Strongest Guard

C1085 Second Marriage

C1085 Second Marriage

Yue Zitong's identity was not only the young miss of the Yue Clan in Beijing, but also the clan head of the Yue Clan.    


From an objective point of view, Yue Zitong was on equal footing with those venerable elders from the Wealthy Class such as Dali, Helan Family, and Lin Family.    


Thus, for her big wedding, even the Wealthy Classes who fought openly and secretly with the Yue Clan, would usually send their most important people to attend.    


At such a high level, even if everyone was willing to do anything in secret and fight to the death, on the surface, they would just laugh and laugh and not fall out with each other.    


If Dali only sent Duan Xiang to attend the wedding, it would mean that Duan Family had not followed the most basic rules of the circle. No matter what reason they had, it would cause the entire circle to be displeased.    


To be able to dominate the southwest for hundreds of years with Duan Family, he definitely would not do something so lacking.    


Zong Gaang also believed him.    


They also knew that Duan Family would choose to stand by Hua Yeshen's side in the end.    


But for Patriarch Yue's sake, he said Duan Family only sent Duan Xiang.    


He couldn't just say that the other person's Duan Family didn't pee on us, right?    


However, before he could finish his sentence, a slightly hoarse magnetic voice was heard from the other side of the suite.    


Zong Gaang looked up and saw a White Shirt wearing a black suit with a tie on his neck and a pair of flat black leather shoes. A fair-skinned boy with short hair walked out from the room with his hands behind his back.    


In Yue Zitong's Chinese wedding ceremony, the wedding site was decorated with red lanterns and words of joy. She was dressed in red wedding dress with a pearl phoenix crown, looking just like the queen of a TV show.    


However, the groom was wearing a standard suit.    


If an outsider heard of it and imagined the two of them standing together, they would definitely find it out of place.    


Is this a Sino-Western wedding?    


If it was, then the wedding shouldn't be arranged in this way. No matter what, they had to increase the proportion of Western wedding colors.    


However, when the people who secretly scoffed at them saw the bride and groom standing together …    


Zong Gaang looked at Helan Xiaoxin who had walked to Yue Zitong's side and placed her right hand on Yue Zitong's shoulder. He sighed in his heart. "She's clearly a woman, she's clearly wearing a suit, but when she stands with Eldest Miss, she gives off the impression of a zither and the sound of a bird."    


Zong Gaang secretly sighed, he wasn't just randomly sending it around.    


It was only because he dared to use his head to guarantee that the ten thousand people who saw Helan Xiaoxin dressed like this standing next to Eldest Miss would be stunned and feel that the world was so harmonious.    


It was as if they were the most compatible pair in the world.    


If Helan Xiaoxin, who was dressed in men's clothes but had a seductive and charming temperament, were to be replaced by a man, even the most handsome man in the world wouldn't be able to create the slightest bit of disharmony with her.    


"Perhaps, they are a match that no one can replace."    


Zong Gaang thought like this, then politely smiled and slightly bent his head down.    


When he found out that the bridegroom of the First Miss was actually the Young Miss of Helan Family, his face was paralyzed for a full three minutes before returning to normal.    


Playing the zither!    




How preposterous!    


These three words were Zong Gaang's first reaction after he recovered from his paralysis.    


For the first time, he felt that the rash and rash Eldest Miss might not be worthy of him giving up his life to follow her.    


However, after thinking about why Eldest Miss would do this and the endless amount of benefits from doing this, even though he still felt uncomfortable in his heart, he couldn't help but admire the benefits that she would bring to the Yue Clan from doing this.    


When others knew about this matter, let's not talk about whether the two women were playing the zither wildly for the time being and whether that old man Helan Family was also messing around. Just from Yue Zitong's point of view, she would have found out that she had used a brilliant move.    


Not only did it allow the Yue Clan and Helan Family to successfully marry, but it also protected her safety at the same time. It had also dealt a heavy blow to Helan Qunxing, who wholeheartedly wanted to become the Clan Master of Helan Family, and strongly supported Holan Fusu to become the third generation Patriarch of Helan Family.    


However, they did not realize that Yue Zitong's actions would be of great benefit to her and their Helan Family.    


It was to tie the capital city's Lin Family to the chariots of two families.    


Holan Fusu and Lin Yitingxi made Qin Jin's good, has become a foregone conclusion.    


Since Holan Fusu was Lin Family's son-in-law, then from the Lin Family's point of view, was it because he wanted him to be stomped down by Helan Qunxing? Was it because he was a young master of Helan Family, or was it because he wanted him to become the third generation Patriarch of Helan Family?    


The answer was without a doubt.    


Of course, Lin Family hoped that their son-in-law would be able to become the third generation Patriarch of Helan Family.    


This was the only way that he could maximize the benefits from his Helan Family's association with his Lin Family.    


If Holan Fusu lost to Helan Qunxing, Helan Family might not matter, but Lin Family would make him lose face. In the future, he would not be able to cooperate with Helan Family in all aspects.    


This was also the main reason why Old Master He Lan nodded after a long moment of silence when Yue Zitong made the absurd request of marrying Helan Xiaoxin back home.    


If Helan Xiaoxin was' married 'to Yue Zitong, she would be able to obtain the cooperation of both the Yue Clan and the Lin Family. However, if one wasn't a fool, they could choose the latter as compared to the full cooperation of the Lin Family.    


This was the most advantageous choice for his Helan Family.    


It was just that her Helan Family was about to sacrifice Helan Qunxing.    


Don't forget, in order to stomp Helan Qunxing to the ground and completely defeat him, making him unable to rise above the masses, Yue Zitong had already made the pretense that she wanted to marry him a long time ago.    


How cold would he feel when he heard that the groom was not him?    


Yue Zitong wouldn't care.    


Helan Xiaoxin, who had been attacked by him while he was down, would not bother about him.    


Holan Fusu, who worked hard to become the third generation leader, also didn't care.    


Even more so, the older core members of the Helan Family wouldn't bother themselves with it.    


For the sake of the great benefits of the family, it was not unacceptable to sacrifice an elite child whom the family had painstakingly nurtured for many years.    


After figuring out Yue Zitong's "three birds with one stone" trick, Zong Gaang suddenly felt deeply moved: "These young people of the modern age, especially the beautiful girls, have such a terrifying scheming mind. Just this matter, if it was me, I wouldn't be able to think of it even if I were to face the wall for thirty years. "    


After such an emotional outburst, Zong Gaang's determination to follow Yue Zitong had reached its peak.    


Yue Zitong naturally didn't know what Zong Gaang was thinking.    


After Helan Xiaoxin placed her right hand on her shoulder, her delicate eyebrows slightly creased before relaxing.    


Her frown was light and brief, but Helan Xiaoxin caught it. She quickly retracted her hand and pretended to straighten her tie.    


Yue Zitong was no longer Amon. She was definitely the only thing that mattered to Helan Xiaoxin if she could help her brother become the family head. Of course, she did not dare to offend the 'Madam' anymore.    


Obediently, there will be sugar to eat.    


Yue Zitong looked into the mirror again and asked plainly, "How are you analyzing it? Duan Chuhuang is coming and standing by Hua Yeshen's side?"    


Before she said that, Zong Gaang's mouth moved.    


He wanted to remind the Eldest Miss that the auspicious hour had arrived. It was time for her to step onto the red carpet during the melodious wedding ceremony.    


However, when Yue Zitong asked this question, he immediately shut his mouth.    


In order to understand the attitude of the Dali, the wedding could be postponed.    


Helan Xiaoxin lowered her head, looked at her neatly trimmed fingernails, and laughed: "If you are willing to stay there permanently for Dali located in the southwest, then not buying the accounts for these two weddings, and only sending people like Duan Xiang over for a walk, would still be acceptable."    


If Duan Xiang heard Helan Xiaoxin call her "Duan Xiang's character", she would definitely be angered to the point that her nose was crooked.    


But in reality, the so called Duan Family and four phoenixes, in the eyes of Helan Xiaoxin, who had long attained sagacity, was only the "Duan Xiang's kind".    


If they were to face off against Helan Xiaoxin, who had already rolled around in all sorts of environments, being completely crippled was a foregone conclusion.    


"Zitong, do you think that Dali will willingly stay at the southwest corner forever?"    




Yue Zitong slowly shook her head: "If that's really the case, then Duan Xiangning, who is one of the Four Phoenixes of the Duan Family, would also not marry Lu Hang, who is the eldest miss of the Duan Clan's direct line of descent."    


Speaking of which … Yue Zitong raised her head to ask Zong Gaang, "Uncle Zong, has Lu Family arrived today?"    


The Lu Family that Lu Hang belongs to is a small and wealthy family in Beijing. The one with the highest achievements is only a vice division.    


And that was it, which was what Duan Xiangning obtained after marrying her Lu Family.    


Lu Hang himself was now a branch of the drug administration.    


Someone who could barely be considered a member of a Wealthy Class was not worthy of special attention from the Yue Clan Chief Steward when he came to the venue.    


That's why Zong Gaang thought about it, then shook his head and said: "I didn't receive the favor from Lu Family. But I promise you, during the spread of the invitation card, I did not lower my Lu Family. "    


He did not say whether or not he had seen the person from Lu Family, but only said that he did not receive any sign of Lu Family.    


"Heh heh, someone from Lu Family will definitely come. Just to the west hall. If I'm not wrong, Lu Hang and Duan Xiangning will be there. "    


Helan Xiaoxin smiled sinisterly, and pulled back to the main topic at hand. "From the moment Duan Family married Duan Xiangning to Lu Hang, they had already started planning to land in Jiangbei with their power. Therefore, they would definitely send a heavyweight to the scene today. I can't think of anyone other than Duan Chuhuang, who comes to a party once a year. "    


Before she finished her sentence, the phone in Zong Gaang's pocket buzzed again.    


He took it out and put it to his ear. After a few seconds, he ended the call. He raised his head to look at the two women and said slowly, "Duan Chuhuang is here. He took the west elevator."    


"So it's like that."    


Yue Zitong narrowed her eyes and stood up from her chair. "The wedding is about to start. We don't have time to consider the Duan Family, so why would we make such a choice? But what is certain is that Duan Family will definitely not do anything stupid. "    


Helan Xiaoxin tilted her head slightly and muttered, "Duan Family would definitely not do something stupid. "Then, the reason why they chose the West Hall was most likely …"    


When she got to this point, she stretched out her voice and paused for a moment.    


Yue Zitong, who shared a mental connection with her, immediately followed up, "Hua Yeshen's groom."    


The only reason why Dali could offend the Yue Clan, Helan Family and even Lin Family and become friends with Hua Yeshen was not because of Hua Yeshen, whose background was greater than the heavens, but because of her groom.    


"Who exactly is Hua Yeshen's groom?"    


Helan Xiaoxin crossed her arms in front of her chest and paced back and forth behind her chair, "I really can't think of anyone in Hua Xia who has the charisma to pressure us and is worth the investment of Duan Family."    


"Who's the groom? We'll see him soon."    


Yue Zitong half turned around and said to Helan Xiaoxin, "Get ready, it's time for us to go out."    


"It's ready."    


As Helan Xiaoxin spoke, she took out something from the back of her suit and put it on her face.    


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