Tranxending Vision

C192 One Wrap

C192 One Wrap

Inside the door. Xia Lei stuck closely to the wall behind the door, not daring to breathe, no matter how he gripped the anesthesia. The right hand of the gun and the left hand that was still wearing the mechanical gloves were both drenched in sweat.    


Outside the door. The female assassin and her accomplice wore night vision goggles.    


Outside the window, the two killers had also put on night vision goggles and were ready to enter through the window. What they didn't know was that while they were preparing, two people had already quietly approached the corner of the villa and were using the anesthesia in their hands. The guns were pointed at their stocky butts.    


The female assassin took out the card she had prepared and inserted it into the slot. The electronic lock let out a soft beep and the door was opened. At that moment, her accomplice slammed the door open and rushed inside.    


Thump! Thump! Thump! Without any hesitation, he pointed his submachine gun at the bed and fired.    


The female assassin rushed into the room after almost a second and used her gun to search for her target.    


Xia Lei shot towards the male assassin's head, the tranquilizer bullet hit the male assassin's temple, but did not immediately fall to the ground, but shook for a bit before falling to the ground.    


The female assassin suddenly moved horizontally, the hand holding the spear fiercely swung towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei could not retreat at all, he extended his left hand and grabbed onto the female assassin's body, his palm blocking the muzzle of his spear.    


Puff! The gun fired out, but Xia Lei's hand did not receive any damage, on the contrary, the barrel of the gun had exploded!    


When the female assassin saw the silver mechanical gloves on Xia Lei's hands, her eyes flashed with a terrified look. But her reaction was not slow at all. She took the opportunity when Xia Lei still had not released her handgun to throw backwards, her entire body leaping into the air and kicking the anesthetic out of Xia Lei's hand. Gun. Then, her body actually flipped backwards and landed steadily on the ground with a backward somersault.    


Her body was very soft and flexible, like a spirit ape.    


The female assassin glanced towards the window. At that moment, the sound of two heavy objects falling on the ground came from outside the window.    


Xia Lei threw away the abandoned gun and said indifferently: "You don't need to look. They can't help you anymore."    


The female assassin suddenly turned and rushed to the door.    


Xia Lei cut across and cut off the female assassin's escape route.    


The female assassin coldly snorted, raised her leg and pulled out a blade from her leg. She then shook the blade, like a venomous snake, she shook it, and looked for an opportunity to stab Xia Lei to death.    


Xia Lei revealed a look of disdain, and then, he beckoned to her.    


The female assassin suddenly took a step forward, and slashed towards Xia Lei's neck.    


Xia Lei's left hand struck out, grabbing towards the blade. His left hand was wearing a titanium gauntlet. Even the bullets from his handgun could block it back. He was not afraid of the military knife in her hand at all.    


Crack! The sound of metal clanging against metal exploded in the room. Sparks flew from the friction between the blade's edge and the mechanical gauntlet.    


Xia Lei grabbed onto the female assassin's blade.    


The female assassin released her hand and kicked at Xia Lei's crotch.    


The attack just now was just a pretense. This was her real goal. She needed to escape quickly, and the place that attacked Xia Lei was the best choice. And as long as Xia Lei dodged, she would be able to rush out.    


However, Xia Lei did not even try to dodge. Just as her leg stabbed into the space between his legs, his legs suddenly sank down, his knees moving inwards, immediately grabbing onto the female assassin's legs.    


The female assassin was shocked and quickly withdrew her leg.    


Xia Lei's left fist suddenly smashed into the female assassin's knee. With a crisp sound, the female assassin screamed and her entire body fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei kicked the female assassin's lower abdomen. This time, the female assassin did not scream, but curled up like a shrimp. Her knees were smashed, and her stomach was hit. She had already lost her ability to fight.    


After suppressing the female assassin, Xia Lei then said: "Tian Yin, take out the rope under the bed."    


"En!" Just now, Shentu Tianyin's heart had reached her throat, and only after hearing Xia Lei's voice did she finally relax completely.    


Shentu Tianyin crawled out from under the bed, and she took out the rope Xia Lei left under the bed. Just then, Xia Lei also turned on the light, and the house suddenly lit up. Only then did she see two people lying in the room, and two guns lying on the floor, one of them even blown.    


Shentu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei. His well-proportioned body, that handsome face, her heart skipped a beat, and in that moment, she felt that Xia Lei was not Xia Lei, but rather the Sean of [Layers of Dish Shadow].    


"Give me the rope." Xia Lei reached out his hand to Shentu Tianyin, as he did not dare to leave the female assassin's side. Although this woman had one of her legs crippled, it was hard to say if she would be a threat to Shentu Tianyin.    


Shentu Tianyin regained her senses and quickly passed the rope to Xia Lei.    


The female assassin looked at Xia Lei coldly. Just as Xia Lei took the rope and walked behind her, she suddenly turned and swept it towards his ankle.    


Xia Lei only gently lifted his leg, and then, he stomped down with one foot, instantly stomping on the female assassin's calf.    


The female assassin groaned, struggled a bit, then completely gave up. She had already realized, even if her four limbs were in good condition, she still wouldn't be able to defeat Xia Lei, let alone defeat him when one of her legs was crippled.    


Xia Lei tied the female assassin's hands and feet with a rope, then felt that he couldn't stabilize her, so he wrapped her calves up to her thighs to stop. The female assassin was turned into a dumpling by his bundle.    


"Alright." Only at this time did Xia Lei finally relax. He only relaxed after becoming overly nervous, even his hands were trembling.    


"Noguchi!" The woman said something.    


It's Japanese ? you bastard!    


When she said that, both Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin were surprised, because they never expected that the killer Tian Feng hired was actually a Japanese woman.    


Xia Lei ripped off the black hood that the Japanese woman was wearing, exposing her pretty and delicate face. She looked no different from a Grand China woman. If not for the Japanese words that suddenly popped out from her mouth, Xia Lei would have thought that she was a Grand China woman.    


"Japanese?" Shentu Tianyin suddenly thought of something, "Oh yes, two years ago my brother went to Japan and said that he was investigating the electronics industry there. He must have met this woman while he was in Japan. "Looks like he was prepared to make his move on me a long time ago."    


Xia Lei said: "Don't call him brother, he's not fit."    


Then the Japanese woman said in Japanese, "So you already knew we were going to assassinate you. Why did you come to this island?"    


Xia Lei crouched beside the Japanese woman's head, looking down at her from above. "You want to kill us, we'll let you kill us, isn't that good? It's just that you guys are not smart enough. "    


"Bah!" The Japanese woman spat at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei turned his head to dodge, did the tasty water fall onto his leather shoes? A white mass, with a little bit of blood, was very eye-catching.    


"Damn it! At this time, you still dare to be so arrogant! " Xia Lei did not react. Instead, he was so angry that he rushed forward and kicked the Japanese woman in her lower abdomen.    


The Japanese woman frowned. Shentu Tianyin's little bit of strength was like an itch to her.    


Shentu Tianyin still wanted to kick her, but Xia Lei grabbed her leg instead, "Tian Yin, leave this matter to me. You're not suitable." After he finished speaking, he finally let go of Shentu Tianyin's leg.    


"Yes." Shentu Tianyin was very cooperative.    


At this moment, Jin Dahu's voice came through the microphones, "Mr. Xia, we've already brought those two guys into the villa, do you want to bring them up?"    


"Tie him up and watch him. Don't bring him up for now." Xia Lei said.    


"What about the other two?" Jin Dahu asked.    


Xia Lei turned back to see that he had been drugged. He then said, "You guys get on here and take that man down and tie him up. I will interrogate her. "    


"Alright, I'll be right up." Jin Dahu said.    


Jin Dahu quickly went upstairs and entered the room to anesthetize the man. The male killer who had lost consciousness from the gunshot had taken the blow. He did not say a single word throughout the entire process. He only focused on his work.    


Shentu Tianyin went to close the door.    


Xia Lei also pulled the Japanese woman up and threw her on the bed.    


When the Japanese woman saw that Xia Lei did not beat her up, nor did he drag her into the bathroom or whatever, but rather threw her onto the bed instead, she immediately became nervous, "What are you trying to do?"    


Xia Lei laughed coldly and spoke in Japanese: "Can you speak Chinese?"    


"Hmph." The Japanese woman finally agreed.    


Xia Lei switched to Chinese and said: "I know you are from Shen-tu Tianfeng, he wants to kill Shentu Tianyin and me right?"    


"I don't know what you're talking about." The Japanese woman's Chinese was a bit stiff, but it did not hinder communication.    


"How much does Shen-tu Tian Feng want to give you guys? Why are all of you working so hard for him?" Xia Lei asked again.    


"Stop wasting time, kill me if you dare!" The Japanese woman roared at Xia Lei with an angry look.    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, he was already considering whether to torture this Japanese woman. If Shentu Tianyin was not by his side, he would probably have already used torture. However, in front of her, he did not want to appear cold and cruel.    


Shentu Tianyin also came closer, "Tell me, how much did Shen-tu Tian Feng give you, I will give you three times the amount."    


The Japanese woman stared at Shentu Tianyin with disdain, "Do you think that you can buy everything just because you have money? We failed, but there are still people coming to kill you. Until we kill you, you guys are dead! "    


"Five times." Shentu Tianyin continued to raise the stakes.    


"Pfft!" The Japanese woman used her saliva to respond to Shentu Tianyin's Gold Yuan attack.    


"Tianyin, don't waste your breath. Let me do it ?" "Well, if you don't want to see it, wait for me outside." Xia Lei decided to use torture.    


"It's fine, I'm not afraid. I'll stay and help you." Shentu Tianyin was eager to give it a try.    


Xia Lei looked at Shentu Tianyin in surprise, then smiled, "Then, you stay."    


The Japanese woman sneered. "I have gone through harsh pain training. You can use whatever means you want."    


Xia Lei only smiled faintly and then fished out a small deerskin bag from his inside pocket of his suit. Opening it, he revealed rows and rows of silver needles.    


"Hahaha ?" The Japanese woman laughed and said sarcastically: "Are all the men in Grand China sissy? If you want another powerful person to come, I don't want to see your embroidery! "    


Xia Lei withdrew the needle and pierced it into the middle of the Tan Zhong Acupuncture Point on the Japanese woman's chest.    


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