Strongest Guard

C905 Farewell Li Nan

C905 Farewell Li Nan

"Take your hand away."    


Min Rou lifted her hand and opened the filthy hand.    


In the past, every time she saw a different girl being pulled out, Min Rou would always be like the other girls, scared to death.    


She was an ordinary girl, so it was normal for her to be afraid.    


She had also thought that one day, when it was her turn to be pulled out, she would not only cry and struggle like other girls, but also bite her tongue and commit suicide to protect her clean body.    


However, at that moment, Min Rou realized that she was actually able to remain so calm.    


He didn't cry or struggle, much less bite his tongue.    


He opened the filthy hand with a look of disdain and stood up from the ground.    


This caused Smith to feel that her pride had been trampled upon. She instantly became angry from embarrassment and raised her right hand.    


Min Rou didn't dodge, nor did she even blink as she coldly looked at him.    


Smith, who became angry from embarrassment, thought he would be relaxed, so she slapped Min Rou onto the ground and kicked her a few times, scaring her to the point where she could only cover her face and cry like other girls.    


But he didn't expect Min Rou to be so calm.    


His raised hand froze in the air.    


Hit me, hurt me.    


Tch, you look like a bear. It is already very brave for your mother to give birth to you, yet you shamelessly call me little sister. Min Rou looked at Smith with a mocking gaze.    


The corners of Smith's eyes twitched. Her right hand began to tremble as she raised it. The sound of her gritting teeth came out from his agitated mouth.    


"Smith, for the sake of large amounts of US dollars, don't lower yourself to the same level as this girl."    


Seeing that Smith couldn't back down after riding a tiger, Miller, who was standing to the side, immediately jumped out to help her. He looked at Min Rou and smiled, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth, "Hurry up and get back to business. It's getting late. The financial backer is still waiting there."    


"Hmph, smelly little bitch. If it wasn't for the fact that you are very valuable, I would definitely take you on the spot." "Let's see if your arrogance is stronger than your father's spear."    


Smith cursed and took out a plastic bag from her pocket.    


Inside the plastic bag was a disposable syringe and a small bottle of long-prepared medicine.    


"Aren't you very arrogant? Then after that, I'll let you be arrogant enough. "Ha, ha, ha."    


When Smith inserted the needle into the small bottle, she noticed from the corner of her eyes that Min Rou's expression had finally changed and immediately became happy.    


He liked girls to be afraid.    


He hated Min Rou's calmness just now. That would have given him the feeling that a girl was the leader while he was just a dog.    


Looking at the light blue liquid that was slowly being pumped into the syringe, Min Rou knew it was something that made her unconscious.    


After being injected with this thing, she might faint and be at the mercy of others without any reaction.    


It is also possible to become a shameless woman who only wants to be trampled on by men.    


Either way, she didn't want it.    


But so what?    


She was currently just a weak girl.    


Even though they had suddenly become calm, Smith and Wu Feng felt fear in their hearts.    


But what could she change?    


Her sad fate had been decided ever since she left Macau alone.    


Right now, the only thing she could do was to give up on the unnecessary resistance and leave her fate to the heavens.    


To put it simply, resistance would only give Smith and the others a sense of disgust, so it was up to the heavens to do it, no matter what they wanted to do.    


Therefore, when Smith was holding the needle in her right hand and lifting her left hand to prevent her from resisting, Min Rou leaned against the container and closed her eyes.    


Ever since she was young, she had been afraid of being injected.    


She remembered one time, she was so scared that she fainted, but it scared Lao Min half to death.    


But this time, she didn't.    


Min Rou suddenly laughed when she felt a slight pricking pain on her left arm.    


His smile was incomparably sorrowful and unwilling.    


She still couldn't accept her innocence being taken away just like this. She couldn't accept that the man she trusted the most before the tragic fate arrived didn't appear in front of her like a godly soldier like she had imagined, displaying his skills to sweep away Smith and the others.    


"Goodbye, Lee Nanfang."    


Min Rou muttered to herself as she smiled again, her mind suddenly blurring.    


Her smile this time, was no longer sad, no longer unwilling, only made people's heart ache for her strong.    


The moment she lost her consciousness, she made up her mind. From then on, Min Rou no longer existed in this world. Min Rou would never know Lee Nanfang again.    


She was convinced that by the time she regained her senses, she had been tainted.    


She was no longer Min Rou.    


As of this moment, the extremely pure Min Rou from before had already died.    


What was alive was just a dirty zombie without a soul.    


This body was no longer fit to be called Min Rou.    


Of course, it was no longer suitable for her to have a love that could move her heart.    


Since all of these were gone, did she even need to know Lee Nanfang anymore?    


Min Rou didn't blame Lee Nanfang for that.    


From the moment Karawich brought her to the rooftop of Venus casino, she didn't blame Lee Nanfang, she only hated herself for seeking death.    


"In this life, I've lived too stupidly."    


Min Rou, whose mind had suddenly gone blank, forced her eyes open. She wanted to shout those words out loud and tell everyone in front of her.    


She used all her strength, but she did not utter a single word.    


It was just like how, no matter how much she widened her eyes, she was unable to clearly see the appearance of the people in front of her. She could only see two blurry, circular lights shining on her face.    


When she finally smiled, the world no longer belonged to her.    


It was as though he had entered a dream.    


Min Rou in the dream could feel someone holding her arms and getting into a car.    


It's supposed to be an ambulance or something, with a bed in it.    


She was in bed when she heard someone talking.    


There were voices from Smith, Miller, and others.    


Strangely, she could clearly hear their voices, but she could not tell what they were talking about.    


Only the sound of the car's simple syllables as it slammed shut could make her already slow brain turn, analyze it, and transmit it to her brain's nerve center.    


It was a much more comfortable ride than being stuck in a container ship that rocked and rocked in the sea on a cargo ship.    


But it was also like being in the sea — the kind of light wave that, as the car turns, slows down and speeds up as it crosses the intersection, is obviously inertial.    


Min Rou's eyes should be open.    


She felt that this was what she should do.    


However, everything she looked at was a vast expanse of whiteness. Her eyes did not move at all, without even the slightest bit of consciousness.    


She could feel her eyes open, her subconscious reaction.    


After an unknown period of time, the car stopped.    


When the car stopped, Min Rou's mind cleared a little.    


The amount of medicine that Smith had injected into her body had already started to decline.    


The voice of another person sounded in Min Rou's ears.    


This time, she could actually slightly figure out what they were talking about.    


Smith and Miller were still in the car. They were talking to one another in flattering voices.    


When Min Rou heard their voices, she could only hear muffled, buzzing sounds.    


It was as if they were talking with their mouths and noses covered. It was completely unreal.    


If it weren't for the fact that Min Rou had become familiar with Smith and her sister these past few days, she would have coughed dryly almost every time she spoke, knowing that they were the ones who spoke.    




Her skin was white and tender.    


Pure virgin.    


Eight million dollars.    


He was willing to pay with money on one hand and deliver with goods on the other.    


When these words were put together, Min Rou slowly analyzed what was going on in her mind.    


No wonder why Smith and the others didn't dare to touch Min Rou. She had a completely different identity compared to those 'difficult friends' in the container.    


She was especially valuable.    


Eight million dollars.    


If it was converted into Chinese currency, it would be around 50 million.    


It was for the sake of these fifty million dollars that Smith and the others had resisted the urge to ruin her body.    


Only then did Min Rou realize how valuable she was.    


She seemed to laugh at herself as she said to herself, "If I had known I was so valuable, why didn't I sell myself earlier? I'm so stupid — Scumbag Lee is even stupider! She was a beauty that was worth fifty million yuan, yet she didn't want to give it to him for free. Hehe, no? Serves him right. Then we can only give it to others. "    


Someone pushed the stretcher.    


There was a blurry red and blue explosion that looked particularly dazzling in the dark of the night.    


Min Rou was sure that this was an ambulance.    


And she, who had been disguised as a patient, lying on the Trolley, was pushed in front of her "master" who had spent eight million dollars to buy her.    


As the car was being pushed forward, Min Rou heard Smith's unceasing thanks.    


His voice was filled with joy.    


"It looks like he's already received eight million."    


Only when Min Rou, who was unable to speak, analyzed the situation did she realize that her thoughts were becoming clearer and clearer.    


Her analysis was not wrong.    


After seeing the $8 million in his bank account through his phone, if not for the fact that he was afraid of being noticed, he would have jumped up and shouted at the top of his lungs.    


Even a fool would know that the trade of trafficking in human beings was for naught. As long as one had the courage to see the spirits of their ancestors crying as nothingness, one could "get rich" in the shortest time possible.    


Especially for a virgin like Min Rou.    


Eight million dollars.    


This tree was nothing in the eyes of Uncle Bill, of course, but how many of them were there in the world?    


In this lifetime, not only did Smith and her companion not have the chance to become rivals, but it was also a dream to become a million well-off family.    


Trafficking in human beings was indeed very profitable – but that money was earned by the head of the human trafficking industry.    


For a lackey like Smith, it was already a blessing that she could earn fifty thousand dollars after wandering in the sea for so long with her heart in her mouth.    


Therefore, given that they each received four million dollars, how could they not be excited to the point of going crazy?    


They were even more grateful to the British Island officials and the tsunami that they did not see.    


It was because of these reasons that dozens of elites, including the peddler leaders, were either buried in the sea or captured by the authorities.    


All of a sudden, the once well-organized organization fell into disarray. With no leader in their midst, under the British government's search and arrest, everyone was panic-stricken. Who would care about Min Rou?    


What to do with this girl, who was worth eight million dollars, was completely up to Smith and her sister.    


"It's a pity that we couldn't touch that water spirit Small Yellow Flower. We could only watch helplessly as it got trampled by a pig."    


Looking at Min Rou who was pushed away, Smith stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and then became happy, "However, I am rich now. After that, are there still any more beauties to play with? "    


"That's right, that's right."    


To the side, Miller was staring fixedly at Smith's phone, urging her, "Hurry up and leave, so that no one will find out."    


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