Strongest Guard

C2121 The Division of Interests at a Banquet

C2121 The Division of Interests at a Banquet

Lee Nanfang already knew that Master Kai could be related to Flame Valley.    


This was something he did not want to see.    


He only hoped that the relationship wasn't too deep.    


His gaze involuntarily fell on the fat old man, just in time to see the old man's finger move away from the wine cup, lightly tapping on the table, laughing out loud: "Don't be so nervous, everyone.    


The purpose of inviting you to the banquet today is to make money through friendship.    


How could they be so stiff from the very beginning?    


Little Rou, Boss Shen Quan and Shen is the representative for the China area. They have been around for dozens of years. They are your elders, so how can they speak so harshly to their elders?    


Hurry up and apologize! "    


The moment Master Kai opened his mouth, he acted the role of a peacemaker.    


It was just that King of Soft Rice was still acting the part of someone who didn't get along with his father-in-law. He snorted coldly and turned his head away, showing no intention of apologizing.    


The fat old man didn't seem to mind. He maintained his smile and raised his wine cup for the second time.    


"Come, gentlemen.    


Three cups, all friends in the world.    


I toast the second glass, drink, and listen to my old man.    


"How about it?"    


Master Kai toasted Ye Zichen, the people around had to give him some face.    


Everyone picked up their glasses.    


The atmosphere eased a little.    


When the waiter went to refill the liquor, the fat old man said, "There is an old saying in China that failure in business is just as righteous.    


However, I feel that the best ending for this old man is to be able to make a business deal and have benevolence and righteousness.    


We all have our own motives for tomorrow's auction.    


There are different interests entangled.    


However, the purpose was to make money.    


I believe no one wants to see someone intentionally raising the bid, causing unnecessary losses.    


Therefore, let's not talk about the conflicts between them for now.    


Let's first talk about whether there are any benefits that we can fight for together.    


I'm the oldest, so I can't take advantage of my seniority. Let's start with the youngest generation here.    


Little Han.    


You're the youngest, so I'll be the first to speak up for you.    


Master Kai had a warm smile on his face as his gaze fell on a young man in his thirties.    


Until now, Lee Nanfang still didn't know the background of this person, and he was also one of the two remaining people.    


Little Han?    


Someone with the surname Han?    


Lee Nanfang would be in the negotiating atmosphere tonight, so he had more ideas than usual.    


Hearing that person's surname, he couldn't help but think of a certain person — Han Chengxiong.    


He knew that Han Chengxiong was Ming Zhu's star entrepreneur and had a Huazhen Security Company under his command, so he had a lot of power.    


Although Han Chengxiong was dead, his company didn't close down.    


Fang Zheng who was on the same level as him could sit here, so …    


"Little Han, let me first tell you about your father's death here. Sad, you have to look to money, good management of Huazhen Group, so as to be worthy of your parents in the spirit of heaven. Don't you agree? "    


Master Kai's words confirmed Lee Nanfang's suspicions.    


Faang Fengming's explanation gave him a complete answer.    


"Han Wei, Han Chengxiong's son, is currently the president of Huazhen Group.    


He's a competitor among these people that you need to take seriously.    


Han Chengxiong had just died.    


Han Wei took over the entire company and quickly participated in the municipal auction. His goal was the drug factory in the southern part of the city that you had to bid for.    


This guy used to study with me in Europe.    


What business acumen he has, I dare not say.    


When I was in Europe, I had heard that he had a close relationship with the Mafia in Germany.    


To achieve his goal, he would use any means available.    


You don't just have to think about how to snatch the southern part of the city from him.    


"You have to be wary of what kind of revenge he will have against you after the auction."    




Lee Nanfang laughed coldly.    


He didn't care about Han Chengxiong, how could he be a son of Han Wei.    


A little hoodlum who couldn't show his face, what kind of bullshit revenge method could he use?    


It doesn't matter.    


The most important thing was still to see what kind of people supported him from behind.    


The medicine factory in the south of the city was an asset under Hu Daodao's name.    


Then why did the original Mingzhu City secretly open a medicine factory?    


This matter could very easily be linked to that secret underground research room in the General Hospital of Mingzhu.    


The research results from the secret research lab.    


Later, it appeared on the bodies of Han Chengxiong's mercenaries.    


From this, it could be seen that Han Chengxiong and Hu Daodao had already started colluding with each other in private.    


Now, one is in prison and the other is dead.    


However, the relevant research has yet to be made clear. The connection between the two sides still needs someone to inherit it.    


Han Chengxiong's death fell on his son Han Wei's head. It was within his expectation that the target would be the South City Pharmaceutical Factory.    


Lee Nanfang wanted to snatch that piece of land from this guy, but it was already a barrier in front of him.    


What if Master Kai helped him again?    


When Han Wei thanked Master Kai respectfully, the fat old man laughed and said, "Little Han, there is no need to be so polite to our family. Today, I will stand guard here with all the uncles and uncles to make you a master. Southern City Pharmaceutical Factory, we will not argue with you, you can rest assured that the starting bid. Everyone, do you have any objections? "    


As he spoke, Master Kai scanned the surroundings coldly.    


Wherever his gaze passed, no one spoke.    


The reason was none other than because the south of the city's pharmaceutical factory was outside of their consideration.    


Seeing everyone's tacit approval, Master Kai's smile widened.    


"Look, how good is this?" Like I said, all of us are here to make money. There was no need to make the relationship so stiff. Then let's talk about something else. Boss Chang, you are a rich businessman from Dongguo City. Although you are still young, my old man doesn't dare to be arrogant. If I may ask, what is the purpose of your participation in this auction? "    


Master Kai turned around and looked at Chang Qing.    


There were eight people here, and it was Chang Qing who was so clueless about the fat old man that he had to be careful when talking to him.    


But unfortunately, this caution of his was completely unnecessary.    


Chang Qing was just a support.    


What purpose could he have?    


"Master Kai, no need to be so courteous to me.    


I, an outsider, have come here entirely because I want to make use of this opportunity to earn more money. In terms of financial resources, I definitely can't compare to the local successful merchants of Ming Zhu.    


Since everyone was sitting together, they opened the skylight and spoke openly.    


That guy wasn't hiding anything.    


In the restaurant business, I only need to look at the list of assets that will be auctioned off at the city's entrance, so it is hard to determine where I should start from.    


How about this.    


All of you, take what you need.    


The rest of the corners, where I didn't need them, I kept them.    


What if there was nothing left.    


Then I still need to rely on you, Master Kai, to find a land that can earn money for me, so I won't trouble you guys at the auction.    


"Yes, or no?"    


Chang Qing was a man of Ling Qing Mountain, purposely pretending to be a rich Dongguang businessman who spoke that kind of crappy Cantonese.    


It was really awkward to listen to.    


However, Master Kai sounded quite comfortable and laughed even louder: "Sure, why not! The fact that you are able to achieve your current status and accomplishments is not something that you obtained out of thin air. With your level of bearing, even my old man would not be able to compare to you. I've made my decision. If you fail to get any benefits from the auction tomorrow, I will personally find a good place for you. Everyone should earn money together. Come, let me toast Boss Chang by myself. "    


The person that made the fat old man most uncertain was actually this easy to talk to.    


Of course he was happy to death, he really wanted to hug Chang Qing and give him a fierce kiss.    


On the other side, when Lee Nanfang saw this scene, he lowered his head to cover his mouth and tried his best to hold back his laughter.    


If Master Kai knew that Chang Qing was just a mover, only the heavens would know whether this old man would die of anger on the spot.    


The goblet clicked.    


Two cups of wine.    


Master Kai's face was red with excitement as he turned to look at Fang Zheng.    


Just as the old man had said, he was the main character in today's banquet. He would distribute the benefits from all sides and solve the problem from bottom to top according to his qualifications.    


With that, of course it was Fang Zheng's turn.    


"Boss Faang, we have been friends for many years.    


Thinking back to when Pearl Beach was divided into three worlds, and you, Fang Zheng, took a machete and struck down half of Ming Zhu's mountain, my old man had specially invited you to a banquet.    


How about it? Don't give me any face.    


There was no need to make things difficult for the junior, Little Han, here today.    


Tell me where you want it.    


As long as it's not for Little Han, I guarantee that I won't let anyone cause trouble for you, even if I have to fight for it with my old face. "    


Old Man Kai drank too much and lost all sense of logic in his speech.    


Just now when Han Wei wanted to go to the south side of the city, Fang Zheng clearly didn't say anything. Wasn't this proof that he didn't have the heart to make things difficult for the younger generation?    


A man in the martial arts world.    


They all abided by one principle, and that was to bring disaster upon their wives and children.    


Fang Zheng, he was just like his name.    


"Master Kai, look at the arrangements. I believe you."    


With a simple sentence, Fang Zheng's gaze swept across Lee Nanfang.    


Originally, Fang Zheng needed a lot of things for this banquet.    


However, ever since he saw Lee Nanfang and his daughter here together, all his previous plans were overturned.    


He chose to take advantage of the situation and waited to see if Lee Nanfang would join in the conversation at the end.    


The drunk Old Man Kai did not notice much, and he was only happy that Fang Zheng gave him this much face. He shouted loudly: "Good!    


Then I won't speak the truth.    


As of now, the entire underground business of Ming Zhu belongs to you, Boss Faang.    


The reason for participating in this auction should be for the sake of Dragon Great Knitting.    


As for the office building in Pu Dong city and the factory in the outskirts, I'll split that with Ming Zhu Loong Family.    


A large family, how could they not give him face?    


Everyone, do you think that makes sense? "    


Old Man Kai was so intoxicated by the smell of alcohol that his arrogant attitude was completely obvious, and his words were even more taboo.    


Could Fang Zheng's underground business be said openly?    


Was the bright pearl Loong Family so useless that it required a cunning merchant like him to give it face?    


Forget it, just let him be arrogant for a while.    


After a moment of silence, everyone silently agreed with his decision.    


Old Man Kai shook his head and shifted his gaze to another person.    


That person was exactly the last investor that Lee Nanfang had until now.    


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