Strongest Guard

C1303 Why Was She Always the One Who Got Hurt?

C1303 Why Was She Always the One Who Got Hurt?

The sky gradually darkened.    


Two black SUVs slowly drove into the international airport of the Cloud Province's capital city.    


The door opened and a few men in black suits jumped out of the car in front and walked quickly to the back.    


The leader raised his hand and opened the back door.    


Some of the passengers who passed the two cars looked at them in surprise, then lowered their heads and quickened their pace.    


At the airport, it was common for big figures to bring along bodyguards or movie stars who were flocked by the bodyguards. Therefore, the appearance of these black suits wasn't too strange.    


The passengers found it strange that all of them had white bandages wrapped around their heads.    


At the place where the bandage was applied, blood was seeping out.    


Not only that, they were also badly injured. Two of their lips were swollen like sausages, and they couldn't even close their mouths. Even their front teeth were missing.    


Even a fool could tell that these people had just been beaten up by someone.    


Regardless of who was so awesome, to be able to make several burly looking black suits look like this, based on their current sorry state, they shouldn't be lying on the hospital bed, so they shouldn't come out and make a fool of themselves.    


But not only did they come out, but what was even more surprising was that they didn't look as if they would be ashamed if they were beaten at all.    


On the contrary, all of them held their heads high and puffed out their chests, afraid that others would not be able to see the arrogance on their faces.    


Those who didn't know why these people were getting beaten up would feel that their brains had been messed up, which was why they were so shameless.    


However, they truly felt that they were heroes.    


A true descendant of the Sun.    


In the face of an irresistible evil, he would rather die than submit. He had no shame for his ancestors' hard line. Wasn't he supposed to be proud of it?    


Especially when these people thought of the boss' domineering appearance when he looked at the dozens of soldiers that killed without blinking and coldly asked "Who else wants the Chinese people to kneel down for him", they felt their blood rush to their heads.    


He couldn't wait for those soldiers to beat them up even more ruthlessly.    


Only by doing so could they experience more deeply how proud they were as the descendants of the Sun.    


Similarly, this was the first time in their lives that they had truly been proud of being the descendant of the sun.    


At that moment, they all had the same illusion.    


Then he would go to the six to seven billion people on this planet. Besides the descendants of the sun, the people of other countries were nothing more than a bunch of chickens and dogs.    


No matter how strong and arrogant they were right now, they would eventually be tricked by the giant of China.    


There was no need to ask, these black suits were naturally in Golden Triangle, facing these bros who used the butts of their guns to smash them, ordering them to kneel, but would rather die than kneel.    


One could only imagine, that when they faced a strong foe with their Golden Triangle, they would receive double the reward for their heroic actions of dying to defend the dignity of the descendants of Yan Huang.    


Director Hua was never stingy when it came to rewarding real heroes.    


A good beating for the rest of your life -- it's a good deal.    


However, it was undeniable that a man with no balls would not be able to withstand the fear he had felt at that time.    


Thus, no matter what kind of reward they would receive when they returned to the capital, it was all well-deserved.    


After the car door was opened by the leader of the group in a black suit, Director Chenfu, who was dressed in black, stepped out of the car.    


Standing in front of the car door, looking up at the sky of the motherland again, Director Chenfu had a strong urge to close his eyes and open his arms to embrace the world.    


Before this, she, like many others, had complained about the poor quality of the air in China, as well as other things that people disliked.    


They would even complain about their low national qualities if they were affected by some public outfits.    


However, if someone said these things in front of Director Chenfu now, she would give him a tight slap that would shatter his teeth.    


It is true that our motherland is so, so inadequate.    


However, she had been working hard to improve it. She tried to use the fastest speed to eliminate the bad phenomena that occurred when the country was opened up and the country became rich and strong at the same time.    


Those people who talked about foreign countries and forgot who their ancestors were were were were actually worse than dogs.    


Because dogs don't mind the poverty of their families, which is universally acknowledged.    


How long has it been since our country rose from the rubble?    


It's normal to have some of these kinds of problems when trying to grow up.    


Maybe some people would say that just like the reconstruction after the second world war, countries like South Korea and the East Ocean would become developed countries with extremely high national quality.    


That was because these people's heads were full of shit.    


Because they never even considered how vast China was, how many people there were, and how many people there were.    


Like a beggar asking for a meal.    


As long as a beggar wanted a steamed bun, he would not starve today.    


But a hundred beggars went to beg for food?    


This logic was very simple.    


However, Director Chenfu didn't realize it before.    


Now she knew.    


He knew how difficult it was for this country to walk towards becoming rich and powerful.    


And how much did he have to pay?    


However, she never stopped moving forward.    


The country that Director Chenfu wanted to embrace the most right now was the safest place in the world.    


Here, within the limits of the law, she could do whatever she wanted.    


He did not need to be like those developed countries outside the country, he would not be able to go out alone after 9 o'clock at night.    


There were evil and hungry eyes everywhere in the dark corners outside.    


This is my country.    


I love her.    


Whether she was poor or rich.    


Just when those words suddenly appeared in Director Chenfu's mind, Secretary Bai, who got off the car after a long time of silence, asked worriedly: "Director Chenfu, what's wrong?"    


"It's nothing, I just have a lot of feelings about it."    


Director Chenfu then opened his eyes and turned around to look at Secretary Bai with a smile. He then patted her shoulders and said softly, "This is not your fault, don't feel guilty. It's over, it can only be better. "Trust me."    


Along the way, Secretary Bai was deep in self-reproach.    


She thought that it was because she was irrational that everyone had been persecuted by Sui Yueyue.    


So when Director Chenfu comforted her, Secretary Bai's tears started to flow again, and she choked with sobs, "Chen, Director Chenfu, it's all my fault. That was why everyone suffered. After we return, I will ask for punishment from Director Hua and offer wine and apologize to everyone. "    


"Don't be like this, it's not your fault."    


Director Chenfu shook his head and whispered, "Only now do I understand. Even if you didn't question her because of Sui Yueyue's disrespect, she would have found an excuse to bully us."    


Secretary Bai was stunned. She lifted her tear-stained face and asked, "Why?"    


"Because she wants Boss Lee to kill people."    


Director Chenfu also raised his head, and looked towards the direction of Golden Triangle.    


Secretary Bai's brows suddenly twitched as she asked in a trembling voice, "Wh-what? "Why did she let Boss Lee kill someone?"    


The reason why Secretary Bai was a secretary and not the Deputy CEO was because her background was still a grade lower than Director Chenfu's.    


She didn't notice that Lee Nanfang had appeared, her face was full of disappointment.    


That's not Li Nan.    


At least, it wasn't the Lee Nanfang that they knew.    


The Lee Nanfang that they knew was in such high spirits. He dared to spout nonsense in front of hundreds of reporters, saying that Helan Xiaoxin was his lover.    


He already dared to treat the big miss of Helan Family as a lover, so how could he care about Sui Yueyue who had already been his lover?    


This meant that his self-confidence had been destroyed by that snake-and-scorpion beauty.    


As for why Sui Yueyue wanted him to kill her in order to arouse his confidence, Director Chenfu still couldn't figure it out.    


However, she felt that Director Hua would understand.    


Director Chenfu took out his phone. When he started to call Hua Yeshen, she was lying on the bed with a lifeless look in her eyes. She stared at the dignified Beautiful Woman and didn't move for a long time.    


Beautiful Woman was Jinghong Ming's wife, Wang Zihan.    


Actually, Wang Zihan really didn't want to come to Hua Yeshen and tell her what he had just said.    


But she had to.    


Because her husband had said that there was no one else who was suitable to do this.    


Since she had already married Jinghong Ming, she had to take Mrs. Jinghong's responsibility.    


After she finished saying what she wanted to say, she fell into a long silence with Hua Yeshen.    


On his face, there was an obvious look of intolerance and pity.    


It was only after her husband had said those words to her that she realized how miserable Hua Yeshen's fate was.    


Fate gave this woman superb beauty, sexiness, and a wise mind.    


But at the same time, it gave her too many tribulations.    


From the moment she was born, her miserable fate had already been decided.    


An invisible hand was pushing her behind the scenes. Step by step, she had come this far.    


Other than being pushed away, she had no way of resisting.    


Just like when she thought that she finally got rid of Holan Fusu and really fell in love with Lee Nanfang and ended up in a perfect relationship with him, her hand ruthlessly flipped.    


Her fate had once again been changed.    


To the bitter side.    


She could not understand why she was always the one getting hurt.    


It was always her!    


She had already mentally prepared herself, unable to defy the King's mandate. She could only watch as Lee Nanfang died for him when he was sacrificed on the altar at most two years later.    


He hoped that every minute and second for the past two years would be treated as a year.    


She wanted to enjoy this hard-earned love before both of their lives ended at the same time, but Wang Zihan told her that she had to leave Lee Nanfang.    




He had to!    


Similarly, she had no choice.    


The reason she left Lee Nanfang was very simple.    


That was to give up the seat to Yue Zitong.    


"In this world, only Yue Zitong can marry Lee Nanfang.    


Don't ask me why, just because I don't know.    


But I know that this matter is not only Jinghong Ming's group's decision, but also the collective decision of your Shen Family, and even the upper echelons of China.    


My mission is simply to be the best messenger.    


Night God, I'm very sorry. "    


These words were what Wang Zihan had said to Hua Yeshen from the bottom of his heart after he finished saying those words.    


Hua Yeshen listened quietly the whole time without interrupting a single word.    


There was even a faint smile on his face.    


It was as if she was listening to Wang Zihan talk about someone else.    


She just had to listen.    


After lying in bed for so many days, Hua Yeshen's injuries had already recovered to about sixty percent.    


After all, her physical fitness was much better than most people due to the fact that she practiced martial arts.    


Moreover, with the help of sweet love, it was natural that her wounds would heal quickly.    


But now, she would rather have her heart pierced by chopsticks when she risked her life to save Yue Zitong.    


That way, she could die in Lee Nanfang's arms.    


He didn't need to know about what Mrs. Jinghong had said.    


There was no need to doubt that she had been a sacrifice since the day she was born.    


It was a joke that made her want to cry and die.    


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