Strongest Guard

C1040 The Last Black Cloaked Holy Maiden

C1040 The Last Black Cloaked Holy Maiden

Jinghong Ming left.    


Seeing that Lee Nanfang's attitude wasn't bad, he had asked this guy to pay for his meal with a total of 32 yuan.    


When Lee Nanfang paid at the bar, the restaurant owner's face almost fell to the floor.    


When she saw him take out a black card, the Lady Boss clenched her teeth and resisted the urge to curse at him for violating professional ethics. "You said that you two men came to my store for a meal, and it took you a while to finish it, so you only spent thirty-two yuan. And now you're taking out the legendary black card to charge a bill? Why don't you just die? "    


However, since Boss Lee didn't look like a good person, she still had to force herself to smile. After receiving the money, she said that she welcomed him to come again.    


Lee Nanfang didn't even notice what kind of attitude the Lady Boss had towards him, not to mention the fact that she brushed away a zero with her trembling hands.    


He was thinking.    


Jinghong Ming only told him Chiang Morann's story, but didn't listen to him talk about Yang Xiao, Hua Yeshen's story.    


What did this mean?    


It only meant that Jinghong Ming already knew about Yang Xiao's existence. If he knew, it meant that she stole Chiang Morann's clothes and knew what Lee Nanfang did in the hotel.    


Perhaps, he had long since used the most advanced telescope to hide in the distance and watched the scene of Yang Xiao hosting the wedding for the two of them through the window.    


As the person in charge of "East Workshop" in the capital, Jinghong Ming had clearly seen Yang Xiao, the great devil, but he had ignored her and allowed her to come and go as she pleased.    


What did this mean?    


Lee Nanfang walked out of the hotel with his clothes in his arms. Only after strolling for more than ten minutes did he manage to figure out the smell.    


Jinghong Ming already knew about Yang Xiao's existence, but there was no doubt about it.    


After all, Lao Hu had fought with this demon before.    


As long as Lao Hu knew, Jinghong Ming would know.    


That is not the point.    


The important point was that Lee Nanfang could finally see that there was a layer of relationship between Jinghong Ming and the others that he could not see through.    


To put it more bluntly, Jinghong Ming should have known about Yang Xiao's existence, his purpose for his existence, and why he wanted to kill Lee Nanfang — but he did not say it out loud, nor did he want to interfere. He just sat there like an outsider, holding a watermelon and watching the show.    


Lee Nanfang really wanted to know what was going on.    


The knowledge of his new wife Hua Yeshen would probably be able to solve most of his doubts.    


But he didn't want Sister Yeshen to say anything.    


Lee Nanfang, who had never had any grand revenge in his life and only wanted to live a happy life until his death, was now caught in a maze. The feeling was very clear.    


It could also be said to be a game.    


Lee Nanfang never liked to play games, wasn't it good for everyone to have the time to get girls to hook up with him?    


But reality forced him to play this game.    


He had to put all his effort into playing, or he would die.    


And he, Lee Nanfang, was the most important player in this game.    


All the rules of the game revolved around him.    


The game had most likely started from the day he arrived in this world.    


Xie Qingshang, cold-blooded yet amorous Jinghong Ming, fickle Yue Zitong, Hua Yeshen, who had completely transformed into a beautiful young lady, even Chiang Morann, Sui Yueyue, Shangdao Yinghua, and so on, all played different roles in this game.    


Lee Nanfang almost never played any of the games that attracted modern young people, but he knew the basic flow of all the games.    


All they had to do was clear the dungeon. After leveling up, they would be able to finish off the big boobs behind the scenes.    


The game is fascinating because of its uncertainty.    


The game he was playing now was more than ten thousand times better than a handheld swimming game.    


This was because the games played by the young people would only cost money, while he was risking his life!    


Not only his own life, but the lives of Hua Yeshen, Chiang Morann, and the others.    


It was all on him now.    


If he took a wrong step, not only would he lose his reputation, the people he cared for would also end up in a miserable state.    


Therefore, from now on, Lee Nanfang could not afford to be careless.    


However, there was no doubt that the more difficult the game was to play, the more surprising the result would be.    


The more he paid, the more he would be rewarded. This was a natural law that would never change.    


"Well, let's play on. I already have no other way out, and I can't just follow along with the flow and wait for death to come.    


After realizing this, Lee Nanfang raised his head to look at the dusky night sky and smiled happily.    


He laughed because he was proud that he had spent so much in this game that no one could ever have imagined.    


Who would have thought that just as it was getting dark, he would ask Hua Yeshen to send him a grand wedding?    


He wanted to tell Jinghong Ming.    


However, the cool-looking Uncle Jinghong thought that he had everything, so he waved his hand and cut off Jinghong's words before he turned around and left.    


Lee Nanfang wanted to smile proudly when he thought of how surprised Jinghong Ming would be when he received Hua Yeshen's invitation.    


"He looks very pleased with himself."    


Jinghong Ming said lightly as he watched Lee Nanfang walking quickly down the sidewalk.    


"That's because he thought everyone, including you, would be taken aback by the prospect of a grand wedding between him and Hua Yeshen.    


Hu Mietang's tone of voice was becoming more and more like a teacher, just lazy.    


"Are you sure he's going to have another wedding with Hua Yeshen?"    


Jinghong Ming turned around, his words were directed at Hu Mietang, but his eyes were focused on the sofa at the corner of the wall behind the door.    


This was the room next to the window of a teahouse.    


A teahouse was not a restaurant. In a place like this, the most important thing was the atmosphere.    


The room was not as brightly lit as the hotel room. There was only a single lamp placed on the table, emitting a soft azure color.    


The lamp's cover was clearly tilted, causing all the light, which was not very bright, to be shone on the other side of the window.    


The corner behind the door became the most backlit part.    


Sitting on the most backlit sofa, he was not very eye-catching to begin with and was even wearing a loose black robe.    


This could be a — nun?    


Only a nun in the church would wear such clothes, covering her head and legs. Her face was covered by a black veil, and only her eyes could be seen from head to toe.    


His eyes were still closed.    


Just like a night ghost that was about to appear, it was very hard for people to notice.    


When Jinghong Ming turned around and asked this question, Hu Mietang also looked at this person.    


This person still didn't seem to exist, neither did he move or speak.    


Jinghong Ming didn't like it when people ignored his words. When he frowned, he finally opened his eyes.    


But it only opened for a moment, and then it closed.    


Even though it was the moment when he opened his eyes, the light in the room seemed to suddenly brighten, bringing with it the color of the Arctic night sky.    


What color is the Arctic night sky?    


It was mysterious blue.    


Then the man began to talk.    


It was a woman.    


Very young, very young — the voice.    


It was so clear that it reminded one of a rural village. A mischievous little girl had taken a snow-melted icicle from under the eaves and stuffed it into her mouth, making a 'kacha' sound as she bit into it.    


However, Jinghong Ming didn't understand every word she said.    


Her words seemed to have been cut off by her teeth, jumping out half a syllable and half a syllable.    


However, Jinghong Ming knew that this was the legendary Mesopotamian language.    


It wasn't that he could hear, it was because Lao Hu told him so.    


Lao Hu was the interpreter for the two of them.    


Jinghong Ming was slightly surprised that Lao Hu could barely understand Mesopotamian.    


Jinghong Ming's surprise made Lao Hu a little proud.    


Lao Hu was like a child at times.    


It was obvious that he had killed a Demon King — after showing off in front of Jinghong Ming, Xie Qingshang and the others, he would be proud of himself.    


However, it was not easy to obtain this feeling of pride. He only stuttered and asked when he did not see that woman say anything.    


I'm sure you're asking me if I heard what you said.    


The woman was very worried about Lao Hu's "stupidity", so she stretched out her hands to gesture at the end.    


Only then did Jinghong Ming realize that the skin on her hands was very white.    


This proved that a woman's actual age was in direct proportion to her crisp voice. She was very young.    


It was a girl.    


He mumbled something that Jinghong Ming didn't understand. It was only when the girl nodded her head and closed her blue eyes that Lao Hu wiped the sweat off his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.    


"I'd rather kill ten people on the street than talk to her again."    


Lao Hu silently said in his heart. When he looked at Jinghong Ming again, he felt proud again, "I can understand what she said, I'm awesome": "She said you can't doubt her. It was because her divining and reading skills were peerless in this world. In the past twenty years, she had helped people more than seventy times, and she had never forgiven them. She also said that if you continued to question her professionalism, you would be punished. "    


Jinghong Ming immediately said coldly: "Ask her for me, if I question her professionalism again, what kind of punishment will she receive?"    


"Alright. "If you pay me, I'll eat burnt sweet potatoes. Let's go for a big disco.    


Lao Hu said a few words to the girl very quickly.    


The girl didn't have any reaction.    


Lao Hu helplessly threw up his hands and said to Jinghong Ming, "You saw it too, she's not willing to say."    


Jinghong Ming couldn't be bothered to pay any more attention to Lao Hu. The corner of his mouth curled up as he quickly walked towards the door with his hands behind his back.    


Lao Hu was too naïve. Did he really think that Director-general Jinghong would not be able to tell that he was talking nonsense when he was asking a girl?    


The moment he opened the door, Lao Hu's serious voice came from behind him, "She just said that she could tell from the photos of the two of them that they were going to have this wedding. That little bastard, he's getting more and more adept at playing now. "    


Jinghong Ming stopped opening the door and asked without turning his head: "Can she stop this farce?"    


Lao Hu muttered something.    


This time, the girl in black opened her eyes and replied.    


Lao Hu shook his head and said to Jinghong Ming, "She just said it, no. This was the will of the heavens. Just like how she warned us not to interfere with Lee Nanfang's business in an attempt to change the fated outcome of heaven. "    


Jinghong Ming turned around and looked at the girl in black: "What's the outcome?"    


After Lao Hu asked the girl in black about it in a low voice, he finally replied Jinghong Ming: "Lee Nanfang, will die. "King Xuanyuan, will be reborn."    


"And after his rebirth?"    


"The world is in chaos."    


"Since we already know that the world is in chaos, why didn't we stop King Xuanyuan's rebirth?"    


"If you do that."    


After Lao Hu asked the girl in black again, he slowly replied, "She asked you, do you know how Mesopotamian civilization disappeared?"    


Jinghong Ming was silent for a long time before asking his last question, "Who is she?"    


"Holy Maiden."    


Hu Mietang replied, "The last Holy Maiden of Mesopotamia Civilization."    


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