Strongest Guard

C1006 Fourth Yin Marriage

C1006 Fourth Yin Marriage

No matter whether she was with people or ghosts, no matter how unhappy Yue Lincheng and the rest were with her, they would still have to attend the Patriarch of Yue Family's wedding, including both men and women, young and old.    


Or not.    


But think of the consequences!    


Don't forget, Yue Zitong was the patriarch of a family with a lot of power. If anyone didn't listen to her, they would lose a lot of things.    


Therefore, even if the Yue Clan's Second Aunt, her daughter and nephew were to curse Yue Zitong into a bastard, she would still have to dress up and attend the wedding.    


Fortunately, there was no need to laugh at this wedding. This made Second Aunt and the others feel extremely at ease.    


Of course they wouldn't cry, it wasn't like Devil Lee's "family".    


The only thing he could do was to follow the rules of a man, left, and right. Like a wooden stake, he stood on both sides of the marriage table, expressionless.    


Yue Qingke, on the other hand, lightly nodded his head in concern when Yue Zitong looked over.    


It was as if he was saying, "Sister, don't worry. With your big brother here, that damned husband of yours who deserves to be slashed a thousand times will not be able to do anything. "    


Behind the Yue Clan male members, stood the Yue Clan's core members, which were Liang Mouchen and the others.    


Zong Gaang, Yue Zitong's Chief Steward, was definitely the busiest person on this occasion and had to be in charge of everything.    


Seeing Yue Zitong with the urns in her arms, Zong Gaang immediately gave a hand signal to a famous wedding host.    


The host, who was already waiting for orders, quickly glanced at Chairman Liang from the corner of his eyes. He then wiped the sweat off his forehead and coughed: "Esteemed gentlemen, ladies, good afternoon!"    


Although the host was known as the capital's number one host, he had also hosted weddings for many important figures' families in the past.    


But he really had never been involved in a nefarious marriage.    


He couldn't laugh, nor could he cry. No matter what he said, he had to think twice before acting. Even if he made the slightest mistake, he would still invite disaster upon himself. It was really too damn hard to do.    


Even if Zong Gaang had given him a red packet worth one hundred thousand yuan, even if he had to give the bride another one hundred thousand yuan, as long as he didn't have to host the wedding, he would still be willing.    


This was not a human job at all.    


It was impossible not to do it.    


Zong Gaang, who had found him with a smile, had said that if he didn't do it this time, then he wouldn't do it in the future.    


The host immediately didn't dare to decline.    


He did not want to end up with a job that cost him millions just because of this.    


The host said these "blessings" repeatedly with Zong Gaang.    


As he had said before, the words "the two of you shall grow old together and have children together" had been completely ignored.    


They dared to let the young and beautiful Patriarch Yue grow old with a dead man, giving birth to an early son. Wasn't this courting death?    


Finally, when the sweat trickled down his forehead and from the corner of his eyes, the host finished his introduction.    


Next, we will proceed to the official wedding segment, "Next, may we invite our distinguished guests to come up onto the stage with the most sincere and sincere attention to the bride and groom."    


The flowers bloom in spring, take away the sadness in winter, the breeze brings the romantic breath, every song is suddenly full of meaning, I suddenly see you at this moment --    


The song "Today I Will Marry You" rang just as Yue Zitong ascended the wedding steps.    


Actually, according to Zong Gaang's meaning, the entire wedding should be simplified, especially the celebratory songs shouldn't be played again. The atmosphere at the scene of the wedding really wasn't suitable for Guain.    


But Yue Zitong didn't agree.    


She felt that she was officially married to Little Nephew today, so of course she had to play this classic song.    


Although Lee Nanfang couldn't hear it, nor could he do what he had wanted to do for a long time, but he never had the chance to do it on the night of the wedding night, but what was there to do?    


The bride had specially prepared a doll.    


The cloth doll and the real person were about the same size. It took three days for the best painter to finish painting Lee Nanfang's face.    


It was vivid and lifelike, with no eyes at all.    


The old painter had said that it was not that he was afraid of taking away his soul as the legend claimed — it was that this was the most complacent painting of his career, almost catching up with the legendary Divine Brush Ma Liang.    


The Divine Brush, Ma Liang, can step down from a painting when he is drawing with just a touch of his eye.    


Then, what if the painter gave the puppet a taste of life?    


If you live, you can lose it.    


When the time came, he would have to draw another one. It would be so troublesome.    


Of course, Yue Zitong had to accept the painter's reasonable request.    


She was going to wait for the wedding ceremony to end and go to the bridal chamber in the evening. Then, she would pick up the brush and personally light the eyes of the doll as the painter had said.    


Then, the doll came to life.    


After that, the puppet smiled and said, "My wife, it's already late. I think we should just relax and rest early."    


He had already made such adequate preparations. Yue Zitong even wanted to play "Today I Will Marry You" for Mao Zedong?    


Amidst the cheerful and strange singing, with the support of the two bridesmaids, Yue Zitong slowly walked onto the wedding stage with the bone ash urns in her arms.    


The host was just someone with money, so he didn't deserve Patriarch Yue's attention.    


However, the main wife of the wedding, Chairman Liang, had to accept her sincere respect and thanks.    


"You're welcome."    


Chairman Liang smiled and looked at the host: "Little Wang, shouldn't I follow what you said and get them married?"    




Little Wang bowed slightly and said respectfully.    


"That's good. Let's begin."    


Chairman Liang nodded. He lifted his hand to adjust his frameless glasses, took a step forward while taking the microphone, and slowly scanned the guests with a smile. "Good afternoon, everyone." Today, on this special day, being able to marry a couple of newlyweds who are separated by Yin and Yang is a very meaningful matter in my life.    


Chairman Liang had an extraordinary identity, and his age was here again. He smiled as he presided over the upcoming wedding. No one, including Yue Zitong, could find anything wrong with him.    


Those below the stage would only look at him with respect, while Yue Zitong was grateful.    


Without caring about Devil Lee's feelings, before Chairman Liang's opening remark ended, the venue started applauding.    


This had nothing to do with fawning on Chairman Liang, it was just out of respect -- didn't you see the applause from Yue Lincheng and his family, was it the most enthusiastic?    


Chairman Liang had no choice but to raise his hand to signal everyone to stop clapping.    


Consider the feelings of the dead, all right?    




Before the sound of the big guy could fade away, the south wind suddenly grew even stronger.    


He blew on the door until it was full of air, swaying left and right like an electric shock.    


When the arched door was erected, Zong Gaang thought it would be windy so he specifically ordered someone to use the No. 8 steel wire rope, wrapped it in red silk, and pull the arched door in four directions. Then, he tied it to a one-meter high solenoid and smashed it into the ground with his sledgehammer.    


This way, even if it were a strong wind at level 6, it wouldn't be enough to blow the door down.    


Although the sudden gust of wind was fierce, it could only cause the arched door to tremble.    


However, the four big red lanterns hanging under the arched door were clearly also tightly tied by iron wire and could resist the level six wind. However, the material of the lanterns themselves didn't seem to be too hard.    


When the wind blew, one of them made a "crackle" sound.    


Everyone looked up at the sound and saw that the second lantern on the left had been torn by the wind. It looked like a man's neck that had been cut by a sharp knife.    


"What's going on?"    


When Zong Gaang frowned, he realized that the cloudless sky in the northwest direction was actually covered by black clouds.    


It was obviously the south wind, yet the dark clouds were drifting over from the northwest. This was simply strange.    


Furthermore, Zong Gaang had already paid attention to the weather.    


In case of rainy weather, a large glass shack would have to be built over the wedding site.    


In the weather forecast two days ago, it was said that there were no clouds and the weather was extremely good.    


As a matter of fact, at the start of the wedding, the hot early summer sun had even left the guests listless.    


Can be hair!    


Suddenly, the south wind began to blow, and dark clouds began to float up from the northwest.    


Look at the big black clouds, one like a horse, the other like a dragon, and then like a yaksha with a fork in the air, with the force of a thunderbolt pouncing over the wedding.    


The wind had finally turned.    


Almost without any warning, it changed from the south wind to the northwest wind.    


A few seconds after the change of wind direction, the big red lantern with the broken "neck" let out a loud piercing sound and was blown away by the wind.    


"What's going on?"    


Many of the guests had a sense of dread in their hearts at this moment.    


They watched helplessly as the originally drowsy sun quickly dimmed and was swallowed up by the dark clouds.    


Ka-cha! *    


A clap of thunder that could almost shatter a person's eardrums sounded out, and at the same time, a bolt of lightning shot out of the clouds and descended upon the earth.    


That lightning, was like a myriad of silver snakes scurrying about, mixed with an arrogant Evil Qi.    


Thunder helped the wind.    


It was as if there was a big hand that could not be seen, and the wind in the northwest direction was suddenly drawn over.    


The wind bellowed, blowing up a huge amount of sand and dust, billions of beans that were about to become soldiers, and smashed on the glass ceiling, dozens of arched doors, and hundreds of guests and staff on the wedding stage.    


Every year, there would be a few sandstorms during the different seasons in Beijing. People had long since gotten used to this.    


However, there had never been a sandstorm that came so quickly.    


There was no sign.    


Folk customs have clouds, rain from the northwest, no good rain.    


He also said that the northwest wind was the key to opening the heavens.    


There was no good rain, of course, it was sudden, catching people off guard, and there would also be strong winds that would blow away crops, trees, and fragile houses.    


The key to opening the sky was that when it came into contact with rainy weather, a strong wind from the northwest would disperse the dark clouds, allowing all living things to once again see the clear blue sky.    


Then, which one was the northwest wind that had suddenly risen up today?    


"Yin marriage!"    


Just when a child from the Yue Clan, who was a few years old, was squinting his eyes due to the wind blowing sand, accidentally caused his eyes to hurt when he rubbed them. He could not help but cry out.    


Instantly, everyone present felt goosebumps rise all over their backs.    


No matter how many people present didn't believe in ghosts or gods, after hearing these two words and thinking about the bad feeling they had after participating in a wedding, they jumped up from the soles of their feet.    


He only wanted to turn around and run to the side of the road before jumping into the car and leaving in a cloud of dust.    


What wedding? Go to hell.    


"No, but it's a long night. "In the south, there is no Aye, the karma God Shuo, the Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva —"    


Just as Zong Gaang was also trembling in fear, a faint burning sound rang out from within the gale.    


Zong Gaang wasn't the only one who heard Fen Yin, because a woman in front of him also cried out: "Great Sorrowful Curse!"    


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