Strongest Guard

C1091 The Bride of the Big Marriage

C1091 The Bride of the Big Marriage

Before he took off his mask, Lee Nanfang was willing to make green leaves to complement Hua Yeshen.    


Two reasons.    


Firstly, Hua Yeshen possessed a peerless beauty that would make any man in the world willing to be her disciple.    


Secondly, he felt a great sense of accomplishment.    


Especially when he thought of how such a delicate beauty only belonged to him, the Black Dragon in his body would be agitated and urge him to pounce on her for the rest of the day.    


Some women were born with a strong possessive nature.    


Luckily, Lee Nanfang wasn't as dirty as the Black Dragon — he had to be dirty, even in the dead of night when no one was around.    


That was the most basic form of cultivation as a human.    


Under the thunderous applause, as he slowly walked toward the west hall, he did not look at the foolish humans in the hall who were extremely envious and jealous of him.    


He turned to look at the east hall.    


For some reason that he really didn't want to talk about, Lee Nanfang probably wanted to know who Yue Zitong's groom was more than anyone else on the scene.    


He hoped that Yue Zitong's new husband would die under his Residual Soul in the future.    


Lao Xie had already told him that as long as he felt that he deserved to die, he would kill to his heart's content.    


But you must have the great compassion of "acting on behalf of the heavens".    


Yue Zitong's new husband deserves to die.    


The man who was now in limitless glory and would regret his actions in the future really shouldn't have agreed to accept Yue Zitong.    


That woman called Yue Zitong, if she wants to marry in her life, she can only marry a scum called Lee Nanfang — Lee Nanfang thought in his heart.    


He didn't think he was wrong.    


Whether or not he had let Hua Yeshen down by doing this.    


That was what he thought as he looked at Yue Zitong.    


Compared to the day of the wedding, Yue Zitong was visibly more haggard and haggard.    


Even though her face was painted with extremely delicate makeup, it was unable to conceal the haggard look in her eyes.    


But for some reason, Lee Nanfang, who was dozens of meters away from her, could clearly feel the cold "I'm just courting death" from her body.    


The instant their gazes met, Lee Nanfang stopped in his tracks.    


Yue Zitong also stopped. It was her heart.    


The gaze was clearly an invisible thing, but it could transmit many distinct feelings, or words spoken from the heart.    


"Yue Zitong, you'll regret it."    


Lee Nanfang's gaze towards Yue Zitong was full of this meaning.    


"Who, who are you?"    


When Yue Zitong and Xinn'er suddenly stopped, they used their eyes to ask the man with the blessing.    


"I'm the one who shamed you and caused you to have nightmares every night, causing your new husband to lose his life."    


Lee Nanfang smiled evilly in his heart. The words he said were accurately sent over with his gaze.    


His human nature had gained the Black Dragon's utmost approval.    


It spiraled and roared, "Pounce on her and push her down in front of the crowd!"    


"I wouldn't do that. Because I'm not as stupid as you think. "    


Lee Nanfang sneered in his heart. Afraid that the Black Dragon would use more strength to trick him, he quickly moved his gaze away from Yue Zitong's face and looked towards the groom beside her.    


The two newlyweds had never negotiated before their marriage.    


However, they all chose to wear red wedding dresses, and let their respective bridegroom wear a mask.    


No matter how much trouble the wedding would cause, people would still talk about it in the future.    


When Fuwa looked at the black butterfly, Helan Xiaoxin, who was under her mask, was also looking at him.    


Unlike Yue Zitong, Helan Xiaoxin did not feel Lee Nanfang's evil and complicated gaze.    


He only felt an awe-inspiring killing intent that he had never felt before.    


It was as if the reason he came to this world was to kill her.    


"Who are you?"    


Helan Xiaoxin used her gaze to ask Lee Nanfang.    


"The person who killed you."    


Lee Nanfang answered coldly.    


"Why did you kill me?"    


"Just because you're Yue Zitong's groom."    


"Just who are you?"    


"The person who killed you."    


"You, who exactly are you!?"    


For the third time, Helan Xiaoxin held Yue Zitong's left hand in her arm when she asked this question. Feeling the clear killing intent that caused her to be nervous, her fingers could not help but tighten their grip on the bride's wrist.    


"Don't be afraid of him. Whoever he is, he can't hurt you. "    


After Yue Zitong felt the fear in Helan Xiaoxin's heart, she tilted her head slightly and whispered, "Even if I can't protect you, Jinghong Ming and the others won't stand idly by."    


She was sure that when Helan Xiaoxin took off her mask, Jinghong Ming and the rest would be able to recognize the groom. With their high IQ, they would definitely be able to figure out the reason in the shortest amount of time.    


When they were at Red Bean Prison, Lee Nanfang had promised Helan Xiaoxin before.    


Although he was dead, as his' guardian ', Jinghong Ming and the others must fulfill his unfinished last wish and not let anyone hurt Helan Xiaoxin.    


However, Yue Zitong didn't understand why Hua Yeshen's groom hated Helan Xiaoxin so much.    


Just as Yue Zitong stared blankly at the couple and was about to enter the west hall, she suddenly heard Helan Xiaoxin mutter, "Zitong, I … I suddenly feel like I should know Hua Yeshen's groom."    


"Do you think you should know him?"    


For some reason, after Yue Zitong said this, a terrifying thought flashed through her mind like a long dragon soaring through the air, causing her delicate body to abruptly tremble. She abruptly pulled away from Helan Xiaoxin's hand and walked forward, shouting loudly, "Who the hell are you!?"    


As the two wedding processions were going on, the applause from the west hall was like a clap of thunder. Yue Zitong's sudden shout should not have been heard by anyone.    


However, everyone in the hall heard it.    


That was because she had stepped forward and was standing in front of the wedding stand, in front of the microphone that was used to speak by the wedding emcee.    


The super high quality microphone made her melodious voice sound a dozen times louder. It easily pierced through the music, the applause, and the air of the east and west halls, allowing everyone to hear her clearly.    


As a result, all sounds came to a sudden halt, as if they had been cut by a knife.    


There was not even a cough.    


The question that Yue Zitong asked was exactly the one that many people at the scene wanted to know the most.    


Even if the big guys knew, they could only wait a few more minutes, and then the truth would come out about who the two bridegrooms were.    


Still, the big guy wanted to know who one of the bridegroom was.    


Therefore, when they shut their mouths in unison and saw Yue Zitong quickly walking off the wedding stage with the bridal dress in her hands, heading straight for the newlyweds at the west hall's entrance, no one stopped her.    


However, this did not mean that Hua Yeshen would not make a move.    


Seeing Yue Zitong walk over quickly without caring about her status as a bride, Hua Yeshen stepped in front of Lee Nanfang. Although there was a smile on her face, her voice was cold, "Patriarch Yue, what are you trying to do?"    


"I, I want to see who he is!"    


Yue Zitong's answer was straightforward. She reached out her hand to push Hua Yeshen.    


Sister Yeshen was one of the four Great God's daughter, and possessed a high level of evil skills. Naturally, she could not be pushed away by a national security agent like Yue Zitong.    


Still sneering silently, she raised her right hand.    


He was the first to arrive. Pah! He grabbed Yue Zitong's wrist and threw her a few steps back. "Patriarch Yue, please have some self-respect."    


Hua Yeshen's words were not the slightest bit wrong.    


Who is the groom? Who cares about you, Yue Zitong?    


Oh, just because he was wearing a Fuwa mask and you couldn't tell who it was, you had to take it off and see who it was?    


This was simply preposterous.    


However, Yue Zitong couldn't control her own weight. After being pushed aside by Hua Yeshen, she staggered a little before charging up again. With a cold voice, she scolded, "Hua Yeshen, get out of the way!"    


"I won't dodge."    


Hua Yeshen was also slightly angry.    


Yue Zitong had let her husband down in the first place.    


She had been holding her breath to vent her anger on her husband. It was just that she hadn't found a chance to do so.    


Now the chance had come.    


"Get out of the way, or I'll be rude to you!"    


Yue Zitong wholeheartedly wanted to take off her Fuwa Mask and confirm that terrifying idea in her heart. How could she have the heart to argue with Hua Yeshen? She once again tenderly reached out her hand to push Hua Yeshen away.    


Hua Yeshen raised her hand!    




A resounding slap across the face resounded through the two halls.    


The thousands of people could hear him clearly.    


Holy shit, the bride beat up the bride?    


This is the tempo of ripping.    


After the slap sounded out, thousands of people were stunned.    


Surprisingly, no one had expected that now, they would rush over and separate the two brides that were about to be ripped apart.    


Yue Zitong was also beaten senseless.    


After being whipped, they spun around a few times. Almost every single one of them was stupefied.    


It took her much effort to stabilize herself before she covered her face with her left hand. She looked at Hua Yeshen in disbelief. "You … you dared to hit me?"    


Hua Yeshen sneered. "So what?"    


"How dare you!"    


Zong Gaang, who was the most loyal to Yue Zitong, finally woke up at this moment and rushed over with a loud shout.    


Regardless of whether it was Hua Yeshen or Yue Zitong, they both had a high position in China.    


Even if there was a huge enmity between the two sides, on the surface, they would still act in accordance to the rules of the circle and be friendly with each other.    


What's more, it was the wedding that attracted the attention of everyone.    


Therefore, no one would have thought that Hua Yeshen would actually use violence against Yue Zitong.    


Just as no one had figured out yet, Yue Zitong had no reason to rush over to see who the groom was.    


It wasn't until the sound of slapping that everyone realized what they had to do.    


To mediate?    


Persuade who?    


Persuade Hua Yeshen?    


Or was it to persuade Yue Zitong?    


F * ck, whoever I urge to calm down will be offended.    


This work — it's not easy to do.    


Unless it was Chairman Liang, with his supreme prestige, he would try to calm the two of them down.    


However, he was trying to persuade Yue Zitong, who had already suffered a loss, otherwise, would she think that he was leading the way?    


Let's pretend to be slow on the uptake and wait for a little while.    


Chairman Liang and others could be slow, but Zong Gaang couldn't.    


No matter what Hua Yeshen's background was, and how much the Yue Clan hoped that Yue Zitong would be humiliated, he, the Chief Steward, had to fulfill his duty of being the loyal protector of the Main House.    


Even if he died, he would at least help the young miss regain face.    


The only way to earn back some face was to slap Hua Yeshen's face viciously.    


However, just as he charged over, Director Chenfu, who was also loyal to his master, threw himself at him at all costs: "What are you doing — you!"    


With a bang, the two of them heavily crashed into each other.    


Director Chenfu's forehead just happened to hit Zong Gaang's nose.    


Immediately, blood splashed out from Uncle Zong's nose.    


Director Chenfu cried out in pain. He turned around and shouted, "Are you all f * cking dumb?"    


This was Hua Yeshen's home ground.    


There were hundreds of employees in the West Room who depended on her for food.    


Seeing that the grand wedding was going to be a martial arts show, Director Chenfu was the first to go out and fight with the enemy generals. If they still stood there stupidly, they would definitely screw over the whole affair.    


"Protect Director Hua!"    


It was unknown who shouted, but dozens of employees of the clubhouse rushed over first.    


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