had snuck into China, Jinghong Ming immediately interfered with the case that should have been handled by the anti-drug department. He personally led a team to Jinmen, preparing to arrest her.    


This woman's recent ambition was quite huge.    


He was already threatening the interests of China, even if it was just a deduction.    


To kill all the dangers in the cradle was the goal that Hua Xia had worked hard to achieve ever since the day Supreme Security Office existed.    


If Sui Yueyue was just a simple Great Poisonous Owl, the anti-drug department would definitely be dissatisfied with the way Supreme Security Office had interfered in this case.    


But this time, they agreed to Jinghong Ming's request.    


They knew this Sui Yueyue very well. It was simply not simple at all. It could even be said that she was a hot potato — she was a drug lord that Jinghong Ming deliberately raised.    


Now that it was up to Jinghong Ming to deal with this matter, they could only hope for the best.    


If Xie Qingshang didn't rush over to Jinmen, Jinghong Ming would have certainly taken action.    


If they could bring Sui Yueyue to Boss Southern Region of Golden Triangle's throne, they could pull her down again.    


However, Xie Qingshang didn't agree.    


Lao Xie felt that not only would he not take the opportunity to capture Sui Yueyue, but he would also need to give her all the support she needed.    


Helping her "unify" her Golden Triangle was the true sin of China.    


No matter how close a comrade was, there would always be times where they would disagree. This was also very normal.    


The two of them had a disagreement over whether to capture Sui Yueyue.    


However, when Lao Xie suddenly recalled the matters from the legends, Jinghong Ming immediately changed his mind and ordered the units that were already deployed to retreat.    


According to the legend, if Sui Yueyue was really one of the three souls and six souls of the paper man, then once something happened to her, Lee Nanfang would never be able to return to Hua Xia alive.    


In reality, no matter how difficult it was to comply with the laws of nature, Jinghong Ming was confident that he could solve it.    


But what about those mysterious phenomena that went beyond the laws of nature?    


Xie Qingshang had been 'enduring humiliation' for eight hundred and eighteen years, and what he had discovered was not even thirty percent enough.    


So, even if there was a bit of instability, it was fine if he didn't attack. Jinghong Ming, who was going to make a move, chose to retreat.    


Xie Qingshang was very pleased with his decision. He patted his shoulder and called for his wife to come out. Ignoring the fact that his sister-in-law wanted him to quickly scram, the couple left.    


Jinghong Ming, who stood at the door, didn't move for three minutes as he watched Lao Xie's back disappear into the elevator.    


"Everything will be fine."    


Mrs. Jinghong didn't know what Lao Xie was talking about with her husband. She just felt sorry for him and hugged his waist, pressing her cheek against his back and comforting him softly.    


"You're right." Everything will be fine. "    


Jinghong Ming raised his hand and caressed his wife's hand as he looked back into the suite.    


Chiang Morann was still sitting on the edge of the bed, her head slightly lowered as she stared at her toes, neither sad nor happy. Her eyes were dull.    


With a glance, he saw that it was someone who had lost his soul.    


"This is only in line with the legend of 800 yuan."    


Jinghong Ming stared at her. After a moment, he whispered in his heart, "Sui Yueyue, what about you?"    


Anyone who saw Sui Yueyue wouldn't think that she had lost her soul.    


A woman who has lost her soul would never wear an evening gown designed by a French fashion master. She would wear earrings that would be worth even a fool's attention. Her face was brimming with a youthful and beautiful look, as if she was the beloved concubine of a king of a country.    


A young couple stood behind her chair.    


On the left was a black skinned handsome guy in a black suit. He wasn't very tall and his physique wasn't very robust either. However, he had a cynical look on his face as he glanced at the girl on the right.    


The short-haired girl who was taller than the handsome black dude looked at his flirtatious glance — it was some kind of gas. She stared at the door with her hands behind her back and her legs slightly spread apart.    


Sister Lian boasted that she was also a high-class person. However, the moment she saw Sui Yueyue, she felt a strong sense of inferiority, as well as jealousy and hatred.    


But these negative emotions, she will never show, just try to straighten her chest -- this 36D, is her greatest capital.    


"Who's looking for me?"    


Sister Lian could clearly see that Sui Yueyue, who sat on the chair, was the person who had entrusted the waitress to look for her. Sister Lian could clearly see that Sui Yueyue, who sat on the chair, was the person who had entrusted the waitress to look for her.    


Before the waitress could reply, Sui Yueyue smiled and said, "Lady Lian, I'm looking for you. Would it be possible for you to sit down and have a drink? "    


"Who are you?"    


Sister Lian was actually still willing to befriend someone of a higher class than her. Since this beauty took the initiative to ask her, she naturally wouldn't reject her. With a reserved smile, she deliberately twisted her waist, which was no longer slender, and walked over.    


The waitress pulled out the chair just in time for her to take a seat.    


"Lady Lian, would you like red wine or white wine? "Drinks are also okay."    


Sui Yueyue pointed to the table as she spoke.    


There weren't many dishes on the table, a total of four. They were the signature dishes of the hotel.    


There was also a bottle of Flying Moutai and a bottle of red wine.    


Just by looking at the outer packaging of the two wine bottles, one could tell that they were quite old and their labels had turned yellow.    


"The Red Bar."    


Sister Lian chose red wine without a second thought.    


Only by drinking red wine would she be able to manifest her noble taste.    


Furthermore, based on Sister Lian's research on red wine, she could tell at a glance that this wine was expensive. It was even better than the red wine that she had meticulously collected and refused to drink.    


This was the Jinmen.    


Her home ground.    


Sister Lian did not care about why this young and beautiful girl suddenly invited her to drink.    


Tonight, she was accompanying the aunt and her wife, bringing her son to a family dinner.    


Her son had already entered the rebellious phase, and always going against a mother like her was giving her a headache, making her even more frustrated.    


Sister Lian's sister-in-law and sister-in-law didn't find it strange that someone would suddenly invite their sister for a drink.    


Sister Lian was the CEO of the Jinmen Silver Formations supermarket group. Her connections within the business community were quite wide, so it was normal for others to try to curry favor with her.    


Sister Lian also thought so before she came over.    


But when she saw Sui Yueyue, she realized that she wasn't the kind of person who used to flatter her with her face.    


This was a girl whose standing was much higher than hers.    


The evening dress alone was not something she could easily afford.    


That was why she felt that it was a bit strange. They had just come to the hotel for a meal, not to attend some high class banquet. Was there a need to dress so solemnly?    


"Hehe, are you trying to suppress me in the atmosphere? If so, you are wrong. Don't forget that this is Jinmen, my home ground. I don't care who you are or how noble you are. If there are no benefits, then don't even think about me agreeing. "    


Sister Lian said this in her heart as she elegantly raised her flowery fingers and lightly waved her wine cup. She took a sip, and only after enjoying the taste of the wine did she open her eyes and look at Sui Yueyue. "Madam, I think you look a little familiar. We should have met somewhere before, right? "    


"Yeah, we've met before. It's just that Lady Lian, you have forgotten too many things and have long forgotten about me. "    


Sui Yueyue smiled faintly and said to the waitress beside her, "You can leave first. We'll call you when we need you. "    


For a five-star hotel like this, when a customer ate in a private room, they would be served by a waiter at any time.    


It was normal for guests to let them out when they wanted to talk.    


The waitress complied, turned around, and quickly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.    


"I'll go out and take a look."    


Ma Jian chuckled and said something in a low voice. Then, he also quickly walked out of the room.    


He wanted to stand watch over Sister Lian for Sui Yueyue so that no one would disturb him.    


Sister Lian ignored Ma Ci and the waitress as they went out. She asked with some doubt, "I thought they looked familiar. So it turns out we did meet before." "Then, where is it?"    




Sui Yueyue's smile disappeared when she said that word.    


His right hand, which was holding the wine cup, also showed signs of using force.    


The arrogant Sister Lian didn't notice the change in Sui Yueyue. She was still enjoying the free top-grade wine, "Oh, Qingshan. It was a small place, and I had been there twice before. However, I really don't remember seeing you there. What do you do? "What's his name again?"    


"Yes, Qingshan is just a small place."    


Sui Yueyue's eyebrows slightly twitched as she said indifferently, "My surname is Sui and my name is Sui Yueyue. I'm doing a little business now. But when I first met Lady Lian, I was still working as a waiter at the clubhouse. "    


It turned out to be a little bumpkin that had just developed a little.    


Having heard Sui Yueyue say that she had been a clubhouse waiter before, Sister Lian's sense of superiority quickly rose.    


From her point of view, Sui Yueyue, who was dressed brilliantly, must have recommended a pillow seat to a certain big boss when she was serving as a waitress at the clubhouse.    


Sister Lian couldn't be blamed for thinking this way.    


Because in reality, there were many young and pretty girls who, after being taken fancy by the rich and treated like a small girl, gave her some small business to do, making her seem as if she had become a success in this society.    


However, there was one thing. No matter how young and beautiful these girls were, how they dressed up, they all had the blood of a country bumpkin running through their veins. They were thousands of miles away from Sister Lian, who was born a noble.    


"Oh, so it was Miss Sui. I wonder, Miss Sui, what are you inviting me here for? "    


Sister Lian smiled elegantly. When she said "Miss Sui", she deliberately emphasized the word "Miss" to remind her not to act cool in front of this old lady. No matter how much you changed, you were just a little b * tch trying to get into the upper class by selling off your looks.    


How could Sui Yueyue not understand the meaning behind the word "Miss"?    


She wasn't angry.    


Lili was right about Guain's family.    


The only reason she had her current status was because she was being small to Lee Nanfang.    


There was nothing wrong with calling her a lady.    


However, she found Sister Lian a little funny. Why did she have the face to claim that she was' invited 'by someone else?    


Hopefully, when Sister Lian figured out that she was going to be "invited" to the underworld, she would still maintain her current sense of superiority.    


"I've invited Lady Lian here to ask you to remember something from the past."    


Sui Yueyue took out a photo from her purse and placed it on the table. "Madam Lian, can I trouble you to take a look? Do you have any impression of this couple?"    


Gillan, who was standing behind her, immediately brought the photo in front of Sister Lian.    


"I don't know him."    


Glancing at the photo, Sister Lian snickered disdainfully, "Tsk, they are just two of us. Why should I know them?"    


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