Strongest Guard

C968 Yang Tiantian's Illusion

C968 Yang Tiantian's Illusion

Yang Tiantian's daughter was called Yue Zitong.    


The old man of the Yue Clan had personally given him the name Yue Zitong.    


Even though it was normal for his grandfather to give his granddaughter a name, for the low status Yue Family, where females were involved, for the Old Master to give his granddaughter a name was a huge honor for Yang Tiantian and her daughter.    


At that time, she only thought that the lordmaster liked his daughter so much that he had decided to name her, but she never thought too much about this name.    


Now that she heard this man call Empress Xiao's sculpture Zitong, Yang Tiantian suddenly realized something.    


Zitong was the title for the wife of a sovereign.    


Many young couples that looked up to their daughters and also gave their daughters this name. Normally, it was very normal for Elder Yue to give his granddaughter this name.    


But it wasn't normal.    


As for what was abnormal, Yang Tiantian didn't dare to think too much about it.    


As if the man knew what Yang Tiantian was thinking, he asked with a deep voice, "Are you thinking about why your daughter is also named Zitong?"    


Yang Tiantian, who was deep in thought, shivered slightly after she was told to be the center of attention. She raised her hand to wipe her eyes and raised her head to look at him. "Yes, yes."    


Only then did she see what the man in front of her looked like.    


The man was tall, dressed in a black embroidered dragon robe, with a pearl curtain that reached to the heavens, and a pale face that gave off an aura of an emperor.    


He was the man who had broken into her dreams every night since the third day of the third month.    


His appearance was exactly the same as Lee Nanfang's.    


However, when he looked more carefully, he was much more "mature" than Lee Nanfang and did not have the indecent attitude like Scumbag Lee's game in the mortal world. There was a kind of pressure that made Xinn'er shiver after they looked at each other, making her feel a formless pressure as she could not help but shift her gaze away.    


"Who, who are you?"    


Yang Tiantian asked in a trembling voice as she lowered her head to look at his feet.    


The man's feet were mostly covered by the black, rusted dragon robe that hung to the ground. Only a pair of black, white-soled toes were revealed.    


These were the boots for ascending to the heavens. In Beijing Opera, these were the kind of boots that those gaudy faces would wear.    


"You know who I am."    


The man said flatly, "It's just that you don't dare to say it out loud. "I can't believe that I've been lucky to see you every night for so long."    


"You, you are -- Yang Guang."    


As it turned out, the man was right. Yang Tiantian knew who he was, but she didn't dare to say it out loud. When she summoned up her courage to speak, her heart was pounding, and she secretly pinched her thigh with her right hand, hoping to wake up from this ridiculous dream as soon as possible.    


Who is Yang Guang?    


He was one of the three famous Monarchs in the history of China, standing side by side with Xia Jie and Shang Zhou.    


Even though Li Tang had misled the common people and deliberately tarnished his name, it had been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.    


The same person from a thousand years ago.    


Now she was standing in front of Yang Tiantian, saying that she would visit her every night.    


If this wasn't a dream, then what was it?    


"There's no need to pinch your leg. You're not dreaming. This is real."    


Yang Guang actually saw Yang Tiantian secretly pinch her leg and asked coldly, "What, you are unhappy to be blessed by me?"    


"No, no."    


Once again, Yang Guang had exposed Yang Tiantian's worries, causing her to be extremely terrified.    


Especially after hearing that he was a little angry, she did not receive his reminder nor did she receive his teachings. Instead, she instinctively laid down on the ground, her forehead touching the cold wooden floor as her delicate body began to shake violently.    


Yang Tiantian, a weak girl, was not able to withstand the might of an Emperor who could command three armies in his twenties and kill countless people in the battle.    


Yang Guang was used to it. He put his hands behind his back as he slowly walked to her back and put a hand on her butt.    


Yang Tiantian's body, which had already been trembling, shook once more as if she had been electrocuted.    


Yang Guang chuckled as if he was very proud of himself.    


He patted the springiness on his hand and said leisurely, "You should have heard what I had said to Zitong just now. Indeed, you are a female descendant of the village who happened to be lucky a thousand years ago when we were on our way south to admire the Jade Flower Road. However, it has already been a thousand years since your birth, and you still have thirty-seven generations. "Yun Sage, once your blood and bones reached the ninth generation, you already have nothing to do with it. You can even marry from the same clan, how could you already be thirty-seven generations old?"    


Yang Tiantian really wanted to say, "Even if I've passed down my life for thirty-seven generations, a thousand years, I still have your bone and blood flowing through my body."    


But she didn't dare to say it.    


This was because she knew very well that the so-called noble bloodline would be descended from the same lineage, and the claim that they had existed for more than a thousand years was not valid in the field of genetics.    


In the past, the son of Yang Guang was born after he got married. His son's son was born after he got married.    


This was the saying that a grandfather dotes on a grandson because they're separated by generations.    


After the grandchild gets married and has children, Yang Guang's noble bloodline, after being diluted again, is only a quarter of what it was before.    


After nine generations, the probability of Yang Guang's grandson inheriting his noble bloodline was only one in ten.    


At this point, the noble genes he had inherited were already far away from the drawbacks of "marriage by blood".    


Besides, what happened thirty-seven generations later?    


To be honest, after all the algebra, Yang Tiantian's father was not a direct descendant of Yang Guang. It was still a question of whether or not he was related to Yang Guang.    


Thus, no matter if it was in theory or in practice, Yang Guang, the 'ancestor', could have a beauty thirty-seven generations later into his harem.    


However, from a certain point of view, this was extremely outrageous.    


However, the problem was, which of the thirty-seventh generation Patriarchs had been blessed by her?    


This sort of thing was simply nonsense.    


To the current Yang Tiantian, it was both real and bizarre.    


"You don't have to bear any psychological burdens. "Hai."    


Yang Guang finally retracted his hand from Yang Tiantian's body and sighed with his head facing upwards, "What's more, I was lucky to you but I only existed in a dream. Other than being able to bring about changes in your aura field, affecting your mental state, and making you younger, it will not bring about any substantial changes to you. "    


A substantial change was, of course, something like a special 'pregnancy'.    


For some reason, when Yang Guang's faint sigh entered Yang Tiantian's ears, it made her feel that he was actually very pitiful. She just wanted to hug him and comfort him with the gentleness and gentleness that women have.    


However, before she could do anything, he heard Yang Guang say coldly, "I am the emperor of all time. I have suffered through all the grievances, hardships, and hardships of the New Bamboo Book. Emperor. No matter how tragic his fate was, he didn't need anyone's pity. Because none of you are qualified! "    


"Chenqie, I dare not."    


Yang Tiantian didn't realize that when she blurted out the word "concubine," she did so fluently and without any hesitation.    


The only thing that could be seen was fear.    


Yang Guang was used to it, as he walked around her with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "Since you already stepped onto the Lost Soul Cliff at the third day of the third month, allowing us, who is thousands of miles away from the Monarch Valley, to feel that it was fate that you had risked being separated from the host who should have lived and died together and returned to reunite with you. Yes, the Heaven Queen Earth has arranged for my fate. "    


"But until now, our fates are temporarily over. We are going to leave the Monarch Valley and return to that evil creature's body. "    


Yang Guang's tone was obviously reluctant to part with it, "This period of time is actually the happiest time in the past thousand years when I have been dead. You, aren't bad. "    


Yang Tiantian wanted to say thank you, but her mouth only moved.    


When the emperor praised his subjects, he disdained listening to her thank you.    


"You might not understand. How did I return to the secular world from a thousand years ago?"    


After asking this question, without waiting for Yang Tiantian's reply, Yang Guang suddenly clenched his fist and roared harshly: "That's because I am not willing! I am not willing to be locked in the darkness of the netherworld forever, and suffer the ridicule of those trash! "    


His roar resonated with the golden bells in the roof of each of the floors of the ninth floor's pagoda.    


While the bell rings, there are actually other sounds coming from outside the window.    


The wind.    


The sound of rain.    


Tens of thousands of horses galloping.    


Tens of thousands of soldiers stamped their long lances forcefully and roared loudly, "Victory, victory!" ten thousand victories, ten thousand victories, ten thousand victories! "    




Thunder rumbled in mid-air.    


When a bolt of dragon-like lightning flashed through the hall of the ninth level at incomparable speed, Yang Tiantian saw that all of the paper men, mud tires, and everything else, including Empress Xiao, were lying prostrate on the ground.    


A bloody and evil aura slowly spread from the heavens to the earth.    


This was the power of the world.    


The might of an overlord!    


Yang Tiantian raised her head and kowtowed once again.    


He was trembling all over.    


She didn't have the chance to see what was happening outside, but she could imagine that there were already endless armies gathered outside the ninth floor of the pagoda.    


The war horses whinnied, their long lances glinting with a cold light. Crimson red flags fluttered in the wind.    


Under the torrential storm, Zhang Xuduo, Ma Tieqiao, and the other famous generals loyal to Yang Guang were galloping in front of thousands of battle formations, holding their long lances high and shouting, 'All victories, all victories!'    


At this moment, as long as Yang Guang gave the order, the Da Sui Iron Cavalry that was loyal to him would turn into a black wind filled with killing intent, breaking the Monarch Valley —    


Among all the people who could make the world change color, only Yang Tiantian could do what she had to, curling her trembling body into a ball as much as possible, not daring to even breathe.    


"Ha, ha, ha!"    


Yang Guang laughed crazily, he opened his arms and walked to the window, pushed it open, pointed outside and roared to the sky, "Look, that's my soldiers! That is my world! "That's me!"    




A clear and melodious dragon roar seemed to have come from beyond the clouds, cutting off Yang Guang's wild laughter.    


Yang Guang was stunned for a moment, suddenly grabbed a clay sculpture and threw it outside the window: "Why, why! Why did you still imprison me after so many years?! Why do you want me to stay in that vile creature's body and never lead my hundred thousand tiger wolves to dominate the world and wipe out all those evil spirits!? "    


No matter how angry Yang Guang was, the world suddenly quieted down.    


A torrential storm, with tens of thousands of horses galloping, the roar of a hundred thousand tiger and wolf masters was completely silent.    


The gentle moonlight shone down from an unknown angle, covering the entire hall of the ninth floor.    


It was peaceful.    


"Why? Why is that?"    


Yang Guang seemed to have aged a dozen years in an instant. He let go of the window powerlessly and staggered a few steps back before squatting down in front of Yang Tiantian.    


He lowered his head and closed his eyes.    


Muddy tears rolled down his pale cheeks.    


He murmured to himself, making people feel heartache. "Why do you have to mislead my royal sister's descendant to have such hatred towards me? ~ For a thousand years, I have been bitterly searching for my whereabouts. Before I capture my and the Xuanyuan Deity, I will behead you and dig out your heart? "Could it be that I am really wrong?"    


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