Strongest Guard

C2080 Slow Time

C2080 Slow Time

Yang Xiao's awakening was great news for Lee Nanfang.    


In the past few days, he had done everything he could to cure Yang Xiao's physical condition.    


However, this was only temporary.    


If someone else was sick, it would be fine as long as they were cured. Even if they had a relapse, they would have to wait for a year or so.    


However, Yang Xiao's illness could come back at any time, causing more and more serious injuries.    


Lee Nanfang was truly powerless, and only hoped that Yang Xiao would take the initiative to tell her the solution. After all, she was still the Holy Hand of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so she had the most thorough understanding of his body.    


"Yang Xiao, how are you feeling now?"    


Lee Nanfang asked anxiously.    


However, Yang Xiao didn't seem to care and replied: "I don't feel anything."    


"What do you mean you don't feel anything?"    


"Preservation without spirit, long breath without strength. From all the conversations that King Xuanyuan left behind, they have described the feeling of dying. I knew that it would be the current situation, so there's nothing special about it. "    


Yang Xiao's tone was calm, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated.    


Lee Nanfang was about to collapse.    


Knowing that you, King Xuanyuan, walked on a high and cold path, you don't care about life at all.    


But you can't just ignore your own life.    


"Yang Xiao, listen to me.    


Do you see these medical devices around here?    


All the monitoring data prove that your body is in a normal condition at the moment.    


This is no longer a physical illness, but a mental disorder.    


You always think you're going to die, that's why you're leading your subconscious mind in the direction of death.    


You should believe that you can survive.    


Do you understand?    


Faith, don't you?    


You must have a strong desire to live! "    


The more Lee Nanfang said, the more excited he became. It was like he was coaxing an ignorant girl. He really wanted to pull out Yang Xiao's brain and wash it.    


Unfortunately, he was not destined to be a thinker.    


Yang Xiao still said, "I know my body the best. Lee Nanfang, you don't have to say anymore."    




"You shut up first. While I'm still conscious, let me finish."    


Yang Xiao took a deep breath, sat up with his arms crossed, and took out a black iron plate from under the pillow.    


"Lee Nanfang, this is the Xuanyuan Token. After I die, bury this token with me.    


The purpose of the Xuanyuan Order was to kill Dark Bane and use the command medallion to stimulate the phenomenon of Great Emperor Xuanyuan's idol.    


It represents King Xuanyuan's thousand years of heritage.    


Since the inheritance of the Flame Valley is severed from me here, then let's break it completely and let the Xuanyuan Decree bury us deep under the ground together.    


Besides, I told you before that no matter what, you're not allowed to go to the Flame Valley again.    


However, based on my understanding of you, you definitely wouldn't listen to me regarding this matter.    


I can't stop you.    


I advise you to do everything you can.    


The secrets of Flame Valley are incomparably profound, and only if you die can you unlock everything about the Dragonpulse and the Dragon Eye.    


Don't do anything rash unless you're completely prepared.    


Among them, there is also one that belongs to me, but one day, Flame Valley will really allow you to enter and leave your dwelling freely. If possible, please remove me from the tomb in Flame Valley.    


The Great Elder will help you with these matters.    


I hope you will listen to the views of the Great Elder.    


Leaving my question aside, the most important thing at the moment is Hua Yeshen's safety.    


I already know Hua Yeshen was coerced to rebel.    


She is your woman and must not die in the hands of those traitors. Thus, I intentionally got the Great Elder to spread the news that I would not survive past the third day of the third month.    


If there were no surprises, Gu Liancheng would have fought his way to this point in the future.    


Whether you can use this opportunity to save Hua Yeshen will depend on your ability.    


Well, I don't want to talk anymore.    


I want to accumulate strength.    


"Save it, save it for Ming --    


In the end, Yang Xiao didn't finish his sentence. His body softly fell down and he fainted on the bed.    


With her fainting again, the medical equipment around the sickbed immediately let out an ear-piercing alarm.    


Zhan Hsingshen immediately stood up and ran out to call the Great Elder and the others.    


Lee Nanfang stood beside the bed and watched the unconscious Yang Xiao. His heart was full of helplessness.    


He waited for Yang Xiao to wake up.    


He just wanted to get some useful information from her about the follow-up treatment.    


In the end, Yang Xiao said that everything was useless to him, so it was of no value to him.    


His acupuncture, coupled with the qigong therapy from the Great Elder and the other people, along with the special medical instruments from the western doctor, finally stabilized Yang Xiao's body.    


However, after that, other than the group being shocked, no one else was able to change the situation.    


For now, there was only one word — wait.    


He waited for Yang Xiao to wake up.    


The night passed quickly.    


When the first ray of sunlight shone through the window into the ward.    


Zhan Hsingshen fell into a deep sleep beside the bed.    


Lee Nanfang was sitting on the other side, with his upper eyelids closed. He was extremely sleepy.    


These days, in order to find a way to treat Yang Xiao, he really forgot to eat or sleep, and had exhausted all of his physical strength.    


There was less than a day left.    


Without any more turning points, he could only watch as Yang Xiao stopped breathing. This caused him to have no mood to go somewhere else to sleep.    


Once again, he lost his head and almost fell onto the bed.    


Lee Nanfang suddenly straightened his body and pinched the flesh on his thigh. He stood up and wanted to use the cold water to smack his face.    


Who knew that the moment he got up, he would hear Yang Xiao's weak voice coming from behind him.    


"Lee Nanfang."    


"Ah, Yang Xiao, you're awake again. You tell me how you're feeling. Listen to me. All your illnesses have been cured, and you are in excellent health. You will not die. The point is, you have to believe you can survive. Did you hear me? "    


Lee Nanfang shouted anxiously.    


However, Yang Xiao's eyes were lifeless as he stared at the ceiling of the ward and asked faintly, "Gu Liancheng still hasn't come?"    


"Gu Liancheng? No, what time is it, you're still in the mood to — Oh? Yang Xiao, don't sleep! "    


Lee Nanfang was convinced.    


All this time, Yang Xiao's performance in front of him had always been terrifying, as if he could do anything.    


Until today, he finally realized that regardless of whether she was King Xuanyuan or not, she was still a young girl in her early twenties.    


In the face of an unstoppable destiny, it was easy to fall into a state of despair.    


This kind of despair was the main culprit that led to Yang Xiao's life.    


Like just now.    


Yang Xiao's voice was weak, but he didn't seem to be obstructed at all when he spoke.    


Her tone was low, but her face was flushed. She didn't seem to be sick at all.    


It was not illness but her thoughts that had caused him to become like this.    


As the saying goes, a heart disease is hard to cure, and a heart's death is hard to cure.    


This was no different from meeting someone who wanted to commit suicide.    


No matter how much you say, the other party just wants to hang himself. What can you do about it?    


When Yang Xiao fainted for the second time, all the medical equipment in the ward sounded an alarm.    


His vital signs had changed.    


In the blink of an eye, all the functions of Yang Xiao's body rapidly weakened, forcing him to wake up Zhan Hsingshen. He once again called over Great Elder and the others to continue the treatment.    


Two incomparably nervous hours.    


Lee Nanfang did his best to suppress Yang Xiao's illness once again.    


It was also at this moment that Yang Xiao woke up for the third time.    


Looking at the busy crowd, Yang Xiao opened his mouth with difficulty, "Lee Nanfang, don't be busy, it's useless."    


Who said it was useless!    




What I'm doing is very useful.    


Yang Xiao, you are also a Holy Hand of Traditional Chinese Medicine.    


You should be able to feel that there's nothing wrong with your body. You've already fully recovered, but you just don't believe me. "    


Lee Nanfang tried his best to explain the current situation.    


However, after Yang Xiao said that, he didn't pay any attention to Lee Nanfang.    


She only looked at the sky outside the window and muttered to herself, "I really want to take another look back at Flame Valley, and also want to see the 800 yuan you raised me with. "Unfortunately, I don't have the chance …"    


Yang Xiao, who had only woken up for less than a minute, fainted again.    


Well, she could sleep.    


After she closed her eyes, all sorts of medical equipment started to sound out alarms.    


All the effort he had put in for the previous two hours had been in vain.    


Lee Nanfang frowned and tried to stabilize the situation.    


At the same time, he also vaguely grasped a trace of a pattern.    


There was nothing wrong with Yang Xiao's body, but she was in a very poor mental state.    


Especially the desire to survive, it could be said to be minimal.    


Whether or not he could save her was no longer a matter of treating her physical illness, but a matter of trying to reverse her train of thought.    


This situation was very similar to the "infantile nocturia" that she had been treating.    


There was a genetic virus hidden within Yang Xiao's body. Whenever she had a strong desire to live, that virus would be completely suppressed. Until now, she had always believed that at the time of her death, her mental state had fallen, resulting in her bodily functions being weakened.    


Metaphysics says that the aura of the human body is weakening.    


When a person's aura weakened, the natural magnetic field would have a huge negative impact on their body.    


The gene virus attracted the external virus and invaded Yang Xiao's body.    


Every time he fell asleep, his body would be in a precarious situation.    


All in all.    


If he didn't solve Beauty Yang's mental problem, Lee Nanfang would be of no use even if he could cure her body ten thousand times.    


But the problem was, what could he do to stimulate Yang Xiao's desire to survive?    


Time slowly passed and in the blink of an eye it was noon.    


When Yang Xiao's vital signs gradually stabilized, she slowly woke up for the fourth time.    


The people in the ward were still the same.    


As the frequency of Yang Xiao's illness increased, no one dared to take even half a step out of the ward. Everyone was full of energy and was on guard against any accidents at all times.    


However, their bloodshot eyes had proven that everyone had reached a limit.    


Yang Xiao shook his head helplessly: "Lee Nanfang, don't waste your energy. This is my fate as King Xuanyuan, and it cannot be changed."    


As she spoke, she turned her head to look out the window.    


The noon sunlight was incomparably dazzling.    


"Is it noon already? There were still twelve hours left. I wish we could go a little slower. "    


The moment he said that, Yang Xiao passed out again.    


Lee Nanfang was really mad this time. He took a step forward, tightly grabbed Yang Xiao's shoulders and shouted sternly: "Yang Xiao, wake up!    


You don't need time to slow down.    


As long as you believe you can live, you-- Huh?    




"Time is slowing down?"    


Lee Nanfang, who had gone insane, suddenly had a flash of inspiration.    


He was stunned for a moment and then shouted excitedly, "I have a plan!"    


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