Strongest Guard

C1194 My Wild Girl

C1194 My Wild Girl

Shen Yun had never believed in fate.    


If everyone's fates were truly determined by heaven, she could also change some fates that she was dissatisfied with through hard work.    


The founders of Youth Entertainment had passed on their generations to generations, but in her generation, only she was a girl. Because of this, her parents would secretly sigh many times, saying that they had let down their ancestors.    


When she heard that, she felt quite indignant in her heart, "What's wrong with girls? Can't girls accept the property established by their ancestors and build on it? "    


For this reason, she had tried hard to learn all sorts of skills since she had become sensible.    


From kindergarten to college graduation, she was the best student in the class.    


Besides studying, she also trained in martial arts, acting, arranging flowers, and so on.    


In short, if not the best, she was the best in the field of study she was involved in.    


To put it simply, Shen Yun felt that she couldn't get a woman pregnant — she could do anything a man could and strive to do better.    


It was because of her tireless efforts that Grandfather started to focus on training her when she was fifteen, hoping that she would be able to lead Shen Family further and achieve better results.    


Didn't this mean that Shen Yun was changing her fate?    


But when Shen Yun thought her fate was firmly in her hands and that she would enslave it to create more brilliance according to her will, Lee Nanfang appeared beside her after she "woke up".    


She still did not escape the ridicule of fate.    


In the bathroom, cold water poured over her delicate body, causing her to tremble all over.    


She didn't care at all, she just grabbed the soap and rubbed it on her body desperately, hoping to wash away the shame Lee Nanfang brought her.    


"I will kill him. I will definitely kill him."    


After an unknown period of time, Shen Yun turned off the shower and walked to the wall mirror to look at the girl inside. She bit her lips and squeezed out these words from between her teeth.    


She would definitely kill Lee Nanfang, who had tainted her.    


But not now.    


Because she had already tried, and found that Scumbag Lee was stronger than her.    


Fortunately, the way to kill a person was not only with a kitchen knife.    


There were many other ways that could make that man die with regrets. With Shen Yun's intelligence, as long as she could calm down completely, she would be able to think of at least eighteen ways to make him die tragically within five minutes.    


Of course, the process would definitely be very long.    


After all, her actions at that time were enough to attract Scumbag Lee's attention.    


"Revenge is a dish best served after ten years."    


Shen Yun, who had completely calmed down, raised her right fist and shook it in the air. She wrapped a towel around her and opened the door. When she walked out of the bathroom, her expression had already returned to its normal calm.    


The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, Shen Yun suddenly had a strong illusion.    


Her life had become many times more colorful.    


No longer like before, except to study and work, try to do everything better, try to defeat all the enemies, but the result is to wear oneself out, many times confused ask: "I live, do I prove that I am not worse than men, even better than men? But if this is the whole of life, what's the point? "    


At this moment, she had a definite answer as to why she was still alive.    


Kill, Lee Nanfang!    


Kill, Hamm.    


She finally believed that the words she scoffed at her many times in the past were completely reasonable. "Hatred is also a part of real life."    


Without a doubt, Shen Yun wanted to kill these two people who brought endless humiliation to her, and it was not as simple as drinking water from thirst.    


She needed to completely calm down and come up with a series of perfect plans. It would take her a year or even more than ten years to achieve her wish.    


And if she wanted to realize this wish of hers, gradually eliminating Lee Nanfang's wariness of her was the most crucial.    


She wanted him to see from her face that she was resigned to her fate.    


Lee Nanfang would definitely believe it.    


This was because the vast majority of Chinese men would naively think that they could use their powerful bodies to thoroughly conquer a woman.    


What was even more laughable was that there seemed to be a female writer in Hua Xia who had once said a famous saying that made men respect the law of nature, to the effect that men conquered women through that.    


"Well, you've conquered me."    


Shen Yun snickered in her heart and closed the bathroom door behind her. When she looked up, her face was full of frustration.    


She had been a member of various associations run by student unions when she was a student at Seoul University.    


That includes acting.    


Women were born to be the best actors, not to mention Shen Yun's career at home was within the entertainment circle.    


Shen Yun had great talent in acting.    


She clearly remembered that all the university teachers had said that it was a pity that she didn't want to be an actress.    


Therefore, Shen Yun had ten thousand times more confidence. When Lee Nanfang saw the depressed look on her face, he must be very pleased. He thought that he had conquered her through her underhanded methods. Of course, his wariness towards her would rapidly decrease.    


"Come, look at my face."    


After Shen Yun finished her sentence silently in her heart, she was slightly stunned.    


She had already put out a performance that even the Academy Award winner was willing to admit defeat, but no one appreciated it.    


Lee Nanfang wasn't in the living room.    


The originally messy living room was now swept clean and the furniture was neat and tidy.    


Of course, the marks left on the furniture by the kitchen knife would not disappear.    


"I didn't expect this scumbag to be such a master at housework." "Hehe."    


When the corner of Shen Yun's mouth slightly raised, she heard a happy whistle coming from the kitchen.    


The tune of the whistle sounded familiar, as if it was a classic Chinese song called "Little Sis wants to cry".    


"He's cooking?"    


When Shen Yun heard the sound of pots and pans clashing again, she was even more astonished.    


And it was even funnier.    


Or it could be said that he looked down on Lee Nanfang.    


In Shen Yun's opinion, men were born not to clean or cook – these were women's jobs.    


In their Han nationality, there was also an ancestral saying passed down through the ages: "A gentleman should stay away from the kitchen."    


How could a man cook!    


What future could a man who could cook possibly have?    


"Actually, he is only stronger than I am. He is not as fierce as I imagined. Hmph, I overestimated him. It looks like I won't be able to realize my dream for long. But I will slowly torture him to make my life less boring than it used to be. "    


After smelling the fragrance of the food, Shen Yun felt even more relaxed. Even the aching pain in her lower body had lessened by a lot.    


She slowly pushed open the kitchen door without making a sound.    


Then, she saw Scumbag Lee, with a small flowered apron around his waist and a chef's hat made from old newspapers folded over his head. He was holding a frying spoon in his left hand and his chopsticks were stirring something in the pot with his right.    


This fellow must have smelled Shen Yun's scent when she just came out of the bath, so he turned around to look at her.    


When he smiled, he looked like a disgusting fake cook, with a fawning expression on his face, "You're done with the washing? "Wait a moment, I'll make it soon."    


How could he be so calm?    


Shouldn't he be on guard against my sneak attack from behind?    


Oh, I see.    


He must have thought he had conquered me, so why should he be on guard against me?    


Shen Yun raised her brows slightly and asked indifferently, "What did you do?"    


Since Lee Nanfang thought that he had conquered her through Shen Yun's Yin, then she might as well take advantage of the situation and pretend that she was subdued by him and resigned herself to her fate.    




Lee Nanfang turned his head to look at the pot and said, "You definitely haven't eaten for a few days. You can only eat shredded noodles to prevent your stomach from hurting."    


Shen Yun didn't say anything else. She just crossed her arms in front of her chest and leaned against the door frame, quietly watching him.    


If there were people who didn't know about this, they would definitely mistake them for a pair of blissful lovers after seeing them like this.    


In order to please the girl, the man cooked for her.    


Out of the corner of his eye, Lee Nanfang looked back and dryly laughed: "Hey, go wait outside. If you lean here, you'll give me the illusion that -- "    


Shen Yun interrupted him. "Do you think we're lovers?"    




Lee Nanfang was slightly stunned, but when he nodded, he thought: "Actually, I wanted to say, I thought you were just relying on your family to make fun of me."    


To be honest, the appearance of Shen Yun, who was wrapped in a towel and leaning on the door frame, was just like Lee Nanfang thought.    


Before he could finish his thought, he heard Shen Yun ask indifferently, "Then do you want to be my lover?"    


Lee Nanfang, who was about to turn off the electric stove, paused for a moment and looked back at her: "I'm very serious."    


"I'm not joking either."    


As Shen Yun turned around and walked towards the sofa, she said, "From now on, you are my lover. I will tell this matter to the family elders. I also believe that when the elders of the family find out that we have that kind of relationship, no matter how unhappy they are with you, they will still hold their noses and agree. After all, the little princess of South Korea would never have two men in her life. "    


The expression on Lee Nanfang's face was very interesting.    


He thought of a once popular South Korea movie, "My Wild Girl".    


When he brought out the noodles, Shen Yun was already sitting on the sofa, using the remote control to change the channel.    


He was still wrapped in his bath towel and had not changed his clothes.    


She crossed her legs elegantly. She didn't mind that Lee Nanfang was able to see the enchanting spring sunlight from under the towel.    


Although Lee Nanfang had been enjoying this enchanting scenery for the past ten hours, this didn't stop him from respecting Shen Yun. When a girl sat in front of you in this way, if you didn't pretend to glance at her, wouldn't it make her lose a lot of face?    


As expected, Lee Nanfang's peeping motion caused Shen Yun to slightly raise her eyebrows and switch legs.    


"Eat first."    


Lee Nanfang placed his face in front of hers and rubbed his hands, "I'm going to take a shower."    


Shen Yun stared at the TV and nodded her head.    


Lee Nanfang didn't believe that Shen Yun would accept her fate.    


The way she chased him with a kitchen knife, a timid night would have been a nightmare.    


Of course, perhaps after she had calmed down, she might accept her fate and say the words that the two of them were lovers from now on.    


But the credibility shouldn't be very high.    


No matter how skilled Shen Yun was in acting, she had always been proud of herself when she was young and had always been surrounded by people who flattered her and flattered her.    


This meant that she was destined to become a laughingstock in front of the real scum.    


Not long after Lee Nanfang was soaking in the bathtub, the door opened.    


Shen Yun walked in.    


Lee Nanfang looked at her and didn't say anything.    


She did not speak either.    


Their gazes met for a moment. Shen Yun slowly raised her hand, grabbed a corner of the towel, and lightly pulled it.    


The white towel slowly fell to the ground.    


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