Strongest Guard

C2058 A Secret Room in a Hospital

C2058 A Secret Room in a Hospital

The conversation with Yuv Qingmei added a lot of pressure to Lee Nanfang's heart.    


But soon, the pressure dissipated.    


Lee Nanfang's personality changed.    


No matter how difficult it was, he believed that there was always a way out.    


Gu Liancheng was indeed a big problem. No matter how big the trouble was, it was still left for people to solve. No matter how strong he was, could he be bigger than a national machine?    


The current situation was not only an internal rebellion of Flame Valley.    


Furthermore, Gu Liancheng was on the opposite side of the whole force. Lee Nanfang might not have the ability to deal with that guy alone, but it did not mean that others did not have that ability.    


There were also the four Avians of the Soaring Dragon as a shield.    


Worst of all, he still had the entire eight hundred.    


Eight hundred array Flame Valley. This was a path of retreat that Lee Nanfang had thought of a long time ago.    


As he thought of this, his mood suddenly brightened.    


He could also clearly feel that the Black Dragon that had been raising its head this entire time, gave a muffled grunt, and then slowly settled down, looking extremely disdainful.    


No one said another word, and with their fastest speed, they rushed towards the General Hospital of Mingzhu.    


Now that he was back, Lee Nanfang could arrange Elder You and the rest to be by Yang Xiao's side, so that Lee Nanfang could calm down and talk to Hua Yeshen.    


No matter what the result of their conversation was.    


Tonight was around dawn, and it was also the time to bring Yang Xiao to Longteng Training Base.    


Everything was going according to plan. Lee Nanfang had also found Leader Gong Jian and discussed with him how to arrange for Elder You to die, especially the peculiar female corpse Wang Lian.    


However, when they took the elevator to the top floor of the hospital …    


The heavens seemed to not like Lee Nanfang being idle, causing another accident for him.    


The Great Elder was standing in the hallway on the top floor. When he saw Lee Nanfang and the rest appear, he first gave a slight nod to Yuv Qingmei and Liu Chengji.    


Then, the old man pulled Lee Nanfang back into the elevator.    


"Lee Nanfang, come with me."    


"Where to?"    


"The mortuary."    


Great Elder pulled Lee Nanfang downstairs. The place they headed to was truly chilling.    


If you have nothing better to do, why are you running to the morgue?    


He vaguely remembered that last night, after Yang Xiao finished treating the child in the hospital and came back to rest, the Great Elder, who should have been standing guard on the top floor, had disappeared.    


This old man, could it be that he went to the hospital's mortuary last night?    


That's right, Lee Nanfang was right.    


Great Elder went to the morgue last night.    


He brought Lee Nanfang all the way to the basement of the hospital. They avoided the security guards and walked into a morgue. He knew that he had spent a lot of time and effort on this special place.    


What was he doing?    


Everyone on Earth knew what a place like the mortuary was like.    


The fact that a living person had come here was definitely just asking for trouble.    


What was the First Elder trying to hide?    


Lee Nanfang asked along the way, but he didn't get any results.    


When they entered the morgue and stood in front of a morgue, the Head Elder pointed at the morgue and said, "Open it."    


Lee Nanfang didn't feel good anymore.    


"Grand Elder, let's talk." For no reason at all, why do you want me to disturb the dead? "    


"Just do as I say, stop bullshitting."    


"You — okay, okay, I'll pull it, okay?"    


Lee Nanfang was terrified.    


The Grand Elder placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him towards the morgue.    


God knows where this old guy got all the strength he needed, but Lee Nanfang couldn't break free at all.    


The Black Dragon in his body seemed to have died as well, completely ignoring the unfair treatment the host had received.    


What the hell.    


As the saying goes, a wise man does not fight when the odds are against him.    


Lee Nanfang could only bite the bullet. He reached his hand out to open the lock on the morgue and pulled it out.    


'Kacha! 'A cabinet slid out.    


He was definitely faster than a rabbit. He jumped far away, not daring to look at what was inside the cabinet.    


Something that could make the Great Elder treat it so seriously was definitely not a simple object. Just thinking about it made him terrified. Who knew if a monster would jump out from within?    


However, after a long period of silence, nothing happened.    


Lee Nanfang opened up half of his eye and saw the helpless expression on the Great Elder's face.    


He then turned around to look at the morgue …    




F * ck, why are you so nervous about an empty cabinet?    






Not only is it empty, it's also f * cking transparent.    


Lee Nanfang followed the open morgue cabinet and saw that there was another opening at the other end of the cabinet. Some light shone over and connected directly to another room.    


Without the Grand Elder saying anything, he was immediately filled with curiosity.    


He walked quickly to the morgue and stuck his head in.    


Only lights and white walls were visible.    


At that moment, Lee Nanfang was still twisting his butt and carefully observing. The Great Elder behind him suddenly reached out to lift him up and threw him into the morgue.    


A 'shua' sound was heard.    


Lee Nanfang followed the metal path that was formed by the morgue and instantly slid into the room next door.    


Behind him was the Great Elder.    


The two of them landed on the ground one after another and finally saw the situation clearly.    


There were no windows or doors in the airtight room, only a small opening behind him as a way in and out.    


The room was illuminated by incandescent bulbs on the roof.    


In the middle of the room, there were two operating tables and a table filled with surgical tools.    


The environment was fairly clean.    


However, when he saw a corner, all the hair on Lee Nanfang's body stood up.    


There were several iron cages holding mice, wolfdogs, monkeys, chimpanzees, and other mammals of different breeds.    


Those animals were still alive, but it was obvious that they were on the verge of death. It was unknown if they had been drugged or not, but they did not seem to be in any state of mind.    


Lee Nanfang finally understood why Grand Elder brought him here.    


Within the enormous General Hospital of Mingzhu, there was actually a special research room.    


Who was here and what was he researching?    


He looked at the Head Elder with doubt in his eyes. Before he could even ask any questions, the old man was the first to speak, "I was like this when I came. I've never seen anyone enter before, but I found this thing."    


As he spoke, the Great Elder extended his hand.    


He took out a white cloth bag wrapped in a hospital bed sheet from somewhere and spread it out. Inside the bag was a mouse with a broken neck.    


Lee Nanfang observed it carefully and as the Great Elder slowly narrated what happened, he finally understood the whole story.    


Yesterday, the Great Elder and the others had a cup of tea under Jinghong Ming's lead.    


After chatting and drinking tea, the Head Elder would obviously return to the hospital to protect King Xuanyuan.    


Coincidentally, Yang Xiao was treating those children.    


How to treat a sick person, Great Clan Elder would definitely not be as professional as Yang Xiao in Holy Hand of Traditional Chinese Medicine.    


But as the number one person in the entire Profound Sect, he could see that there were some extraordinary things.    


Those children have night sickness.    


In terms of metaphysics, that was tantamount to trespassing into one's body.    


How could there be evil in a hospital, or powerful enough to affect hundreds of children?    


The Head Elder realized that the situation was not right, so he stopped Yang Xiao from continuing to save the others.    


However, he could not stop the king's decision. He could only do his best to help the king relieve the pressure.    


According to the mystical arts, the Head Elder searched for the source and soon came to the conclusion that the so-called evil came from the mortuary. On the way from the first floor to the basement, he met a special little white mouse.    


A rat was definitely a delicacy in Lee Nanfang's eyes.    


The rich nutrition of the meat, roasted into dried mice, was a rare delicacy.    


The Great Elder did not have a gluttonous attitude nor did he care about the rats. However, since a little mouse dared to attack him, he could not ignore it.    


Putting aside the fact that the little white mouse was very daring, just looking at it pouncing towards the Great Elder with its fangs bared and its belly full of aura of death, it was enough to prove that it was a member of the small white mice.    


Since ancient times, the existence of bulls would always have a good ending.    


The Great Elder smacked it on its head and broke its neck. It died on the spot, which could be considered an honorable death.    


The Great Elder carried the mouse and went all the way back, until he found this special underground chamber.    


He was sure that the mouse was the one who had caused the chaos in the nursery on the first floor. According to science, the new virus that infected the child after the illness came from this mouse.    


Grand Elder didn't know much about modern medicine, but he could tell that this secret room was an autopsy room.    


He hid, waiting to see who would show up so that they could steal something.    


In the end, he didn't notice anything amiss until daybreak.    


Having lost his patience, the Head Elder left the basement, went back upstairs, and asked Lee Nanfang to deal with this problem.    


And so, everything that had happened just now happened.    


Lee Nanfang observed the mouse carefully. He had eaten a lot and seen a lot. With one glance, he could tell that the mouse in front of him was bigger than an ordinary mouse.    


What was even more shocking was that when the mouse opened its eyes, it could see that its eyes, which were the size of mung beans, were covered in red streaks of blood.    


This —    


Wasn't this what happened after you injected people with an overdose of stimulants?    


No, not a simple stimulant.    


Stimulants would only increase the physical strength of living beings, and they would never cause their bodies to mutate.    


Could it be that someone was here developing a new drug, using these animals for experiments and dissecting something along the way to observe the efficacy of the drug?    


Lee Nanfang's gaze slowly shifted to the two operating tables in the middle of the room.    


As the word "dissected" was imprinted into his mind.    


He immediately remembered the conversation he had with Lv Mingliang last night.    


Lao Lv had said before that there was something wrong with this hospital, especially the pair of principal and vice principal. They were extremely interested in dissecting a child, which was very frightening.    


"Lee Nanfang, this mouse should be the culprit behind the children's illness. From what I can see, it bit into the cage and escaped. I happened to bump into him as he was scurrying back and forth between the basement and the first floor. "Now, how should we deal with this?"    


The Grand Elder was only in charge of investigating. As for the subsequent matters, he wouldn't care about them.    


Lee Nanfang's thoughts were also very simple. Such a strange secret room would definitely have some big articles on it. Isn't it the first time he told Wu Tie's uncle to send someone to investigate?    


Once time was wasted, only the heavens knew if there would be more trouble.    


"Let's go, we …"    


Lee Nanfang was just about to say he would leave here temporarily.    


It was at this moment that a cracking sound sounded from the other end of the room, which was the only entrance to the secret room.    


Someone was about to open the morgue and enter.    


Lee Nanfang immediately shut his mouth and signaled the Great Elder to hide with his eyes, to see who was actually up to mischief in the hospital.    


The Head Elder did not hesitate and picked up the mouse. He then pulled out a white cloth sheet from the side and rushed up like a bat.    


His feet pressed against the wall, and a white cloth covered his entire body. It was as if his entire body had merged into the white roof.    


Lee Nanfang was dumbfounded.    


Could there be such an operation?    


Where should I hide?    


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