Strongest Guard

C1081 I Have Been Given up

C1081 I Have Been Given up

Duan Xiang wanted to monitor the whole affair between Duan Xiangning and Lee Nanfang tonight from the outside, of course she knew.    


No one would like their own private life to be observed by others. Duan Xiangning was the same.    


But there was nothing she could do.    


When Duan Xiang made this unreasonable request with obvious humiliation, Duan Xiangning only reluctantly agreed after a long hesitation.    


In the end, she still couldn't bear to part with her advantageous position of being the great miss of Dali.    


Like, she knew very well that after she accepted Lee Nanfang tonight, no matter how she was bullied afterwards, she would still admit it.    


When she saw Lee Nanfang wandering around outside the door through the peephole, she really hoped for a moment that he would not knock on the door and just leave quietly like that.    


That way, although she could lose her current superior life, she would be able to maintain her final bit of self-esteem.    


It was from Duan Xiang. Lee Nanfang's two difficult decisions had tortured Duan Xiangning to the limit.    


She didn't know why, but after seeing Lee Nanfang walk towards the door, she felt an indescribable fear. It prompted her to jump down from the bed and hug him desperately, begging him not to leave.    


However, after she knelt on the ground, she suddenly understood that the two difficult decisions she had made tonight were simply a f * cking joke.    


She didn't have the power to make any kind of decision.    


She could only choose to compromise in all aspects, or die.    


If she really did not keep Lee Nanfang, which would cause Dali and the others to fail in their plans, after becoming the clan's sinner, even if she did not commit suicide to repent, Duan Xiang had at least eighteen ways to make her disappear from the world.    


The affection of Wealthy Classes was sometimes so thin that it could not even be compared to a single piece of paper.    


Duan Xiangning didn't want to die yet.    


She was still young, she was beautiful, her skin was silky and smooth as satin, and she, like all beauties, didn't understand how wonderful the world was.    


She wanted to live.    


Even living in humiliation was much better than lying in a cold coffin and being burned to ashes.    


No one had the power to take away her life, just like how she needed to hug Lee Nanfang tightly to survive.    


Lee Nanfang sighed in his heart as he felt the trembling fear from the woman's bones, then he raised his hand to chop off the back of her neck.    


Duan Xiangning immediately stopped her crazy actions and hugged her tenderly in his arms. She then helped her to put on her clothes and walked to the bed.    


Lee Nanfang admitted that when he saw Duan Xiangning dressed like this, he said that he was lying to himself.    


No man could resist the current Duan Xiangning.    


However, when he saw that the window in his bedroom was not covered with curtains, he immediately realized that someone was monitoring all of this from start to finish.    


He was already forced to come tonight to meet her.    


After great difficulty in forcing himself to think for Jinghong, Sister Yeshen, and the others, he decided to sacrifice his looks to reduce the unnecessary trouble. Yet, Duan Family had actually played such a despicable hand on him.    


Did he really think that Boss Lee was the male lead of the porno film in Dongyang, and could still enjoy himself to the fullest under the observation of others?    


He is also a man with self-respect, alright?    


To be able to observe the show without having discussed the cost of the performance, that was simply too unkind.    


His injured self-esteem made him realize that Dali lacked the sincerity to cooperate.    


Since that was the case, even if Duan Xiangning was ten thousand times sexier, he would still just turn and leave.    


He was not Old Bachelor who had lived to the age of 80 but had yet to experience a woman's taste. Why did he have to hang himself on a tree?    


However, after realizing that she would disappear as soon as he left, Duan Xiangning ran over and hugged him, begging him not to leave.    


Deeply aware of how frightened a woman is, Boss Lee's kindness is back to him.    


After he knocked Duan Xiangning out with his hand, he put her down and was about to leave, but after thinking for a while, he also lifted his foot and went to bed. He leaned on the headboard and lit up a cigarette.    


He knew very well that this was his last chance to leave.    


After all, Duan Family's foolish attempt to monitor his private life had put them at a disadvantage. Even if Lee Nanfang didn't accept their olive branch, they wouldn't have the face to be his enemy.    


He still hadn't left.    


It was because of what Loong Chengcheng had said, that they were all very pitiful women.    


At the very least, Duan Xiangning, who was used as a tool to tie Lee Nanfang up, was pitiful.    


If Lee Nanfang really left, she wouldn't even have a chance to live until the end of the month.    


Anyway, she was his woman.    


If Lee Nanfang allowed his woman to die, he wouldn't be able to live through the trial of conscience.    


Thus, even though he clearly knew that from the moment he lifted his foot and went to bed, even if he automatically jumped into the annoying fire pit, he still came up.    


Other than his conscience, which prevented Lee Nanfang from giving up on Duan Xiangning, what else was there?    


He lowered his head and looked at Duan Xiangning who seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep within the darkness, and he recalled a saying that she once said, "From the moment you stepped through this door, I am your woman. In the future, I will only be your woman. "My legal husband, you can't touch me again."    


Men are selfish in their relationships with beautiful women.    


They wished that they could dominate all the beauties in the world!    


As for the other men--if you can't get a woman, it's your own fault.    


"Alright, I admit that I'm just a pervert who can't care about anything else for the sake of beauties."    


Lee Nanfang put out his cigarette, lifted the blanket and slipped out. He and Duan Xiangning lay down side by side.    


No matter if it was the heartbeat or the breathing of the unconscious woman, they were both very steady, as if they were fast asleep.    


Tonight, she should be able to have a good dream.    


Duan Xiangning did have a good dream.    


In her dream, she had returned to her girlhood.    


At that time, not only was she even younger, young, and proud, no matter where she went, as long as she revealed the name of the great miss of Dali, everyone would immediately treat her like a princess and curry favor with her, allowing her youth to fly wildly in the sun.    


But she did not know when, she was no longer that princess girl from before.    


She became the tool to expand the power of Dali.    


She was no longer happy.    


Every day she thought about scheming and scheming, and even when her legal husband did that kind of thing to her, he would hold a glass of red wine in his hand and ignore the man's suppressed hatred and think about the things she had to think about.    


Before meeting Lee Nanfang, Duan Xiangning had never tasted the happiness of becoming a woman in the love of a man and a woman.    


If she couldn't even taste the happiness of a woman when it was like that, then how could she continue to dream of being a young girl?    


But tonight, the night she dreaded the most, she relived her old dream.    


When he woke up, the six thirty in the morning sun had already passed through the gaps between the curtains and scattered leisurely on the floor.    


The long eyelashes fluttered and parted like butterfly wings.    


In the morning, especially after waking up from a beautiful dream, a person would be in a daze for a few minutes.    


While letting his brain slowly work, he was also reminiscing about his beautiful dream of lingering and what had happened before his dream.    


Duan Xiangning relived the sweetness of her beautiful dream, and when the corner of her mouth curled up into a smile, her smile immediately stiffened.    


She suddenly remembered what she had done before she fell asleep!    


She had scrambled to Lee Nanfang's side, hugging him and begging him to get on her -- just for the sake of her youth, she had to live well.    


No one had the right to criticize someone who was willing to do anything to protect his own life.    


Life was his, only once.    


If they lost it, they would never open it again.    


It was because Duan Xiangning suddenly realized this that she hugged Lee Nanfang, ignoring everything else.    


But then what?    


What did she do next?    


She couldn't remember.    


Just like how there was no Lee Nanfang by her side!    


"I, have been abandoned."    


Duan Xiangning, who had gotten up with her hands on the bed, was staring blankly at the door with her mouth slightly open. She was as motionless as a clay figurine.    


His heartbeat and breathing seemed to have stopped.    


However, there was an invisible pressure that slowly pressed down on her like a mountain.    


She was just a sexy and beautiful woman, not the Sun Wukong from Journey to the West.    


As she slowly collapsed onto the bed, tears also rolled down her face.    


Just as her mind was in a state of blankness, unsure of what to do next, the faint sound of a door closing came from outside the bedroom.    


The sound of the door closing was obviously very soft, but when Duan Xiangning heard it, it sounded like thunder in her ears.    


Her delicate body jolted as she flipped over her blanket and jumped onto the ground barefooted. She pounced at the door and fiercely opened it.    


There was no one outside the living room.    


Only the fragrance of breakfast came from the sofa.    


The fragrance of the food was like an invisible hook that caught Duan Xiangning's eyes, causing her to look in that direction.    


Two dishes, a bowl of noodles and a carton of milk.    


And a piece of paper.    


The two dishes were scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fried shrimp and yam.    


It was an egg noodle, with two lush green rapeseed and a few red seashells on top.    


It was like there was a baby sleeping in the living room. Duan Xiangning had to stand on her tiptoes and silently walk towards him.    


She picked up the paper.    


If Boss Lee knew that, when she saw that line of words, her first reaction was to think that the dung beetle would come out of the ink and climb on the paper, she would be so angry that even if there was something big, she would immediately turn around and run back. After she ran back, she grabbed her hair like a burlap bag, dragged it into the bedroom and ruthlessly threw it on the bed, bang bang bang — all day.    


"Other than me, I, your father, will never let another man touch you again."    


Lee Nanfang, who was wearing Min Rou's big woman-style sunglasses, felt proud when he thought of the message he wrote to Duan Xiangning on a piece of paper.    


He swore it was the best writing he had ever done in his life.    


It was called a smooth, smooth process, written by a master — presumably at the Zurich auction, it would sell for a sky-high price.    


In addition to feeling proud, there was also a trace of regret.    


Duan Xiangning, who was so charming, actually only hugged her and slept for a while without doing anything.    


"Well, it's not my style. "Fortunately, there will be chances in the future."    


Lifting up his sunglasses, Lee Nanfang sighed in regret. He saw a white Bmw car turning at the intersection in front of him with a turn light.    


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