Strongest Guard

C1112 I'm Not Going to Sit Back and Do Nothing

C1112 I'm Not Going to Sit Back and Do Nothing

Helan Xiaoxin's worry wasn't unnecessary.    


Yue Lincheng and his son, who had seized the opportunity, would definitely start Yue Zitong's plan of "going off-field" from today onwards.    


The fact that Lee Nanfang was still alive and married to Yue Zitong had also prevented the Yue Clan from obtaining Jinghong Ming's help.    


Since Yue Zitong could not use Lee Nanfang to supplement the Yue Clan's nutrition, why should she steal the position of Patriarch of Yue Family?    


Did they really think that the males of the Yue Clan liked to be ridden on the neck by a young girl as a form of show off?    


In order to eliminate the fact that she had tried to marry the young miss of Helan Family when she was serving as Patriarch, she wouldn't become the laughingstock of the "industry". Then, if she were to leave this world early and use her little life to wash away the shame that the Yue Clan had brought to them, they would definitely be able to do it.    


The cruel reality forced Lee Nanfang into a dilemma.    


If he was Hua Yeshen's husband, Yue Zitong would be played to death.    


If he continued his unbroken engagement with his aunt, he would be drowned in a sea of saliva.    


The Yue father and son duo who believed that they were experts in the civil war had already started to unrestrainedly disseminate the love between Lee Nanfang and Hua Yeshen.    


Only by using Hua Yeshen's love to kidnap Lee Nanfang and throw him into Aunt's arms could Yue Zitong die with her eyes still open.    


Then, what should he do with Lee Nanfang?    


he thought.    


Grasping the doorknob with his left hand, he listened for the sound of breathing behind him.    


Helan Xiaoxin's breathing grew more and more hurried.    


She knew very well that Lee Nanfang's next words would affect Yue Zitong's life and death.    


It was also indirectly related to whether Holan Fusu could step foot on Helan Qunxing and the others, becoming the only candidate to be the third generation Patriarch of Helan Family.    


"I, won't, sit back and watch her being bullied."    


It was just 11 short words, but it seemed to have used up all of Lee Nanfang's strength.    


Because he knew very well that after he said those words, he had no choice but to help Yue Zitong face off against the powerful Yue clan.    


This was in complete contradiction to the original intention he had set out to develop in the business world since then.    


It could be predicted that the Yue Clan and his son, who had started their plan to pull Yue Zitong down from their horses since last night, would view him as their mortal enemy. They would use all means at their disposal to retaliate, place cards everywhere, and make him into a small shoe.    


In the past, the Yue Clan wouldn't dare to deal with him so brazenly. After all, Jinghong Ming and the others were backing him up.    


Yue Qingke had tried, but the result was not too good. The two highest civil servants who were supposed to be responsible for protecting his father Yue Lincheng were immediately transferred back by Jinghong Ming.    


The other Patriarchs were all under the protection of the highest ranking officials. However, Yue Lincheng was the only one who did not. How embarrassing was that?    


That incident was also the reason why Yuelao felt that he wasn't worthy of being the master of the family and started to consider the fuse that would allow him to step down.    


But now, the Yue Clan believed that no matter how they dealt with Lee Nanfang, Jinghong Ming had no reason to interfere.    


The reason was simple.    


The battle between Yue Lincheng and the rest and Yue Zitong was the Yue Clan's business.    


Lee Nanfang — you're not a son-in-law of the Yue family, and not a member of the Yue family, yet you want to meddle in their matters.    


Logically, he should not have been able to stand up.    


Thus, no matter how much Jinghong Ming and the rest wanted to help him, they could only stand by and watch.    


This was because once Jinghong Ming and the others made a move, it would be equivalent to interfering in the internal affairs of others, offending the most basic taboo in the circle.    


It would lead to the dissatisfaction of all the Wealthy Class families, and then they would join hands to suppress him.    


Even implicating Jinghong Ming and the others was not what Lee Nanfang wanted.    


Therefore, if he wanted to interfere with the Yue family's housework, he didn't even need to inform Jinghong Ming and the others to ignore it.    


How could Lee Nanfang, who had lost the protection of Jinghong Ming and the others, withstand the full might of the Yue Clan?    


Can you?    


Lee Nanfang didn't know.    


He only knew that after he said those eleven words with great difficulty, his entire body suddenly relaxed.    


He thought of something, "If there is something that you don't want to do, then you can do it."    


There were some things that could not be done.    


However, there were some things that had to be done even though they knew that doing them would be very miserable.    


One or two such things happen to a man when he comes around the world.    


Since that was the case, he might as well do it.    


Otherwise, even if Lee Nanfang was a hundred years old, he would still have nightmares about his aunt, whose face was covered in blood, pouncing towards him. She screamed: "Scumbag Lee, return my life!"    


He heard the woman crying as he closed the bathroom door.    


It was a cry of joy.    


Helan Xiaoxin's hard work for one night was not in vain.    


"What's there to be excited about? Actually, that's the only thing that happens when a person is alive. "    


Lee Nanfang put on his clothes and laughed at himself as he opened the door and walked out of the guest room.    


The fresh sun was slowly climbing up the treetops, shining through the glass windows into the Hall of Seven Stars Club.    


Over a thousand people were still sitting quietly. Some of them couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep, while others were whispering amongst themselves.    


Compared to the exhausted employees of the clubhouse, the reporters who were mixed in were in high spirits.    


Because they knew very well that as the sun rose higher, that guy called Lee Nanfang would be coming out very soon.    


"Group Yu, do you think Lee Nanfang will accept our interview?"    


Lil 'White raised his hand to cover his mouth and yawned as he asked softly.    


Yu Dui asked, "What do you think?"    


"I think he will."    


Lil 'White thought for a moment and answered with certainty.    




Yu Fei then casually asked another question with a smile in his heart, "In the end, you are a newbie who doesn't know anything about the psychology of others." If it wasn't on account of you staying with me for an entire night, I definitely wouldn't tell you that whoever tries to interview Lee Nanfang at this time will be seen as adding fuel to the fire. He'll be furious, and maybe he'll slap him in the face in public. "    


Lil 'White did not know what the group was thinking. After thinking for a while, he seriously said, "Because I'm a woman. I think I should understand what a man thinks. "    


Yu Fei was stunned, then laughed involuntarily: "Hur Hur, then guess what I'm thinking right now."    


"You must be thinking of giving the opportunity to interview Lee Nanfang to a newcomer."    


"You guessed right."    


Yu Fei pretended to nod in surprise. In his heart, he thought that after returning to the office, he would immediately ask his superior to replace this assistant.    


It was fine that he looked ordinary, but the key was that he was extremely stupid.    


However, there was one thing Yu Fei agreed to do.    


That was, he would have Lil 'White interview Lee Nanfang later.    


He hoped that the originally ordinary looking her would become more beautiful after being slapped.    


Better to be smart, too.    


The foolish Lil 'White immediately clenched his fist in excitement and let out a soft' yeah 'when he saw that Yu Duanzhen had given her the opportunity to interview him.    


However, he didn't know that when all of his peers sitting with her had rolled their eyes because of her stupidity, they had also silently drawn up a draft in their hearts.    


The title of the draft was, "Lee Nanfang was so angry that he drew a female reporter". The audience was very interested in this kind of title.    


"It's here, it's here!"    


Just like the night before, when Yue Zitong took the elevator down, someone in the lobby shouted in a low voice.    


Instantly, the hundred or so people who were meditating silently at the mouth of the Elevator Door all raised their heads.    


Director Chenfu pursed his lips and looked back.    


She saw that someone in the crowd had already raised their cell phone and activated the video function.    


Far away, Cousin Chen Yan was right. There were many reporters among the staff.    


However, Director Chenfu no longer cared.    


These reporters had not had a chance to eat this piece of meat all day yesterday. If they let someone chase them out, they would be too inconsiderate.    


"Ai, let them be. In any case, since Lee Nanfang was able to do something that would let Director Hua down, he needs the reporters to expose him. "    


Director Chenfu sighed in his heart as the Elevator Door slowly opened up.    




As if there was an invisible sound, thousands of gazes adjusted their focus once again and looked towards the elevator.    


Dozens of clicks could be heard as the reporters took action.    


After opening the Elevator Door, the person who walked out did not disappoint the big guy.    


Lee Nanfang.    


Lee Nanfang, who had made everyone wait for an entire night, finally appeared in their line of sight.    


Due to the fact that he was Director Hua's new husband, no matter how unhappy Director Chenfu was with him, he didn't dare to express it out loud. The moment Director Chenfu stood up, he plopped down on the ground once again.    


Anyone who sat for an entire night would have their blood flowing smoothly.    


As if he already knew that there were so many people sitting down, Lee Nanfang didn't show any surprise on his face.    


Ye Zichen walked out of the elevator with a calm expression, then stopped and looked at Director Chenfu: "You can talk while sitting."    


From a practical point of view, Lee Nanfang was already Director Chenfu's boss.    


As early as Qingshan, Boss Lee spoke amiably with the staff, showing that he was a conscientious businessman.    


But at this moment, Boss Lee's amiable appearance was mistaken by Director Chenfu and the others as a sign of guilt.    


"You are the husband of our Director Hua. Not only did you not go to the hospital to guard her after she took a serious wound to save your old lover, you even had to say something to Yue Zitong and Helan Xiaoxin after each other in the clubhouse.    


Especially for the latter, according to the latest news, she still hasn't come out from the guest room.    






A stinking man who had been slashed a thousand times!    


I really don't know why we Director Hua took a fancy to you and provoked such a disaster.    


Why don't you go and die?    


Do you still have the face to face with our angry eyes and maintain your despicable gentleman's demeanor? "    


Director Chenfu actually forgot to talk to Lee Nanfang after he scolded him harshly in his heart.    


She could be considered the number two in Seven Stars Club.    


Since she didn't say anything, of course others wouldn't be able to say anything.    


Firstly, this would cause her to lose face, and secondly, she was afraid that if she said something wrong, Lee Nanfang would hate her.    


"I know you have a lot to ask me. Now you can ask. "    


Lee Nanfang could be considered a veteran at observing people's expressions. Of course, he could tell what Director Chenfu was thinking from his dark and uncertain expression.    


He didn't blame them.    


This was because he felt that if he were to put himself in his shoes, he too would have those same thoughts.    


Being misunderstood was a very normal thing.    


It's no big deal.    


After they asked their questions, they would answer them one by one.    


"I …"    


After receiving Lee Nanfang's false reminder, Director Chenfu knew that she had to stand up for thousands of employees.    


Just as she said this word, she was interrupted by a crisp voice: "Can I ask you a few questions in place of Director Chenfu and the others?"    


Who is this?    


So understanding.    


Director Chenfu looked back in confusion and saw a girl dressed in the club's female uniform climbing up from the ground with a heartless smile on her face.    


Ye Zichen was still holding his phone, while taking photos of Lee Nanfang.    


As soon as she stood up, Yu Fei and the rest, who were afraid that they would get into trouble, moved aside with a "hualala" sound.    


Lee Nanfang smiled. "Sure, come over here."    


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