Strongest Guard

C982 Shelling the Small Desert Island

C982 Shelling the Small Desert Island



Avril was really stunned by Hamm's question.    




Because Lee Nanfang is our man.    


Because he is your son's biological father.    


Because we are a family in love.    


Now that your subordinate accidentally passed by and met us, shouldn't you bring our man, your son's biological father, onto the boat and happily return to your homeland?    


Why? Why did he ask!?    


When Avril was completely confused by the question, Hamm, who was carrying another glass of red wine, answered with a very elegant voice, "Avril, if you sat on my seat, would you want a man who destroyed all your efforts to ride on your head and shout at you for the rest of his life after being saved?"    


"If it wasn't for that scumbag, I would have led Liszt and the others to kidnap you fat sheep and run to Africa to play before the hurricane arrived."    


"Yes, I admit that my son is the son of that scum. But don't forget, I didn't give birth to his son willingly. I was made strong by him! "    


Speaking of excitement, Hamm suddenly stood up and smashed his wine cup onto the deck.    


Her shrill and furious roar frightened her son who was just about to fall asleep, causing him to burst into tears.    


"Don't cry, baby, it's mother's fault. Mommy shouldn't be angry and scare you. "    


Hamm, who had a hideous look on his face, immediately turned into a great mother and comforted the little bastard in his arms.    


Afraid that he would scare his son again, when Hamm spoke again, his voice was normal, "With such a scumbag who destroyed my life and wanted to kill me several times, will I let him leave the island alive after finally joining hands with my men?"    


"Hehe, what's more, there's also that great devil Yang Xiao."    


Speaking of Yang Xiao, Hamm's face showed obvious fear, gritting his teeth: "If I go to pick up Scumbag Lee, that big devil will definitely follow." When the time comes — well, I dare say that my shipful brothers will be his wanton killers. "    


"If that's the case, why don't I let them die on the island?"    


Hamm laughed.    


Her smile was extremely charming.    




This was the real Hamm.    


He would make his move when the time was right, and would not drag his feet.    


As for the matter of Scumbag Lee being her man-- F * ck, her son already had it, why would she need a man to do it?    


Could it be, for him to ride and play as a foreign girl in the future?    


"Actually, my son isn't Scumbag Lee's."    


Hamm lowered his head, gently looked at his son and said in a low voice, "He is the best gift God has ever given me. Even more so, it will be the compensation for the loss of my vitality and the destruction of my foundation. "    


"You, let me go back. I, I want to be with him. "    


After listening to what Hamm said and knowing that she was determined to put Lee Nanfang to death, Avril didn't want to persuade her anymore. She could only ask to go back and say, "For the sake of God's gift to your son, please send me back."    


"What a great love. I'm so touched, so touched. "    


Hamm laughed again.    


However, the smile on his face was too evil. "Do you want to go back and die with them? No. I will never let you go back. "    




Avril asked with a trembling voice.    


Hamm said slowly, "Because you are a fat sheep." The Medusa dynasty — well, that's a nice name. For the Medusa dynasty to rise again, it needed a lot of money. Hehe, Avril, when I kidnapped you last year, I set your price at the highest. I didn't expect that even after more than half a year, you still haven't escaped the fate of being redeemed.    


"This, it must be God's doing. Corazone told me that God arranged for your family to search hard for your whereabouts for more than half a year. I'm so touched that your husband cares so much about you. Alright, I'll raise the ransom from one hundred million to two hundred million. This way, we can live up to the deep love your family has for you. "    


The more Hamm said, the happier he became.    


If not for the fact that she was afraid of scaring her son, she would have definitely laughed maniacally again.    


Avril, on the other hand, had a pained expression on her face as she shook her head repeatedly, begging her to reconsider.    


Think again?    


What the heck are you thinking!    


If you didn't get pushed onto the deck by Corazone and the others, you could have considered the fact that we've been in deep love with each other for more than half a year already.    




On account of the deep affection between the sisters, Hamm ordered someone to escort Avril to the cabin first.    


Just stay with Shen Yun.    


With two big fat sheep as partners, they would definitely have something in common.    


"Hamm, I beg of you, please let him go!" "Even if you don't bring him away, don't blast him away."    


Avril, who was being escorted into the cabin by the two men, saw that after Hamm gave the order, the terrifying rocket launcher began to correct its angle. Avril struggled desperately and kneeled on the deck, begging while sobbing, "Don't forget, he was so anxious when you had your child!"    


Humans all had a conscience.    


The difference was, it was more than less.    


Hamm also has a conscience -- after Avril's reminder, immediately floating in front of her eyes, how Lee Nanfang was crazy when she gave birth to her baby, to risk his life against Yang Xiao to protect her.    


However, her conscience was still slightly lighter than her great achievement.    


But it wasn't like he didn't care at all.    


The gunner made his final preparations and looked at her inquiringly.    


Hamm's expression was unsettled.    


Seeing that she seemed to be moved again, Avril naturally begged again.    


"Stop it!"    


The upset Hamm suddenly turned around and shouted loudly.    


Avril immediately shut her mouth in fright, causing Lee Han to start crying again.    


After coaxing his son, Hamm slowly said: "Ok, on account of what you said, it's not without reason, so I'll give him another chance to live. As for whether or not he can survive, that will depend on his luck. "    


Hamm gave Lee Nanfang a chance to live, it sounded very simple.    


It was reasonable — she would send a ship to the reef, only a few hundred meters from the island.    


Tom, who was in charge of the boat, would be back as soon as the boat was delivered.    


After Tom and the others boarded the ship, Hamm would order his men to attack the deserted island!    


She wanted to force Lee Nanfang and the other girl to escape onto that small boat and float on the sea.    


If that guy was lucky, he would be saved by other boats.    


What if it's bad luck — I'm sorry, sister, for my son's sake, I've done my best for you.    


This way, he could satisfy Hamm's wish of bombarding the deserted island, but he also agreed to Avril's request and didn't directly blow Hamm into smithereens.    


Of course, the hope of Lee Nanfang and his partner being rescued by drifting on the sea in a small boat was close to zero.    


That wasn't something Hamm needed to worry about.    


Didn't a lot of people say that Scumbag Lee is God?    


"If he can make it back to the mainland alive, then I'll be his woman."    


When Tom brought his people to send a small boat to the reef, he immediately rushed back and climbed into the Hanging Blue River. He looked at Hamm in the distance, bit his lips, and slowly raised his hand.    


"Lee Nanfang!"    


When Hamm raised his right hand and swung it down, Avril, who was pushed into a room, immediately felt her feet shake as she screamed his name.    




Only now did the loud sound of the rocket launcher ring out.    


"Hamm, Hamm, how can you do this? Can you ignore the fact that Lee Nanfang is your son? "    


Avril fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.    




Another gunshot rang out from outside the cabin, causing Avril to stop crying.    


Subconsciously, she raised her head and reached out her hand to grab the foot of the bed. Only then did she realize that there was a young girl wearing a white robe sitting on top of the bed.    


The girl was beautiful, with an East Asian face and big eyes, as if she had walked out of an anime play.    


However, her expression was very cold and her eyes glazed over, as if she had been injected with some drug that could calm her down.    


"You, who are you?"    


Avril asked subconsciously when she saw this girl.    


"Who am I?"    


After another round of gunshots, the girl laughed in a daze, "I am … I am Shen Yun, am I not? The Li and Lee Nanfang you mentioned just now, are they Chinese people? "    


Of course Lee Nanfang is Chinese!    


Only Chinese people, when they realized that something was wrong and jumped up and down to scold, could scold people so brilliantly.    


After seeing Tom and the others stop the boat a few hundred meters away and turn around to run, Lee Nanfang immediately realized that something had changed. Without any hesitation, he jumped into the sea.    


"Wait, wait for me!"    


Yang Xiao was not stupid. He shouted loudly and grabbed Lee Nanfang's arm.    


"Fuck, let go of me!" Can't you see that something's wrong? "    


Lee Nanfang scolded and waved his hand.    


After spending half a year with the sea, Yang Xiao's water phobia has been alleviated a lot.    


Otherwise, even if he was given two more guts, he wouldn't dare enter the water.    


But only in shallow water.    


If the water didn't reach his neck, he would immediately faint.    


Just as the water reached his knees, Yang Xiao's kung fu was not affected in the slightest, so Lee Nanfang was obviously unable to struggle free.    


"Get lost!"    


Jack yelled and kicked him.    


Yang Xiao would rather be kicked than let go.    


If you want to die, then die together.    


Why would you leave me?    


Just when Lee Nanfang was angrily kicking Yang Xiao, three men's roars sounded from the boat that was quickly heading back: "Lee Nanfang, my wife wants us to bring a message for you. Thank you for accompanying us for so many days!" Don't worry, Madam will not hurt Avril! They would only sell her for two hundred million dollars to the Yuping Group. "Ha, ha, ha."    


These words were obviously what Hamm had instructed Tom and the others to tell Lee Nanfang.    


The two of them were husband and wife after all, and they even had the "crystal of love". Even if they wanted him to die, he had to at least understand a little bit about it.    


Only then did Lee Nanfang and the other two realize that this ship was actually under Hamm.    


He really did hold onto a heaven-shocking piece of grass.    


"Hurry up and get on the boat to escape, otherwise you'll be blown to smithereens!"    


Tom and the others were outside the reef, so they rowed very fast.    


If they were on land, they might not even finish shouting and get overtaken by Lee Nanfang and the other two.    


But this is the sea.    


Lee Nanfang, who had his arm held tightly by Yang Xiao, could not catch up no matter how strong he was.    


The only thing he could do was curse Hamm, who had been hacked a thousand times. How could he not think about the love between husband and wife for the better part of half a year?    


It was clear that he wanted to push Lee Nanfang into the sea, to the point where he dared to do it on a dead end.    


If Lee Nanfang and Lee Nanfang didn't choose the dead end, it would still be fine.    


Just when Lee Nanfang was struggling to swim forward while dragging a burden, a dark blue bullet whizzed by and soared from the bow of the ship.    


They flew across the sky.    


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