Strongest Guard

C940 I will be Afraid of Her?

C940 I will be Afraid of Her?

Shangdao Yinghua didn't care that anyone could understand her love.    


Because she knew very well that no one could understand her love.    


Before being seduced by Lee Nanfangqiang, Shangdao Yinghua thought she was very happy.    


Like most of Dongyang's wives who thought they were very happy, they would stay at home every day, wholeheartedly taking care of the men who went out and worked hard, letting him feel the warmth of home, the gentleness of water.    


At that time, no one would tell Shangdao Yinghua that it wasn't love.    


It's just — living.    


Just like all the happy women of the past thousand years.    


She would worry about her husband's late return and call to find out what was the matter.    


She would be worried about whether her husband was wearing heavy clothes because of the cold weather.    


She would also try to improve her husband's appetite for the past few days by making him eat better.    


However, she was definitely not in love with Lee Nanfang Qiang. However, she missed the feeling of being whipped, and she was also unable to sleep at night as she was feeling vexed and empty.    


Zhang Ailing once said that a woman was completely conquered by a man through — Shangdao Yinghua was deeply moved by this.    


Only when a woman was thoroughly conquered by a man would she fall in love with him.    


He would think about it day and night, and then, in order to see him, he would be able to stay by his side for a long time, and he would do something crazy that he had never dared to think about before.    


That was love.    


Shangdao Yinghua's love.    


Especially when she was looking for a love that would make her feel good about being a woman, when she was kidnapped by a drug lord and forced to become his woman. Every day, when she was being ravaged, she longed for her love even more.    


For this, she prayed to the heavens every night.    


Considering how persistent she was towards love, and the heavens fulfilling her wish, this allowed her to meet Lee Nanfang during Golden Triangle.    


There were no words to describe how happy Shangdao Yinghua was when she finally fell into the arms she longed for.    


Just like how no one could understand her love.    


Her love died along with Lee Nanfang's grievous news.    


Just when Gala and the others thought that she would collapse and the leaders in the organisation were about to move again, he started to think about his future path and sent people to go back to Southern Region of Golden Triangle to find out the exact situation there. Shangdao Yinghua, who had not eaten, drank, or sleep for two days, stood up.    


Seven months passed.    


Not only did the situation that Gala was most worried about did not happen, but Shangdao Yinghua's position as the boss of the drug industry in Dongyang City became even more stable.    


If a woman whose love had died and the sky had fallen hadn't collapsed, then she would have become stronger.    


And, it was even more terrifying!    


The terrifying Shangdao Yinghua tightly gripped the broken blade with both of her hands. She allowed the sweat to drip from her chin, but didn't move at all, which made Gala suddenly have the strong urge to turn around and flee. It was as if a moment later, his head would follow the cold glint of the broken blade and fly up with a whoosh.    


This kind of fear made Gala, who turned around and walked out of the arena, feel his back getting wet.    


"Fortunately, I didn't question her leadership skills when she needed help the most, so I left her."    


Gala quickly walked back to the door, wiped his sweat with his hand and made a hand gesture.    


In the past, whenever Shangdao Yinghua and her coach finished their sabre practice, Gala would make some hand signals and then four of his lackeys would run in from outside. With their fastest speed, they would set up a ten meter "arena" with her as the center, using an iron fence as the center of the field.    


An iron cage containing a large, ferocious dog or a wolf would be lifted up onto the iron fence and opened to the arena.    


The ferocious beasts that had been starved for several days would roar in excitement when they saw the spirited and tender white women, and pounce at them with green eyes.    




With the wave of Gala's hand, the four lackeys appeared again.    


However, instead of carrying the iron cage, they were grabbing a person with a black hood over his head.    


This person was not very tall, but he was very strong.    


He seemed to smell something different, and as soon as he was pushed inside, he began to struggle.    


However, his hands were tied behind his back and his feet were shackled. His four lackeys weren't someone who would let him get rid of them easily.    


Shangdao Yinghua, who was carrying a broken blade on her shoulder, finally raised her head and looked at that person.    


Koyama Jiro's slow voice sounded in a timely manner: "This person is one of the eighteenth generation disciples of the Broken Knife Flow, a scum who relied on the martial arts bestowed by his teacher to commit crimes outside the sect."    


Shangdao Yinghua's sexy red lips moved slightly, but she didn't say anything.    


She knew what Koyama Jiro meant without asking.    


Koyama Jiro had always focused on training her after he took over her training.    


In the past, she killed sheep, dogs, and wolves.    


Now, she had finally started killing people.    


When humans slaughtered dogs, sheep, and wolves, they didn't have too much of a psychological burden.    


After all, those were low level animals. Even if they were born to be killed, the humans known as the spirits of all living things would indeed stand at the top of the food chain when hunting them.    


But if it was killing -- what about the same kind?    


No matter how heinous the crime was, could Shangdao Yinghua still maintain her peaceful attitude when she killed him?    


Of course not.    


This was Koyama Jiro's strength. It was clear that only by killing Shangdao Yinghua could he cultivate what he wanted her to see.    


More than half a year ago, Shangdao Yinghua had also killed someone before.    


It was a spy.    


However, she didn't want Lee Nanfang to know when she killed a spy.    


Furthermore, the spies had their hands tied up and were kneeling on the ground as they allowed themselves to be slaughtered.    


She simply clenched her teeth, closed her eyes, and fiercely slashed out.    


Not now.    


Koyama Jiro got someone to untie the black cloth bag on that scum's head, then he gave him a knife, not to mention the shackles.    


"Of the two of you, only one will be able to leave this place alive."    


Koyama Jiro's toes lifted as a sharp broken blade flew towards the scum. He said coldly: "No matter how you kill each other, I will not interfere. Do you understand? "    


"Is there such a good thing?"    


The man with the black cloth bag removed raised his hand to catch the broken blade. Suddenly, he swung the sword with his full face of a Evil Qi. After sweeping a glance from Koyama Jiro's face, it landed on Shangdao Yinghua's face.    


After seeing Shangdao Yinghua's delicate face, the scum was stunned for a moment.    


After he was captured by Koyama Jiro, he had no intention of living on.    


But now, the old brat had given him a chance to live. As long as he could kill the person that wanted to kill him, he would be able to leave safely.    


Koyama Jiro would definitely not care about him. From now on, no matter what evil deeds he did, Broken Knife Flow would not care about him anymore. It would be the police who would represent justice and punish him.    


When Koyama Jiro said this, he was wearing a black hood, so no one could see that he was going to duel with him.    


However, he could guess that this person should be very powerful.    


The old boy was certain that his opponent would be able to kill him, which was why he said that.    


The scum was nervous.    


Most of them were excited.    


Because after he was captured, he was certain that he was dead.    


Moreover, using Broken Knife Flow to clean up the mess was still quite cruel. He would regret it even before he died, so why did he have to come to this world?    


Just when the scum had given up all hope and struggled out of fear, Koyama Jiro gave him a chance to be reborn.    


This made him overjoyed.    


Don't forget, if he was caught, it would only mean death, whether he was tortured to death or simply killed.    


Now that there was a chance to live on, how could the scum not fight for a chance to live on?    


As long as I kill the person I'm fighting against, I can live.    


Who are you?    


The scum pretended to be laughing maniacally, and when he looked at Shangdao Yinghua, who was about to fight him, he started to suspect that he was dreaming.    


Or else, Koyama Jiro's brain was flooded with water.    


Otherwise, how could this old boy allow such a lively woman to fight him to the death?    


Look how white her skin is.    


Her figure, how enchanting was it.    


Her face was so beautiful that when a man looked at her, he couldn't help but want to throw her to the ground and viciously whip her.    


The old brat wants to have a seductive woman fight with me?    


Ha, ha, ha!    


Does the old boy think I can't bear to do anything to such a beauty?    


The heck, you are completely wrong.    


Do you know that all these years, all the women that I have wasted and all the primary school students couldn't even calculate clearly?    


Every time he defiled them, he would just treat them like playthings. He never understood how to cherish a girl like that?    


Ha, ha, ha.    


Seeing Shangdao Yinghua's expressionless face, the corner of her eyes had a seductive look to it. If it wasn't for the fact that she was afraid that the old brat would change his mind and attack her, the scum would definitely laugh maniacally and point the knife at the woman, "Here, grandpa I'll play with you with one hand. If you kill me, I will have no complaints. If you lose, I won't kill you. I only want you to serve me once in front of the old boy. How about it, grandpa is magnanimous, right? "    


"You're still not making your move, are you afraid?"    


Koyama Jiro saw that the scum was staring at Shangdao Yinghua in a daze, but he did not make a move.    


"I … Will I be afraid of her?"    


The dog finally snapped out of his daze and sneered. "Ha!" Old fellow, are you sure you want this woman to fight against me? "    


"What I said was never bullshit."    


Koyama Jiro crossed his arms in front of his chest: "It's her who is going to fight with you. I, no one else, am not allowed to interfere. If you win against her, you can just leave. "    


When he said that last sentence, he looked towards Gala.    


Gala's right hand was placed on the gun hilt on his waist.    


He didn't have any confidence that Shangdao Yinghua would be able to kill him.    


Even though he had been training with Shangdao Yinghua every day, and would be her sparring partner when necessary, he knew that her fighting skills could be said to be as fast as a day.    


However, Gala was very clear that training was training after all. It was never comparable to a real battle that could change at any moment.    


For example, no matter how terrifying the wolf was, it was inferior to a human.    


As Shangdao Yinghua changed every day, Gala's trust in her increased bit by bit. He was finally willing to serve her like a boss.    


The loyal little brother would never sit by idly and watch the old general take the risk.    


Gala held the gun tightly in his right hand to prevent the situation on the field from getting out immediately and kill the dog.    


As for Koyama Jiro's words that no one is allowed to interfere in this fight, Gala said he doesn't need to follow his orders.    


However, when Koyama Jiro's seemingly calm gaze swept past Gala's hand, he had the illusion that he was being watched by a venomous snake.    


If he dared to grip the gun again, the viper would pounce on him and bite his throat.    


Gala subconsciously let go of the crisis that he felt from the bottom of his heart.    


He nervously swallowed his saliva and looked at Shangdao Yinghua.    


Shangdao Yinghua remained calm.    


Blue veins popped out on the back of his hands that were holding the broken blade on his right shoulder.    


Her pupils dilated irregularly.    


This proved that under her calm surface, she was quite nervous.    


And fear.    


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