Strongest Guard

C1094 I Am a Passer-by at My Wedding

C1094 I Am a Passer-by at My Wedding

Ever since Yang Xiao had married and married Hua Yeshen, Lee Nanfang had treated her as his wife for life, secretly swearing to love her for the rest of his life.    


However, Hua Yeshen's performance just now had made Lee Nanfang feel completely bored.    


The relationship between a man and a woman was way too complicated.    


Lee Nanfang didn't blame Hua Yeshen for losing interest in playing any longer.    


This was because he was very clear that it was normal for Sister Yeshen to seize this opportunity and tilt her head towards Holan Fusu in dissatisfaction.    


It was just like when he was holding the bride's arm as he walked into the hall. Wasn't he also using his gaze to look at Yue Zitong's groom, threatening to kill her?    


Hua Yeshen cared about Holan Fusu and lost her rationality to hurt him, just like Lee Nanfang cared too much about Yue Zitong.    


He was even less likely to blame Hua Yeshen for what had happened.    


He simply felt that he wanted to end this farce as soon as possible and marry Sister Yeshen, who should have awakened from her stupor. He didn't want to think about whether he could live a happy life by being a good husband who doted on his wife and having two or three cute and smart kids in the future.    


There was a proverb from the 800th side: "After getting on the brick bed today, who knows if he will have a chance to wear it tomorrow?"    


It means that no one knows what's going to happen tomorrow.    


Why worry about the future when you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow?    


To cherish what you have right now is the most correct attitude in life.    


Of course, before he and Sister Yeshen finished their wedding ceremony, he would like to sincerely wish Yue Zitong and wish her a happy marriage.    


Their past love and hate, let them all die in this farce.    


After that, he would no longer think about Yue Zitong.    


Just like that, he could be sure that Sister Yeshen would never think about Holan Fusu again.    


When we meet in the future, it will be better to be frank, just like familiar friends.    


Why would he have to get rid of her husband just because he was being used?    


At this moment, Lee Nanfang felt like he was an enlightened monk.    


Especially when he slowly took off his mask, he did not feel as extremely sour as he had expected. "Look, look who I am.    


Ha, ha, ha. You didn't expect me to still be alive, did you?    


Are you all dumb? "    


There was only a calmness that had never existed before.    


Looking at Yue Zitong, whose face had instantly turned red and pale, he smiled indifferently and walked over calmly.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lee Nanfang walked up to Yue Zitong and raised his right hand.    


He bent five fingers of his right hand and used the back of his fingers to rub lightly on the few marks on Yue Zitong's cheek. He whispered, "I'm sorry. I apologize on behalf of the Night God. "    


Yue Zitong did not say anything.    


He did not move.    


A lifeless sculpture.    


In the past half year, no matter how fast she grew up and matured, she still couldn't accept the fact that Lee Nanfang, who should have died a long time ago and even used his ashes, suddenly stood in front of her as Hua Yeshen's new husband.    


she wanted to shout.    


She wanted to laugh.    


She still wanted to cry.    


But the blood seemed to have solidified, and her brain seemed to have stopped spinning. There was no longer a heartbeat.    


She couldn't do anything else except keep her balance.    


However, she could clearly feel Lee Nanfang gently caress her face with his fingers, leaving it full of melancholy.    


Only melancholy.    


No love.    


No, hate.    


He stroked her finger just to say sorry for his wife.    


Even more so, he solemnly said goodbye to her.    


"Goodbye. "From now on, you and I are passersby."    


For some reason, when Lee Nanfang turned around and walked towards Hua Yeshen, he suddenly thought of something.    


It was very vulgar, very hypocritical, and very real.    


"Wait, wait!"    


Just when Yue Zitong was completely petrified and most of the people present had yet to wake up from the shock that Lee Nanfang was actually still alive, a hoarse voice sounded from the door of the Eastern Courtyard.    


This voice was telling Lee Nanfang to wait.    


After bidding farewell to his true love, Lee Nanfang, who was wholeheartedly talking to Sister Yeshen, whose face was filled with fear due to her revealing her thoughts, could obviously hear this voice.    


He was too lazy to analyze who the owner of the voice was, much less turn his head.    


He walked up to Hua Yeshen, whose body was trembling even after she had done something wrong, put his hand on her arm and smiled, "Look at you, you idiot. I'm afraid I'm not happy, right? Just think about it, who am I? I am Lee Nanfang. My heart is higher than the sky and wider than the sea. "How can this be? Will you not tolerate my beloved wife saying goodbye to your old love in a petty and petty way?"    


"If you really feel sorry for me, then just give birth to a litter of babies. "Since your butt is so big, you should be well-bred."    


Lee Nanfang didn't like his newlywed wife, so he would carry a heavy burden in his heart because of the mistake he made on the spur of the moment.    


Thus, he immediately used his shameless ultimate technique. He wrapped his left arm around Hua Yeshen's neck, lightly slapped her butt with his right hand, and then heavily kissed her lips. He laughed loudly, "So tender, so soft, so fragrant!"    


After he had flirted with the woman in his embrace, her pale face instantly flushed a sickly red. Her delicate body trembled even more intensely as her eyes overflowed with spring water!    


Even though there were thousands of people present, they all felt as if the spring had returned to the earth at the same time.    


Yang Xiao, who was hiding in the crowd, was very satisfied with this.    


To be able to make more people feel the extreme excitement of Hua Yeshenren, the sudden burst of spring energy that she had unleashed proved that her development of the "beautiful woman in red" was quite successful.    


At this moment, Yang Xiao could clearly feel that Lee Nanfang, who was full of nonsense, was like a lecher. He was sincerely happy for Hua Yeshen after he loved her for his whole life.    


But at the same time, there was an inexplicable feeling of discomfort.    


Yang Xiao was suddenly afraid of the discomfort and quickly bit his lips. His right hand quietly picked up a chopstick from the table and muttered in his heart: "You still want to have a litter with her?" "Hmph, you're thinking about beauties. Dead people, if you can still have babies, then I'll grant you that wish."    


She sneered, and when she looked at the back of Hua Yeshen's heart, she heard someone curse in a low voice, "What the f * ck, if anyone says I know this bastard in the future, I'll dig out his ancestral grave." For such a huge occasion to be publicly flirting, why wouldn't he just go and die? "    


Immediately, a light voice said: "Qin Laoqi, what are you pretending to be a gentleman for? How much stronger do you think the nonsense you've done back then is compared to this little bastard? "    


After hearing these two voices, Yang Xiao's eyebrows twitched as he turned and walked to the left side of the hall.    


Hua Yeshen had no idea what she was going to do next as she blended into the crowd.    


After she truly felt Lee Nanfang's tender affection, she forgot everything in her happiness. She only wanted to pounce on this man and give birth to a nest of brats for him!    


However, just as Sister Yeshen was about to do something, an ear-piercing voice suddenly woke her up from her reverie. "Lee Nanfang, turn around!"    


Helan Xiaoxin had already told Lee Nanfang to wait and see who she was.    


But why didn't she wait?    


Ignoring her cries, he walked up to Hua Yeshen and started flirting in front of thousands of people.    


This was something that Helan Xiaoxin couldn't allow.    


Just as she wouldn't let anyone strike at Jack, who lived only for Fu Su!    


It didn't matter whether it was Hua Yeshen or -- Lee Nanfang!    


Without a doubt, Helan Xiaoxin's IQ among the thousands of people present was among the top three.    


He could be called a monster.    


Therefore, when Holan Fusu couldn't help but stand up for Yue Zitong, she knew that something bad was about to happen.    


All the attention was immediately diverted from Zitong to Fu Su's side as to who the bridegroom was.    


As expected, just like what she didn't want to see the most, Hua Yeshen, who was already prejudiced against Holan Fusu due to her lack of results after being in love with him for many years, was immediately provoked after seeing him stand up for Yue Zitong. She attacked him recklessly, without caring about anything else.    


Under Hua Yeshen's destructive counterattack, Fu Su was forced to retreat step by step without any ability to retaliate. Helan Xiaoxin had the heart to tear Fu Su to shreds.    


But there was no point in being ruthless.    


This matter was Holan Fusu's fault. If Helan Xiaoxin wanted to find a solution in an instant, it wasn't impossible for her to do so.    


But just as Helan Xiaoxin, like Yue Zitong, was racking her brain to find the best way to salvage the disadvantage Holan Fusu was facing, Lee Nanfang suddenly appeared.    


Yue Zitong was stupefied on the spot.    


Helan Xiaoxin was also on the spot — she wasn't stupid!    


That was because the most important position in her heart was reserved for Fu Su.    


She could do anything for Fu Su.    


Including killing Lee Nanfang for him.    


After killing Lee Nanfang, she would then commit suicide and be martyred.    


It was because of Holan Fusu's position in Helan Xiaoxin's heart that she was able to quickly recover from the shock that Lee Nanfang was still alive, even if all the men in the universe added up together.    


She wanted to let Lee Nanfang see who she was!    


She wanted everyone to see who Yue Zitong's groom was!    


Yue Zitong's groom is her, she is Lee Nanfang's woman!    


Her appearance was enough to prove that Yue Zitong didn't betray Lee Nanfang.    


The reason why she, Helan Family, had agreed to be Yue Zitong's groom was to protect Lee Nanfang's fiancee so that the value wouldn't be squeezed dry by the Yue Clan in the future before it evaporated from the world.    


If he wanted to make sure that Yue Zitong didn't get hurt, then Helan Xiaoxin, along with her Helan Family, had to bear the pressure from the secular world. Besides being her groom, he also had to make sure that Holan Fusu could become the Patriarch of Helan Family so that Yue Zitong would be completely free from worry.    


Yue Zitong was Lee Nanfang's fiancee.    


The He siblings had sacrificed so much to protect his fiancee — why should he allow Hua Yeshen to strike Fu Su?    


It was time to stand up.    


Helan Xiaoxin didn't care too much about it. She let Lee Nanfang's request be ignored.    


As long as that bastard wasn't blind, then he should be able to see who Yue Zitong's groom was.    


After shouting at Lee Nanfang to turn around, Helan Xiaoxin took off the butterfly mask on her face. She casually threw it away, revealing her charming face that was not inferior to Hua Yeshen's.    


The exquisite butterfly mask made of plastic flitted across the sky like a butterfly. Lee Nanfang turned around.    


At the same time, Hua Yeshen also cried out, "You're He Lan — Xiaoxin!?"    


Yue Zitong's groom was actually Helan Xiaoxin.    


Due to Devil Lee's sudden appearance, the group of people were stupefied once again when they saw Yue Zitong's groom revealing his true face.    


Lee Nanfang's heart, lips, and eyes all quivered.    


His vision turned black, and his desire to vomit blood grew stronger.    


At this moment, he only wanted to shout loudly, "God of Scoundrel, please strike me with lightning!"    


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