Strongest Guard

C1190 Who Exactly Are You?

C1190 Who Exactly Are You?

It had been a long time since he had been this tired.    


This was Lee Nanfang's first reaction after waking up. He felt like all the bones in his body had been broken. He didn't even want to open his eyes and only wanted to sink into his sweet sleep.    


However, his brain slowly began to operate, allowing his master to slowly recall the events that happened before he woke up.    


Dozens of taxis, hundreds of black-suited employees with big sunglasses, and hundreds of sets of firecrackers lit up the whole place together, creating a miasma. At least four hundred female employees in red high-cut cheongsam started dancing happily together.    


These scenes appeared in Lee Nanfang's mind like a movie.    


Then, the camera turned and it was Chen Dalee's bitter face. Dung Shixiong and the others told him that Chen Xiao had gone missing.    


Chen Xiao's disappearance must have had something to do with the talent show run by Bright Pearl Entertainment.    


However, that company was sealed off by the Pearl Police the day after Chen Xiao disappeared.    


It was said that there were also powerful departments such as the National Security Agency and Supreme Security Office that were involved in this matter.    


The pillar of Bright Entertainment, Zhan Fei, also mysteriously disappeared before the company was sealed off.    


Lee Nanfang originally wanted to call Jinghong Ming and ask him about Bright Entertainment, but someone rang his doorbell.    


The guy who rang the bell was a courier, a courier from Africa. The box was like a coffin.    


What exactly was in the container?    


Lee Nanfang remembered. Both he and the courier guy heard something that seemed to be coming from inside.    


Without a doubt, this international express that cost more than a hundred thousand dollars was sent by Lee Nanfang's eldest son, Lee Han's mother, Hamm, from Africa.    


She wanted to give Lee Nanfang a big surprise.    


What was Hamm's surprise?    


Lee Nanfang's head hurt when he thought of this.    


Because before he saw this "surprise", he smelled a very fragrant scent.    


However, he did not care too much about it. He relied on his indestructible physique.    


It was a pity that he was immune to all poisons in front of the aphrodisiac.    


Thinking back to back then, when he had mixed in Lord Fei's cruise ship with Brother David to rescue Min Rouyuan from his British Island, he realized that the notorious trafficker Hamm, was actually the woman who wanted to push him down in the streets under the Big Dumb Clock. Yang Xiao who had hidden outside the door, had secretly drugged them with aphrodisiac in the spring.    


After that, they did as Yang Xiao said.    


Only then did he have his eldest son, Lee Han.    


Thinking back to all that had happened in the past, it felt like it had happened yesterday.    


Today, Lee Nanfang was eager to find out Chen Xiao's whereabouts, so he repeated the coquettish scene from yesterday.    


It reappeared yesterday!    


When Lee Nanfang thought of these four words, he felt that it was the name of a song.    


The Carpenter brothers sang "Yesterday Again," to the effect that: "When I was young, I liked listening to the radio, waiting for my favorite song to play softly, I accompanied it alone, which made me happy. These blissful times are long gone, and I would like to know where they are... "    


Lee Nanfang smiled bitterly as the melody of this classic song echoed in his ears.    


It did reappear yesterday.    


Twice he was set up, drugged for spring.    


The male lead who was being plotted against did not change, only the female lead and the director changed.    


Last time, the director was Yang Xiao and the female lead was Hamm.    


This time, the director had been upgraded by the original female lead.    


Lee Nanfang had a hundred thousand reasons to believe that Hamm, who had upgraded from female lead to director, would be far more experienced than Yang Xiao in directing this good show after a deep experience.    


He and that girl, whose entire body was covered in honey, were definitely praised by Hamm for his brilliant performance in this good show.    


He believed that Beautiful Young Woman the Snake Scorpion must have witnessed their brilliant performance through a surveillance device. She might have even created a video to use as a bargaining chip in the future when he was looking for her to settle debts.    


No matter how bad Lee Nanfang's memory was, he would never forget the scene at Small Desert Island. After Hamm kidnapped Avril and boarded the boat, he brazenly ordered his men to blast the island into pieces.    


At that moment, he even had the heart to bite Hamm Sheng.    


If it wasn't for his good luck, how could he have made it back alive?    


If he were to die overseas, wouldn't his women and subordinates be bullied by others?    


Therefore, even a fool would know that Lee Nanfang, who had survived a disaster, would go to Africa and give that Beautiful Young Woman, the snake and the scorpion, to —    


Of course Hamm was scared.    


She had to protect herself.    


In what way?    


In this world, bullying was occurring almost every day.    


For example, after Fang Wuliang's boss bullied his female subordinate, he took a photo of the entire process and threatened her, "If you dare to sue me, I'll post all of these on the internet and ruin your reputation, making your family and friends ashamed."    


Thus, other than the beautiful subordinate surrendering with tears in her eyes, what else could she do?    


Lee Nanfang wasn't a subordinate of a beauty, he was a man.    


A man who didn't care too much about his reputation.    


Otherwise, when he was interviewed by the reporters at Seven Stars Club back then, he wouldn't have spoken so arrogantly. He would have let everyone in the world know just how shameless he was.    


However, there was no doubt that Scumbag Lee dared to say that out of the three, it was based on the premise that the Helan Demoness had willingly fallen.    


Thus, the world would feel that a single slap was insufficient. It was a pair of adulterous couples. There really was no need to always pay attention to them.    


But this time was different.    


The girl, who was almost killed by Lee Nanfang, didn't seem to have anything to do with him.    


He was so fierce that he went to his family — could the people of the world forgive such an ugly phenomenon?    


Would they be able to tolerate a scum like him continuing to live carefreely to pollute this beautiful world?    


Surely not.    


As a result, this video became a powerful weapon Hamm used to protect himself.    


Or a pigtail.    


Don't ask Lee Nanfang how he came to this conclusion.    


He didn't even need to open his eyes to know that the girl's right knee was a miniature surveillance camera.    


He was definitely not a supervisor.    


Girls' bracelets, anklets, earrings, etc.    


It could be said that the holographic surveillance was 360 degrees without a dead angle. The effects of the video would definitely be able to catch up to the movie.    


"Oh, shit."    


Thinking about this, Lee Nanfang let out a long sigh in his heart. The tiredness hit him again and slowly swallowed his clear thoughts.    


In terms of physical fitness, men were generally much stronger than women.    


However, if they competed in tenacity, then men wouldn't be a match for women.    


The strength of a man was explosive.    


A woman's strength, on the other hand, was stronger than its durability.    


Especially when it came to men and women, as the first party men, when they attacked women, the women would become a pile of mud without any ability to retaliate.    


However, when a man was half-dead from exhaustion and violence, a woman's stamina would quickly recover.    


This is why the people often say that there is no land to be broken except for the dead cattle.    


Lee Nanfang was that cow. Although it didn't die of exhaustion, after waking up for a while, it only remembered what happened and fell asleep once again.    


Since Shen Yun was here, it didn't matter how much the cattle plowed, they wouldn't be able to destroy it.    


When Lee Nanfang fell asleep again, she slowly opened her eyes.    


Unlike Lee Nanfang, who felt his bones loosen, Shen Yun only felt sore.    


It was as if he had been soaked in a jar of vinegar for many years.    


It was as though someone had stabbed him with chili oil. The burning sensation was unbearable.    


Of course, no one would cut her place, and no one would put chili oil on her …    


She slowly raised her head and looked at the man who was snoring slightly above her forehead.    


The sky was still dark.    


The air was still filled with a thick sweet fragrance.    


In the dark, she couldn't see what the man looked like.    


She could tell it was a man, but she didn't hate him.    


Because before she was drugged by Hamm, the woman who kidnapped her and demanded a huge ransom from Youth Entertainment had already told her everything without a doubt.    


The woman who claimed to be the Queen of the Medusa Dynasty told Shen Yun that she had received a huge ransom from the Youth Entertainment and that she should have been sent back home. However, the gentle and courteous Queen hoped that Miss Shen could do something before she went home.    


It was so simple that it made her feel like a man.    


Shen Yun's entire process would be captured by many monitors -- In the end, after careful editing by Hamm, the professional director, he could create a super action movie that could step on the big America and punch Little Dongyang.    


"Miss Shen, don't blame me for not keeping my word. I am helpless.    


We, the King of Medusa, have just suffered a terrible loss, and we are forced to hide in Europe, to the point of death.    


Our strength is not enough to deal with your crazy counterattack afterwards.    


So, for our safety's sake, I can only come up with this plan, to use it as a handle in your South Korea to protect myself.    


If South Korea were to really take revenge on us, then don't blame me for being heartless, and post this video online, allowing the entire world to enjoy Little Princess of South Korea's brilliant performance free of charge.    


Of course, given how pure you are like a snow lotus, Miss Shen, the man I found for you, regardless of whether it is his physique, looks, reputation, etc., will all be worthy of you.    


Sorry, you don't have any choice.    


You can only enjoy your different life according to my request.    


I truly hope that we can become best sisters in the future. "    


When Hamm said this, it seemed as if he was still answering in his ears.    


Hamm didn't know that Shen Yun, who was given an anesthetic, had her eyes darken before she really wanted to ask who that man was.    


She did not complain or cry loudly just because she was about to face the destruction of her fate.    


She knew very well that these things were useless in front of Hamm.    


It would be better to just quietly endure the devastation of fate.    


Then, she prayed for her fate and for the man who stole her innocence. She hoped that, as Hamm said, he would be worthy of her in any aspect.    


That way, she might feel better.    


Especially after killing the man.    


"You, who could it be?"    


Shen Yun mumbled to herself as she slowly raised her hand and placed it on the man's cheek.    


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