Strongest Guard

C1008 Six of Yin Marriage

C1008 Six of Yin Marriage

Five hundred meters away, there was a tall monk chanting at the censer from under a large poplar tree. Many guests and guests had seen this scene.    


Everyone was very clear on why the High Monk would appear here. No one felt there was anything wrong with it, no one wanted to discuss it, and no one dared to come out and criticize Patriarch Yue, saying that she was doing Mao's feudal superstition.    


After all, this Yin Marriage was no longer a normal affair. The strange atmosphere here indicated something. With a monk chanting sutras to drive away this uncomfortable feeling, everyone felt more at ease.    


Therefore, when a gale arose, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, sand and dust filled the sky, creating a chaotic scene. Everyone could hear the faint chanting of sutras, and they would definitely be affected to a certain extent.    


In his heart, he was no longer as flustered. Even if this sandstorm was indeed caused by a "demon", with the High Monk overseeing it, there was nothing to be afraid of.    


Especially when the gale suddenly stopped and the sand and dust that had ruthlessly smashed everyone stopped for a moment, and then quickly fell down, the peaceful and righteous burning sound became even louder. Even those who curled their lips after mentioning the supernatural phenomenon had the thought of standing around that tall monk, full of piety, with their hands clasped together in gratitude.    


However, before everyone could think of anything else, a sharp and sinister sound that seemed like metal rapidly rubbed against each other made their teeth ache. The woman's laughter that trembled within their hearts suddenly sounded out, suppressing the sound of burning flames.    


No one at the scene had ever heard of such an unpleasant sound. It was a terrifying laughter, as if it came from a grave. Upon hearing it, their hearts would jump uncontrollably. They subconsciously covered their ears with their hands and opened their mouths to let out painful cries.    


Jinghong Ming had the same feeling.    


However, none of the hundreds of people present could match his training in the Martial Dao. He immediately took a deep breath and ordered Holan Fusu and the others to stay here to defend. He wanted to go over to the source of the ghost smile and see who was playing tricks on him.    


Holan Fusu was not a subordinate of Jinghong Ming, and his position was also not ordinary either. The Heaven Helan Family at noon was the most likely candidate to become the third generation Patriarch, and in a sense, his status was even more honorable than Jinghong Ming.    


However, after Jinghong Ming gave the order, he did not hesitate at all. Just as he was about to agree, that sharp eerie female voice rang out once again, suppressing the Buddhist chanting.    


It was as if this woman's laughter was the devil driving the sandstorm.    


Along with the sound of laughter, the gale that had stopped strangely once again raged on as if it had rushed out of a sluice gate.    


The woman's laughter became even sharper as she urged the sand that seemed to have life, pouncing towards the dazed crowd.    


When the gale stopped, the people who didn't have time to run into the temporary hotel, other than Jinghong Ming and a few others, were basically all standing on the spot in a daze. Especially after the woman's laughter rang out, they could only cover their ears.    


It was only when a fierce wind blew and they were hit in the face, when the pain made them cry out involuntarily, that they realized it was best to quickly run into the hotel.    


Jinghong Ming didn't care about that.    


He didn't even wait for Holan Fusu and the others to reply him loudly. After giving the order, he rushed out like a leopard against the fierce wind.    


"Everyone, don't panic, bend over, and squint your eyes. It would be best if you could hold hands with the people around you and retreat into the hotel in an orderly manner!"    


After Jinghong Ming left, Holan Fusu immediately took on the heavy responsibility of maintaining order at the scene. He ordered sternly, "All the highest active duty members at the scene, gather at the wedding stage. No one is allowed to rush onto the wedding stage!"    


When the gale stopped, Holan Fusu could clearly see that Chairman Liang and Patriarch Yue were still up there.    


Let's not talk about Patriarch Yue for now. Just Chairman Liang alone is a true big shot.    


To what extent?    


Everyone at the scene, including the bride Yue Zitong, could get into an accident, but only Chairman Liang could not have any mishaps.    


If anything happened to him during this chaos, it would shock the entire country and even the entire country. Because of his accident, the map of China would have uncontrollable fluctuations.    


Like Jinghong Ming, Holan Fusu, who had worked hard at the National Security Agency for so many years, knew this principle better than anyone else.    


When Chairman Liang needed protection the most, Jinghong Ming didn't stay. Instead, he dashed forward. That was because he knew that offense was the best defense.    


Always defending meant that he would be at a disadvantage.    


Jinghong Ming could only take the initiative to attack and block out the unknown danger. Leading Holan Fusu to lead all the highest active duty at the scene to protect Chairman Liang, that was the most correct way to respond.    


Only Jinghong Ming, who was exceptionally calm every time he changed, would think of this and act immediately.    


Holan Fusu, as well as the ones with the highest rank of active service, were not small either. However, none of them were able to make the most accurate judgement like him in an instant.    


This was the difference.    


Fortunately, Holan Fusu reacted quickly and immediately followed his orders.    


The more anxious people were, the more they needed someone to stand out and tell them what to do.    


At this time, Zi Fann was usually someone with a little brain, so he would follow Holan Fusu's orders.    


A few of the highest-ranking officers, including Qi Yue, immediately shouted loudly, pushed away some of the flustered people, and rushed towards the wedding stage.    


As previously mentioned, around the northwest wind Master Empty, there was also a special small team that was specifically responsible for protecting the censer without any accidents.    


They were the special elite soldiers who guarded the capital. Whether it was their individual combat abilities or the advanced weapons they were equipped with, they were all existences that struck fear into the hearts of the outlaws.    


However, when these people were transferred here, they were only responsible for protecting the censer without any accidents, and did not receive any other orders.    


They didn't even know who was getting married at the wedding hundreds of meters away.    


They naturally didn't know that there was actually someone as important as Chairman Liang at the wedding. At this moment, they needed their protection.    


Even ten big censers were not as important as Chairman Liang's safety.    


But they didn't know.    


All they knew was that when a gale suddenly rose, the Fen Yin sang, laughed sinisterly, and the surroundings changed, the atmosphere was strange and dangerous. After that, the second lieutenant in charge of the group immediately ordered every unit to enter the highest state of combat preparation.    


A sudden sandstorm at the wedding could cause the noble ladies and gentlemen to show off their authority.    


However, in front of these special forces, wasn't the sandstorm a bit too big? Wasn't there a very unpleasant sound of laughter?    


Who cares what it is, all we have to do is put on the goggles on our helmets, reload the bullets, turn them on, lie still in the distance, and aim them right at the censer.    


Shoot as soon as you see any suspicious people approaching the censer.    


Don't look at a soldier as if he's a cop. Before you go after a criminal, you have to shout that I'm a cop, put your hands on your head, or you'll see what you can do.    


In such a situation, the soldiers would only give the suspicious person a chance to warn him. After the warning was ineffective, he would immediately knock him down.    


"Reporting, someone is approaching the restricted region from the direction of four o'clock!"    


From the Second Lieutenant's Bluetooth earpiece came a soft report from the soldiers.    


The second lieutenant with the goggles immediately looked in the direction of four o'clock and replied in a deep voice, "Gun warning!"    


There was a sandstorm blowing in from behind a nearby forest.    


The treetops were tilted northwest by the strong winds, as if they were going to fall down at the same time. Most of the sand and wind were also removed, making it easier to see from eighty meters away.    


The second lieutenant, who was lurking in the north, looked in the direction of the four o'clock. Sure enough, he saw a vague shadow, approaching the direction of the forbidden area where the censer was located at great speed.    


Such a strong wind.    


As long as he was a good citizen, even if it was to avoid the wind, he or she would run straight into the forest where he or she could avoid the wind.    


This figure was charging towards the restricted region at an angle. It was clear that he had ill intentions.    


"There really is some sort of person that dares to have ideas about national treasures."    


As the Second Lieutenant sneered in his heart, a sharp gunshot pierced through the wind and resounded in all directions.    


The shot was a warning. Since it was a warning, of course, the person being warned would hear it.    


The Second Lieutenant could see that after the gunshot, the shadowy figure only stopped for a moment before turning around and pouncing towards the direction of the soldier with a speed that made him want to cry out in alarm.    


Which of the second lieutenant in command could not be an elite among elites?    


Especially in the case of sudden accidents, the ability to judge the situation and be accurate to the point of making one's hair stand on end.    


The second lieutenant who was leading the team was an expert. After seeing the dark figure being warned, he immediately realized that it was not good and shouted, "Shoot! Kill the target on the spot!"    


The units whose fingers were already pressed on the trigger did not hesitate at all after hearing this and immediately pulled the trigger.    


Especially Xiao Mu, who had fired a warning shot, seeing the black shadow dozens of meters away from him, not only did he not squat down with his head in his hands like a normal person, or turn around and run, but instead charged towards him against the wind, he knew what to do next.    


"You're courting death, don't blame me."    


Xiao Mu sneered. He calmly adjusted the angle of the gun and pulled the trigger a second time without any hesitation.    


The trajectory of the bullets was the head of the target.    


Xiao Mu was ranked ninth in the military contest. His spear skills were especially outstanding and even the second lieutenant had to admit defeat.    


It wasn't a lie to say that he was a Sharpshooter with high accuracy.    


Even with his eyes closed, he was still able to accurately hit the target in the head from a distance of tens of meters.    


The moment the bullet left the barrel, Xiao Mu felt like he had just been shot in the head. He didn't even have time to grunt before his head fell onto the ground, as if it was hit by a giant hammer.    


But reality …    


The moment the bullet left the barrel, Xiao Mu was horrified to find out that the wrong target that should have been 'waiting' for him to be shot through the head had disappeared!    


As for him, he had been staring at the target from the very beginning, without a shred of attention, okay?    


It was just like how the target had never existed.    


The black shadow he saw earlier was only an illusion.    


"How could this be?"    


While Xiao Mu was suddenly puzzled by this question, seven to eight bullets came from the west and north, whizzing as they flew into the gale.    


Xiao Mu didn't hear any screams.    


If he had been hallucinating, then the comrades who had fired at the wrong targets at the same time as the Second Lieutenant had given the order had also been hallucinating?    




This was not an illusion!    


The dark figure that attempted to invade the forbidden area did exist.    


Then, how could the shadow disappear when they shot at almost the same instant?    


"Where did he go?"    


When Xiao Mu had his second thought, his sixth sense, which was the most sensitive to crisis, caused him to roll rapidly to the left.    




One of his feet brushed against Xiao Mu's face and stomped hard on the ground.    


This was a field, not concrete, just dirt overgrown with weeds.    


However, Xiao Mu still couldn't believe it. The foot that wanted to stamp on the back of his neck had actually sunk deep into the ground a full seven to eight centimeters.    


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