Tranxending Vision

C194 The Flag Rod in the morgue

C194 The Flag Rod in the morgue

The hotel security guards were the first to reach the room, but they were stopped by Jin Zhenhuan, who had stayed behind. Although they had entered the room, Jin Zhenhuan did not allow them to touch Xia Lei's and Shentu Tianyin's "corpses."    


"I've checked. They're dead." Jin Zhenhuan told the hotel security guard.    


"What happened?" a hotel security guard asked.    


Jin Zhenhuan replied, "Several gunmen attacked us, killed us and then ran away. Call the police, don't move at the scene. "    


"You don't need a doctor?" A security guard said.    


"Did you see their wounds?" Jin Zhenhuan asked.    


A few security guards looked at Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin who were lying on the ground, both of their bodies were covered in blood, a few bullet holes were in their chest area, everyone of them had a heart wound like this, not to mention a doctor, even if a god came, it would be useless.    


"Looks like he's really dead, but let the doctor confirm it." The head of the security team said, and then he used his communicator to call the main station to send a doctor.    


Before the doctor arrived, Wang Fang had already arrived.    


"Who are you? "You won't go in." A security guard stopped her.    


Wang Fang said rudely, "I am..." I'm that woman's second aunt, and she's my niece. Why can't I go in? How is she? "    


"Dead." The security guard at the door said.    


Wang Fang suddenly slipped under the armpits of the security guards and instantly slipped next to Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin laid on the ground motionlessly, their hands and bodies covered with blood. Both of them had several bullet holes in their chest, and each of them was fatal. Seeing this, a sneer surfaced on Wang Fang's lips, but on the surface, he was pretending to cry. "Tianyin, my Tianyin, you died so miserably ? "Sob, sob ?" She cried bitterly, but there were no tears in her eyes.    


The security guard saw her crying so bitterly he couldn't bear to pull her out.    


Jin Zhenhuan walked over, grabbed Wang Fang's hand and pulled her away. "You get out!"    


"Who are you? You dare to do this to me? " Wang Fang was immediately angered, "I am Shentu Tianyin's second aunt! "How dare you treat me like that!"    


Jin Zhenhuan replied expressionlessly, "This is a scene. No one is allowed to destroy it." Fu Chuanfu is already on his way here, he said that he must protect the scene, and no one is allowed to touch the corpses. "    


"Fu Chuanfu is coming?" Wang Fang suddenly became nervous.    


Jin Zhenhuan harrumphed coldly, "How could he not come?"    


"I... I'll go look for the old man, you must not let him know about this, he will die from anger. " Wang Fang left in a hurry.    


Walking out of the villa, Wang Fang couldn't wait and took out her phone to make a call, "Bring your people here quickly, Fu Chuanfu is coming too. If he comes, his corpse will definitely be protected! Those people you hired are so useless... "Alright, let's stop talking. Hurry up and come over here, you'd better take a helicopter!"    


At this moment, the leader of the Heavenly Gift Hospital rushed over with a few medical personnel.    


After hesitating for a while, Wang Fang decided not to follow them and slowly walked towards the Inpatient Department at the foot of the mountain. She had her own concerns, because she just said that she would take care of the Shen-tu's great cause. If she returned back to the scene, it would inevitably attract the attention of Shentu Tianyin's bodyguards. Moreover, looking at Xia Lei's and Shentu Tianyin's corpses, she couldn't be sure that she wouldn't reveal any flaws because she was too happy. After weighing the pros and cons, she finally gave up on the idea of visiting the scene.    


In the villa's room, a doctor touched Xia Lei's carotid artery and said: "There's still a pulse, send him to the hospital for rescue, quickly."    


It was impossible to hold a pulse, because even if you held your breath, your heart was still beating and your blood was flowing through your veins. Thus, no matter how much he pretended to be, he couldn't continue acting in front of the doctor.    


However, just as the two nurses were about to put up an oxygen bag for Xia Lei and the doctor was about to reach out to touch his carotid artery, Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes. I'm an agent with the National Security Agency. I'm working on a case, so you have to cooperate with me in catching the criminal. "    


Shentu Tianyin also opened her eyes, "I am, the chairman of Wanxiang Group, and I will compensate you ten times the hospital's losses."    


His chin was all over the floor, and the entire room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. It was also filled with a strange aura.    


In Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin's plans, there was no such thing, it was just that there were people from the hospital here, and they had also brought some medical personnel with them. If he and Shentu Tianyin did not "die", then the show would not continue. That was why, with a flash of inspiration, he pretended to be a National Security Agency agent. Shentu Tianyin also revealed her identity, she wanted to use her influence in Hai Zhu City to convince Yue Yang.    


Actually, Xia Lei did not need to pretend to be a spy from the National Security Agency. He only needed Shentu Tianyin to identify himself. The moment she revealed his identity, the hospital's leader extended his hands out with a smile on his face, "Miss Shen-tu, do I know you? Your father stayed here for a period of time, but you probably don't remember me."    


Shentu Tianyin replied: "Of course I remember, you're Principal Zhang."    


"It's an honor to have you remember me." Principal Zhang looked very happy. "Is your father well?"    


Xia Lei was already standing on one side, but he did not mind...    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin were carried out of the villa. They lay on the stretcher, covered in the hotel's white sheets. The hotel security guard carried the two stretchers down the hill to the hospital, with Zhang Yuanlong and several medical staff following closely behind. Jin Zhenhuan walked at the very back. His four pockets were filled with mobile phones.    


These phones were the phones of the hotel's security guards and medical staff. After President Zhang agreed to help, he used his fake identity as a National Security Agency agent to get the security guards and medical staff to hand the phones over to Jin Zhenhuan. Before he captured Shen-tu Tian Feng and Shen-tu Yi, he did not want the two of them to run away after hearing the news.    


Because Shentu Tianyin was here, the hospital had not verified Xia Lei's identity as a so-called National Security Agency agent. He had requests, and the hospital had tried to fulfill them as much as possible. All of these were because of Shentu Tianyin, if it were not for him, the hospital would not have cooperated like this, and would at least have asked him to prove his identity.    


When Xia Lei and his "corpse" was carried down the mountain, Wang Fang had not yet walked into the Inpatient Department's building. She had purposely slowed his pace, but when he saw the hotel security guard carrying a stretcher covered in white sheets, she simply stood by the side of the road.    


"President Zhang, can my niece still be saved?" Wang Fang recognized Principal Zhang.    


Principal Zhang shook his head, "There's no saving him. He's already dead, how can we save him? We have done our best. "    


Wang Fang said, "Where are you taking the body?"    


Principal Zhang said, "Of course to the morgue. We'll wait for the police's medical examiner to come and take over."    


Wang Fang's lips curved up in a cold smile. Suddenly, her mouth curled up and she started crying, "My niece, Tianyin..." Wuu wuu, how did you die? How did you just die? "You can't die ?"    


She cried loudly, but there were no tears.    


The hotel's security guards put Xia Lei's and Shentu Tianyin's "corpses" in the mortuary, then cleared out everyone, even Wang Fang, who was crying loudly for Shentu Tianyin's final time, was no exception, and was directly chased out.    


When the door to the morgue closed, the world was quiet.    


Shentu Tianyin lifted off the white bedsheets that covered her body, and then, reached out to lift the bedsheets on Xia Lei who was sitting on the corpse cart beside him, and asked softly: "How long do you think it will take for Shen-tu Tian Feng and my second uncle to come?"    


Xia Lei opened his eyes and looked at her, "Big sister, you're already dead, can you not be so mischievous? Lie down and continue playing dead. "    


"There's no one else here and there's no surveillance camera. What's the point of us talking?" Shentu Tianyin hugged her arms, "It's cold here, it's cold."    


If she did not say it, Leng Xia Lei would not have felt it. However, when she said it, Leng Xia Lei also felt it was cold, and he also crawled up, "I'll give you my clothes, I'm not afraid of cold."    


Shentu Tianyin said: "How can a dead person take off their clothes?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Shentu Tianyin blinked his eyes, "Why don't you come and lie down with us? With two sets of bed sheets, we can warm up a little."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Forget it, let me come over. That bed of yours seems to be a bit bigger." Shentu Tianyin said as he crawled over, pulled off the sheets on Xia Lei's body and crawled in.    


What else could Xia Lei say? He already came over, could he still let a female corpse crawl back?    


The two of them squeezed into a morgue car, and the already narrow car suddenly became crowded. The two of them could only lie down on their sides. This position made them face to face, their faces less than a fist apart.    


The temperature of the morgue was very low, but Shentu Tianyin's face slowly turned red.    


Although Xia Lei did not move, with such intimate contact, how could a normal man who possessed a strong blood vitality not have the slightest reaction? But when that reaction became more and more obvious, how could Shentu Tianyin, who was stuck close to him, not know about it?    


The reaction of that place made Shentu Tianyin's face turn even redder, and she became even more nervous. What are you thinking about? "    


Xia Lei said embarrassedly: "I ? "Nothing."    


"You really don't think about what?"    


"I really wasn't thinking about anything."    


"You must be thinking about something."    


"I really didn't think about anything. If you insist on saying what I'm thinking about, then tell me what you're thinking about." Xia Lei was being shameless.    


"You ?" Shentu Tianyin's face was flushed red, she wanted to say something but was unable to find the words to speak. There were some matters that would make one feel embarrassed just by thinking about them. How could one say them out loud?    


Then they both stopped talking. You looked at me, I looked at you. The cold air in the morgue was still blowing, but not only did the two of them not feel the cold, they felt the heat, the kind of heat that even ice could not cool down.    


Not long after, Jin Da Hu's voice suddenly came out from the earpiece, "Mr. Xia, Miss Shen-tu, Shen-tu's Tian Feng's helicopter is here."    


Shentu Tianyin climbed out of Xia Lei's embrace in a hurry, and returned to her own corpse cart. She covered her blushing face with white bedsheets.    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief and said to himself: "Luckily I was able to hold on."    


At this time, Shentu Tianyin suddenly removed the bedsheets on her face, pointed at Xia Lei's waist and said: "Hey, a person who doesn't think of anything, think of a way to hide it."    


Xia Lei glanced over, he had thousands of things to say, but he couldn't say a single word.    


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