Strongest Guard

C2134 The Name of Love in Yamaguchi

C2134 The Name of Love in Yamaguchi

What could Han Wei's purpose be if he were to dump trash in front of Nanfang's Health Club?    


It's just disgusting.    


After experiencing that auction, the merchants of Ming Zhu had more or less guessed the relationship between Lee Nanfang and the upper echelons.    


If there weren't any conflicts of interest, no one would take the initiative to find trouble with Nanfang Group.    


Even Master Kai, who had truly clashed, had vaguely guessed that Lee Nanfang might have the support of the capital Shen Family when he saw that the person who had entered the hot spring manor was Hua Yeshen, who had the original Seven Stars Association of Jinghua. He had no choice but to temporarily swallow his resentment.    


However, Han Wei was different.    


Having lost the South City Pharmaceutical Factory, he thought of other ways to get it back.    


In the end, he saw David Bai.    


How could Han Wei, who had been in Europe for five years and had some connections with Germany, not know Brother David's reputation?    


With just a glance from afar, he gave up on the medicine factory in the south of the city.    


There was only one thing that he could not ignore.    


It took two days for him to be released after someone had mysteriously locked him up in the police station.    


Just by thinking about it, one could tell that it was Lee Nanfang who did it.    


On the surface, there was no way for him to have a fight to the death with the other party. However, couldn't he use underhanded methods?    


The trash heap blocking the door, these were all underhanded tricks he used ten years ago when his father and Fang Zheng were competing.    


It was simply too easy to use it as a means to inherit one's father's inheritance.    




"Stupid. This move was really stupid. It was nothing more than a pile of trash. Finding someone to clean up was enough to vent the anger in his heart. Or is it that you can use a pile of trash to destroy the opponent's foundation? "    


Yamaguchi listened to Han Wei's explanation and said the same words as Old Master.    


However, she did not simply curse, and continued to speak: "The Xianhua Club is the place that the old master has set his eyes on.    


Originally, he wanted to buy it with Master Kai's help and resume his previous business.    


Unfortunately, someone from the capital came out later on.    


We can only give up.    


But now it was different.    


I've seen that Lee Nanfang before, he doesn't look like a merchant, and he definitely doesn't look like a member of a clan.    


His entire demeanor was that of a ruffian.    


Although I don't know why the Beijing Shen Family would give the things they need to that little scoundrel, there's one thing I'm sure of. If it's just a simple business competition, the Beijing Shen Family would definitely not stand up for that guy.    


So, we could have stolen the place back with a very proper method.    


When I went to contact Lee Nanfang today, I already knew what kind of business he was going to do.    


Let's start from this point and let him not be able to earn money.    


As long as they didn't have any money to earn, they wouldn't let such a good place fall into their hands. At that time, they would go and talk to him about purchasing or working together.    


Isn't it just a natural thing to do?    


Pour out the trash.    


Heh heh, what a special child!    


If it wasn't disgusting, that fellow would think that it was some fat that was about to be targeted. Holding it tightly in his hand, it became tighter and tighter.    


If you say that what you're doing isn't stupid, then what is it? "    


After saying all that, Yamaguchi slowly walked to Han Wei's side and gently placed a hand on the man's shoulder.    


Even though they were the same age.    


However, the mountain pass love with rich life experience is obviously more mature than Han Wei.    


Ever since he was young, Han Wei only knew how to drink. Even if he ran to Europe, he was just a small fry that would hang around with the locals and collect protection fees.    


It would be difficult for him to run a company and use his IQ to fight someone else.    


Looking at the woman, Han Wei's entire body shivered. He respectfully lowered his head: "What little granny has taught you is true.    


But what did you just say was a fair competition method?    


Just by looking at Xianhua Club, no matter what kind of business you do, you can always earn money.    


I'm afraid there's no way that we can make that fellow lose money, right? "    


Han Wei asked with a cautious tone.    


There was no other way. After all, this ex-girlfriend of his already had a completely different identity and status.    


Just look at how he brought love home from the mountain pass home, but became the master's man. As a man, he didn't even dare to fart. He knew how terrifying the lord was in his heart.    


Later on, Master told him to marry her in the proper way, and Han Wei agreed without a second thought.    


This also proved that he didn't dare to disobey the old master's orders at all.    


Yamaguchi loved to grow up beautiful.    


But facing a beauty with the identity of a "grandma", Han Wei couldn't have the slightest bit of ill intentions.    


But Shan Kou's love did not stop.    


The hand on Han Wei went all the way down.    


He then arrived at a certain place and directly grabbed onto that soft stick.    


Yamaguchi brought his face close to Han Wei's ear and whispered, "Do you want to know how I plan to deal with Lee Nanfang?"    


"Yes, yes."    


Han Wei's breathing became heavier and the man's instinct made his brain go blank.    


Yamaguchi's loving hands were still teasing something, but the words he asked had nothing to do with the previous topic.    


"Then do you want to truly obtain me?"    


"Yes, yes."    


"Alright, then come on. Master is already old and cannot satisfy me at all. "    


Shankou said it so clearly, if Han Wei didn't show any reaction, then would he still be a man?    


Following a strange growl, he reached out his hands, wanting to hug Shan Kou and his love for him …    


The woman's knee shot up and landed hard on his vitals.    


Han Wei's low roar instantly turned into a strange cry of pain. Like a cooked prawn, his entire body bent and fell to the ground.    


"Han Wei, you think you can get me?    


Let me tell you, any man in the world can have me, but you, even if you die, can't touch me.    


From that morning, when you pushed me back into that room.    


I'm your little grandmother.    


The old master wanted me to teach you a lesson before he left.    


Remember, report back to me immediately if you want to do anything else in the future.    


"Without my permission, you will obediently be a dumb watchdog of Huazhen Corporation!"    


At the entrance of the mountain, Han Wei, who was lying on the ground, walked towards the second floor of the mansion.    


Five years.    


She had waited for this day for that strike for a full five years.    


In the past, when she was taken over by the old master, she had never resented Han Wei.    


After all, the old master was too terrifying. Even Han Wei and his father Han Chengxiong had to treat him like a dog and treat him with respect.    


However, five years ago, when he entered the marriage hall with Han Wei.    


As a woman, she really felt happy.    


She even secretly decided to live a real married life with Han Wei.    


The result.    


Han Wei ran away.    


On the night of the wedding night, he went abroad and left her to the master.    


From that moment onwards, there was only hatred left towards Han Wei.    


He hated her to this day.    


She wanted to humiliate this man in a way that she had already thought of long ago.    


She did it.    


But why didn't he feel happy at all? Why did he feel an inexhaustible pressure on his heart?    


Shan Kou loves you dearly.    


Her name, perhaps, foretold her life, only a bitter love.    


In Nanfang's Health Club's temporary resting room.    


Lee Nanfang was sitting at his desk, flipping through a bunch of business cards. When he saw such a strange name of an Asian woman, the first thing he thought of was also the explanation for his "bitter love".    


However, these thoughts only flashed through his mind for a moment before vanishing completely.    


The pile of business cards of various companies were also treated by him as trash and swept into the trash can.    


These two days, too many businessmen have taken the initiative to look for Lee Nanfang.    


Everyone had the same goal, which was to find Boss Lee for a partnership. They wanted to get some shares from her businesses so that they could make money together.    


Unfortunately, Boss Lee, who was not lacking in money, rejected everyone.    


He didn't even think about what those people were for.    


The garbage heap in front of the clubhouse's entrance was cleaned up by the cleaning company's workers before daybreak.    


When Lee Nanfang woke up in the morning, he went to work quickly from the 20 people hired by Fang Zheng Security Company and assigned them to Brother Dalee.    


With so many elite subordinates by his side, Chen Dalee walked with his head held high and chest puffed out, regaining the grace he had at Qingshan City.    


It was also the same day.    


The fitness instructors and service personnel Loong Zaikong and Chen Yuyang had found for Lee Nanfang also came to the clubhouse to report.    


On one side was a busy decorating scene.    


On the other side was the clubhouse staff's various division of labor and simple training.    


Lee Nanfang was so busy that he wanted to split himself into eight parts, but he still couldn't handle so many things in such a short time.    


Ye Zichen forced Wang Defa to move back from Qingshan's side helplessly.    


The headquarters of Qingshan's Nanfang Group were already on the right track.    


Lee Nanfang was relieved to leave behind Worker Zhou and Wu Yujie to look after the house.    


It was only on the side of Ming Zhu that there were not many people available, nor any trusted aides that he could truly trust. That was why he summoned Wang Defa.    


The heavens and earth were witnesses.    


This time, Boss Lee did not want to hear someone flatter and flatter him. He truly wanted to do a good job with Health Club.    


However, after Wang Defa's arrival, he was in a good mood, along with Chen Dalee, and did his best to flatter Boss Lee.    


No wonder Boss Lee was selfish.    


Within three days, the massive renovation project was completed on time.    


Faang Fengming ran over here again to help check the results of the decorations.    


Jack once again brought up the matter of inviting Fang Meili to join the Nanfang Group, but he was still rejected by this beauty Fang.    


After all, she was an ambitious woman.    


He wasn't willing to be beneath others, so he wanted to start his own business.    


Let her do whatever she wants.    


Lee Nanfang would probably be able to sneak in when Ye Zichen saw that she couldn't carry on any longer.    


A brand-new Nanfang's Health Club was built just like that.    


However, Boss Lee's work was not finished.    


For the official opening, a group of leaders would need to be invited over on a lucky day to unveil the deal and organize the opening ceremony.    


Of course, before that, these friends would come to the city to experience the service lines of Health Club. It was necessary to make suggestions from the point of view of a guest.    


Over the next few days, Lee Nanfang busied himself with letting Bai Linger, Chiang Morann, Hua Yeshen, and Loong Chengcheng, these women, bring along their subordinates from various industries to the Health Club s to feel their services.    


During this time, he would also ask Gulina and Chen Yuyang to call their classmates over and play around here.    


Fang Zheng, Shen Quan, Loong Zaikong and the other successful businessmen were not let off by Lee Nanfang. No matter what, they still had to get a dozen or twenty real bosses to feel what high class fitness service was.    


For several days, streams of people flowed in front of the clubhouse.    


The entire Bund Road knew that this clubhouse had been reopened, but they did not have a flyer for everyone to see.    


Curiosity was urging everyone to go in and have a look on the day of the opening.    


The situation was looking good.    


More importantly, after the incident with the trash barricading the door, there were no more troubles that came knocking.    


Seeing that the opening date was approaching, the last difficult problem that Boss Lee had to deal with appeared.    


Health Club must have a star assisting them.    


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