Strongest Guard

C1272 The Dead Yang Coffin

C1272 The Dead Yang Coffin

"Do you want to die?"    


From Alice's lifeless green eyes, Yue Zitong could see what she was thinking.    


Alice seemed to be looking at her, but she didn't seem to be looking at her at all. She nodded dumbly. "Yes."    


"Why do you want to die?"    


Yue Zitong became interested.    


More proud.    


To be able to use her extraordinary martial prowess to strike someone to the point of wanting to die, who wouldn't be proud?    


It's just that Scumbag Lee's skill is too high, even if I use all of my strength, I still can't give him any cruel blow.    


Otherwise, Yue Zitong would have enjoyed this kind of entertainment a long time ago.    


In that case, there was no need for her to be as proud and interested as she was now.    


Alice didn't say anything.    


She was too lazy to explain to anyone why she wanted to die.    


Because she felt that anyone who asked her that question was a stupid pig.    


The more she didn't say anything, the more Yue Zitong wanted to know.    


Yue Zitong had asked a dozen times without getting an answer, but her patience was never that long, so she was a bit annoyed.    


Bending down, he patted Alice's pale face a few times and said with dissatisfaction, "Hey, are you deaf or just dumb? I'm asking you a question."    


Before she could finish her sentence, Alice suddenly jumped up from the ground like a dying black python, launching its final attack at the enemy. She glared at the enemy, opened her mouth wide, and screamed, "Why do I want to die? Why am I doing this!? Because I don't know why I'm still alive! "    


"Holy shit, are you scaring me to death?"    


Yue Zitong, who was caught off guard, almost fell backwards from Alice's fright. She subconsciously lifted her right foot and was about to kick her out. Fortunately, she withdrew her strength in time as she hatefully cursed.    


"Other people still have dreams."    


Alice turned a blind eye to the foot that was already stepping on her plump chest, only tears were flowing from her eyes as she choked with sobs, "Even a beggar hopes to be able to find a ticket that others accidentally abandoned in the trash can one day, winning five million."    


From then on, he was able to lead a happy life.    


But me?    


What dreams do I have?    


I don't know who my parents were or if they were sisters.    


I don't even know my real name.    


Call me Alice, the one who bought me away. I am Alice.    


Call me a dog, I'm a dog!    


No matter what my name was, it didn't matter.    


The important thing is, I will live well -- for my owners.    


Chess, calligraphy and painting, cooking and dancing, Taekwondo, even singing Pavarotti high pitch, became an international famous graduate.    


I am so perfect, like a princess in front of others.    




At this point, Alice smiled and continued, "But everything I learned, including my body, and my thoughts, were all other people's.    


Others have spent so much money and learned so much for me, but it's all to serve others.    


Miss Yue, do you understand?    


Can you understand that from the day I was bought by my master, I have already become a vase that someone sent to me?    


But am I really a vase without thoughts or dreams?    




I'm not a vase, I'm a person.    


A living person.    


Actually, I have my dreams as well.    


There are also those who are sincere. "    


Alice suppressed the words she had never said to anyone for more than twenty years and after saying them all in one breath, her face turned a sickly bright red.    


However, the darkness in her eyes grew stronger.    


Her right index finger was pointing at her heart as she laughed with tears streaming down her face, "Miss Yue, you should know what's underneath, right? You know what? Do you know? "    


"Yes, yes."    


Yue Zitong, who originally held the absolute advantage, now didn't dare to look Alice in the eye anymore. She only looked at the spot where Alice's finger was pointing and forced a smile. "There's a heart below it."    


"That's right. Below us are the heart, heart, and heart!"    


Alice bit her lips.    


The pain from biting into her lips could help her suppress the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.    


"I, too, have a heart. The vase had no heart. As long as you have a heart, you have your own thoughts. But why do you have to treat me like a vase without thoughts, dreams and ideals? "    


Alice asked Yue Zitong in a pleading tone, "Miss Yue, please tell me why you want to do this."    


Yue Zitong finally looked at Alice.    


Alice's dull eyes were already starting to shine.    


That was the desire of "facing the right path, even at death's door".    


She hoped that Yue Zitong could tell her why.    


Yue Zitong didn't know how to reply.    


Just as she already knew of Alice's existence, but never took her seriously.    


Who would mind a vase coming to fight over a man with her?    


The vase.    


Just put it there to look good.    


If you ever get tired of it, it's not impossible to use it as a urinal.    


But now, Yue Zitong knew that her previous view of Alice was wrong.    


As long as it was a person, it wasn't a vase.    


After a long moment of silence, Yue Zitong stood up, sighed, and comforted softly, "Alice, from now on, you are no longer a vase. At the very least, I won't treat you like a vase. "    


Pausing for a moment, Yue Zitong then said with difficulty, "If you intend to, then be my big sister. "In the future, not even the gods would dare to treat my sister like a vase."    


As she said that last sentence, Yue Zitong's spirit was lifted as she said loudly, "That's it!"    


Alice raised her head and looked at Yue Zitong, who was under the scorching sun. Her forehead was covered in sweat, and the corners of her eyes were twitching.    


The light in her green eyes that was seeking death had been replaced by the excitement of the new students.    


The surrounding grass and trees, including the small fish under the river, seemed to be infected as well. Their colors were bright and their movements were even more lively.    


"I may be the best person in the world, you fool. Otherwise, how could he not beat down the woman who dared to compete with me for the man's life when he had the morals and absolute advantage? Instead, he gave people confidence and called her 'elder sister' very lowly? "    


Yue Zitong thought like this as she lowered her head to look at Alice. After waiting for a long time for her reply, her patience finally died down. She stomped her foot and asked harshly, "If you don't want to, just say so. Do I want to have an elder sister like you?"    


Alice, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly shivered.    


Then, using her knees as a footstep, she took two steps forward, placed her hands on the ground, lowered her head and kissed Yue Zitong's feet. Then, she burst into tears.    


The crying was loud and clear.    


The sound pierced through the clouds.    


If it wasn't in the cave, everyone would hear Zhan Hsingshen's screams from 300 miles away.    


The crying stopped.    


The two of them held each other without moving.    


Only his heartbeat, as if it was going to tear open his chest, was scary.    


After five minutes, Lee Nanfang slowly let out a breath and took two steps back. He held the woman in his arms and slowly sat on the grass.    


The moment he let go of her hands, she could finally fall asleep. Or rather, it could be said that the woman who had fainted was lying flat on the ground like a pile of mud.    


Her body was covered in scratches, bite marks, and even scratch marks.    


At that time, he was no longer a human but a beast.    


As for wild beasts, if they didn't leave scars on the body, then what kind of wild beasts would they be?    


Fortunately, the wild beast, Lee Nanfang, gradually regained his sense of reason as the flames in his heart dissipated.    


The vile dragon inside his body slowly shook its head in satisfaction and stuck its tail into the Qi Sea of his dantian.    


As long as a few hours passed, the Black Dragon would also be tired.    


In fact, only Zhan Hsingshen was a martial artist. His physical fitness was quite good.    


If it was the Cost Palace instead, Sister Yue's reputation would have been ruined.    


Lee Nanfang, who had gradually regained his senses, lifted his hand to slowly separate the hair covering the woman's face. When he saw the breathtakingly beautiful face, he was stunned for a moment and then closed his eyes in pain.    


Even in his dreams, he would have never imagined that this girl was actually the Yang Guanguan who had lost her footing since last year.    


After being out in the open for more than half a year, after returning to the British Island, David Bai had clearly told Lee Nanfang that on the night Lord Fei's cruise ship was taken, Yang Guanguan had left the castle, her whereabouts unknown.    


After the incident, Brother David had spread out his resources to search for Yang Guanguan's whereabouts.    


However, there was still no news.    


If there was no news, it meant that Yang Guanguan was probably dead.    


Lee Nanfang was also forced to accept this cruel reality. Whenever he thought of her, he would feel extremely guilty.    


But who would have thought that Yang Guanguan, who had disappeared for such a long time, would suddenly appear in the Golden Triangle?    


Coincidentally, after being drugged by Alice, Lee Nanfang ran into the cave like a headless fly and saw her.    


And with the brutality of a wild animal, trampled her half to death.    


"This, what is going on?"    


Lee Nanfang's mouth twitched and he exclaimed. Suddenly, he heard something from behind him: "Ah!"    


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