Strongest Guard

C1000 You must be Seeing Things

C1000 You must be Seeing Things

Hamm was truly scared.    


Otherwise, he would not have knelt on the ground and hugged Avril without a care for her authority as the boss of Medusa in front of all his subordinates. His entire body was trembling.    


It was as if there was a demon that others could not see, charging over with its sharp fangs.    


Actually, in Hamm's heart, Yang Xiao was ten thousand times scarier than the scariest demon.    


She recognized the person who called her. It was Lee Nanfang.    


Since Lee Nanfang was able to call her alive, how could Yang Xiao, who was even stronger than him, die?    


She clearly remembered that Yang Xiao had warned her that even if Lee Nanfang died, she couldn't be touched by another man or her head would be torn off.    


Yang Xiao had already told her that back then, what more when Hamm bombarded Small Desert Island?    


I believe Yang Xiao has already hated her to the point that her teeth are bleeding. He could appear in front of her at any time … Darling, how do you want to die, just say it.    


Hamm's blood almost froze when he thought of Yang Xiao's ruthlessness when she was giving birth to her child.    


Even though it was in broad daylight and the sun was shining brightly, and all she could see were her most loyal subordinates, she still had an indescribable fear. She could only hide in the bosom of the person she trusted the most, begging for protection.    


Was Avril the person she trusted the most?    


A few seconds ago, if someone were to ask Hamm this question, she would definitely sneer, take out her usual Desert Eagle, and shoot that person in the head. How did you know that I trust Avril? "If I had trusted her, how could I have kidnapped her and brought her here, asking for two hundred million pounds in sterling from the William family, just a penny less, and turned her over to the native boys to train?"    


Hamm didn't know that she and Avril had already treated her like a sister after half a year of "two years and one husband" on the deserted island.    


But she didn't know.    


She was only jealous because Lee Nanfang had doted on Avril during Small Desert Island.    


Her Medusa dynasty needed a comeback, needed a lot of money, and saw Avril as a fat sheep.    


Especially when they saw Avril secretly shed tears, they would think of how Lee Nanfang would ride her, and after that wave of anger came out of nowhere. They just wanted to quickly arrange for these two aboriginal boys to destroy White Peony completely.    


It was only when Lee Nanfang called that Hamm realized that Yang Xiao would appear at any time, did her subconscious urge her to throw herself into Avril's arms and seek protection.    


Avril's current mood was the complete opposite of Hamm's.    


Just like a person who was about to fall off a cliff and be smashed to pieces, someone suddenly appeared on the top of the cliff and asked, "Young Wife, do you need my help to pull you up?"    






He desperately needed it!    


Hamm was trembling with fear while Avril was trembling with excitement.    


The act of Hamm burrowing into her arms after hugging her had affected her ability to make a phone call. Without thinking, he grabbed onto Boss Medusa's neck and pushed her away, "Get up, don't stop me from making a phone call! How shameless — Lee Nanfang? I'm Avril. Woo, woo, where are you? Come quickly, I'm so scared right now. "    


"Don't be afraid, you'll be fine, believe me."    


Boss Lee's heart would definitely ache after hearing Avril's excited cries. He comforted her softly, "Don't worry. As long as I'm alive, you'll be fine."    


Lee Nanfang wasn't bragging.    


As long as he was around, no matter how dangerous Avril was, he would protect her.    


It was the same for Mexico, and also on Lord Fei's cruise ship which was off the coast of British Island.    


Avril had been brought to Africa by Hamm, and compared to her Mexico, on Lord Fei's cruise, the danger level was nothing.    


Didn't you see Hamm, who tried to hurt Avril? At this moment, he was as frightened as a mouse that saw a cat?    


After being pushed back by Avril, he immediately crawled up and threw himself on top of her again, hugging her while trembling all over.    


When the guards not far from Hamm saw their boss like this, they were all very surprised and didn't understand what had happened.    


Ye Zichen looked at each other, but no one dared to come over.    


"Come quickly, come quickly, come quickly!"    


Avril shouted over and over again as she pushed Hamm away, urging Lee Nanfang to quickly appear in front of her and bring her into the air with him …    


From Avril's near collapse begging, Lee Nanfang knew what kind of mental pressure she was under after being kidnapped by Hamm.    


Of course, he wanted to turn into a beam of light, a bolt of lightning, and fly over with a whizzing sound. Hugging White Peony in his arms, kissing her non-stop, touching her hands in a mess, kicking Hamm onto the ground with his big feet, then stepping on her head and crushing him fiercely on the ground.    


However, he could only think about it. In the end, it was not light, nor was it electricity.    


Other than using the mass oath and the sweet talk that calmed her down a little, he got her to hand the phone over to Hamm.    


If Avril wanted to return safely, she would have to see what Hamm's intentions were.    


Who could guarantee that this stinking woman wouldn't be so ruthless? She would immediately trample over the lively White Peony before Lee Nanfang could rush over, before she could escape again?    


She wiped the tears from her face and handed the phone to Hamm, who had crawled over for protection. "Here, Nanfang wants to talk to you."    


"No, no, I, I won't talk to him. Take it away, take it away! "    


As if the phone was a piece of burning charcoal, the moment Hamm's hand touched it, he immediately retracted it. Hamm screamed as he used his hands as legs to support himself on the ground.    


Hamm's extremely terrified look made Avril extremely happy. She could only feel the pent-up anger of the past few days being swept away and could not help but laugh coldly. "Hehe, Hamm, aren't you very powerful? Why do you look so scared now? Don't worry, as long as you can firmly control me, Nanfang won't dare to do anything to you. "    


He was talking about people like Avril.    


Overjoyed, she said the last two sentences and was immediately stunned. She realized that she had said the wrong words: "Good girl, isn't this warning to Hamm that as long as he can hold me as a hostage, no matter how capable Lee Nanfang is, he would still obediently let her lead him by the nose?"    


If he could pick it up at any time, it would be great.    


It was a pity that words that came out were like spilled water that could no longer be retracted.    


Even if Avril didn't say those words, when Hamm woke up from his confusion, he would still understand this logic.    


However, she understood that there was a difference between reminding Hamm and understanding it for herself.    


She "reminded" Hamm because she was pleased with herself.    


Pride people -- basically all of them are very annoying.    


Before Lee Nanfang came, it would be too easy for Hamm to take care of her and beat back her pride.    


Therefore, after realizing she made a mistake, Avril immediately took action to remedy the situation. She forced a smile and said, "Hamm, you actually don't have to be too afraid of Lee Nanfang. No matter what, he is your son's biological father. "No matter how angry he is at you, he can't kill you. What are you trying to say?"    


After fooling around with Lee Nanfang for more than half a year, White Peony, who had never said anything wrong before, was finally infected by this bad habit of hers.    


This is not a problem.    


What really happened was that when she tried to explain how pleased she was with herself, before Lee Nanfang arrived, she had to coax Hamm with "sweet talk" to prevent herself from getting hurt, and she said something that she shouldn't have said.    


After Avril's first reminder, Hamm, who had lost his soul, was stunned for a moment before he seemed to understand something.    


Avril's second reminder completely shook Hamm out of his fear.    


Hamm's trembling mouth was no longer trembling. His red tongue was like a Snake, gently sweeping across his upper lip. His demonic smile was like the morning sun jumping out of the sea, it instantly covered his face and he laughed in a low voice: "My dear, continue speaking, why don't you say it again? Your voice is so sexy. "You looked so charming just now."    


"Not at all." Hamm, you must be seeing things. "    


Avril chuckled coyly. She grabbed her hair with her left hand and rapped her cell phone on her head a few times with her right hand as a sign of deep regret.    


The more she was like this, the happier Hamm became. "Oh, beauty, don't be like this. If you really were to smash out three to five holes in our heads, wouldn't your Nanfang feel heartache and die, and be able to tear us two into pieces? "    


Hamm chuckled. After he got up from the ground, his aura changed. From the mud puddle, he returned to his queen's appearance.    


"I … I …"    


Avril mumbled something, raised her phone and continued smiling coyly.    


Hamm took the phone and put it beside his ear. Then, he lifted his delicate right foot and slowly put it on Avril's body, gradually using his strength.    


That disrespectful look was akin to a cat playing with a mouse.    


Avril didn't dare to dodge.    


He didn't dare to resist either.    


She knew very well that Hamm was hoping that she would resist.    


That way, she would have an excuse to take care of this shitty bitch.    


The back of Avril's head gradually rested on the beach, facing the sky, her face full of bitterness and hatred.    


Fortunately, this woman had trained in yoga, so her waist was extremely soft.    


Otherwise, this posture would be unbearable for ordinary people.    


Hamm put the phone to his ear with his right hand, raised his left hand and snapped his fingers.    


Immediately, the female guard jogged over and handed him a thick cigar.    


Can you imagine a young woman with big dark glasses and a big cigar in her mouth, with a blue ocean behind her and the sea breeze blowing up her sunscreen?    


Lee Nanfang couldn't see anything.    


But he could imagine it.    


The phone was always on the phone, so he could roughly guess what the two women were doing.    


He must be cursing White Peony as a pig in his heart. How did she become like this after knowing me?    


Could it be that he really was a person who was close to the point of being infuriated?    


"Is it Nanfang?"    


After exhaling a mouthful of smoke, Hamm lifted his hand to brush his hair that was hanging down on his chest. Hamm lifted his hand to brush his hair that was hanging down on his chest.    


"It's me."    


Lee Nanfang replied depressingly, making Hamm feel that this world was truly beautiful.    


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