Strongest Guard

C2045 You will Kill the King

C2045 You will Kill the King

General Hospital of Mingzhu, Infant Ward's Number 1.    


When Yang Xiao walked in, the nurses here had already stripped the children they were responsible for.    


The ward was only this big.    


Everything Yang Xiao did when he saved her in the innermost room just now was spread out by the nurses who peeked outside.    


After that, Dean Qin ordered everyone to listen to Yang Xiao's commands.    


Many nurses took it for granted that the next task was to carry out acupuncture therapy to the end.    


Therefore, when they saw Yang Xiao choose ward no 1, all the nurses and sisters in this ward immediately made preparations in advance, took off the children's clothes, and made it easy to cure them.    


When Yang Xiao entered and saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment.    


He then frowned and said coldly, "You idiots, get these children dressed!"    


Hearing her words, many of the nurses' minds went blank.    


Someone subconsciously asked, "Isn't it supposed to be treated with acupuncture? How are we supposed to treat them with clothes on?"    


"Who says that you can't wear clothes just because of acupuncture?"    


"Don't tell me you're going to use the needle through your clothes?"    


The leading nurse kept asking like she was curious about the baby.    


However, Yang Xiao wasn't in the mood to waste words with her.    


"As you wish. I am only responsible for treating the illness. Those who freeze to death are not my responsibility."    


Yang Xiao's words seemed to completely remove all responsibility from his heart. He didn't care if the nurses listened to her or not, he walked over and pulled up the first child's hand. Then he poked the child's wrist lightly with a sterile silver needle.    


After the injection, the crying child miraculously stopped.    


However, the little guy immediately raised its head, shooting out a stream of water towards the sky.    


The kid's reaction came immediately.    


The pale yellow liquid sprayed all over the sister nurse's body.    


The nurse didn't think much of it.    


Yang Xiao was a bit embarrassed as he mumbled in a low voice: "It's good that you're not wearing any clothes. I forgot that these kids can still wet the bed, sooner or later they will have to change."    


There was a hint of playfulness in his words.    


The surrounding people all covered their foreheads in panic.    


Of course, this was Yang Xiao's first time carrying out such a large-scale rescue operation. It was understandable that he was a little inexperienced.    


The point is not that the children are naked.    


However, Yang Xiao's treatment method was too strange.    


Everyone was staring at her with their mouths agape. With silver needles in hand, they disinfected the needles with alcohol while walking towards the next bed.    


The same was true for the child's hands. The same was true for the child's hands.    


And then, the same result.    


Yang Xiao kept walking back and forth in the ward. In just a few minutes, she had silenced 20 to 30 children by herself.    


"Alright, according to the prescription I gave you, make the Chinese medicine and feed it to the children. They only need one dose of the medicine. Then, he left a few Medical Specialist s in the pediatric urinary system to take care of them and prevent complications. If you can't even do a small thing like this, then those quack doctors will all jump off the building. "    


With that, Yang Xiao packed his acupuncture bag and prepared to go to the next ward.    


But before she could really walk out of the ward, Dean Qin from General Hospital of Mingzhu shakily walked out, blocking her way.    


"Lady Yang, Lady Yang Xiao." You … You're done already? "    


"What else do you want?"    


"No, I don't want to say anything. I just want to say that you … don't you think you're being a little too biased? Just now, that child used over a hundred needles to settle everything. There are so many children here, how could you just use one needle? You can't be so perfunctory when it comes to treating illnesses, right? "    


Dean Qin tried his best to appear calm, afraid that his words would arouse Yang Xiao's displeasure.    


However, there were some things that had to be said.    


He had just witnessed Yang Xiao stabbing a child into a hedgehog to cure the child's illness.    


Wasn't it obvious that the person in front of him was being perfunctory?    


Yang Xiao shot a glance at Dean Qin. His attitude was still as cold as ever. He only said four words, "Insolent Doctor, get out of the way." Then he pushed Dean Qin away and walked out with big strides.    


Dean Qin was not willing to give up and was about to give chase again.    


Lee Nanfang, who was standing on the side, could no longer hold it in. He walked up and helped Yang Xiao to open up the surrounding crowd. He turned around and shouted to Dean Qin, "I say, Comrade Lao Qin, are you a doctor?" Even a layman like me could tell that this was called treating one's illness. Different children use different methods. If Yang Xiao said that they were better, they would definitely be better. Don't be so silly, hurry up and do as Yang Xiao says. "    


Lee Nanfang's voice still echoed in the ward, and he had already disappeared with Yang Xiao.    


Dean Qin was stunned on the spot.    


The other experts looked at each other.    


It wasn't long before someone finally reacted. They quickly took out their diagnosis equipment and rushed to the side of the bed.    


After a round of inspection, these people were completely convinced by Yang Xiao's ability.    


It was exactly like Lee Nanfang said, after the children in the ward were treated by Yang Xiao one needle at a time, they became completely stable.    


What else could they say?    


The group of people had no choice but to let Yang Xiao finish the task with one needle. It was too f * cking a blow to them.    


However, the blow had just begun.    


The reason why Yang Xiao was called Holy Hand of Traditional Chinese Medicine was definitely because she could use acupuncture to treat patients.    


A real Chinese medical doctor could cure a patient with more than just a few silver needles.    


When they left Ward Number One and felt that it was Ward Number Two, they could not believe what they saw when they raised their eyes.    


Yang Xiao actually directed the nurses in the ward to pull out the fire jugs for the sick children.    


That's right, it really was a brazier.    


From everyone's point of view, a Chinese medicine that was only used to nurture the body was actually used by Yang Xiao to treat countless new illnesses that could not be cured by western medicine.    


Would it work?    


If Lee Nanfang could hear the inner thoughts of these people, he would definitely make them remove the word "do".    


If Yang Xiao were to make a move, he would definitely succeed.    


The cupping process was much more troublesome than the acupuncture and moxibustion process before. Fortunately, the nurses had never seen a pig run and had also eaten a lot of pork. Yang Xiao's words alone could help with most of the work.    


However, when they arrived at the third ward, Yang Xiao's workload had increased immensely.    


The people from the traditional Chinese medicine department of General Hospital of Mingzhu rushed into the ward with a black leather case that had rusted from holding a lock.    


When Yang Xiao took out two oddly-shaped pieces of stone from the leather case, someone screamed out in shock, "Scraping!"    


That's right.    


The treatment Yang Xiao prepared for the children in ward no. 3 was scraping.    


Amongst the traditional Chinese medicine, it was the most classic method to treat internal and external diseases. Using this method, one could expel the poison from their body and treat diseases and save people.    


Five TCM therapy--medicine, food, acupuncture, acupuncture, qigong.    


Among them, "stinging" is a commonly used tool for scraping.    


The special thorns were mostly bone pieces and stone pieces that had been meticulously polished. They were of different shapes and thickness, and the lightest one was even sharper than a knife.    


It was already difficult for him to be skilled in using this ancient medical equipment.    


It could then be used on infants who were less than six months old, to test their medical skills.    


The less effort in his hands, the less effective it would be in healing.    


The more severe the injury, the more severe it will be on the child's skin.    


Previously, Wu told Lee Nanfang that the treatment of these children was "very troublesome" because of the shaving process.    


Of course, if it was just a slightly more complicated process, that would be fine too.    


He was afraid that such a treatment method would not be understood by those people.    


Under everyone's astonished gaze, Yang Xiao came up to the sickbed with a piece of stone in his hand. He gently turned the child's face in the crib and then scratched the child's back with the side of the piece of stone.    


After one, it was the second.    


The tender flesh of the child's back had become red and swollen just from rubbing against the pieces of the stone.    


The child who was already tired of crying once again let out a miserable howl.    


Seeing this scene unfold before their eyes, everyone immediately panicked.    


A soft-hearted sister nurse wanted to stop Yang Xiao, but she was stopped by Dean Qin. Dean Qin jumped and shouted in a sobbing tone, "This is not a treatment, this is child abuse." No, I can't take it anymore. Even if she really does need scraping, can't she use soft tools? That piece of stone looks even more terrifying than a knife. Can a child this young endure it? "    


The sister nurse's words reached everyone's heart.    


However, everyone understood one principle.    


If he questioned Yang Xiao now, he might even stop her.    


Then, what those children were going to face was death. It was not as simple as the pain caused by the scraping.    


Very soon, some soft-hearted people could no longer bear to watch this cruel scene in front of them. They turned around and left the scene to get some fresh air.    


There was no helping it, those children were crying so miserably.    


Luckily, they were in China, so everyone understood the role of scraping.    


Had it been in the wicked Western countries, there would have been gunmen who claimed to be righteous who had rushed in.    


There had been such news before.    


China's 60-year-old grandma looked after her mixed blood grandson, using scrapes to treat her child's high fever. Her child was cured, but her grandmother was deemed a child torturer by the America government, and was imprisoned for three years.    


The treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine were not accepted internationally. That was something that happened throughout the universe.    


Other people felt sorry for their child, so they all frowned.    


Lee Nanfang also frowned, but the person he was worried about was Yang Xiao.    


The more complicated the treatment, the more it consumed one's mental energy.    


Even though Yang Xiao only scratched a few pieces of the stone, focusing on grasping the strength in his hands was the most difficult thing.    


King Xuanyuan, who had always been a carefree person, always killed with ease, but now, with beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, it was obvious that he couldn't take it anymore.    


As time passed, Lee Nanfang's heart also slowly tightened.    


He suddenly regretted letting Yang Xiao take action.    


He always felt that his single request would bring her a lot of trouble.    


Just when he couldn't help but want to go up and stop Yang Xiao.    


Yang Xiao seemed to have sensed his thoughts. He raised his head and looked over with a faint smile.    


"I'm fine."    


It was just two simple words.    


It was clearly a comforting word, but why did Lee Nanfang's heart become heavier?    


Time passed second by second, no one paid attention to Yang Xiao. When the last child in the ward was finished shaving, the sun outside had already set on the western horizon.    


The entire ward became silent.    


Even those children who hadn't received treatment were tired from crying and passed out.    


Yang Xiao raised his hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead and didn't say anything. He walked straight out and was about to run to the last ward.    


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her.    


"Your Majesty, you cannot continue."    


The one who spoke was the Great Elder who had already rushed to the hospital.    


Without waiting for Yang Xiao's reply, the Great Elder turned to Lee Nanfang and said with a deep tone, "You will kill my lord!"    


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