Strongest Guard

C2111 Southern Gymnasium

C2111 Southern Gymnasium

Lee Nanfang didn't quite understand Convia's feelings.    


After all, the last time the two of them met, it was under that special environment and circumstances that something happened that Lee Nanfang did not expect.    


Of course, he had done that sort of thing many times before.    


He didn't feel too burdened.    


But the meaning was completely different for Convia.    


Lee Nanfang had developed a cold and aloof woman completely under the control of the Black Dragon, which completely activated a woman's true needs.    


The result could definitely be described as unstoppable.    


But there were no aids in Convia's life, and she had no interest in any other men.    


He had been through a lot during this period.    


She suddenly called Lee Nanfang and heard a voice that made her heart tremble.    


Lee Nanfang used a different tone when he called different people.    


People like Sister Xin would definitely reminisce about the past.    


It was just that a certain demoness's emotions were different from an ordinary person's, giving him no chance to reminisce and improve his feelings.    


As for Convia — what the hell.    


Just like facing the generals of Chen Dalee and Dung Shixiong, whatever you have to say is enough.    


It had to be said that the candidate that Sister Xin had proposed had the ability to have an unexpected effect.    


As Lee Nanfang slowly narrated, Kang Weiya, who had calmed down, immediately displayed the character of a professional manager. She quickly investigated the internet, introduced the Xianhua Club and analyzed the surrounding environment.    


Lee Nanfang didn't have to wait too long.    


That foreign girl then told him the answer he wanted to hear the most.    


"Li, Boss Lee, I suggest we build an indoor sports training building there. To put it simply, we are going to open a high-grade Health Club. "    


"Health Club? Tell me your reason. "    


Lee Nanfang was interested. He lit a cigarette and quietly listened to what Kang Weiya had to say.    


Actually, he had mentioned it before.    


The location where Xianhua Club was located was definitely the best place to get the upper hand. No matter what kind of business he was in, it would all be for money.    


However, the one who wanted to make the most money became a rather difficult choice.    


Kang Weiya proposed the establishment of the "Health Club", but in reality, she was not just trying to find a way to break through from the perspective of the Xianhua Club itself.    


Rather … he saw the surrounding items of the Xianhua Club.    


The clubhouse building was located on the banks of the Huangpu River, near the river. In front of it was the wide road known as Bund.    


At the back of the clubhouse, according to the information found online, there was a bankrupt football training ground.    


It was already hard to say when the training ground was established.    


Separated by a wall with the Xianhua Club, the main thing that they were playing was football training, both inside and outside, and a simple fitness project.    


Taking up a large area of land, there were even the three generals of China who were once supported by the Mingzhu City and government as the competition grounds for the civil movement infrastructure projects.    


It's just that in these recent years with the development of the economy, Bund has been replanned, and that football training ground has lost its original river bank's elegance.    


Coupled with the poor management of the owners of the training grounds, they had been closed down as early as two years ago.    


The whole site was mortgaged to the bank.    


The bank is only responsible for disposing of the assets, regardless of the business.    


That place was always unable to sell, so bad loans appeared and became a thorn in the side of the Mingzhu City Commercial Bank.    


It was a good thing that this issue had been abandoned half a year ago.    


That was not a big piece of land, but a big piece of land.    


Should we build a business center?    


In front of them was the already developed Bund business circle, there was no meaning at all.    


Should we build a residential area?    


It was only enough to build a residential building, so no real estate incident occurred.    


If returned to the purpose before, rebuild the municipal basic services.    


The situation would return to how it was before, and no one would go there. It was just a decoration, and Loong Chengcheng definitely wouldn't want to do something that would actually happen.    


Just like this, the huge piece of land was tied up with the Xianhua Club, and the list of assets was hung up.    


If Lee Nanfang wanted to buy Xianhua Club, he had to buy that piece of training ground together.    


Lee Nanfang, who had no business sense, did not realize that he was going to waste so much money.    


Convia, on the other hand, pointed it out to him just by looking at the information on the Internet.    


More importantly …    


Even in the eyes of a city development and construction expert, a place that was just scrap became a treasure that could give Lee Nanfang money.    


Kang Weiya's suggestion was to rely on that training field to connect the original Xianhua Club and establish a set of Health Club.    


The reason was considered from many aspects.    


First, was the building called Xianhua Club.    


The original secret casino had attracted gamblers. If it were opened again, it would attract a lot of strange people back.    


This must be separated from any service items such as hotel food and beverages.    


Otherwise, there was a chance that some eccentric fellows would appear out of nowhere and cause trouble.    


If a little scoundrel comes out of a hotel and knocks on the door one by one, isn't that intentionally messing up your business?    


If they opened a restaurant, it was possible that some idiots who poisoned their food would appear.    


As long as it was related to the type of service industry, it could attract a lot of trouble from the club's previous business.    


Only the Health Club were different.    


Just think about it, all the people invited here were muscular man coaches. Who would dare to run in and cause trouble?    


You don't even need to look for security.    


The fear of two fitness instructors was enough to scare someone to death.    


Therefore, with such a transformation in Xianhua Club, it was definitely a choice of the highest order.    


Secondly, there was the practice area that the club was relying on.    


In the past, football training became unmanageable and became a sore point for many people. That was because managers did not manage it.    


Simply football, with a single project.    


If Lee Nanfang is determined to renovate, he must make full use of all the fields, divide more functional areas, and add badminton, tennis, basketball, archery and other sports.    


Modern living conditions have improved, and demands for quality of life have increased.    


There were countless white collars and middle class people around the pearl Bund.    


Those people have a monotonous life and a single form of entertainment.    


Many of them were feeling depressed and bored to death every day.    


And sports was a way to ease the pressure of middle-class people, and it was also in line with the current China's national health policies and environment.    


In addition, the reason why the previous training field was not attractive was because of an "imbalance between Yin and Yang".    


The former football training grounds only corresponded to the football crowd.    


This point was too monotonous, and football was a male sport. The number of women who would go there to play football could be counted on one hand.    


Even if a few girls went, they would still go with their husband's living boyfriend.    


There was nothing to play about, so he could only sit on the side and watch, feeling bored every time. There was absolutely no possibility of him going back there a second time.    


Without women, how could you let those strong men who have no energy to vent their feelings live?    


As the saying goes, 'good.' A man and a woman were compatible.    


No matter what you do, men and women together are the most chemical combinations.    


As long as the opposite sex was around, regardless of what it was, they would be full of energy and stimulate the huge consumption.    


Since the previous operators of the training grounds failed to grasp this critical point, Lee Nanfang needed to grasp this opportunity.    


It has to be said that the ultimate reason for Convia's proposal was the clubhouse.    


The key to Health Club was in the following two words.    


There were musclemen who could make women scream.    


Similarly, there was also a woman with a beautiful figure that attracted countless men.    


After everyone got tired of exercising, shouldn't they find a place to sit down and rest, drink some tea, and chat?    


Of course, this was not to encourage things that were inappropriate for children in the clubhouse.    


Rather, it creates a siphon effect.    


To let those middle-class and white-collar workers feel that one Health Club had changed their previous monotonous lives.    


It was also because of the word "clubhouse", which meant that there was a common area and a VIP area.    


The current big boss of China's merchants probably watched too many Hong Kong plus Taiwan movies when he was young and was influenced by the capitalist ideologies of the West. Since he had nothing better to do, he always found a place to play golf and discuss business.    


Should he put it aside first?    


It is fair to say that sports promote business cooperation, because in the process of exercise, the brain speeds up and produces a sharper circuit of thought.    


Summarize all the above conditions.    


Once Lee Nanfang activated this Health Club and did a good job of promoting it.    


It was hard to imagine how hot business would be.    


This is exactly what Boss Lee wants -- to be the most profitable project.    


After hearing all of Kang Weiya's analysis, Lee Nanfang was truly impressed. No wonder even the He Lan Demoness had to recommend this foreign girl President.    


He had pondered over this problem for several days, and it was solved by her in just half an hour.    


"Li Wei, Boss Lee, what I'm saying is just a preliminary idea. "Give me one day, and I will prepare a complete project plan. I will send it to you, and you can decide whether it is feasible or not."    


Convia said it carefully.    


Lee Nanfang was in an extremely good mood.    


He felt good about what Convia had said, but he had no clue as to how to do it.    


But Convia had offered to make a detailed plan.    


Lee Nanfang only needed to follow the plan book and do the preparations.    


Isn't this the same as dozing off and running into a pillow?    


Of course he was happy.    


"Alright, I'll be waiting for your proposal."    


Lee Nanfang's praising tone gave Kang Weiya confidence.    


Director Kang Liu smiled happily, and then immediately asked with embarrassment, "Boss, in a few days there will be an exchange meeting for domestic celebrities and entrepreneurs in Ming Zhu, can I represent Kaihuang Group to participate in this exchange?"    


"Sure, why not?"    


"Then can I see you? Ah, yes, there are still some details regarding Health Club, I am afraid that I would not be able to explain it clearly in the planning book. "    


Convia quickly explained.    


How could Lee Nanfang think about his attitude? He casually said: "When you get to Ming Zhu, just come and find me."    


"Thank you, boss."    


The call ended.    


Convia collapsed into her boss's chair like a pile of mud.    


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