Strongest Guard

C953 The Crying of a Son

C953 The Crying of a Son

Grandfather has already left.    


After Loong Chengcheng calmed down a little, she immediately analyzed what she feared the most, and what she didn't want to accept the most.    


If Elder Loong had not passed away, Loong Zaikong, who only had faith in his sister, would never suddenly call her and ask her hysterically to carry the child and run away. He would have met her at the back of the mountain.    


Elder Loong's situation suddenly turned bad. Loong Chengcheng should have followed him to the hospital.    


But she couldn't.    


Just like how she couldn't carry a fart to the hospital right now, the crying sounds of the child would make the Loong Family people who were already dissatisfied with her upset, and they would then push all of the responsibility of the old man onto her.    


She couldn't let go of her child — now, she had to make sure her son was always in her sight.    


Because of these reasons, Loong Chengcheng couldn't go to the hospital when Elder Loong suddenly became ill, but Loong Zaikong could.    


In terms of the entire Loong Family, Loong Chengcheng had the best treatment.    


Other than her grandfather, who helped her fend off the wind and rain, it was Loong Zaikong, who was rather useless in the eyes of outsiders.    


The siblings didn't need to discuss anything.    


Loong Chengcheng also knew that once her grandfather passed away, Loong Zaikong, who was well aware of the danger they were facing, would inform her immediately and make a decision that they would surpass their limits.    




Loong Chengcheng screamed in grief and fell to her knees with a thud. Her tears were cut off as they dripped onto the floor.    


The child's crying grew louder.    


He seemed to be urging his mother that there would be plenty of opportunities for the old man to pass away in the coming days. Right now, the most important thing was to hug this young master and quickly escape from this place.    


"Southern City, don't cry. Mommy will take you now."    


Loong Chengcheng was finally pulled out of her grief by her son's inanimate wailing, which made her realize that it was the best plan for her to quickly wipe the oil off her feet.    


The Southern City was the name of Loong Chengcheng's son.    


Her son's full name was Loong Nancheng.    


The name Loong Nancheng was given by Elder Loong.    


Don't just look at this little bastard's father's surname, whether it was Elder Loong or Loong Chengcheng, both of them wanted him to have the surname 'Long'.    


Seeing the scum surnamed Li and his achievement in sowing seeds, the child's name had the word "Nan" in it, which was considered a reward.    


Before she could wipe the tears off her face, Loong Chengcheng got up from the ground and carried her son out of the cradle. She wrapped him in a small blanket and ran out the door with her cell phone.    


Elder Loong's courtyard was located in the western suburbs of Ming Zhu on Mount Fu Shou.    


The name, Fukuyama, was also invented by Elder Loong.    


Actually, the environment here was not bad, but it was still a small hill less than a hundred meters in size.    


Almost all the big shots, when they were old, didn't like living in a city full of cars and horses. In the neon lights of the night in the capital city, they always wanted to find a beautiful place to look up at the haze in the sky when they had nothing to do — they wanted to remember his wonderful life, and the wishes he had yet to complete.    


Similarly, these powerful figures viewed life and death rather lightly.    


No matter how long they could live, and how they could leave this world that they had fought for their entire lives, they had to give it to the heavens.    


When they were young, they didn't believe in God.    


When he was old, the only person who could listen to his thoughts was God.    


Therefore, Elder Loong needs to be sent to the city hospital for rescue when he suddenly becomes critically ill.    


Actually, it was only after Elder Loong suddenly became ill that he lost consciousness.    


If so, he would never go to the hospital.    


He sat on a chair and took a last look at his world with a reluctant look. Then, his family members disappeared with a smile on their faces.    


He believed that Elder Loong was satisfied and regretful the moment he lost consciousness.    


He was satisfied because his granddaughter, Loong Chengcheng, had been by his side for the past six months. She had also personally witnessed the birth of Little Zhong's grandson.    


Unfortunately, it was because he was very clear that after he left, there would no longer be anyone who could protect this mother and son.    


Elder Loong would never blame the eldest son of the family for sacrificing Loong Chengcheng and her son for the sake of protecting the family's interests.    


Because he knew very well that if it were him, he would do the same.    


In the face of the family's interests, personal interests were nothing.    


The reason he was able to protect Loong Chengcheng and her son for half a year was because of his aloof status.    


If he could survive, no one would dare to come to the mountain and touch even a hair on Loong Chengcheng and her son.    


No one.    


But if I were to die, a French monarch would say, "Who cares if I die?"    


Loong Chengcheng and her son's only protector had already left. If she still dared to stay at the mountain, she could just wait to be slaughtered.    


Even if she could escape in time, there was no guarantee that her son would be able to live for long.    


If he didn't struggle a bit, how would he know how long his son would live?    


"Aunt, where are you carrying little young master?"    


Loong Chengcheng carried the child and ran out of the room. The nanny of the house, Sister-in-law, happened to be walking in from the front with a flashlight in her hand. She was surprised to see Loong Chengcheng like this.    


"Sister-in-law, my grandpa …"    


Loong Chengcheng only said these few words, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.    


Sister-in-law was just a servant. Of course, no one would tell her that Elder Loong had passed away.    


However, she suddenly understood something from Loong Chengcheng's tear-stained face and words. Her body trembled as she ran towards the backyard with her flashlight in her hand. "Quick, follow me!"    


After a certain vile child was born, Sister-in-law would take care of him and his mother. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he was Loong Nancheng's wet nurse.    


Loong Chengcheng bit her lips as she followed Sister-in-law into the backyard.    


She was glad that she had run into Sister-in-law in time.    


Sister-in-law had the key to the backyard.    


This gate had always been closed by iron generals. If not for Sister-in-law's appearance, would Loong Chengcheng have carried her child over the wall?    


"Hurry, let's go!" Aunt, take good care of the young master. After you leave, you will never come back. "    


Sister-in-law took out her wallet from her pocket. She didn't care how much money was in it, or if there was any money — she stuffed it in Loong Chengcheng's pocket.    


He then handed the flashlight in his hand to her and urged her to hurry out of the door. "I can't send you out anymore. After going down the mountain, they would turn to the left and see a small bridge. "After crossing the bridge, you will reach the small road behind the mountain."    


The path down the mountain through the bamboo forest and the small forest.    


It was a stone staircase about a meter wide.    


The path down the mountain was rough and Loong Chengcheng had never walked through it before, but Sister-in-law had walked through it before, so she told her to be careful.    


"Sister-in-law, thank you!"    


Loong Chengcheng held the child in her arms and bowed deeply to Sister-in-law. Then, she turned on the flashlight and hurried off.    


"Sigh, what a sin."    


Watching Loong Chengcheng's light beam gradually disappear into the bamboo forest behind her, Sister-in-law let out a heavy sigh.    


Loong Chengcheng didn't think that he had committed any evil.    


As long as her son could be carried in her arms and grow up safely, so what if he was a sinner?    


Loong Chengcheng had committed many sins in her life.    


Whoever dared to hurt her son, she would fight with all her might.    


The commoners always said, mother and son should not meet, meeting is difficult.    


When the child was still in the womb, most women's attitude towards the child was basically just a kind of "I have a little life in the womb" curiosity — because of this, there were many girls in the contemporary era who didn't care much about giving birth to a baby.    


But when the child was born, every cry and every movement of his would incite a woman's deep love, making her clearly realize that she was his mother and that he was the continuation of her life. If there was any danger, she would rather sacrifice herself than let the child suffer any harm.    


This change in the way women think about their children is a great maternal love.    


Therefore, no matter how difficult the path down the mountain was, Loong Chengcheng would grit her teeth and persevere, trying her best to maintain her balance.    


His son was still crying.    


It was as if, behind the pitch darkness, there were many evil people laughing fiendishly. Their eyes were red and they held their blades high as they charged forward.    


The hair on Loong Chengcheng's back was already standing on end.    


She didn't dare look back.    


She was afraid that if she turned around, she would actually see the person who had come to kill her son.    


God willing, Loong Chengcheng had finally safely descended the mountain with her son in her arms after nearly falling down a few times.    


However, his son's wailing grew even louder, and now seemed to contain a sense of grief.    


Loong Chengcheng thought her son was frightened.    


If she could open the little sheet around her son, she would find a little rattle under his arm.    


Her son wasn't crying, he was cursing, "Blind woman, that damned thing is about to cut off my delicate body from blue and purple."    


Following Sister-in-law's instructions, Loong Chengcheng carried her son and ran across the bridge. They arrived at a small road on the back mountain. After looking around, they ran towards the south.    


She didn't know where her brother was or where he would be waiting for her.    


All she knew was that the further away they were from the mountain, the safer they would be.    


The mountain road was frighteningly quiet at two in the morning.    


There were no lights on either side of the four-meter-wide road.    


Fortunately, the heavens were merciful enough to let the moon hang in the sky as her guiding light, guiding her to quickly run south.    


Loong Chengcheng hadn't exercised since her son was born.    


She didn't want to imitate those so-called celebrities. Not long after giving birth, she began a series of slimming exercises. At the most, she would be able to regain her former sexy figure in a month's time.    


Loong Chengcheng felt that the mother after giving birth should store enough fat, just like animals, so that the baby could have plenty of milk to use and to thrive.    


In a woman's life, there would always be a year or two when she would turn ugly.    


Even though Loong Chengcheng didn't exercise at all after the birth, deliberately eating and drinking to store fat, her body was still full and not bloated.    


But she lacked exercise, and tonight, when she carried her son and ran for her life, she regretted that she didn't want to learn from those female celebrities and let her figure return to being as light as a swallow …    


That way, she wouldn't be so exhausted that she would be panting and sweating after running for so long with her son in her arms.    


His legs felt heavy, as if they were filled with lead. He staggered and almost fell to the ground several times.    


His son's crying began to tear his heart out.    


This little bastard, doesn't he know how to be considerate to his mother?    


Just like Scumbag Lee, who didn't care about anything after planting the seed.    


F * cking hell, he actually died.    


If he was still alive, at least Loong Chengcheng would have someone to rely on, right?    


Sweat blurred Loong Chengcheng's eyes as the headlights of a car came from the front.    


The car was speeding towards them from afar.    


Loong Chengcheng couldn't be sure that it was Loong Zaikong, who had come to rescue her.    


What if it was someone else?    


However, when strangers occasionally passed by and saw Beautiful Young Woman, who could guarantee that they wouldn't harbor malicious thoughts and then kill each other to keep their mouths shut?    


Loong Chengcheng wanted to hide.    


However, he was afraid that the person who came was really Loong Zaikong.    


If her brother couldn't find her after she had gone into hiding, what could he do?    


"Alright, I'll take a gamble. Let's bet, the one who came was your uncle! "    


Loong Chengcheng gritted her teeth and lowered her head to speak softly to her son.    


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