Strongest Guard

C1268 Li Nan Did You See That?

C1268 Li Nan Did You See That?

The wind was so light.    


Lee Nanfang was running wildly in the forest.    


He looked like a blind bear.    


With a bang, his head crashed into a tree, his body staggered, and he continued to run forward.    


He wanted to get rid of Yue Zitong.    


He had to get rid of that shameless brat!    


Even though he desperately needed women right now.    


And when he was under the water, he was connected to her.    


It allowed him to taste his aunt's true love in a short amount of time.    


However, why did he brazenly refuse to go for sex when he needed a woman so badly that all his blood vessels would burst and he would die if he had no woman to help him?    


Lee Nanfang himself did not know.    


If he had to find a reason, it might be because Yue Zitong was too shameless, right?    


Just do what you have to do, and make him call her aunt.    


This shameless fellow was simply too immoral.    


"No, definitely not."    


After landing and running for a few hundred meters, it would appear as if the flame had been extinguished. As the blood circulation speed increased, it would be like a firewood that had been poured with gasoline, ignited by a match. With a boom, the flame lit up, causing Lee Nanfang to feel dizzy and even find it difficult to breathe.    


He could only clench his fist and ruthlessly pound on the wound that was being stabbed by the fruit knife a few times.    


The intense pain temporarily restrained his burning desire, allowing him to regain some clarity.    


He had already become one with Yue Zitong, but I didn't force him to call her my aunt, which made him feel guilty.    


On the contrary, he, like me, enjoys the feeling of sin.    


He ran away because — he loved her.    


He truly loved her!    


If he didn't really love her, he wouldn't have run away when they'd actually already had two substantive relationships and needed her to put out the fire.    


Lee Nanfang's escape was not at the stage where Yue Zitong couldn't bear it anymore.    


Rather, it was his hope that his perfect 'union' with her would be carried out at the most suitable time.    


Last year, when she suddenly broke into the bathtub of a Los Angeles hotel and forced him to move with a gun, it wasn't perfect.    


On the 28th of May this year, he was not satisfied with Yue Zitong's insatiable greed, and when she sneaked into her room on the night of her wedding, she was not perfect.    


They were both abandoned halfway through their journey.    


Neither he nor she had come to do it with deep love.    


At this moment in time, their combination wasn't perfect at all.    


When a man was let go of a Spring Medicine, even if a woman was incomparably in love with him and was willing to suffer his inhuman trampling, he did not know that.    


He would only be like a beast.    


This wasn't what Lee Nanfang wanted.    


If he wanted it, it would be a blasphemy to love.    


If he wanted it, he wanted both of them to give it to each other in a state of clarity.    


It was a gift.    


Not asking.    


Therefore, Lee Nanfang escaped. While Yue Zitong was talking to him, Lee Nanfang was accumulating the last of his strength in order to make a decisive escape before the explosion occurred.    


"Damn it, Lee Nanfang, you idiot." Why did you run away? Was love really that important? She's already prepared to sacrifice herself. You just have to pretend to be a bit confused and take advantage of the situation. Why did you run away? "Why did you just run away, why did you go through — ah!"    


Lee Nanfang said incoherently. As the fire burned down his irritation, he couldn't help but look up and let out a terrifying howl.    


His wolf howl immediately evoked the response of the Black Dragon in his body.    


The demon spawn roared furiously as it scolded him and urged him to run back. It threw Yue Zitong, who had been chasing after it, onto the ground and viciously tore her to shreds, devouring her whole body!    


Vaguely, Lee Nanfang also heard Yue Zitong's shout: "Lee Nanfang, stop right there, stop right there! "You bastard, you bastard, you come back, you come back and take me …"    


Yue Zitong had never thought that she would be reduced to such a state one day.    


He actually continued to chase Lee Nanfang crazily, screaming angrily for him to come back and take her.    




Right here!    


The angry screams were laced with pleas.    


There was a whimper.    


Even Lee Nanfang could think of this when he was half dead from the fire.    


Sui Yueyue, who was far away in the bamboo house, could even deduce the problem, so why couldn't she think of it?    


It was precisely because she could think of this that she was so angry, so sad, and so heartbroken.    


The more Lee Nanfang loved her, the more she wanted to bear the responsibility.    


Even if Lee Nanfang lost his mind, she would still be willing to tear her to pieces and eat her little by little.    


What girl should be reserved? What noble family head? Wait, wait, it's all bullshit!    


She only wanted to catch up to that scumbag, hug him, and let him take him.    


She would no longer call herself Aunt.    


As long as he could relieve the pain, she would call him uncle in the future. It wasn't impossible for her to call herself a servant.    


But why didn't he stop?    


Was he trying to find Sui Yueyue, or Alice?    


"Bastard, scum." Those two stinking women, how could they be better than me? "    


Yue Zitong, who was running wildly, cursed as she staggered and fell heavily onto the ground.    


Not the ground.    


In the water.    


It was a big puddle, covered with tall thatch.    


The surface of the water was about seventeen or eighteen, in a semicircle, connected to the stream.    


In order to catch up with Lee Nanfang's Yue Zitong, she threw herself into the water in a panic, causing the water to splash high.    


Fortunately, the pool of water was not very deep. Yue Zitong was caught off guard and choked a few times, then she stood up.    


"Bastard, cough, scum, cough, you have caused me harm. I will drink dirty water — cough."    


Standing up, Yue Zitong didn't forget to curse someone when she was coughing violently.    


However, just as she raised her hand to wipe her eyes and was about to turn around, it was as if she had been immobilized. All her nerves suddenly tensed up.    


His heart stopped beating.    


Only the startled little bird could be seen chirping away.    


There was also a light breeze blowing through the forest, which ruffled the surface of the water.    


However, he didn't blow away the piece of dead wood floating on the surface of the water a meter in front of her.    


Of course it wasn't dead wood.    


Not dead wood.    


Not dead wood!    


He had to repeat the most important things three times in a row.    


It was a crocodile.    


Crocodiles were something that did not exist in the north.    


But in Nanfang, especially in the Golden Triangle region of the subtropics, it was a very common sight.    


Fortunately, the ladies who loved beauty all loved alligators. Otherwise, such rare foes would have been able to wreak havoc everywhere.    


Judging by the crocodile's back which was half of its body visible on the surface of the water, the crocodile's tail should be at least three meters long.    


This was an adult crocodile.    


A large crocodile at this level can bite a full-grown bison that weighs half a ton and pull it into the water to eat.    


Some of the vicious crocodiles even dared to attack the elephants.    


Let's not talk about elephants, just adult buffaloes.    


Yue Zitong only had around a hundred catties worth of hair and clothes. How could she compare with a wild bull?    


With her beauty?    


Or was it because of her elegant temperament, noble identity as a Patriarch of Yue Family, and someone's scum's aunt?    


All of these things were useless.    


The crocodile does not care whose aunt I am or whether I am the head of the family.    


If you must make it care, then it is this palace that is tender and tender.    


Of course, for a crocodile with a special dentist to serve it, the crocodile would prefer the prey with tender skin and tender flesh.    


"F * ck, f * ck, f * ck."    


After what seemed like a century of silence, Yue Zitong's brain finally worked again, cursing inwardly.    


She regretted it now.    


He regretted giving up that drunken family head's good life in the country just for that damnable scum Little Nephew. He insisted on being a hero and didn't even bring Wang Yang as he ran over to Golden Triangle.    


Why did he keep chasing without any shame just to let Scumbag Lee sleep?    


More regrett--how could she have real love?    


How could this be possible!?    


If it weren't for these, how could Yue Zitong, who had an exalted status, a bewitching beauty, and a body covered in tender skin and tender flesh, become a feast for the crocodiles' mouths?    


If Scumbag Lee were to tear him into pieces, Yue Zitong wouldn't care much about it. At most, she would only be able to stand in front of his bed at midnight every day with a smile and a long tongue.    


However, being torn to shreds by a large crocodile and eaten by it, what did that matter?    


She didn't want to die yet.    


She was still young, she was so beautiful, she had just enjoyed a wonderful and refreshing feeling, and now she knew how graceful and pleasant the sound of water was — how could she have intended to die?    


However, he couldn't die.    


It wasn't impossible.    


It's because Brother Alligator doesn't want to.    


Even though Brother Crocodile didn't do anything, Yue Zitong could smell the bloody killing intent in the air.    


The crocodile was waiting for her to move.    


He just screamed, turned around, and ran.    


When she turned to run, the crocodile's large mouth would suddenly open!    


With one bite, he bit her leg and dragged her back to her old nest to pay his respects to her and her children.    


Perhaps, the reason the crocodile brother did not immediately pounce on him was because he was enjoying the moment when his prey was scared to the point of completely breaking down.    


By the way, the lady in front of him whose clothes were plastered to her body, showing off her slender and delicate figure said, "Hello, you must have used a crocodile skin before since you are such a noble and refined person, right? Heh heh, the ones you used were most likely the nieces of my second uncle's master's family. Now, I have to find justice for him. I'm sure a reasonable and beautiful lady would not have any objections? "    


"Yes, yes."    


Yue Zitong's teeth chattered but she did not forget to smile politely. "Brother Crocodile, I vow that I will never use a crocodile bag again. I'm sorry. I'm pretty sorry. I shouldn't have disturbed your rest. Please continue.    


After saying that, Yue Zitong turned around and ran off.    


When she turned around, she saw the crocodile out of the corner of her eye. The crocodile jumped out of the water.    


The open mouth was big enough to swallow her whole.    


Those sharp, chisel-like teeth could easily bite her in half.    


Especially its bloody mouth, which was emitting a fishy smell. It was definitely reminiscent of how dirty its stomach was.    


The crocodile was waiting for the moment when the prey turned around to flee!    


When the fishy wind came from behind, Yue Zitong screamed in tears, "Lee Nanfang, did you see that!?"    


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