Strongest Guard

C2279 That Man Is Mine

C2279 That Man Is Mine

I'm Yang Tiantian, thirty-one years old.    


I grew up in the QIngling region, went to school, and fell in love. At the age of twenty-nine, I got married.    


In the third year of their marriage, their husband accidentally encountered a hurricane when he was out fishing and never came back.    


After I got his accident insurance, I started a sweet ten-mile home to support myself.    


I never thought of marrying again. I just wanted to stay at the store and live like this until my hair turned white and my teeth fell out.    


But those people, why did they want to capture me and kill me?    


I have a chart on my back.    


How could I not know my own body?    


Every time I took a bath, I would feel proud and proud to have such a wonderful body. However, I never found any nautical charts on my back in the mirror.    


That chart will appear when I send it out.    


They captured me and wanted to kill me because of that sea map.    


How could there be such a map on my back?    


Where did those people come from?    


What is the relationship between that bastard Li and me?    


Why, when I saw his eyes, did I feel fear, but also an indescribable feeling?    


Just who am I?    


Did I grow up here, married, with a husband?    


Can anyone tell me and give me an accurate answer?    


Yang Tiantian was in excruciating pain. She only wanted to scream out those words.    


Her mouth was wide open, but she could not utter a single word.    


It was as if she was in a huge furnace. Both her body and mind were being roasted by the raging flames. She was struggling with all her might while her heart was crying.    


She felt like she was going to die.    


At this moment, a soft sigh entered his ears.    


Then a hand was placed on her forehead.    


That hand seemed to possess some kind of mysterious magic. Just placing it on her forehead made her feel a slight coolness. An indescribable sense of irritation gradually disappeared.    


Her agitated soul could finally rest.    


Thus, Yang Tiantian fell asleep sweetly.    


However, her mind was still working slowly. "Who is this person who used his hand to caress my forehead?"    


A person slowly rose in her mind.    


In fact, there were many, many people.    


But in Yang Tiantian's eyes, there was only this man.    


The man wore a black rusted dragon robe and stood on the stage. His hands were spread open and his chin was raised. His face was full of arrogance and pride as he squinted his eyes, slowly sweeping his eyes over the troops below the stage.    




A loud explosion caused Yang Tiantian's heart and body to shudder violently. Only then did she realize that she was also on the platform.    


She stood behind a group of people.    


In that group of people, there were men and women, old and young.    


Like everyone else, she wore a wide robe. She bent her waist slightly and looked at the man in black dragon robes with an expression of incomparable worship.    


The man had two chairs behind him.    


One of them belonged to him.    


The other chair had a woman sitting on it. She had a dignified, beautiful, and virtuous appearance.    


The woman wore a white phoenix robe, and wore golden steps that were like dancing phoenixes. She had a faint smile at the corner of her mouth as she looked into the man's eyes, as if she was drunk.    


When Yang Tiantian saw the woman's appearance, she felt her heart once again violently thump, and the sound of explosions rang out one after another.    


It was eighteen muscular, red-robed warriors, who were swinging their drumsticks in unison and swung them towards the big bull drum.    


The drum beat was passionate!    


In the audience, a thousand soldiers suddenly shouted, "Long live, long live, long live, long live the battle!"    


"Long live, long live, long live!"    


Yang Tiantian's reaction was absolutely instinctual. She knelt on one knee and shouted in unison with the hundreds of people on the stage.    


Crash! *    


The thousand soldiers knelt on the ground, and the mountain cries became even louder.    


Even the eighteen drum beating red-robed warriors also knelt on one knee, raising their heads and beating the drum even harder.    


Only two people were standing.    


One was a king, the other was his queen.    


However, the empress also placed her hands on her hips and bent her knees in blessing.    


"This is my mountain!"    


The emperor raised his hand and drew an arc in the air. "As long as you can see anything!"    


"Long live!"    


"This is my people." As long as you are proud of my Great Sui. "    


"Long live!"    


"This is my master." It can crush anyone who disobeys it into dust. "    


"Long live!"    


"This is my official. "With them here, my Sui Sui will last forever."    


"Long live!"    


"This is my queen."    


The emperor slowly walked up to the empress and took her hand. Looking at her with eyes full of tenderness and love, he asked, "Zitong, are you willing to be inseparable from me for generations to come?"    


The empress gently pulled away from the emperor's hand, taking a step back and kneeling on the ground. The moment her red lips parted, Yang Tiantian suddenly shrieked, "That man is mine!"    


Thousands of troops, tens of thousands of horses.    


My mountains, tigers and wolves, the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts — everything disappeared with Yang Tiantian's shriek.    


There was only the bedroom in Tiantian's Ten Li Fragrance.    


The morning sun shone through the pale blue curtains.    


There were no thousands of soldiers or horses, there was no Minister of Civil and Martial Arts, nor was there a queen. There was only Yang Tiantian. She suddenly sat up and her heavy breathing echoed in the quiet room.    


A dream.    


Everything that Yang Tiantian had just seen was within her dreams.    


It was an inexplicable, absurd, and seemingly real dream.    


She had woken up.    


The magnificent army in her dream, the sand blown away by the hurricane, did not leave a single impression on her.    


However, she firmly remembered the appearance of a monarch and empress.    


The expression in the eyes of the Emperor when he looked at her was extremely cold.    


The empress looked at him with mockery in her eyes.    


The Queen's face, familiar — Yang Tiantian covered her head with both hands, thinking hard.    


I can't remember.    


The Monarch's image — The door opened.    


A man came in with a tray with bowls of noodles.    


The aroma of these simple bowls of noodles made Yang Tiantian's appetite boil.    


She moved.    


He rolled off the bed, knelt down, touched his forehead to the ground, and began to beg with a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, please forgive Theodore!"    




Who is Theodore?    


She was clearly Yang Tiantian, the Lady Boss of Ten Lives Fragrance. Why did she suddenly kneel down in fear after that Scoundrel surnamed Li appeared, calling him "Your Majesty" and calling him Theodore?    


Lee Nanfang was stunned.    


She had a fever not long after he had carried the unconscious woman back to the incense last night.    


He was shocked and frightened. After swimming in the cold water for such a long time, it was no longer normal for him to have symptoms of a fever.    


Although Scumbag Lee and Yang Xiao had been fooling around for so many years, even if Scumbag Lee was stupid, the medical skills he learned would still make the so-called famous doctors blush, but he did not dare to abandon Yang Tiantian and go to the mountains to pick herbs or go to the hospital.    


Who knew that when he left her, there were still people hiding in the dark, plotting to kill her?    


Carry her to the hospital?    


Forget it--she had antipyretic in her closet.    


Lee Nanfang also soaked a towel in white wine and placed it on her forehead. Soon, she calmed down. A relieved smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and she fell into a deep sleep.    


When Yang Tiantian got angry, she said a lot of nonsense.    


Lee Nanfang couldn't hear it clearly and also couldn't understand it, so he stopped listening. He yawned, pressed a hand on her forehead and fell asleep as well.    


A certain handsome brother from Piaomiao Countryside said very clearly, that before sunset today, Lee Nanfang had to pass through the tunnel at the bottom of the sea to go to Piaomiao Countryside.    


Otherwise, his aunt would have had a chat with the handsome brothers in Piaomiao Countryside.    


This was a major event.    


For Lee Nanfang, it was even bigger than the Earth suddenly stopping.    


Therefore, he had to rest well, so that he would be full of energy and would be able to fight to the death.    


He also had to get a clear look at the complete chart.    


However, if he wanted to see the complete chart, he would have to —    


After Lee Nanfang fell asleep, he was troubled by a certain problem.    


No matter how conflicted he was, after the sun rose, he opened his eyes and took Yang Tiantian's temperature once again.    


Very good, the fever has subsided.    


Then go cook.    


After eating their fill, they would head to the Black Fog Beach!    


While they were cooking, Lee Nanfang was also thinking about the three of them.    


Of course, Yue Zitong was the first one to think — Child, their mother, how are you doing in the country?    


After thinking about his aunt, Lee Nanfang thought about Buddha's Boogie and her son.    


Last night, the woman who swore to get rid of him – after doing her best to provide him with 7-star services, she obediently carried Li Xiusheng and left.    


Lee Nanfang would definitely remember what she said.    


Ai, what should I do to make that little bastard into a good child?    


Lee Nanfang felt a headache coming on.    


We'll talk about it later.    


He raised his eyebrows and focused on what was in front of him.    


The third person that Lee Nanfangfei was thinking about was, of course, the woman lying in the bedroom.    


Thinking, thinking, thinking — He didn't even manage to think of anything, and was instead even more conflicted. He didn't want to wait until she woke up before having a good chat.    


Just like this, Lee Nanfang abandoned all the pressure in his mind and made a few bowls of noodles. The moment he came into the bedroom, Yang Tiantian knelt down in front of him and called herself Theodore.    


He was Viva, he knew that.    


The extremely evil Lao Hei had long been through a lot of trouble with this woman. Lee Nanfang knew it too.    


However, what was the meaning of this woman calling herself Theodore?    


Lee Nanfang didn't understand, but after being stunned for a moment, he lightly said: "Stand up."    


For a moment, he thought of what he should do with this woman.    


Yang Tiantian had also woken up, but she still knelt on the ground dumbly and stared straight at Lee Nanfang.    


She was not mistaken. That face was none other than the Emperor's appearance from her dream.    


She suddenly called herself Theodore because she might be someone kneeling on the platform.    


She was not the empress, but she was jealous of that "Zitong".    


Why did she have that dream?    


Why did he have the ambition to kick away that 'Zitong' and become a tyrant?    


Yang Tiantian didn't know.    


When she picked up the chopsticks, she found that she was already sitting at the table, wanting to eat.    


"The noodles made by this scoundrel seems to be even more delicious than mine."    


After smelling the fragrance of the rice, Yang Tiantian had just had that thought when she heard Scoundrel blandly say, "You still haven't washed your face and brushed your teeth. You're not allowed to eat."    


Yang Tiantian was stunned for a moment before her face turned red. She put down her chopsticks, bent down, and went to the washroom with her tail between her legs.    


By the time she returned, the bad guy was half asleep on her bed, with a cigarette in his mouth, flipping through her diary.    


The diary of a woman was also unfamiliar to him. How could he casually read it?    


Yang Tiantian's eyebrows creased. She lowered her head and obediently sat at the table, beginning to eat.    


The scene of that scoundrel killing last night was too terrifying.    


He was especially shameless. He pushed Buddha's Boogie into the stream in front of her face for more than an hour, causing her to scream until her throat turned hoarse.    


If Yang Tiantian wouldn't let him look at her diary, he would... for more than an hour, and she would die.    


"Yang Tiantian, citizen of QIngling, thirty-one years old, widowed three years ago and still not remarried."    


After listening to him flip through the diary and say these words, Yang Tiantian, who was nibbling on her food, hurriedly put down her chopsticks and whispered a "yes".    


"Keep eating. When I ask, you just nod or shake your head. "    


Lee Nanfang glanced at her and asked: "Do you think I'm a bad guy?"    


Yang Tiantian didn't have any reaction.    


Lee Nanfang asked again, "Do you think I look familiar?"    


Yang Tiantian hesitated for a moment before nodding.    


He said, "You're scared of me."    


Yang Tiantian nodded vigorously, but then shook her head in a flurry.    


Lee Nanfang put down his diary and said: "Eat and drink to your heart's content. Accompany me to the sea."    


Yang Tiantian had just picked up her chopsticks and put them down. Then, she slowly raised her head and looked at him bravely. "Is there really a map on my back?"    


Lee Nanfang nodded and replied seriously, "Yes."    


"You … you have to see it."    


"I have to."    


"Can't you just take a look?"    






"If you don't look, a lot of people will die."    


"But if you see it, my reputation will be ruined."    


Yang Tiantian lowered her head and picked up her chopsticks again, picking up her noodles and saying in a soft voice, "Maybe I will die too."    


Lee Nanfang immediately replied: "I only see the ones on the back."    


Yang Tiantian froze for a moment, then lifted her head and blurted out, "But that scary skinny guy said that if you don't look at the complete map, you'll definitely die in the tunnel at the bottom of the sea."    


"That's my business. It has nothing to do with you. I promise, when I see the picture on your back, I'll let you go. "    


Lee Nanfang lifted his feet and walked towards the bedroom door: "There are two ways to let me see the chart on your back without offending you. First, medication. Second, you make full use of your rich imagination. In five minutes, I want to know the answer. "    


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