Tranxending Vision

C300 relic

C300 relic

The rain finally stopped at dawn. The forest was thick with fog, only a few meters in sight. The cry of a bird roused the couple on the hay.    


The two of them simultaneously heard the cry of a bird and simultaneously opened their eyes. Then, they simultaneously saw each other. Their four eyes met, and Tang Yuyan saw Xia Lei's face, which was just inches away from him. One of his hands even acted as a pillow for her.    


If the two of them were husband and wife, they would definitely be in a very loving position. However, the problem was that the two of them weren't husband and wife at all, and they couldn't even be considered a couple.    


Xia Lei quickly withdrew his hand and turned his head. He said with a bit of nervousness: "I didn't see anything."    


Hearing this sentence, Tang Yuyan did not say anything further and kicked Xia Lei's butt.    


"Ah ? ?" Xia Lei cried out in pain as she kicked the wound on his butt.    


However, Tang Yuyan was still embarrassed and could not wait, she wanted to give him another kick. She was already in this state, yet he still said she didn't see her. Was he blind?    


Xia Lei had received this kick for nothing, but he was not angry. Even though he had a cold and a fever, he was still a woman and he was a man. He had taken so much advantage of his, so what if she kicked him?    


The kick seemed to be a summary of the fever. Ten minutes later, the two of them left the shack and made their way into the depths of the forest. The positioning electronic device in Tang Yuyan's hand became their navigation tool, and the two advanced in the direction indicated by the signal.    


The fog that shrouded the forest was a good thing for Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan. Their speeds were not affected much, but the pursuers from White Huns Tribe were unable to catch up to them in this kind of fog. Not even with a hound. The damp air and the rotten smell of the forest would affect the dog's sense of smell.    


The mist only dispersed at noon, and at this time Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan had already neared the area where the signal point was located.    


Along the way, Tang Yuyan ignored Xia Lei, as she was obviously still angry at him. However, as she approached the signal point, she began to talk more.    


"We're almost there. I wonder what the situation is with those experts. What do you think?" Tang Yuyan glanced at Xia Lei.    


"I don't know." Xia Lei shook his head.    


Tang Yuyan frowned, "You, you are so smart, do you not have any opinions? You must still be mad at me for kicking you this morning, right? You're too stingy! "    


Xia Lei touched his butt, and also frowned, "The place you kicked was my wound, and it still hurts. If I hadn't saved you last night, you probably wouldn't even be able to walk on the road anymore.    


"Don't mention what happened last night!" Tang Yuyan raised her fist and smashed it towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei slid to the side and dodged, but he could not help but reveal a smile, "Stop hitting me, I'll tell you."    


Tang Yuyan withdrew her fist and rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "That's more like it."    


This was also why Xia Lei couldn't help but tease her. He really liked to see her angry and shy appearance.    


Xia Lei organized his thoughts and then said: "I think we missed a very important question, and that is that this is the White Huns Tribe's territory. Serenity and the members of the Group of Experts are active in this area, do you think that the people of the White Huns Tribe do not know about it?"    


"You mean... The members of the Group of Experts have been apprehended? "    


"It can't be ruled out. If only we knew the purpose of the Panel's men here." Xia Lei observed Tang Yuyan's expression, and tried to probe: "Now that it's here, tell me, what is our group of experts doing here?"    


"Don't try to trick me, I really don't know. I'm here on a mission, not for research. I'm not interested. " Tang Yuyan said.    


"What if our experts are caught?" Xia Lei asked.    


Tang Yuyan said: "Think of a way to steal back our satellite telephone, requesting for reinforcements."    


Xia Lei thought about the women of White Huns Tribe, who were like wolves and tigers, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Go to White Huns Tribe to steal satellite telephone? That was a desperate thing to put your head on your pants.    


They didn't get anything from their conversation, but as they spoke, their vision widened. Here the forest had mysteriously disappeared, and a wasteland stretched on, and at the end of it was a mountain range that rose and fell. Under the sunlight, the white snow on the summit of the mountain was crystal clear, like a painting scroll.    


Xia Lei's line of sight flattened as he looked at the desolate center of the land. A pile of messy rocks entered his line of sight. At first glance, it looked like a large piece of rock, but upon closer inspection, he realized that the rock had the outline of a town. A few places where the building did not collapse were still vaguely recognizable. In the end, he came to a conclusion. It was an ancient town, but it had already collapsed and turned into a ruin.    


This discovery made Xia Lei very excited. He took out the electronic device in Tang Yuyan's hand and compared it with her own. The results were out very quickly, and the signal was sent out from the ancient Stone Town Town.    


"What did you find?" Tang Yuyan didn't have a heaven-defying eyesight like Xia Lei, but her intuition was extremely sharp.    


Xia Lei pointed ahead, "There seems to be a stone city there, the signal is coming from there."    


Tang Yuyan impatiently snatched the electronic equipment from Xia Lei's hands. After comparing them, she became excited, "It's over there, let's go take a look!"    


However, Xia Lei did not move, "Our experts are here, will the people of White Huns Tribe be so peaceful?"    


Tang Yuyan calmed down and said, "Give me the sniper rifle, I'll use a scope to see it. "Damn it, my binoculars were stolen by those stinking women too." ""    


Xia Lei did not give his sniper rifle to Tang Yuyan, instead, he gave his scope to her. This thing was merely an ornament to him and was completely useless to him.    


Tang Yuyan did not say anything as she held her sniper rifle's scope to observe the ruin.    


Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "This place is filled with strange auras, but I don't know anything. If I recklessly go there, what if the people of the White Huns Tribe set a trap for me, wouldn't I just fall into their trap? and so on... How could I forget my father? He must know something. He left behind a note and went to White Huns's tribe ? "    


His father, Xia Changhe, told him to ignore the people around him when he arrived in White Huns Tribe, and he then met the Russian woman, Ye Liena, who was the messenger.    


Last night was actually the best chance to meet her, but something had happened to Tang Yuyan at that time, and he couldn't leave at that time.    


"Yuyan, you stay here and observe. I'll go somewhere else to observe. We'll meet here in half an hour." Xia Lei made his decision quickly.    


It was already the time to meet with Ye Liena.    


Tang Yuyan thought for a while, "Okay, we will meet here in half an hour. If you discover the people from the White Huns Tribe, don't act rashly, and avoid them. "    


"You too, be careful." Xia Lei warned his.    


Tang Yuyan suddenly moved closer, gave Xia Lei a hug, and whispered into his ear: "Don't die, I'm still waiting to settle this debt with you."    


Xia Lei laughed, he knew very well what he was planning to do. However, he didn't know how she would settle his debts with him.    


Xia Lei quickly disappeared into the forest behind them.    


Tang Yuyan continued to use the aiming lens of her sniper rifle to observe the ruin, but after looking at it for a bit, she suddenly thought of something, "Oh no, his aiming lens is still in my hand, he ?" She turned to look for Xia Lei, but what she saw was only a dense forest.    


Inside the forest, Xia Lei's speed was not fast. He moved carefully, making birdsong sounds. He hoped to use this method to lure Ye Liena out.    


About ten minutes later, Xia Lei's efforts were finally met with a response.    


"Gu gu gu ?" From one direction came a cuckoo like cry, and it was a female cuckoo.    


Xia Lei heard the voice, his mouth revealing a smile, and followed him. Whoosh. While he was walking, his left eye slightly twitched. Everything in this area could be seen. The ants that were crawling on the tree trunk, the birds on the branches, and even the poisonous snakes that were lurking in the grass all could not escape his eyes.    


Very quickly, a woman entered his line of sight. It was his father's assistant, Ye Liena. She hid in a tree and carefully peeped over. When he was in her line of sight, she slid off the tree.    


"I waited for you all night last night!" The moment Ye Liena saw Xia Lei, he complained: "You let me bathe outside for an entire night, yet you sleep inside that shack with that woman in your arms! If it wasn't for your father, I'd be tempted to throw a grenade in that shack. "    


Xia Lei could not help but feel awkward, "I'm sorry, she's sick, I can't abandon her."    


Ye Liena sneered, "Are you enjoying the feeling of hugging her? You forgot me. "    


Xia Lei was speechless, and his face quietly became hot.    


"Never mind, for your father's sake, I won't bother with you." Ye Liena then asked, "What is your plan?"    


"Rescue the trapped experts and retreat." Xia Lei did not hide anything, "Where's Dad?"    


"You want to see him?"    


"Of course. Tell me, where is he now?"    


"I can't tell you, you are in danger right now, and he has always been in danger. Originally, he was able to control the situation, but after you appeared, he became passive. "    


"What exactly is his identity? What's your identity? " Xia Lei started to lose control of his emotions. He couldn't wait to figure out everything.    


Ye Liena was silent for a moment, "We are all free agent."    


This explanation was the same as what Liang Siyao had said back then, but such a simple answer was simply not enough to satisfy Xia Lei. Such a reply also made Xia Lei feel an unnamed rage in his heart, "Since he isn't willing to see me, why did he send you here? Talk to me? "    


Ye Liena looked straight at Xia Lei, "You are no longer a child in the rebellious phase, you should be clear about your father's situation. He is your father, and all that he has done is for you, is it not enough for you to understand and forgive him?"    


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