Tranxending Vision

C253 Floating on the lightness exercise Pit

C253 Floating on the lightness exercise Pit

In less than half an hour, Xia Lei's entire fortune was stored in a big travel case. 21,180,000 euros. They had just filled the large suitcase.    


Gu Dingshan and He Jiayin were clearly not as "shabby" as Xia Lei. Gu Dingshan's men had brought him three big suitcases, while the He family's people had brought four big suitcases, which were all filled to the brim with a brand-new 500-denomination euro. It was not hard to guess that Gu Dingshan was betting 60 million and He Jiayin was betting 80 million.    


"They obviously didn't bring that much money for you. If you lose, you must never bet with them about your company. Don't ask that He guy to lend you money." Shentu Tianyin began to whisper in Xia Lei's ear again. Since she could not stop Xia Lei from participating in the gamble, she could only try her best to prevent the worst from happening.    


Xia Lei nodded slightly, but did not say anything.    


If Shentu Tianyin could see through the situation, how could he not see through it? He just didn't care.    


The gambling stake was here, and the game was about to begin. In fact, there were only Gu Dingshan, He Jiayin and Xia Lei who were gambling with him. Li Minji and the other big shots in the business world only watched and did not participate. In the entire room, only Xia Lei did not see that this was a trap, everyone else seemed to have seen through it.    


"Why did Shentu Tianyin choose such a man as her boyfriend?" Someone whispered.    


"It would be weird if such a man did not go after Shentu Tianyin's money." Someone whispered.    


"Just watch, he will lose everything, and then Shentu Tianyin will see his personality clearly, and leave him."    


This Xia Lei is really an idiot. He isn't satisfied with having a girlfriend like Shentu Tianyin, he actually wants to bet money with a king like He Jiaoying. Sigh, I really can't understand what's going on in his mind.    


"Can't you see? Gu Kewu had always been chasing after Shentu Tianyin. Now that Gu Dingshan had personally come out, he obviously wanted to destroy Xia Lei and let him and Shentu Tianyin get together. It was clear that Xia Lei had entered the competition for the sake of face. It could only be said that he was too young and too stupid. "    


"Ah, let's not discuss too much about the Gu clan ?"    


Although these people's discussions were soft, to the ears of Gu Kewu and Gu Kewen who were watching from the sidelines, the two siblings could not help but smile. The Gu siblings didn't care about how others discussed it. The Gu family only cared about results, they didn't care about methods or processes, nor did they care about the opinions of others.    


In the eyes of Gu Kewu and Gu Kewen, Xia Lei was already a person who had lost to the point of losing everything.    


At the game table, He Jiayin exhaled a mouthful of cigar smoke and asked slowly, "Mr. Xia, can we begin?"    


"Sure." Xia Lei said lightly: "What are we playing at?"    


He Clan Ying smiled and said, "I am a senior in this area. I don't want the gangsters to say that I am bullying the younger generation. So, you decide how to play."    


"Alright then." Xia Lei was not polite and said: "Let's bet dice, there's no need to go through all that trouble, we will sit three times each. What do you think? "    


He Jia Ying and Gu Dingshan looked at each other, although the two of them did not say anything, they looked at each other as if asking for their opinions.    


"Alright, then I'll take over first." He Jiayin was proficient in all kinds of gambling tools, and dice were naturally one of them.    


A waitress from a hotel brought him a dice cup. It was a big, thick, and heavy red wooden dice cup.    


He Jiayi took the dice cup, opened it to look at the dice inside, and then covered the dice cup ready to shake the dice.    


Xia Lei said: "There's no rush, I'll explain the rules first."    


He Jiaying frowned, "Mr. Xia, I, He Jiaying, have gambled my whole life. Do you think I don't know the rules?"    


Xia Lei said: "All rules are set by humans. Everyone has to place their bets. The rule that I've said is very fair, and that is that no matter who shakes their dice, they won't be able to open the cup themselves. We'll let Miss Tianyin do it. "    


This rule was very fair. The purpose was to prevent the people in charge of the village from messing with it while it was being revealed. If they had to reject such a rule, then the person who refused would inevitably be suspicious.    


Gu Dingshan looked at Shentu Tianyin, "Tianyin, are you willing?"    


Shentu Tianyin originally wanted to refuse, but after she looked at Xia Lei for a bit, she endured the disappointment in her heart and nodded, "Alright, I'll help you guys to uncover the truth."    


"I don't have a problem with that either." He Jia Ying did not place Xia Lei in his eyes at all. He did not believe that the Shentu Tianyin who never played cards had the ability to play more than a thousand cards either.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and the die in the dice cup entered his left eye's line of sight. He Jiayin's movements were fast, but in his eyes, they were ridiculously slow.    


After about ten seconds, He Jiayin placed the dice cup on the gambling table, and then pushed the dice cup in front of Shentu Tianyin, "You can bet."    


Gu Dingshan replied, "One million euros, small." He picked up a large bundle of euros and pushed it into the betting area. Twenty bundles of coins, exactly a million euros.    


He Jia Ying took a puff on his cigar and looked at Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, Mr. Gu probably doesn't want to win my money. You don't have to be courteous, just bet as much as you dare on me losing."    


"Really? "Then I won't be polite." Xia Lei took out all the money in front of him and pushed it all out, "Pressure it all on you, big!"    


The entire audience went into an uproar.    


"Is this kid crazy?" You're betting all your wealth just like that? " someone exclaimed in surprise.    


"Doesn't he know who he's dealing with? Is that the King of Gamble from Macao? " Someone sighed.    


"Looks like this kid will be jumping off a building soon." Someone sighed.    


20 million was nothing to Shentu Tianyin, but that was all that Xia Lei had left, and she was even more nervous than him. Before she even finished, her hands were already trembling slightly.    


"Mr. Xia, I'll give you a chance to change your wager. You can also buy another result." He Jiayin said. He looked relaxed, but his heartbeat had quickened ? he was also very nervous!    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "It's been a rule in the gambling house for thousands of years that you have to let go when you buy, even if I lose I will not change my wager. "Tianyin, open the cup."    


Shentu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei, and the disappointment in his eyes became even stronger. She felt that the current Xia Lei seemed to have become a completely different person. He had gone from a man who was bribed to a gambler who loved to gamble like his life.    


Xia Lei smiled at Shentu Tianyin, "Uncover the truth, if I lose, I will leave immediately."    


These words made Shentu Tianyin feel a little more relieved, she steadied her hand and opened the dice cup.    


There were three dice lying in the dice cup, 456, big!    


In that instant, the faces of He Jia Ying and Gu Dingshan turned green.    


"Oh my god, I've never seen anyone gamble like that before!" Some people were discussing amongst themselves.    


"This kid is really courageous!" Someone said.    


The place was once again filled with discussions, but no one said that Xia Lei was an idiot or something.    


Shentu Tianyin was finally relieved, but that was all. Although Xia Lei had won twenty-one million euros in one go, she was not the least bit happy. However, if Xia Lei earned this much money from a shopping mall, she would definitely be very happy.    


He Jia Ying had lost twenty million euros to Xia Lei. His heart ached greatly, but he pretended to be heroic, and laughed: "Not bad, you have guts. Let's do it again. "    


This time, Gu Dingshan bet only a million euros, but he still bet very little.    


He Jiayin said, "Mr. Xia, just drop it. I think you'll be betting on a million euros this time, right?"    


This was his way of goading Xia Lei into action. He was goading Xia Lei into a bet. Other than that, he also had another reason to lure Xia Lei and make him suffer.    


He Jiayin had gambled all his life, and there was a reason why the gamblers would give him the title of "King of Gamble". He was familiar with the mentality of gamblers, which was that he had a lot of suspicions.    


This kind of trick would work on normal gamblers, but it was completely useless against Xia Lei. This was because Xia Lei wasn't affected in the slightest, he only believed in his eyes!    


Xia Lei pushed all the money in front of him into the betting area, "42 million euros, big."    


He Jiayin could no longer keep up with his pretense and his face had turned dark.    


Shentu Tianyin once again opened up the dice cup.    


Everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Lei. This time, no one was discussing anymore, their eyes were filled with surprise.    


The three people of the Gu family were also stunned. Initially, the three people of the Gu family had dug a hole for Xia Lei to jump into, and Xia Lei had also jumped, but his f * cking jumping ability was heaven defying, he actually started skipping in the hole! What the hell!    


He Jiayin braced himself and paid Xia Lei 42 million euros.    


Xia Lei's money could no longer be stored on the table, so the hotel staff placed the majority of the money on the ground beside him. The size of the money was several times that of him, making it look very spectacular.    


With the two million that he had won from Gu Dingshan, he only had nineteen million euros left. If Xia Lei bet all of it again, he wouldn't have the money to pay Xia Lei back.    


Xia Lei said: "Mr. He, you don't seem to have enough money. You know how I play, I like excitement, so I always bet everything on it. I now have 84 million euros. If you lose, what are you going to compensate me with? "    


Xia Lei's current money, would need He Jiaxin and Gu Dingshan's money added together to be enough for him to play around with!    


Previously, He Jiaying had mocked and ridiculed Xia Lei. Now, it was his turn to be ridiculed.    


"Humph!" "I, He Jiayin, have never cheated at a gambling table." He Jia Ying looked at Gu Dingshan and said: "Old Gu, if you don't bet this, lend me your money. I'll bet with him."    


"Sure." Gu Dingshan did not hesitate, and agreed. He Jia Ying was someone that he invited to set a trap for Xia Lei. Now that He Jia Ying had lost sixty million, if he did not agree, He Jia Ying would definitely fall out with him.    


He Jiayin pushed the dice cup in front of Xia Lei, and said coldly: "This time, you take charge."    


"Sure." Xia Lei grabbed the dice cup and shook it.    


He Jia Ying stared at the movements of Xia Lei's hands as his ears trembled.    


The gambling technique had reached a certain level. One could tell the number of points just by the sound of the dice rolling. From this, one could easily judge the size of the dice. He Jiayin was known as the king of gambling. Such ability was nothing to him!    


Xia Lei shook the dice cup lightly as he looked at He Jiaying. In his left eye, not even the slightest movement from He Jiaying was able to escape his sight.    


Xia Lei shook the dice cup for around 10 seconds before placing it on the table. His left eye instantly pierced through the dice cup and saw the numbers inside. The three dice in the dice cup were 1, 3, 4 each. They were all small. Seeing the points, his line of sight moved to He Jiayin's ears again. At this moment, his ears were no longer moving.    


"Let's bet." Xia Lei said lightly.    


"Seventy million, small." He Jiayin said and pushed the money on the table.    


Right at the moment when He Jiaying was pushing the money, Xia Lei flicked his right index finger on the dice cup. One of the dice inside suddenly jumped and flipped, changing from one to six.    


Xia Lei's hand speed was extremely fast and he also used the Wing Tsun's inner strength and the technique of beating a cow through the mountains. No one could see or hear him. In fact, even if there was a slight noise, it was overshadowed by the sound of He Jiayin pushing money.    


"Open!" He Jia Ying said to Shentu Tianyin.    


Shentu Tianyin walked over and opened the dice cup.    


The dice in the dice cup. Three four six. Big.    


He Jiayin's eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets onto the table. His expression was as if he had just f * cked a dog!    


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