Strongest Guard

C1321 Red Tear Mark of Decapitation

C1321 Red Tear Mark of Decapitation

Sui Yueyue didn't know that there were people talking about her in the distance when she had never experienced fear before.    


Actually, even if she knew, she couldn't care less.    


How could a deeply frightened person have the heart to care about other things?    


Ever since she restrained herself and saw that her life had turned into a cold corpse before her eyes, but she would no longer vomit and instead felt a sense of evil satisfaction, Sui Yueyue thought that she would never be afraid of anyone or anything again.    


Otherwise, she wouldn't have sincerely invited Yang Xiao to cut her down with a knife after she was caught in the cave that night.    


But now, she knew, she would still be afraid.    


Not only was he scared, he was scared to death!    


Sui Yueyue had never thought that a man she knew so well would suddenly turn into a demon.    


After her plot was perfectly realized, after Yue Zitong's death.    


Of course, Lee Nanfang didn't become the kind of monster in the movies, with a green face, fangs and three heads.    


It was that his current appearance should be even more terrifying than a real demon, right?    


How could a human's eyes turn crimson?    


Not only that, in an instant, there was a change in Lee Nanfang's aura that Sui Yueyue did not dare to look at.    


A real demon might not be as scary as the current Lee Nanfang.    


Sui Yueyue saw it with her own eyes. When Yue Zitong screamed and fell into the deep abyss, Lee Nanfang was stunned. He took the opportunity to cut Shangdao Yinghua's shoulder, but he didn't dodge at all.    


Just as the sharp blade was about to slash down, half of his shoulder was cut off along with his head!    


Demons had appeared.    


The mournful long hissing clearly came from Lee Nanfang's mouth, but it made everyone at the scene think that it came from hell.    


It carried a sinister Evil Qi, a corrosive smell.    


With a long whistle, Lee Nanfang punched the broken sabre.    


The broken blade that Shangdao Yinghua was using was made from the authentic Hundred Refinement Steel. However, it was forcibly broken by Lee Nanfang's punch!    


Almost at the same time, Lee Nanfang raised his foot and kicked towards Shangdao Yinghua.    


Shangdao Yinghua's instincts had already prompted her to make the best and most timely move to avoid the attack, but her toes still brushed against his left side.    


Kacha, kacha.    


Amidst the clear and ear-piercing sound of breaking ribs, Shangdao Yinghua screamed as she tumbled to the ground.    


Lee Nanfang ignored her.    


If he paid her any attention, he would stamp her sternum, causing it to collapse.    


Shangdao Yinghua would immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and die on the spot.    


It wasn't that Lee Nanfang didn't want to talk to her.    


But, he had already forgotten to pay attention to anyone.    


He only wanted to use extremely brutal methods to drive away all the people who had blocked his way out of the cave.    


All he could think of was to throw himself onto the edge of the cliff and grab his aunt's hand.    


Or maybe it was just the edge of his clothes.    


This was Lee Nanfang's only hope before he went completely mad.    


However, when he kicked Shangdao Yinghua away, he rushed toward the entrance of the cave with a shrill howl, grabbed a person who was running all over the place in panic, and ruthlessly smashed his head into the other party's head!    


Red and white brains like ten thousand peach blossoms bloomed on his forehead, causing him to lose his way.    


In other words, it was sinking.    


Yue Zitong's death had sunk him into the midst of the devil nature, which had instantly erupted out of him.    


Can you imagine how horrible and disgusting it was for Lee Nanfang to use his head to smash the head of a poor man?    


Sui Yueyue had never thought of it.    


Shangdao Yinghua, who was injured, didn't even think about that.    


Great Coler, Michel, and the others who were hiding nearby and shot Yue Zitong did not think of this.    


The reason was very simple, because a human's skull was very hard.    


How could someone use their own head, like smashing a watermelon, to smash another's head to pieces?    


Therefore, no one present had thought of this tragic scene.    


But today, they saw it with their own eyes.    


Gunfire, stop.    


Everyone was stunned as they looked at Lee Nanfang.    


It wasn't until he grabbed another person and tore his left arm off with his hand, amidst a long howl, that everyone knew what they had seen.    


Right now, what should they do?    




Other than fleeing for their lives, what else could they do?    


It was just that …    


Sometimes, in the news media, people would see a major stampede in a certain assembly due to an accident.    


Those events were strong evidence that when humans encountered sudden dangers and fought to escape, trampling would occur, resulting in many injuries and even death.    


This was the situation in front of him.    


Actually, the karst cave was very big, enough to hold over ten thousand people.    


And since the cave could be entered by car, it proved that there was more than one entrance to the cave.    


However, everyone was scared by Lee Nanfang.    


No one could stay awake as long as they needed to. They needed to escape to a place where the lights couldn't reach them, instead of desperately running towards the narrow, brightly lit entrance.    


Like a swarm of moths on fire.    


Just because there was light.    


Fiends, aren't they all naturally afraid of light?    


Weren't humans fleeing towards the light when they were in extreme fear?    


In this way, the terrible event of stepping on the ground and no one being able to escape in time became inevitable.    


It also gave the demons a chance to go on a killing spree.    


Sui Yueyue, who had been stunned on the spot, had long since lost all color in her face, and her entire body was trembling violently.    


She clearly wanted to escape as well.    


He ran to a place where he couldn't see Lee Nanfang, regardless of the consequences.    


Hiding again, she covered her head with her hands, trembling like a quail, weeping softly, devoutly, begging the heavens to help her take the demon away.    


But she couldn't move.    


He could only stand there and watch as he grabbed a man and tore him into two pieces.    


At this moment, Lee Nanfang was completely controlled by the Black Dragon in his body.    


In the past, whenever this kind of situation occurred, he would try his best to fight against the devils with his slightly weaker humanity.    


Not this time.    


Because he had personally seen Yue Zitong float down a thousand feet of abyss, not only had his devil nature instantly erupted, but at the same time, even his humanity had let out a terrible howl that seemed like it would destroy the entire world.    


The first time!    


Lee Nanfang's humanity was inextricably linked with his demonic nature.    


Man as one with the demons.    


With his humanity, he could clearly feel how much pain the Black Dragon in his body was in.    




It was as if something had taken away the Black Dragon's heart.    


Yue Zitong was hit by the bullet and fell off the cliff.    




The only choice was to kill.    


Kill them all, everyone who appeared before him.    


Only by killing all of these people could Yue Zitong survive.    


Only then could he regain her.    


These were the words that Lee Nanfang uttered along with his devilish personality that was wailing in pain.    


There was no reason.    


Because Yue Zitong was dead.    


Finally, the last person to live in front of him was grabbed by the neck by Lee Nanfang and viciously smashed into the rock at the entrance of the cave. When another ten thousand peach blossoms bloomed, he lost his target to kill.    


He then looked towards the other side of the cliff.    


Lee Nanfang released a low growl from his throat, just like how a lion would when it was about to pounce on its prey. His left hand held the shattered corpse of the man and he walked towards it step by step.    


He walked for perhaps a few minutes at a distance of more than twenty meters.    


He walked very slowly.    


It seemed that every step he took would be so difficult.    


The corpse that he had dragged along with him, swept across the ground, leaving behind a trail of blood.    


It was just like a strange ink painting that was drawn with fresh blood.    


When they arrived at the fence, Lee Nanfang finally let go of the body and looked down the dark cliff.    




After looking for a while, Lee Nanfang raised his head and screamed again.    


But his voice was already hoarse.    


Therefore, even if he used all of his strength, his voice wouldn't travel more than 30 meters.    


Before the scream could be heard, the moon came out.    


Where had the moon been?    


Who knows.    


At this moment, the moon came out.    


The moonlight was bright and clear.    


The moonlight shone on Lee Nanfang's face, shining on those two tear stains.    


Red, tears.    


Red tears!    


Slowly, he lowered his head and shut his mouth. Slowly, he lifted his right foot and stepped onto the fence that was only a dozen centimeters wide.    


Lee Nanfang was already standing on the fence when his body slightly shook.    


No matter how sad, demonic, or human he was right now, it was all a mess.    




However, he could vaguely remember that Yue Zitong fell down from above.    


Before she died, she told him to live well.    


Live well!    


How could Lee Nanfang live on without Yue Zitong?    


He was going to find her.    


Wherever she is.    


Was it beneath the cliffs, or was it inside the Netherworld Kingdom?    


He was going to find her.    


Why her?    


Lee Nanfang didn't know.    


I don't want to know.    


All he knew was that he wanted to find her, and that was enough.    


Looking at the dark cliff below, Lee Nanfang raised his head again, took a deep breath, and swung his arms behind him.    


A diver, isn't that what they do before dipping?    


"He's going to jump down. He's looking for Yue Zitong."    


Sui Yueyue finally snapped out of her daze, and after a moment, no miserable shrieks rang out.    


She had just woken up when she saw Lee Nanfang about to jump off the cliff.    


"So that's how much he cares about Yue Zitong.    


How could he do this!?    


I love him a lot more than I love Yue Zitong!    


"But why would he rather die for Yue Zitong than live and create a new nation with me?"    


Sui Yueyue suddenly thought of this.    


The indescribable jealousy gave her an inexhaustible strength and made her suddenly shout: "Lee Nanfang, you bastard!"    


Lee Nanfang, who was about to jump off the cliff, suddenly turned around when he heard a sound coming from behind him!    


There were still people alive.    


This proved that he could not die yet.    


He wanted to kill everyone who lived in front of him before he went to find Yue Zitong.    


"Ha, haha."    


Lee Nanfang, who had blood-red eyes, let out a hoarse laugh as he stared at the brightly lit cave.    


Inside his body, the Black Dragon that was already beginning to sob suddenly became agitated. It roared with immense power, urging Lee Nanfang to kill it.    






Lee Nanfang once again let out a terrifying sound from his throat and leaped up.    


A dark blue trajectory rapidly swept across the sky from the direction of his chest.    


First one, then ten, then dozens.    


Each of the dark blue lines represented a spear, a person.    


Since so many people were still alive, how could Lee Nanfang possibly die?    


As he leaped into the air, he seemed to hear Yue Zitong's voice from the darkness far away. "No!"    


"Don't worry, he hasn't killed all the people he saw, so he wouldn't jump down to find you."    


Ye Zichen raised his neck and looked at Yang Xiao, who was above the cliff, and said coldly.    


"But, he …"    


As soon as Yue Zitong said those words, she felt herself plummet.    


Before she could scream, her left hand was grabbed by a hand.    


Beneath his feet was a deep abyss that was tens of meters deep.    


If he fell down, the chances of him surviving would be too slim.    


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