Strongest Guard

C949 I've Heard a Lot about You but It's a Pity

C949 I've Heard a Lot about You but It's a Pity

Sister Lian's face was covered in blood after being smashed by the wine bottle. When she fainted, her appearance was still as repulsive as ever.    


Sui Yueyue couldn't help but kick her over ten times.    


Sharp heels and heels were kicked off while Sister Lian's ribs were also broken. She screamed in pain as she woke up, but her mouth was immediately covered by the spurs of the horse.    


Gillan took out some tape and sealed her mouth.    


The spurs were easy to do for kidnappers.    


He wouldn't just find a sack and put Sister Lian in it and walk away with it over his shoulder, like he did in the movies.    


Did he really think that the security guard of a five-star hotel was blind and that the camera was just for decoration?    


However, if he took out a hood and put it on Sister Lian's head, messing up the long wig, covering her face, and then handcuffed her hands behind her back with leather handcuffs, supporting her on both sides of his body, he would swagger out of the guest room.    


There were often people who drank too much in the hotel, so it wasn't strange for them to be carried away by their companions.    


Therefore, when Zi Fann saw the four of them, he would stand at the side and respectfully ask them to take a walk. He would visit often in the future.    


There was no doubt that after Sister Lian was kidnapped, her family would be alerted if they couldn't find her.    


However, after the Jinmen Police found out that she was kidnapped, Sui Yueyue had already brought her far away to the Southern Frontier.    


With a few banging sounds, the car door was started.    


This time, Sui Yueyue sat in the front passenger seat with her spurs in the driver's seat. Gillan held Sister Lian's neck in her left hand as she looked outside with vigilance in her eyes.    


Everything was normal.    


The spurs yawned as the car pulled out of the parking lot.    


He began to look down on Gillan.    


And you even f * cking came from a top special forces unit in India? You look like a country bumpkin that has never seen the world.    


Was there a need to act like this in the face of a great enemy?    


Back in the day, Spurs and his brother-in-law had spent a lot of time in Europe and the United States.    


Which time was not it easy?    


When her brother-in-law got tired of Beautiful Young Woman playing around with her, he would send her back with the spurs that he had been eagerly guarding outside.    


When he thought of his brother-in-law, Ma Jian thought of the phone call that his brother-in-law had made to him last month.    


In the phone, his brother-in-law had asked him to be more vigilant towards Sui Yueyue with the sincere tone of an absolute family member. He needed to be more vigilant against drugs and be a lackey that others would use to enslave.    


If the spurs dared to touch that kind of thing, the brother-in-law who promised his sister that he would take care of him for his entire life would immediately rush to the Golden Triangle and twist his neck.    


"Tsk, brother-in-law is making too much of a fuss. Just by looking at the way these two girls are nervously kidnapping a shitty girl, do you think they can plot against me? However, will Sui Yueyue's personality change drastically after my idol dies and become the kind of evil woman that Brother-in-law fears? "    


From the corner of his eyes, spurs flashed across the face of Sui Yueyue who was in the passenger seat.    


The lights on the opposite side of the road shone onto Sui Yueyue's face, as if she had drunk a glass of wine. The redness was mesmerizing.    


"She is becoming more and more interesting. It was a pity that his idol could no longer enjoy it. "Hai."    


Spur sighed to himself, looked in the rearview mirror again, then picked up speed.    


Suddenly, the car that suddenly sped up, just as it was about to hit the back of the car in front, it twisted like a fish and flew forward, brushing past the other party's car.    


The inertia caused Sui Yueyue to suddenly lean backwards. She hurriedly reached out to grab the handle of the horse, frowning as she looked at the spurs.    


Before she could ask anything, Spurs said, "There's someone behind us."    


Some people's intention behind this was that they would be targeted.    


"So fast?" Didn't you say that we did not reveal any flaws? "    


Sui Yueyue was startled and quickly looked back.    


Then she grabbed her evening dress and tied it around her legs.    


This way, it would be more convenient for her to run.    


"Brother-in-law is right, she is indeed a talent." If it was any other woman, she would definitely not be flustered and remain calm. "    


Spur narrowed his eyes and sped up again. He hit the steering wheel and turned left after passing the car in front of him.    




Amidst the sound of several urgent sirens, the car and the other cars that were moving normally ran away from each other in time as they ran towards the south.    


No traffic police at night.    


By the time the police realized that something was wrong and sent their forces to intercept the car, they had already changed cars.    


The spurs are deliberately retrograde.    


This can cause traffic chaos and even lead to traffic accidents.    


But he didn't care.    


He had enough confidence in his skill to make sure the car was safe.    


As for the other cars that were affected by his car and had a traffic accident — I'm sorry, but who told you to drive fast at night?    


The biggest advantage of retrograde traffic chaos was that it would prevent the car from following them.    


The spurs could easily determine that the car belonged to the Chinese government.    


Chinese officials served the people. Even when they were on an emergency mission, they had to think about the lives of the people and the safety of their property.    


Sure enough, the car wasn't that far away from them, and they couldn't find the tracking car.    


"Done." "Gillan, get ready to change your car."    


Spurs looked back at Gillan, who had already taken out her pistol. He grinned, showing his teeth, and turned the wheel again, heading down a street to the right.    


This street led to a certain district.    


The sidewalks on both sides of the road were filled with cars parked in disarray.    


Since it was set up in a random manner, there would be no cameras nearby and no one would be looking after the car.    


The reason the owner dared to park his car here was purely because he trusted Golden Age's Hua Xia. He felt that the thieves wouldn't dare to come here and mess things up.    


They were wrong --    


With a screeching sound, the spurs of the horse stopped the car in a dashing sideways position. The four wheels of the horse stopped in an open space, two meters away from the road.    


When Sui Yueyue opened the door and got out of the car and looked around, the spurs that had just jumped out of the car had already smashed the windows of a white SVU with their elbows and opened the door.    


Sister Lian woke up and wriggled her body like she was carrying a fish, trying to get away from Gillan.    


How is this possible!?    


Gillan raised her hand and punched the bone in her left rib cage. She immediately became obedient.    


The woman who fainted from the pain could only be manipulated by others.    


The white SVU slowly drove out of the street and into the normal traffic flow. As it continued heading south, two black sedans arrived at lightning speed from the north and turned right onto the street.    




Sui Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief. She leaned her head against the seat and whispered, "Spurs, not bad."    


"This is just a small matter. When I was abroad with my brother-in-law, I played quite a lot. "    


Spurs answered proudly.    


"Your brother-in-law is … is it Lee Nanfang?"    


Sui Yueyue opened her eyes and looked at him.    


She only knew that Ma Jian went to Golden Triangle to help her because he was entrusted by Lee Nanfang, but she had never heard him talk about her brother-in-law.    




Spurs shook his head. "My brother-in-law is my sister's man. "Boss Lee is my idol."    


Sui Yueyue became interested. "Then, who is your brother-in-law?"    


"His name is Ye Xiaodao."    


"Ye Xiaodao?"    


Sui Yueyue blinked and shook her head. "Never heard of it."    


"He's very powerful."    


Spur could not help but show off his brother-in-law, "My martial arts were taught to me by my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law said, "I'm a martial arts genius." Others who have studied for ten years would be inferior to me who has studied for a year. My brother-in-law also said that as long as I didn't touch the White Ghost, I would catch up with him sooner or later and become a man who stood at the pinnacle of his life like him. "If I touch — hehe, my brother-in-law will wring the necks of those who let me touch the White Ghost."    


A white ghost was a drug.    


When Spurs was showing off to his brother-in-law, he didn't forget to hint to Sui Yueyue that it was best not to try to control him with that thing.    


Since Sui Yueyue's IQ was so high, she could obviously hear the meaning behind Spurs' words.    


"Don't worry, I won't let you touch White Ghost." "Don't touch Gillan."    


Sui Yueyue first gave her guarantee before asking, "Is your brother-in-law even stronger than Lee Nanfang?"    


"My brother-in-law said it himself. When he's really going to go crazy, even ten Lee Nanfang won't be his match."    


"Why do you say that your brother-in-law said it himself?"    


"I just don't believe it."    


Spurs looked in the rearview mirror, smiled at Gillan who was listening intently, and said lightly: "But he can definitely sweep away the elites of all countries other than China. No matter in what way. "    


The corners of Gillan's mouth curled up slightly.    


It was clear disdain.    


Sui Yueyue also looked behind her and asked, "Then, what about you?"    


"I've only learned 90% of my brother-in-law's skills."    


"Why isn't your brother-in-law bragging, saying that he can sweep through China too?"    


"My brother-in-law's teacher is from Hua Xia. Even if he had ten times the guts, he wouldn't dare to fart like this."    


"Just because your brother-in-law's teacher is Chinese"    


"Not just that."    


Ma Ci shook his head and said seriously: "China has at least six seats in the top ten fighters."    




Gillan, who was sitting in the back seat, finally couldn't help but snort lightly. She came to express her disdain towards her brother-in-law Ma Po.    


"Beauty, don't look down on me. Even more so, don't think that your country's special forces are very powerful, just like the rankings in the newspapers, making it into the top 10 of the current world. It was all a false reputation. When you get the chance to meet a true elite Chinese, you'll understand that I'm not bragging. "    


Spurs finally found a common language with beautiful women, of course.    


However, it was very obvious that even though he had learned 90% of Ye Xiaodao's fighting skills, he hadn't even learned half of what Master Dao needed to learn to pick up girls.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that.    


Gillan was very angry and said stiffly, "I admit that I am a scum who betrayed my homeland. "But I still have to tell you, our country's special anti-terrorist unit can't be compared to the Chinese."    


Special Forces s were divided into four units, with a total strength of about 20 thousand people.    


But among them, the most elite was the Black Cat Special Counter Terrorism Team. They were ranked in the top ten in the latest international Special Forces rankings.    


"Black cat?" "Not bad."    


Spurs smiled and asked, "Are you from Black Cat as well?"    


Gillan said coldly, "If I hadn't run away after killing someone, I would have been the first female member of the Black Cat."    


"I've heard a lot about you. It's a pity, a pity."    


Ma Po finally realized that since he was chasing after beauties, then he shouldn't go against the intentions of beauties. He hurriedly used the words his brother-in-law said when he was trying to pick up girls, and when he was flattering the beauties, Sui Yueyue suddenly said, "Gillan, tonight you might have a chance to meet the strongest commandos in China."    


With a creak, the car that had arrived at the high speed intersection of Jinmen and the city was stopped by the spurs of a horse and stopped on the spot.    


He was too concentrated on showing off to Gillan that he didn't notice what was ahead of them.    


At the intersection of the highway in front of them, a black coloured sedan was parked.    


A man, standing with his hands behind his back.    


It was like a mountain.    


"Sigh, Sui Yueyue is right. "Gillan, you have a chance to prove that your country's special forces are stronger than China's."    


Spurs sighed as he looked at the man.    


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