Strongest Guard

C2267 Sweet Lady Boss

C2267 Sweet Lady Boss

Who knew how many small restaurants there were in the world with the name "Ten Lires of Fragrance".    


It was about the same as many hotels in the early days called the "Flemish Gate".    


However, it was Lee Nanfang's first time seeing the word "incense" before adding the word "sweet".    


Sweet and sweet ten miles.    


Putting everything else aside, just the name of this restaurant was enough to stir people's appetite.    


When Lee Nanfang saw these words, he subconsciously thought that the owner of this clean restaurant was a woman.    


Otherwise, a big man with a beard and a shop called Sweet Ten Lights — it was too beautiful to imagine.    


Moreover, this woman was also one of those extremely gentle and sweet young women.    


Not even girls.    


For one thing, girls rarely opened restaurants, and for another, even if they did open a restaurant, they would only call it "crispy incense" or something like that.    


A woman without a certain depth, no, without a certain life experience, would not have thought of that name.    


The facts proved that Lee Nanfang's judgement was right.    


When he walked into the store, he saw the silhouette of the woman cutting vegetables in front of the chopping board, and also the kind of demonic aura she exuded when she cut vegetables. He was sure that she was worthy of the name of the restaurant.    


Especially when the woman noticed someone entering the door from the corner of her eyes, she instinctively looked over and smiled sweetly, gently saying, "Let him wait a moment..." Lee Nanfang was stunned.    


A woman has a good figure.    


She was pretty and charming, and her eyes seemed to be filled with flowing water.    


Her snow-white skin was rosy, and she seemed to be in her thirties. Her entire body was exuding a sweet aura that did not exist among women of the same age.    


The Lady Boss's sweet, sweet, and fragrant smell of wine was especially beautiful and charming. Her ability to make people stare fixedly at her without eating anything, and to drink the entire bottle of white wine.    


None of this mattered to Lee Nanfang.    


He might be lacking in everything, but he was also lacking in beauties.    


Then, why did he suddenly become so dazed after seeing the Lady Boss?    


It's because — Who is she?    


She was not Yang Tiantian.    


Was she really not Yang Tiantian?    


Was the sweet and sweet Lady Boss Yang Tiantian!?    


If not, why did she look the same as Yang Tiantian?    


If so, why was it that when she first appeared to be him, and with a second glance, he could tell that she was not the third eye, and with a third eye, and with a fourth eye, and with a fourth eye?    


This was because the Lady Boss's appearance resembled the Yang Tiantian that Lee Nanfang knew.    


However, this woman's skin was tender, her figure was beautiful, and she looked to be in her early thirties. Especially her eyebrows, which were brimming with a mature aura. They were all incomparable to the Yang Tiantian that Lee Nanfang knew.    


If she had to be called Yang Tiantian, then — she could only be Yang Tiantian from twenty years ago.    


Lee Nanfang had only come to QIngling County and hadn't been reborn to twenty years ago. The boss' wife who was sweet and fragrant with ten miles of incense was obviously not the Yang Tiantian that he knew.    


At most, the Lady Boss was just a special portrait of Yang Tiantian.    


Moreover, Lee Nanfang was very clear that within the eight hundred Monarch Valley, Yang Tiantian was said to eat and chant buddhist food everyday in order to pray for some people, so how could she possibly come to this place.    


"Hey, where did this stinky beggar come from? Staring at someone the moment you enter the door? Get out. "    


A righteous man cursed, waking Lee Nanfang up from his daze.    


The righteous ones of the world bear the responsibility of managing the injustice of the world.    


Although Tiantian's Lady Boss could attract the attention of all the men, Brother Baozi had no rights whatsoever. No matter how Lee Nanfang stared at her, he was still unhappy. Since when did beggars have the right to admire beauty?    


Besides, the sweet and fragrant Lady Boss was a beauty that Brother Baozi and the others had long coveted.    


Brother Baozi's brother Brother Sparrow had paid a precious price as early as last month to tie her up in the South Yue Meiseng Valley.    


After Brother Sparrow met this beauty by chance, he had called Brother Baozi and sent a photo of her to him to ask him how much value this beauty could be worth.    


Brother Baozi was very happy with the price that came back from the Missen Valley.    


Brother Baozi, standing in front of Brother Sparrow's grave, silently swore that even if the footprints spread to the ends of the earth, he would still find that beautiful woman and sell her to the Meissen Valley to avenge his brother.    


It was obvious that sweet and beautiful women were not the type to kill people easily.    


Brother Sparrow died at the hands of others.    


According to Brother Baozi's guess, that "someone else" could only be a member of the family of sweet and beautiful things.    


Even though she was dressed in shabby clothes and looked sweet and beautiful, it was obvious from one look that she wasn't a woman from an ordinary family.    


As she walked on alone in a daze, it was very likely that she had received a severe shock, such as the fact that her husband had betrayed her.    


The Heavens did not disappoint those who wanted to.    


Brother Baozi, who swore to find sweet and beautiful goods, followed her southward trail and finally found her in QIngling County.    


However, the miserable deaths of Brother Sparrow and the others kept reminding Brother Baozi that there might be a God of Death lurking in the shadows beside this sweet and beautiful woman.    


He could not be careless.    


As long as he could capture her, Brother Baozi was willing to spend more than half a month to pay close attention to the development of sweet and beautiful goods.    


She ran restaurants, bought food, cooked food, entertained customers, slept at night, went out in the morning, and so on. Brother Baozi knew everything, but he never saw the "God of Slaughter" appear.    


It seemed like her family was disappointed with her and had given up on her.    


Although Brother Baozi made this judgment, he still pretended to be a guest and came here for three consecutive days to eat and observe patiently.    


There was still no trace of the God of Slaughter.    


Brother Baozi finally made up his mind. Let's do it tonight!    


Before she kidnapped the sweet and beautiful thing, she would eat a meal that she cooked herself.    


After all, from tonight onwards, Brother Baozi would never have the chance to eat again in his lifetime …    


Just as Brother Baozi was preparing his last meal of tasting sweet and delicious food, a beggar suddenly came in and stared at her. If it was him, who wouldn't be furious?    


Sweet, sweet, and beautiful women definitely did not like it, so the beggar stared at her in a daze.    


It was only because of her gentle personality and the principle of "the visitor is the guest" that she gently told him to wait a moment before he continued slicing the vegetables.    


Before the Lady Boss could say anything, the food was already full of noise.    


Fortunately, Scumbag Lee had cultivated to the level of being jealous of others. No, he had reached the level of "honor and disgrace" a long time ago. He would never lower himself to the level of seeking death like Brother Baozi.    


He was here for dinner.    


However, when he met the Lady Boss who was very similar to that woman, but younger than her, he instinctively went into a daze. Then, he stopped thinking about it and casually sat down at a small table and casually raised his head to look at the wall.    


On the wall, there was a business license.    


Don't look at how this place is remote and remote from the border, the influence of the unit here isn't big, but anyone who opens a shop here has to get a permit to open it.    


After seeing the individual legal person's name on the business license, Lee Nanfang became dumb again.    


Yang Tiantian.    


The lady boss of Sweet Fragrance also had the same name as the woman Lee Nanfang knew.    




A loud sound rang out, causing Lee Nanfang's heart and lungs to beat rapidly as he stared at his business license in a daze.    


It was Brother Baozi who slammed the table.    


Brother Baozi had clearly warned the beggar to f * * k off, but he just sat there with a deaf ear.    


This was a deliberate challenge to Brother Baozi's authority.    


Although Brother Baozi wasn't a local, and due to professional reasons, he had to always keep a low profile, authority wasn't something that beggars could casually provoke.    


After slapping the table and causing Lee Nanfang to look at him in shock, Brother Baozi swung his right hand and slapped him hard.    


If he didn't shatter the teeth in this stinky beggar's mouth, he wouldn't know that Prince Ma had three eyes!    




The slapping sound was abnormally loud. It was like a thunder in a clear sky. The sweet and beautiful woman who was cutting vegetables was frightened to the point that her entire body was trembling. She hurriedly raised her head to look.    


She saw more than ten white teeth flying in the air --    


When someone slapped his mouth when he didn't do anything bad, the best counterattack would be to slap him half his mouth and half his teeth away first.    


This was one of the principles of Lee Nanfang's conduct.    


Once principles were formed, it was very difficult to change them.    


Lee Nanfang was the first to arrive. After slapping off half of Brother Baozi's teeth, he kicked on Brother Baozi's stomach without waiting for him to scream out miserably.    


"Ah, ah!"    


Brother Baozi's scream came from the road outside the store. It was extremely miserable.    


People who grew up in the martial arts world could neither recognize words nor distinguish between men and women, but they had to know who they could not afford to offend.    


Without a doubt, the beggars who picked up Brother Baozi and kicked him seven or eight meters away were not people that they could mess with.    


Especially this beggar. He might very well be the one protecting the sweet beauty in secret and killing Brother Sparrow and the others.    


Brother Baozi was easily taken care of. If he didn't leave now, then when?    


"Brat, if you have the guts, don't leave. I'll go call our big brother!"    


A few professional peddlers had plenty of experience in the Jianghu, so they definitely wouldn't run away in a hurry. They would just leave a few pleasantries and rush out of the store, picked up Brother Baozi, who had lost half his mouth, and flew away.    


Lee Nanfang really didn't see any flaws at all.    


This was mainly due to his current world and the fact that he had already reached a height that normal people would not be able to reach. In his eyes, there was no difference between a trafficker and a street hoodlum.    


He only smiled in disdain and looked back at the sweet-smelling Lady Boss.    


The more he looked, the more he was sure that the sweet and sweet lady boss was not the woman he knew.    


Coincidentally, they were all called Yang Tiantian.    


"These eyes of mine really should have been dug out and stepped on like glass. This little girl can't be more than thirty-three, how could it possibly be her? "    


Lee Nanfang's authoritative gaze swept across the sweet and sweet lady boss' waist and her long legs again. He couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He waved his hand and amiably said: "Lady Boss, if you have any good dishes, feel free to serve them. "Don't look at how worn out I am, I will definitely not be a freeloader."    


It was definitely Lee Nanfang who easily kicked out Brother Baozi and showed his manliness, scaring the sweet-smelling boss.    


Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so scared that she didn't even dare to say anything after staring blankly for a moment. She just blushed and nodded her head in a flurry. Then, she swept the shredded potato onto a plate beside her and took out some meat products from the freezer.    


The guy who called Mr. Hua, who easily took care of Brother Baozi, said he wanted her to serve whatever dishes she was good at.    


Generally speaking, most of the good dishes in a small restaurant were not made with ground potatoes with vinegar or stir-fried yam.    


Braised pork with braised pork, beef with potatoes, stewed chicken with mushrooms and the like were all good dishes.    


Just when the sweet-smelling boss' wife was making the dishes, Lee Nanfang, who confirmed that she wasn't that person, stopped paying attention to her. He picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table and put one in his mouth.    


It was a box of cigarettes. Brother Baozi and the others had placed it on the table and 'forgot' to take it before they left.    


Lee Nanfang hadn't smoked for a long time.    


How long, how long?    


He didn't want to calculate, so he lit it, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.    


When the familiar smell surrounded his lungs, Lee Nanfang could clearly feel the appearance of the Black Dragon. It was even more comfortable than him to swallow the clouds and exhale the smoke like a bear.    


After not smoking for a long time, Lee Nanfang actually developed a phenomenon of "smoking drunk".    


The feeling of being drunk and smoking was completely different.    


Those who were drunk talked a lot. No matter how uncomfortable it was, they would only vomit.    


However, being drunk would cause one to feel disgusted. One's heart and blood would also accelerate in an instant, causing one to break out in a cold sweat.    


I just feel like I'm flying in a cloud --    


This was the legendary floating, lustful, and immortal.    


It had been a long time since a deity had appeared. Lee Nanfang was really not used to it. When he felt even more disgusted, he immediately stood up.    


Even though his clothes were worn out, he was still a person of great quality. If he wanted to puke, he couldn't puke in such a clean shop.    


Lee Nanfang stood up and was about to walk to the door, but he staggered a few times and was forced back.    


He subconsciously reached out to grab something behind him to maintain his balance.    


Before Lee Nanfang could feel anything, a voice filled with pain was heard, "Ah, it hurts."    


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