Strongest Guard

C1156 Then Die

C1156 Then Die

Every morning at seven o'clock, no matter where he was, off duty or performing, Zhan Hsingshen would get up on time.    


This was a habit she had maintained for many years.    


Once the good habit of getting up early is formed, the body's biological clock will form the inherent regularity.    


Every time this time around, he would wake her up and remind her that it was time to go outside to exercise a bit. It was time for her to be full of energy to face the new day.    


Lee Muchen, who was poisoned by the beauty's lateness, tucked in a corner of the blanket and stared at the beautiful face that used to be filled with wrinkles. After staring blankly for three minutes, Zhan Hsingshen sighed and lifted the bed under his feet.    


Originally, she felt that being poisoned by the walking corpse was the most tragic fate in the world. However, compared to Lee Muchen, she was lucky.    


For beautiful girls, looks were more important than their lives.    


A girl with a safe face would never have Lee Muchen's current feelings.    


Therefore, Zhan Hsingshen was sure that if the King could untie the beauty Lee Muchen was talking about, he would kill her immediately after she looked in the mirror. Zhan Hsingshen believed that she would agree without the slightest hesitation and die with a smile of gratification.    


However, it was clear that the king would not be so magnanimous.    


She should know that the betrayal of the two of them was caused by Lee Muchen first.    


It was an immutable truth to shoot the bird in the head.    


Creak. Zhan Hsingshen walked out of the west room with the door opening softly.    


In the morning, the small mountain village was quite far from the busy city. The air was especially fresh, and from time to time, a bird would fly across the sky.    


If it wasn't for Lee Muchen who was in the room behind him, if it wasn't for the poison in his body, if it wasn't for the fact that he was wearing a white robe and sitting cross-legged on a chair with his eyes closed and breathing in the golden sunlight, Zhan Hsingshen would have said that it was a beautiful morning.    


The king was cultivating.    


Whether or not Zhan Hsingshen had seen through her life and death, he did not dare to make any sound in case he disturbed her.    


As one of the four Great God's women, no matter how much Zhan Hsingshen dared not ask, he would at least hear a sentence or two about the King's kung fu training from someone else.    


In the novels of the martial artists, there were the Nine Yin True Scriptures and the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms.    


In the modern movies, there was the 'Obscure Fist', which cut off all paths.    


In real life, there are scattered Taijiquan, judo Taekwondo and so on.    


The king's training was in the Goddess's Art.    


It was not jade, but the imperial wind.    


Zhan Hsingshen felt that with this set of methods used by the evil villains, it should be called the Imperial Bodyguard Technique.    


After all, the king was a woman, and this proved that she had already fallen in love with some scumbag.    


Since there was nothing wrong with her sexual orientation, why did she need to use the Goddess's technique?    


It's not like she could become a man like Scumbag Lee, who was seven times stronger than her every night.    


"Oh, I see. It should be King Xuanyuan, who was the first to hope that after practicing this godly technique, he would be able to become the prince's daughter. Unfortunately, no matter how much you train, you won't be able to become a man. "    


Zhan Hsingshen couldn't help but smile mockingly when he thought of this.    


She actually felt that being a girl was pretty good.    


Just like a normal man, there weren't many who wanted to become a woman.    


"Are you laughing at me?"    


Yang Xiao, whose back was facing Zhan Hsingshen, suddenly spoke.    


Zhan Hsingshen was stunned, then he was shocked. He subconsciously bent down and said in a low voice, "I don't dare."    


"It's not that I don't dare, it's just that you don't dare to openly mock me."    


Yang Xiao slowly let out a long breath and opened his eyes, "Don't deny anything. Do you think I can't hear the obvious change in your breathing when you are laughing at me?"    


This was a super freak!    


However, he was right.    


When a person couldn't help but mock, their stomach would flatten. This was because the air in their lungs had to match the mocking movements to be forced out.    


No matter how light Zhan Hsingshen's sneer was, it couldn't change the change of the air flow in his lungs.    


It was also heard by Yang Xiao, who had abnormal hearing, and he figured out what she was doing.    


He was secretly mocking the king. This was a trend of punishment.    


If it was in the past, Zhan Hsingshen would probably be scared half to death.    


But now — she was half dead. What else could she do?    


At most, after being shocked, his heartbeat returned to normal.    


The phrase 'breaking a jar and smashing it to pieces' was also applicable to beauties.    


However, Yang Xiao didn't intend to punish her.    


Is it interesting to knock on a broken jar?    


Without even seeing how she posed, he fell from his chair and slowly turned around. He said lightly, "That's enough, you know I'm no longer interested in doing anything to you, so stop pretending to be afraid and try to fool me."    


Without waiting for Zhan Hsingshen to say anything, Yang Xiao slowly walked towards the entrance of the courtyard. "Come here."    


The king had an order, how could Zhan Hsingshen dare to disobey?    


Shortly after 6 a.m., this small mountain village, which should have not existed for long, woke up from its sleep. Those businessmen who were after the cheap rent on this side all got on their motorcycles or tricycles, and started killing their way towards the city.    




The small yard that Yang Xiao rented was the westernmost side of the small mountain village.    


So no one ever passed in front of her house.    


Furthermore, the western side of the small mountain village was a rugged mountain road. No one came here so early in the morning, which created a good environment for Yang Xiao to spread around.    


Following the rugged trail, Yang Xiao and Zhan Hsingshen walked one after the other to the highest point.    


At the highest point of this unknown mountain, there was a signal tower.    


Lifting his hand and stroking the sunlit signal tower, Yang Xiao sighed with emotion, "If the ancestors were able to survive until now, I think they would have changed their original intentions."    


"What was his original intention?    


Would he still need to fight his way out of Flame Valley and restore the original intent of his Sui Empire?    


That would be courting death.    


Even if the King's killing techniques were invincible, the four legendary Soaring Dragon experts would still not be a match for you. However, no matter how high your martial arts were, you would still be knocked down in one shot.    


You shouldn't have cultivated the Goddess's Art.    


You should cultivate Golden Bell Cover, Iron Cloak or Unbreakable Body.    


Being a rebel now is the most unpromising profession. "    


Zhan Hsingshen laughed in his heart.    


If she wasn't poisoned by the walking dead, she definitely wouldn't dare to think like this in her heart.    


Because of that disgusting poison, Zhan Hsingshen was not afraid of the King anymore: "Just do whatever you want, I only have this one hundred catties."    


Yang Xiao turned around and looked at Zhan Hsingshen, his gaze flickering. "Tell me, if I were to truly fulfill the wish of our ancestors, just how successful would I be in restoring the success rate of my Sui Empire?"    


Zhan Hsingshen answered without thinking: "Not at all."    


Yang Xiao narrowed her watery eyes slightly, making her even more beautiful. He gave Zhan Hsingshen even more pressure: "10%, not even?"    


"Strictly speaking, the word 'success' shouldn't be used to calculate it."    


Zhan Hsingshen avoided the king's gaze and looked at the small mountain village shrouded in clouds. He said honestly, "You should use 'one'."    


"Then, what percentage is it?"    


"A hundred thousand won't be enough."    


Zhan Hsingshen raised his head and whispered: "Your highness, I think you should be clear about it by now. China had become extremely powerful. Especially at present, the country, Tai Min An, when China flourishes, people live and work in peace. "If you ascend to great--"    


"What will happen after I ascend the mountain?"    


"People can only have two reactions."    


"Which two?"    


"First, I thought it was a movie."    


Zhan Hsingshen bit his lower lip and continued: "The second way, everyone thinks, thinks —"    


Yang Xiao interrupted her: "Do you think the wall of the mental hospital is crooked?"    


Zhan Hsingshen was stunned.    


She hadn't thought that the cold and eccentric king would be able to say such a thing.    


"You don't have to be surprised. The way I put it is also influenced by Li Jun, a certain scum."    


Yang Xiao slowly walked around the signal tower: "Although your answer makes me unhappy, but it's a reality that we can't change. These days, all I have to do is watch movies and watch modern war movies. "    


Zhan Hsingshen could hear the bitterness in the king's tone when he said the word "modern war".    


As King Xuanyuan, he would never have thought that the weapons used in modern warfare had already been developed to such an extent.    


If it was just a handgun and a rifle, then it would be easy to kill them. After all, as long as they were skilled enough and moved fast enough, they wouldn't be of much use if they charged into the crowd.    


But why would there be a helicopter gunship flying in the sky?    


And why would there be a missile soaring into the sky with just the push of a button here?    


The explosion point at a distance of ten thousand miles could not have been more than a few hundred meters away.    


The devastating impact from the explosion could cover hundreds of meters.    


In other words, the people outside did not know about the existence of Flame Valley.    


If the authorities knew that there was a stupid force in existence to cause trouble for the nation, they would only need to press the button, tap it a few times, then the missile would fly over with a whoosh, and in a few minutes, the Flame Valley would be razed to the ground.    


Not to mention, they only had one nuclear bomb that could make thousands of people in the valley burp at the same time!    


Even in the sky, there were eyes.    


I heard that the Big Dipper System has been activated. From nine days away, I can see ants running on the ground.    


After clearly feeling the king's dejection, Zhan Hsingshen secretly rejoiced and promptly advised: "Your Majesty, so your subordinate feels that it would be better to keep the ancestor's grand plans in mind and change the strategy."    


"What kind of strategy?"    




Zhan Hsingshen believed that with his intelligence, he would definitely be able to understand what she wanted to say from this idiom.    


The original meaning of subtlety, especially the thought or character of a person, is unconsciously affected by infection and influence.    


Yang Xiao said softly: "You mean, we can pull out all the people in the valley, mix them with the people in the interior and cultivate them so that they can control the country's power, then restore Sui Empire?"    


Zhan Hsingshen nodded.    


"This is indeed a good idea."    


Yang Xiao laughed. "It's just that, to wait for the perfect realization of the plan, I don't know how many hundreds, or even thousands, of years will have passed. At that time, does anyone remember Sui Empire? "    


Zhan Hsingshen's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.    


Yang Xiao guessed it, "Are you trying to tell me that apart from me following my ancestors' wishes, no one else thinks we can succeed? It would be better to just live comfortably like this. "    


Zhan Hsingshen nodded again: "My lord, I think you should be able to see it now. "Other than you, elders …"    


"They are them, I am me!"    


Yang Xiao's ear-piercing voice suddenly became louder, interrupting Zhan Hsingshen: "Even if I'm the only one with Flame Valley, I will still follow the wishes of my ancestors and work hard to accomplish the great mission that I've undertaken!"    


"But you won't succeed."    


Jack ventured in a low voice.    


"Then, die."    


Yang Xiao suddenly smiled and faced the morning sun: "Together with him."    


Her smile was so charming in the morning sun.    


Zhan Hsingshen couldn't help but stare blankly as a golden light flashed in front of his eyes.    


Before she could do anything, a sharp pain came from her face, causing her to scream miserably, "Ah!"    


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