Strongest Guard

C1019 Why Didn't You Kill Me

C1019 Why Didn't You Kill Me

Yang Guanguan seemed to be dreaming.    


It was a terrible, real dream.    


In the dream, she was going to kill a woman in an antique costume.    


The woman wore a phoenix coronet and a phoenix robe. Her face was as gentle as jade, was very domineering, and also very beautiful. She stood in front of Yang Guanguan and coldly said, "Insolent evil creature, why didn't you kneel when you saw me?"    


Yang Guanguan, who had always been worshipped by others but had never kowtowed to anyone, became furious upon hearing this. She smiled sinisterly as she raised the five claws on her right hand and pounced towards the woman.    


She was too lazy to say anything to this damned woman.    


Since he deserved to die, he might as well just grab him and kill him. Why bother wasting time talking about him?    


The woman with the phoenix coronet did not expect Yang Guanguan to dare to offend her. She panicked and ran away, "Lee Nanfang, come and save the car."    


She was talking about Lee Nanfang?    


How did she know Lee Nanfang?    


Who are she and Lee Nanfang?    


As a series of questions rose up in Yang Guanguan's mind, a long, vicious roar suddenly came from behind her.    


Yang Guanguan turned around and saw a huge black dragon charging towards her with bared fangs and brandished claws.    


Without waiting for her reaction, the Black Dragon easily grabbed her and soared into the sky.    


No matter how powerful Yang Guanguan was, within the black dragon's claw, she was nothing more than a child's toy. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the dragon's claw. She could only allow it to lead her through the clouds.    


Sometimes high, sometimes low.    


An angry roar came from the dragon's mouth. "Evil creature, you actually dared to harm my empress. You're tired of living!"    


Yang Guanguan was scared silly. She really couldn't understand how Yue Zitong became the empress?    


Could it be that the Black Dragon was the one that was hidden in Lee Nanfang's body?    


Was it the Black Dragon that was fated to help her restore Diurnal Male and Night Female's body so that she could achieve great things in the future?    


If this Black Dragon really is Lee Nanfang as the host of Yang Guang, he claimed that I was reasonable.    


But why was Yue Zitong the empress now?    


Wasn't Yang Guang's queen the famous beauty in history, Empress Xiao?    


She was also one of the most cowardly women there was.    


If Empress Xiao really had a bit of backbone, she wouldn't have served the six monarchs.    


Not to mention that after being forced to death by Lee Jing, Yang Wan, who had taken her from Dou Jiande to the Great Prairie, did not burn herself to death. Instead, she was sent to the imperial harem by Great Tang and Li Er.    


How could Yue Zitong be that weakling!    


Yang Guanguan struggled unwillingly and resisted.    


How she longed for the sun to set.    


Because it was only after the sun had set that she could become Yang Xiao.    


As long as she could turn into Yang Xiao, the Black Dragon would be scared to the point of turning into a small loach, trembling as it let her take care of it.    


The sun still hung in the sky, not moving at all.    


Yang Guanguan was in despair. She hugged the dragon claw, opened her mouth, and was about to viciously land her on it.    


The Black Dragon howled as it was bitten by Yang Guanguan. Another dragon claw pierced into the left side of Yang Guanguan's rib cage.    


Yang Guanguan cried out in pain as the sun finally set.    


She was finally going to become Yang Xiao!    


But just when she was about to turn into Yang Xiao and play with the black dragon as if it was a small loach, the black dragon laughed wildly in satisfaction and released the dragon claw that was grabbing onto her.    


Yang Guanguan instantly turned into a broken kite, screaming as she fell from the sky.    


With a bang, Yang Guanguan felt she had been thrown into the water. Her human mind slowly began to revolve, struggling free from her terrifying nightmare. Her eyelashes fluttered for a moment before she suddenly opened her eyes. With a soft cry, she turned around and sat up.    


When she sat up, she realized that she was not in the water, but sitting on a big, comfortable bed.    


The frosted wall lamp on the wall gave off a soft glow, which made her feel warm as it shone on her.    


There was not a single movement around her, so she could only hear her heart, the thumping sounds of her beating heart, as well as the panicked gasps and gasps for air.    


She was not in the sky.    


Nor was he being held by the Black Dragon.    


She was sitting on a luxurious bed in a bedroom, and the air was filled with the soothing scent of sandalwood and the peculiar smell of some kind of ointment.    


Yang Xiao, who had already become Yang Xiao, slightly wrinkled his nose. Very quickly, he could smell the medicine mixed in with the sandalwood. It was a medicine used to treat external injuries.    


"Where is this?"    


Yang Xiao asked in a low voice. He lifted the blanket with his right hand and was about to lift his foot to the ground, but suddenly, an unbearable pain came from his left rib cage.    


In fact, he woke up from the nightmare, and when he turned over and sat up, he also touched the wound on his left side.    


It was only then that he had been so frightened by the nightmare that he had neglected the pain that came from his body.    


Now that he had woken up, the pain on his wound also woke up, touching his aching nerves.    


Just as he was looking down at the sore spot, memories of the time before his coma came rushing in from somewhere like a flood over a dike.    


He remembered what he did before he fainted.    


When he thought about Lee Nanfang's sneak attack, he pushed him out of the window and was carried up to the sky by the tornado.    


He could still remember when he was thrown into the river by that irresistibly strong force in mid-air.    


With the splash of water, Yang Xiao's memory came to a sudden stop.    


He was very powerful.    


But no matter how powerful he was or how freakishly talented he was, he was still just a human.    


No one would be able to keep their senses even after directly crashing into the water from such a high place.    


"Who saved me? And bandaged my wound? "    


Yang Xiao slowly lifted up his loose white cotton robe and saw that his waist was wrapped in many layers of bandages.    


Faintly, blood oozed out from the wound.    


It was stabbed with a triangular-iron.    


Fortunately, the triangle-iron wasn't a real spear, and after being stabbed, Yang Xiao instinctively reacted with the best defense, forcing his ribs to hold the triangle-iron in place to avoid Lee Nanfang, whose conscience was completely broken, being pierced like a skewer of meat.    


"Lee Nanfang, you're really vicious."    


Yang Xiao actually smiled when he recalled what he had just recalled.    


If Lee Nanfang was so ruthless as to deal such a fatal blow to someone else, even if that person didn't die, he would at least lose half his life.    


However, to Yang Guanguan, it was only a "flesh wound".    


Wasn't it just two ribs that were broken? Wasn't the wound deep enough to see bone?    


As long as he could apply the medicine in time, the wound would not be infected. This was not a big deal for Yang Xiao.    


After a fierce "praise" from Lee Nanfang, Yang Xiao's attention was once again focused on who saved him.    


It did not take him much effort to deduce from the portrait on the wall who had saved him.    


Hua Yeshen, one of the women under his command from the Four Great God s.    


In Hua Yeshen's bedroom, there was a large photo of her, which was normal.    


Just like how, as the boss of Seven Stars Club, she was qualified to attend Yue Zitong's wedding.    


"But how could she guess who I am?    


And why didn't you take the opportunity to kill me when I was unconscious? "    


This was Yang Xiao.    


After being saved, one must consider why others would want to save him, not take the opportunity to kill him.    


Very soon, Yang Xiao found the answer and smiled coldly: "The reason you saved me was because after you kill me, no one will be able to cure you from being poisoned by that beauty, right? Night God, you think too much. Even if you save me, I won't give you the antidote. "    


Why he poisoned Hua Yeshen was one thing.    


Hua Yeshen saving him was a completely different matter.    


The two things cannot be confused.    


There was a slight squeak, and the fragrance of rice wafted in from the door.    


If the employees of Seven Stars Club were to see their respected boss now dressed in a chef's outfit and holding a silver plate in his hands, they would definitely be so shocked that their eyeballs fell to the ground.    


However, Yang Xiao didn't feel that anything was wrong.    


He was the King of Hua Yeshen and her men. No matter how 'filial' they were, it was only natural.    


"It's you. You were the one who changed my clothes?"    


Yang Xiao raised his head and looked at Hua Yeshen. There was not a single trace of emotion in his eyes.    




Hua Yeshen did not dare to meet their eyes directly. She muttered a few words in a low voice before placing the plate in her hand on the bedside table. She stood there with her head lowered, saying, "I also bathed you myself. Otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable. "    


"You saw my body."    


As Yang Xiao said this, he slowly lifted his legs and sat on the edge of the bed. He picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a prawn in his mouth and slowly chewed it.    




"Any ideas?"    


"I don't dare to."    


Hua Yeshen answered honestly.    


After picking up another prawn, Yang Xiao asked slowly as before: "Then tell me, am I a man or a woman?"    


Hua Yeshen didn't say anything.    


She didn't know how to answer that question.    


Even if she already knew that King Xuanyuan was different during the day and night, she never considered whether the King's gender would change with the change in his appearance.    


Fortunately, Hua Yeshen didn't answer.    


If she said it should be a woman, then it proved that after the king changed into Yang Xiao's appearance, he secretly looked at it.    


"I am a woman. Day or night, I was a standard woman. "It's just that this annoying face of mine will always change over and over again."    


Yang Xiao said plainly. Two fingers on his left hand grabbed the belt of his robe and pulled it lightly.    


Just as she had heard the order, Hua Yeshen raised her head just in time.    


Then, she once again saw that perfect figure of a woman — her upper body.    


"Besides the Great Elder, you're the first one to see my body."    


Yang Xiao also lowered his head and looked at her body, speaking in a dreamy voice: "Sometimes, I am infatuated with my body. But sometimes, I really hate it, and I feel disgusted with it. "    


Hua Yeshen's lips moved, but she still didn't dare to say anything.    


"Heh heh, I am a woman. I am a woman, day or night. "    


Yang Xiao chuckled and covered his white pajamas. "However, when I'm a woman, my voice will become very unpleasant to listen to."    


Hua Yeshen nodded.    


Since she did not take advantage of the time when Yang Xiao was unconscious, she had to be careful to not say anything wrong to anger the king and receive an unspeakable punishment.    


"How did you recognize me?"    


After eating a few more chopsticks, Yang Xiao finally changed the question that made Hua Yeshen feel relieved.    


After Hua Yeshen explained the reason, Yang Xiao then frowned, "Oh, so that person is the Holan Fusu that you have been in love with for many years. Hmph, I feel like he's much weaker than us, so he can't even withstand a single blow. "    


He had become vulnerable only because his feet had been pulled out of the steel wire rope!    


Otherwise, even if he wasn't your opponent, he wouldn't have been knocked out that easily.    


Hua Yeshen only dared to retort in her heart, but didn't dare to say those two words out loud.    


Yang Xiao didn't plan to listen to her. Looking at the prawns on his chopsticks, he asked slowly, "Why didn't you kill me during the day?"    


Hua Yeshen's heart skipped a beat as she hurriedly said, "No, I don't."    


"Are you afraid that after you kill me, no one will be able to remove the beauty that you have fallen victim to?"    


Yang Xiao smiled sinisterly and said.    


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