Strongest Guard

C1013 You Can Only Have Him as a Man

C1013 You Can Only Have Him as a Man

After hearing this creepy laughter, Holan Fusu's nerves suddenly tensed up.    


This voice was precisely the eerie laughter that sounded not long after the sound of the flaming sound was transmitted over, as a sandstorm had just started.    


The woman's sinister laughter seemed to be the owner of this sandstorm.    


It was this extremely uncomfortable laughter that drove away the sandstorm, causing the tornado to engulf Yue Zitong's sinister wedding ceremony.    


It was this laughter that made Jinghong Ming feel the danger and he personally charged over there in an attempt to find its owner.    


Holan Fusu didn't know whether Jinghong Ming had found the owner of this sinister laugh or not.    


But now he knew.    


Jinghong Ming, who had never been defeated, did not come back, but an evil laugh suddenly rang leisurely in Holan Fusu's ears.    


Holan Fusu twisted his body and punched to the left without thinking.    




Holan Fusu's fist focused on one thing.    


It was soft and cool, like a snake.    


Of course, this was not the body of a venomous snake, but the palm of a person.    


A woman's palm.    


Holan Fusu's full strength punch was easily blocked by the woman.    


"Who are you?"    


Holan Fusu's heart shook as he yelled and raised his foot.    


At this moment, he had not even withdrawn his left fist, yet his right foot had already been lifted. It could be said that his movement was smooth without the slightest stagnation.    


No matter who this sneering woman was or how powerful she was, Holan Fusu was confident that he could kick her away.    


However, the moment he lifted his right foot, he felt a sharp pain at his ankle.    


At the start of his kick, his right foot pulled up an eight-gauge wire rope, which was used to secure the arched door.    


However, in front of the powerful and destructive tornado, if Number Eight steel wire rope wanted to secure the arches that were easy to attract wind, it would simply be a joke.    


It was very easy for them to break, and they were tightly entangled with the other steel wire ropes that were snapped at the same time.    


Holan Fusu kicked his right foot in a hurry and put it around Holan Fusu's ankle.    


Holan Fusu, who clearly sensed the danger of this smirking master, would not need to use his full strength when his right leg kicked after he took the initiative to punch out with his left hand and was thwarted?    


However, what he didn't know was that the moment he started moving, the eighth steel wire rope had already pulled him out.    


Therefore, the more power he used, the stronger the rebound he would suffer.    


The No. 8 steel rope that was not much thinner than the chopsticks, although it could be easily snapped by the tornado, it was not something that Holan Fusu could break with a single kick.    


The only thing he could do was to stop him from taking action. The steel wire rope had been deeply embedded into his skin.    


Like a blunt saber, blood immediately began to pour out.    


Caught off guard, Holan Fusu groaned in pain and quickly landed.    


In a battle between experts, a single flick of a finger could determine victory or defeat. This wasn't just a joke, it was an unchangeable fact.    


Holan Fusu, who should have been able to get up but was unable to, was instead forced back by the steel wire rope. Holan Fusu, who was lying forward, gave the sneering woman a great opportunity.    


"Hur hur."    


Amidst the light laughter, Yang Guanguan easily grabbed Holan Fusu's shoulder and pushed him away. At the same time, her right knee was lifted and pushed heavily against his chest.    


Luckily, Holan Fusu had a lot of combat experience. The moment he lost control of his body when he leaned forward, he instinctively raised his hand to protect the vital points on his chest when he realized that he was being grabbed.    


If Yang Guanguan's Knee Strike were to land solidly on Holan Fusu's chest, it would only break his breastbone.    


If he were to break his sternum, which had been bent back, it was highly likely that it would pierce into his internal organs, causing him to die on the spot.    


Luckily, Holan Fusu was able to react in time and used both of his hands to remove Yang Guanguan's Knee Attack.    


This was just like adding a layer of cushion to his chest, acting as a crucial buffer.    


Even so, it made his eyes go black. He opened his mouth and was just about to scream out in pain.    




A heavy, muffled sound came from behind him.    


It was as if the back of his heart had been ruthlessly smashed by a large hammer, forcefully knocking back the scream that Holan Fusu was about to let out.    


He spat out a mouthful of blood instead.    


It was Yang Guanguan who raised her right elbow and viciously smashed it into his back from the top of her knee.    


The power of the elbow strike was not to be underestimated, but compared to the fiercer knee, the strength was still lacking.    


In addition, Holan Fusu was a top-notch expert, so his ability to resist blows was not ordinary.    


Therefore, after Yang Guanguan's elbow, which could shatter the stone, fiercely smashed on Holan Fusu's back, it only injured his internal organs and made him spit out a mouthful of blood. However, it did not cause any fatal danger.    


"You reckless fool."    


Yang Guanguan sneered and threw Holan Fusu away.    


In the black sand that filled the sky, Yang Guanguan casually tossed the person away. She didn't even know where she threw the person, much less what he would crash into, whether he would crash directly into his head or not.    


This was because she didn't know that the person she threw out was Holan Fusu.    


Yang Guanguan had previously exchanged blows with Holan Fusu, when Qingshan was about to take Lin Yiting away.    


At that time, Holan Fusu and Ye Xiaodao still teamed up, but in the end, they were completely crushed.    


If it wasn't for Lin Yiting's underlings accidentally shooting and injuring Yang Guanguan and luring her away, Holan Fusu and Lin Yiting would probably have been played to death.    


It was also because of that injury that Yang Guanguan especially hated the person who dared to shoot her.    


She also hated Holan Fusu and Ye Xiaodao. She swore that when the opportunity presented itself, she would kill these two people.    


The reason why she didn't recognize Holan Fusu now was because the sand was so big that one couldn't see Holan Fusu's face from a few meters away.    


And before Holan Fusu could use his martial arts, he was knocked out by her.    


So, of course, she didn't know that the person she threw out as a puppet was Holan Fusu, who she swore she would kill.    


Otherwise, she would not easily throw him aside and drag him down.    


After carelessly throwing Holan Fusu out, Yang Guanguan's figure flashed. Like a ghost that had melted into the sand, she laughed sinisterly before entering the temporary hotel along with the wind.    


What she didn't know was that she just casually threw Holan Fusu out, but she didn't expect that in that direction, there was a triangle-shaped iron that was like a gun pointing towards his head.    


This triangle was one of the steel structures of this temporary hotel.    


After the tornado struck, the steel structure that supported the inn had completely deformed. This triangle-shaped iron wall that was placed horizontally across the wall seemed to stick out like a spear.    


Holan Fusu, who had been knocked out and was flying in the air, didn't know that. His head smashed against the triangle-shaped iron wall.    


If he were to collide with it, the triangle-shaped iron would immediately pierce through the Baihui acupoint above his head and pierce into his abdominal cavity.    


If Brother Fusu is still not dead, then -- he may not be an Earthling.    


Seeing Holan Fusu's head about to hit the triangle-shaped iron, red and white brains splattered everywhere, but a black shadow jumped out at lightning speed from the obliquity stab, using its shoulder to knock him out just in time.    


Like a rubber ball that was about to be shot, Holan Fusu was kicked away by the defender. After flying three meters away, Holan Fusu landed on the ground with a thud.    


It must have hurt, but it was ten thousand times better than having his head pierced by a triangle-shaped iron.    


The black shadow grabbed the triangle-shaped iron wall and circled around it like a monkey, dispersing the force of the pounce. It then sat down on top of the triangle-shaped iron wall and looked at the entrance of the hotel with its hands in the shade, cursing in a low voice, "Damn, who is that sneaky woman, she is so strong."    


The sandstorm was too big, so Yang Guanguan naturally did not see someone save Holan Fusu in the nick of time. After rushing into the hotel like a ghost, she immediately saw Yue Zitong.    


Yue Zitong was kneeling at the foot of the east wall. After being enveloped by a dazzling ray of sunlight that was ten centimeters wide, it was exceptionally radiant in the dark hall. It was impossible for Yang Guanguan to not notice her.    


"Haha, Patriarch Yue, why haven't you left yet?"    


Smiling sinisterly, Yang Guanguan pushed off the ground with her feet and pounced towards Yue Zitong, who was seven meters away.    


The place Yue Zitong was standing was simply too dazzling. The surroundings were completely dark, so Yang Guanguan didn't notice Qi Yue who was standing beside her.    


Yang Guanguan only wanted to grab onto this heartless woman and fiercely scratch five bloody holes in her beautiful head.    


There was no hatred between Yang Guanguan and Yue Zitong.    


If she wanted to kill Yue Zitong, she would have achieved her wish long before British Island.    


Now that Yang Guanguan wanted to kill her, it was because she couldn't bear to see her despicable act of using the last bit of Lee Nanfang's value.    


The more terrifying a devil was, the stronger certain principles would be.    


Yang Guanguan's existence proved this point.    


Do you still remember how she threatened Hamm?    


She said: "You are now Lee Nanfang's woman, so you can only have him in your life. If you dare to do something that would let him down and find a man to put on his green hat, I will wring off your head! "    


Lee Nanfang would die by her hands sooner or later. This was a fate that no one could change.    


Perhaps it was because he felt a little bit guilty towards this dead man, even though he was still alive?    


After all, it had taken so much effort for her child to grow up to perfection, yet she had chopped off his head at the most beautiful moment. Yang Guanguan felt somewhat sorry for him, so she wanted to make up for it.    


What does a man need most?    


It was all about money, power, and beauties.    


Lee Nanfang wasn't short on money.    


Even if Yang Guanguan wasn't interested in drugs, she knew it was a gold-sucking monster.    




Yang Guanguan, on the other hand, hoped that Boss Lee could go to Flame Valley and assume the position of "Queen."    


If Lee Nanfang really wanted to go over there, Yang Guanguan would provide him with the best living conditions and let him grow as fast as he could. After the Black Dragon had matured, he would then chop off his head with a 'kacha'.    


However, it was very obvious that Lee Nanfang would not agree to go there to live in seclusion, and even more so, he had no interest in her position of 'Queen'.    


Therefore, Yang Guanguan could not satisfy him with this rule of power.    


In that case, the only thing Yang Guanguan could give him would be beauties.    


She had countless beauties under her command, and the most outstanding one was none other than the women of the Four Great God s.    


The Moon God of the Four Great God s was already dead, and the Night God had long been engaged in adultery with Lee Nanfang. No matter, Zhan Hsingshen and Lee Muchen were both virgin girls, so Yang Guanguan could bring the two of them together with Hua Yeshen and give them to Lee Nanfang to eat.    


Yang Guanguan firmly believed that there was no man in the world who could resist the temptation of having three Great God girls serve one husband.    


Especially Lee Nanfang, who had the Black Dragon "Snake-sex" hidden in his body.    


As for the Three Great God s, Yang Guanguan would definitely not consider whether or not she would agree to serve the three of them together.    


They could only obediently obey their orders.    


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