Strongest Guard

C2031 It Was He Who Killed Her

C2031 It Was He Who Killed Her

Yang Xiao's lack of respect for others was a well-known fact.    


No matter what she turned into, she would always be the proud King Xuanyuan.    


Other than Lee Nanfang, she didn't even bother to look at anyone else.    


This kind of attitude made Lao Lv even more at a loss of what to do.    


Lee Nanfang was speechless.    


What are you doing maintaining your useless arrogance at this time when you are about to lose your life?    


"Yang Xiao, be good. Tell Lao Lv about your body condition and have him think of a way to gather people to give you a consultation."    


Lee Nanfang's face was cold as he gave the command to the great King Xuanyuan.    


Yang Xiao finally glanced at Lao Lv.    


But it was only a glance.    


After that, her gaze turned back to Lee Nanfang as she whispered, "It's useless. A bunch of quack doctors can't dispel the curse that lasted for a thousand years. Even I can't find a solution, let alone them."    


"How would you know if you don't try?"    


"There's no need to try. I know my own situation very well."    


"Yang Xiao, you're a doctor yourself, how did you learn to hide the truth?"    


"Lee Nanfang, then let me ask you, when you are controlled by the Black Dragon, will you run over to the hospital and find a doctor to treat your illness?"    


The two of them continued their conversation.    


The most important thing was that Lee Nanfang was silenced by Yang Xiao.    


Just as Yang Xiao had said, Lee Nanfang being possessed by the Black Dragon was also a kind of disease.    


No matter how great the influence the Black Dragon had on him, he had never thought of going to the hospital for an operation to remove the Black Dragon as a tumor.    


Then, at this moment.    


What reason did he have to ask Yang Xiao to trust a group of doctors?    


The two fell silent.    


Lee Nanfang's face clearly showed that he was powerless.    


Lv Mingliang didn't understand what they meant, but he could see that he didn't have the qualification to continue staying in this kind of situation.    


Lao Lv opened his mouth and wanted to leave.    


However, before he could finish his sentence, someone knocked on the door.    


Then, Gong Jian pushed the door open and walked in. He shook his head at Lee Nanfang and said, "Black Dragon, there's someone called Mai Qing looking for you outside."    


"Mai Qing?"    


Lee Nanfang repeated the name.    


Before he could say anything, he heard Beauty Mai's arrogant shout coming from the corridor.    


"Hey, what are you guys doing?"    


My clothes are really expensive. I should check them, but don't let me scrape them.    


F * ck, what kind of amazing person is Lee Nanfang? Is it harder to meet him than to meet a big boss?    


Hey, Lee Nanfang, where are you?    


Hurry up and come out!    


Is he a man or not? What's the big deal if he left me alone downstairs.    


"Ah, be more gentle, my foot is still injured."    


Hearing the intermittent female voice, Lee Nanfang slapped his forehead.    


He was too concentrated on bringing Lao Lv and the others to check Yang Xiao just now that he forgot about Beauty Mai.    


However, this woman was not the kind of person to cause trouble for no reason.    


Why did you come here for no reason at all?    


"Yang Xiao, take a rest, I'll go out and take a look."    


Lee Nanfang greeted him and was about to leave.    


However, Yang Xiao pulled his hand and said, "I'll go with you. It's boring here."    


The moment she said that, she didn't even give Lee Nanfang a chance to refuse. She directly pulled out the needle in her hand, jumped off the bed, and grabbed onto the scumbag's hand as she walked out of the room.    


Lao Lv walked behind them.    


No matter how he looked at it, there was nothing wrong with Yang Xiao's body.    


Why does Brother Lee think that Yang Xiao contracted some terminal illness?    


Lao Lv thought about it.    


Everyone walked out of the room.    


Mai Qing, who was at the other side of the corridor, saw Lee Nanfang from afar. She waved her hand and stopped mid-air.    


She saw Yang Xiao, who was standing hand in hand with Lee Nanfang.    


At that moment, Mai Qing, who always boasted that she was a beauty that could topple cities and topple nations, who was a beauty that could bring calamity to any nation in ancient times, suddenly felt that she was inferior to him.    


That woman was simply too beautiful.    


If it was in terms of School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu, no, even in the entire China, she would be the most beautiful woman.    


Just how much ability did that scumbag Lee Nanfang have to be able to make such a beauty close to him?    


No wonder he would ignore her allure.    


So he had something even better with him.    


Mai Qing's mood instantly dropped a lot.    


It didn't matter whether other people saw or not, Lee Nanfang didn't feel anything at all. As he walked forward, he casually asked: "Beauty Mai, what do you want to talk to me about?"    


"It's fine. I just wanted to tell you that a child downstairs has died."    


Mai Qing twisted her body, lifted her twisted foot, and hopped back to the elevator.    


The reason why she came here to find Lee Nanfang was for the same reason.    


Hurry up and pay off her 'first night account' for her.    


From then on, he owed Lee Nanfang nothing.    


The moment she saw Yang Xiao, she suddenly felt a sense of loss that she would never be able to calculate for the rest of her life. Of course, she wouldn't say out her main purpose.    


After saying something completely unrelated, he turned around and left.    


However …    


The death of a child downstairs was irrelevant to her.    


To Lv Mingliang, it was like a bolt out of the blue.    


What happened?    


How long had it been since they left? How could a child die?    


"Brother Lee, I'm going to take a look!"    


The kind Lao Lv shouted and quickly rushed towards the elevator. No matter what, he worked hard at School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu for dozens of hours to save the sick children.    


That was his patient.    


If the patient had a problem, it would be strange if the doctor wasn't in a hurry.    


However, after Lao Lv quickly rushed out a few steps, he turned around and looked at Yang Xiao.    


"Ms. Yang Xiao, can I ask for your help? There are over a hundred children suffering from strange diseases downstairs. We are helpless against them, but you might have a way to save them."    


Lao Lv gave a deep bow to Yang Xiao.    


With such a simple action, Lee Nanfang's impression of Lv Mingliang increased by several levels.    


This Lao Lv was worthy of being called a doctor's material.    


He truly regarded the life and death of his patient as the most important thing in his life.    


He had to humbly beg for the sake of a group of unrelated people.    


This wasn't something that anyone could do.    


Lee Nanfang's heart was slightly moved and he subconsciously looked at Yang Xiao beside him.    


The two of them looked at each other. Yang Xiao smiled: "Do you want me to help?"    


"Uh, your body …"    


"Alright, I understand. Let's go down and take a look."    


Yang Xiao's thoughts were quite pure.    


As long as Lee Nanfang wanted her to do something, she would spare no effort to show even the slightest hint of such an idea.    


Just like before.    


Lee Nanfang did not like her to kill people, so the tyrannical King Xuanyuan disappeared completely.    


Lee Nanfang was deeply in love with Yue Zitong. Even if Yang Xiao risked his life, he had to ensure that a certain aunt was still alive.    


If Lee Nanfang didn't want to die, Yang Xiao was even willing to give up the thousand year grand scheme of Flame Valley.    


She could do anything for him.    


Furthermore, he was only going to save a few children.    


The few of them quickly entered the Elevator Door before it was closed.    


Mai Qing, who was curled up in a corner, originally wanted to return to her mother's ward, but her heart was full of complex emotions. She didn't even realize what was going on as she followed Lee Nanfang and the others to the first floor.    


When the Elevator Door opened again.    


Lv Mingliang took the lead and rushed straight to the infant ward.    


As soon as he entered the door, he saw a few nurses pushing a small Trolley, who had a decaying expression on their faces, walking towards him from afar.    


Lao Lv walked faster and came closer. He held the stretcher and asked urgently, "What happened? Where are you going?"    


"Dr. Lv, this child, he, he's not going to make it."    


When the leading nurse said this, her tears immediately began to flow like beads with a broken string.    


In the past two days, everyone had been working together.    


In order to save these children, they had put in a lot of effort and effort. Now that a child was suddenly dying, the kind sister nurse wanted to cry to death here.    


Her words were definitely a heavy blow to Lv Mingliang.    


Lao Lv screamed, "Impossible! Aren't you guys coming out from the innermost ward? The children there have clearly stabilized their condition. We were still fine before we left. Quick, quickly let me take a look! "    


Lao Lv pulled aside the white cloth on the stretcher bed.    


A pale face appeared.    


The brat who looked like he was only a few months old didn't seem to be panting at all.    


Lao Lv was unwilling to accept this.    


He took out the stethoscope that he carried around with him, desperately trying to find any signs that the child was still alive.    


The Trolley stopped in the middle of the corridor and quickly attracted the attention of the other medical personnel.    


The crowd broke out into a flurry of discussion.    


Dean Qin walked over quickly. When he saw the child on the Trolley, he was so angry that his entire face turned purple.    


"What happened? Who let you push your child out here!"    


Dean Qin asked angrily.    


The leading nurse was stunned, and asked subconsciously, "Principal, didn't you give the order to move away the child who had already lost all signs of life?"    


"Loss of vital signs?    


This child couldn't take it anymore?    


That's not right, when did I give such an order! "    


Dean Qin angrily stepped forward and locked eyes with Lv Mingliang, who had just backed away from the kid.    


"Lao Lv, how is the child?"    


"Sigh …"    


Lv Mingliang sighed and shook his head silently.    


Dean Qin's expression turned uglier and uglier.    


At this moment, Lee Nanfang and Yang Xiao walked closer hand in hand.    


To be honest, Lee Nanfang's feelings were quite contradictory.    


Just now, he was too impulsive and agreed to Lao Lv's request.    


At this time, he took the time to calm down and felt that this matter was not easy to deal with.    


Healing someone was not a small matter.    


It was a good thing that it was cured.    


If he couldn't cure her, or even if he killed her, then he would be in great trouble.    


Although Yang Xiao and him were not afraid of trouble, it was still better to avoid trouble.    


However, that thought disappeared from his mind the moment he saw the child on the stretcher.    


Lee Nanfang rushed up and rubbed his eyes as he looked carefully. He felt like he was going to break down at any moment.    


"Brother, why is it you?" Weren't you fine just now? "    


What he said confused everyone.    


It was because the child in front of him, who had been ignored and had announced that he was done for, was the one who had nearly been killed in the sickroom.    


Who did you say couldn't do it? It's not like this child couldn't do it.    


He was more lively than the other children. How could he say no?    


Lee Nanfang's nervous performance, especially the way he addressed them just now, made the other nurses confused again.    


Why did they even call him "brother"?    


From the looks of it, it didn't seem like a doctor. Could it be that the patient's family members had snuck in?    


Sister nurse's thoughts were complicated.    


However, he didn't think too much into it. He said, "Family members of the patient, please grieve. We have really tried our best..."    


Halfway through his words, the leading nurse suddenly stopped.    


Especially after seeing Lee Nanfang's face, the comforting words immediately became angry: "It's you! Dean, he was the one who killed this child! "    


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