Strongest Guard

C2061 Double Rosy Red

C2061 Double Rosy Red

Wu thought that the person hiding in the bedroom must be Gu Liancheng.    


In this world, only the second elder of Flame Valley had the qualifications and the ability to coerce Hua Yeshen to do certain things.    


And the arrogance he had just displayed was to anger Gu Liancheng in his bedroom and make him walk out. The two of them stood face to face and had a real fight.    


Regardless of how powerful that Elder Yuv Qingmeiyou was before this, it was all because of Gu Liancheng.    


Lee Nanfang was still a bit lucky and always felt that he could use his own strength to take care of it.    


That way, not only would Hua Yeshen be exempted from being coerced by others, she would also be released from the assassination attempt on Yang Xiao by Flame Valley and would also be able to cut off the leader of the Flame Valley traitors.    


Killing three birds with one stone.    


It's too easy to do.    


However, what he did not expect was that the person that walked out of the bedroom was not Gu Liancheng.    


It was the "man" who had given him the hat!    


Lee Nanfang would never forget the appearance of that handsome young man, much less his name — Sun Yu.    


The bedroom door opened.    


Sun Yu staggered a few steps forward, holding the loosened waistband of her suit in both hands. She looked like a man who had just woken up. The moment she stepped out of the room, she shouted, "Director Hua!"    


After a short greeting, Sun Yu's gaze landed on Lee Nanfang.    


He coughed.    


In order to avoid a misunderstanding, it was better to use "she".    


Sun Yu's face turned pale the moment she saw Lee Nanfang. She staggered a few steps back and fell on the floor when she bumped into the door.    


The air suddenly became quiet.    


Lee Nanfang looked at Sun Yu, then turned around to look at the dumbstruck Hua Yeshen. Then, he smiled.    


He didn't know why he was smiling either.    


He was laughing as if he had broken the couple's good news, making him look a little embarrassed.    


His expression was strange, but his actions were exactly the same as Sun Yu's.    


He took a few steps back and slammed into the door.    


After a long time.    


"Sorry for disturbing you."    


Lee Nanfang's tone was emotionless. He nodded slightly and apologized to the two people inside the room. Then, he opened the door and walked out with big strides.    


The door closed.    


Sun Yu, who was so scared that her soul almost left her body, finally regained her strength to breathe. She sat on the ground, paralyzed, and panted heavily.    


Hua Yeshen's expression was relatively calm. The moment Lee Nanfang left, her heart shattered like a glass that had fallen from the sky. She breathed out a mouthful of impure air as if she was relieved of a heavy burden and stretched out her hand shakily.    


What was going on?    


Why was it Sun Yu who came out of the bedroom?    


The next moment, the answer came.    


A pair of flip-flops appeared at the stall by the bedroom door.    


Gu Liancheng, who was wearing beach pants and a vest, and wearing a sunbathing outfit, walked over Sun Yu, who was sitting on the ground.    


"Is this Dark Bane's weakness? "It looks like it's very easy to use."    


Gu Liancheng laughed. He walked to the sofa, picked up the red wine cup on the table and handed it to Hua Yeshen.    


Hua Yeshen, who had finally calmed down her complicated emotions, didn't even pick up the wine glass. Instead, she looked up at Gu Liancheng, suppressed her anger and asked in a deep voice, "Elder Gu, what is the meaning of this?"    


"Reporting to the king …"    


"Don't call me your majesty, I don't like to be called that!"    


Hua Yeshen said hoarsely.    


Gu Liancheng's expression did not change. He maintained his smiling expression as he raised his hand and finished the glass of red wine.    


"Your Majesty, you must remember that your current status and position are set by me. Regardless of whether you like it or not, you must accept it. Otherwise, you know the consequences. King Xuanyuan and Great Elder were extremely concerned about Dark Bane's life for some shitty thousand years, but I didn't care. You should know that if I want to kill him, it's simple. It's even easier to torture him. "    


Gu Liancheng seemed to be narrating a trivial matter.    


It seemed that in his eyes, Lee Nanfang was just a small fry that he could kill as he pleased and play around with as he pleased.    


The most frightening thing was that Hua Yeshen didn't even have the slightest intention to refute his words.    


Gu Liancheng was very satisfied with Hua Yeshen's performance at the moment.    


The red glass spun in his hand and fell over the table. Then, with his hands behind his back, he walked to the window and looked out at the world.    


"I mean nothing else.    


He just felt that now wasn't the best time to meet Dark Bane face to face.    


If King Xuanyuan could die.    


If you can be honest with your new Raging Flames Puppet King.    


I'm not in the mood to see Dark Bane.    


He has his life, I have my world.    


It was better to not see each other.    


"Your Majesty, isn't that right?"    


Gu Liancheng turned around and asked.    


However, Hua Yeshen was no longer in the mood to respond to any of his questions. She silently stood up, walked to the bedroom and pulled Sun Yu up from the floor.    


Ever since that time, Lee Nanfang had a misunderstanding about using Sun Yu.    


Hua Yeshen kept the little girl by her side.    


Perhaps, she still held onto a glimmer of hope that one day, she would stand in front of Lee Nanfang with Sun Yu and explain all the misunderstandings clearly.    


But he never would have imagined.    


The time had not yet come to resolve the misunderstanding.    


But today, Gu Liancheng had interfered again, causing this misunderstanding to deepen.    


Not bad, the misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper, so Lee Nanfang could completely forget about her, right?    


Ever since she was coerced into agreeing to be the new King of Puppets, she only had one fate. Under Gu Liancheng's arrangements, she killed Yang Xiao and then returned to Flame Valley, never to appear again.    


Since he no longer had the chance to meet with Lee Nanfang, what need was there to solve those ridiculous misunderstandings?    


Hua Yeshen supported Sun Yu into the bedroom.    


Gu Liancheng, who had been waiting by the window for a long time for an answer, didn't get any response. His face finally revealed a trace of unhappiness.    


Seeing that the bedroom door was about to close, he quickly said loudly, "Hua Yeshen, it doesn't matter if you're willing or not, you have to go with me tonight. "Didn't Dark Bane want to transfer King Xuanyuan? We will kill them midway!"    




The moment Gu Liancheng finished speaking, the bedroom door closed with a loud bang.    


In any case, no matter what she did, Lili was just following Jack's instructions and it didn't matter whether she answered or not.    


Gu Liancheng's face was dark as he looked away.    


When he turned his head to look out the window and saw a lonely figure on the street below, his expression immediately eased up.    


After all, everything was under his control, so why be angry?    


"I should still thank Dark Bane for bringing such good news to me." "Hahaha …"    


The laughter echoed in the room.    


Just like this moment, the crisp ring tone of his phone lingered in Lee Nanfang's ears.    


Lee Nanfang walked on the noisy street. After hearing his phone ring for a long time, he mechanically picked up his phone and slid it open to answer the call.    


The voice on the other end of the phone sounded weird, as if someone had cut off Ye Xiaodao's life, "Lee Nanfang, I've found a miracle!"    


"Hey, Lee Nanfang, are you f * cking listening to me?"    


"Oh, did you die in a woman's stomach?"    


Master Dao's reluctant shouting finally allowed Lee Nanfang's gaze to regain some color.    


"Ye Xiaodao, hurry up and show us what you got!"    


"Damn, did you eat gunpowder?" "Master Dao, I worked so hard for you, how can you treat me like this?"    




"Ah, no no no no, I have something important to tell you."    


Ye Xiaodao was really convinced by Lee Nanfang's chatting pace, as he shouted in panic to stop the guy from finishing the call. He then smiled mysteriously, "Lee Nanfang, guess what I found, it's something big related to a certain young wife of yours."    


"I'll give you one last chance. If you have a chance, fart!"    


"Alright, alright, alright. I'm scared of you. It was Hua Yeshen. Your little Director Hua's bid for the Murderer Platform rose from $100,000 to $3 million within a month. This is an unprecedented miracle. The platform was specially sent to all golden assassins. Do you think I should accept this deal or not? "    


Ye Xiaodao's words finally allowed Lee Nanfang to regain his ability to think normally.    


When they were talking about the bodies that had been carried away in the hotel room, he had already guessed that it was Yue Zitong who had asked Helan Xiaoxin to put Hua Yeshen's name on the killer's platform.    


The truth was as expected.    


But unfortunately, the time he received the news was really too late.    


Within a month, the target price soared from $100,000 to $3 million.    


It was enough to prove how much of a life threatening Hua Yeshen had been through in the past few days.    


What was even more frightening was that this threat was far from over and had become even more uncontrollable.    


Since the establishment of the killer platform, it was rare for anyone to actively send information about their targets to any of the golden assassins. This proved that Hua Yeshen had become the target of many international assassins.    


The harder it was to kill someone, the more it would arouse the interest of the assassins.    


This was the tempo of not giving up until one side died.    


"Hey, hey, hey. Damn, in the blink of an eye, I've soared to six million." Lee Nanfang, your Little Director Hua is a tough nut to crack. Hurry and tell me, do I accept this deal? "    


Ye Xiaodao's weird scream came over again.    


Lee Nanfang rolled his eyes helplessly and yelled back, "If you dare to take it, I'll break three of your legs!"    


"Ah?" Lee Nanfang, do you still have any conscience? Since it's such a big thing, the first thing I'll do is to notify you.    


"What are you working so hard for? Just wait for you to tell me." "Go play while I'm at it. I don't have time to waste words with you, I'll get someone to remove her from the stage right now."    


Lee Nanfang's current thoughts were very simple.    


That was to find Helan Xiaoxin at the first possible moment and end the bounty on Hua Yeshen.    


With six million dollars worth of red flowers, who knew how much trouble this group of women would cause? Were they crazy? They were determined to get to a point where they wouldn't stop until they died.    


He sincerely felt that it was necessary to have a good talk with his aunt.    


But before he finished his call, Ye Xiaodao's tone became serious: "Lee Nanfang, is it useless now?"    


"What is useless?"    


"Someone has already accepted the order. Before they fail, no one can get rid of them."    


Master Dao no longer had the playful thoughts from before.    


Actually, the reason why he called was to inform Lee Nanfang to think of a way to solve the problem as soon as possible. Who would've thought that within a few words, Hua Yeshen's bounty suddenly doubled and someone had already picked up the order.    


According to the rules of the platform, it was impossible to cancel a list that was accepted.    


Unless the recipient fails, the target becomes ownerless again.    


"Can you find out who picked up the order?"    


"I'll go ask someone."    


Ye Xiaodao ended the call cleanly. It was definitely for Lee Nanfang to investigate this matter.    


Lee Nanfang was very confident in Master Dao's ability.    


He believed that there would be an answer to this matter very soon.    


No matter who dares to touch Hua Yeshen, they are his enemy    


However, looking at the slowly darkening screen, he was stunned for a long time.    


He clearly remembered everything that happened before he spoke to Ye Xiaodao.    


Why can't I remember?    


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