Tranxending Vision

C333 not a solution

C333 not a solution

Syrani's face did not show the slightest hint of fear, "I believe you, but I am not afraid! I am right, the great Hun King is beside me, and he is looking at you. If you want to kill me, then kill me! "    


The Huns King Attila had already been dead for more than a thousand years, so Syrani was naturally talking about the Sword of Attila.    


The holy object was right beside her. If she were to kill Syrani, it would be contrary to her belief.    


"Get up and shut your mouth. When Xia comes back, don't say anything!" Ootsuki kept her sniper rifle, and as she spoke, she looked towards the place where Xia Lei was bathing. However, other than a blurry pool of water and a spindle forest, she didn't see anything else. In this kind of environment, even if she wanted to kill Xia Lei with one shot, it would be impossible.    


"Chief, can we not kill Xia?" Syrani looked at Ootsuki with pleading eyes.    


"Who said I was going to kill him?"    


"Then what happened just now?"    


"I want to wound him and then kill him... "Forget it, even if you said it, you wouldn't understand. Just shut your mouth and don't care about this matter." Ootsuki put the sniper rifle back into her luggage.    


"If you don't kill him, then what do you want to do?"    


"Shut up! You idiot, he'll be back any time! " Ootsuki berated Syrani fiercely.    


A hint of anger flashed past Syrani's eyes, accompanied by a trace of viciousness, but after a flash, Ootsuki simply did not notice it. She was the White Huns Tribe's Sharpshooter, and was always the bravest in the battle. She was a vicious beast in human form. No matter who it was that threatened her, it would be a very dangerous matter.    


Ootsuki and Syrani's dispute naturally did not escape Xia Lei's eyes. Although it was somewhat difficult to decipher the Pashtun language using his lip language, his brain had an unimaginable analytical ability, so he could still decipher the two girls' conversation. It wasn't that every word was 100% accurate, but the meaning was 8. Nine to ten.    


Ootsuki put back her sniper rifle, which also meant that he was temporarily safe. He climbed out of the water, put on her clothes, and headed back to the camp. As he neared the camp, he stooped to pick up a stone from the ground. At a close distance, the chances of him hitting Ootsuki in the head with a rock was much higher than if Ootsuki had hit him with her gun. It was for no other reason other than that he could be faster.    


Ootsuki did not take out her gun, but seeing Xia Lei coming back, she smiled, "Xia, how do you feel?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Not bad, the water is very cool. To be able to take a bath in such a place in the desert is a gift from the heavens. "    


"Let's rest. We will continue to travel in four hours. We will reach the Ika tribe by noon tomorrow." Ootsuki said.    


"En, you guys go to sleep first. I just took a shower and I'm not sleepy. I'll stand guard first." Xia Lei returned to his blanket and took out his sniper rifle to wipe it.    


With the spear in hand, he was not worried that Ootsuki would do anything dangerous to him.    


Ootsuki did not make any unusual movements.    


Syrani looked at Ootsuki, then looked at Xia Lei, as though he had something he wanted to say, but was unable to say anything after hesitating for a long time.    


Syrani's reaction did not in the least fall into the corner of Xia Lei's eyes. Even though she was still silent, he did not blame her in the slightest. Not only did she speak up for him, she had also risked a great deal to stop Ootsuki from shooting at him. Actually, it was already pretty good that she was able to do this much for him. After all, she was still a member of the White Huns Tribe, he couldn't count on her to betray her chief and White Huns Tribe.    


Time quietly flowed by, Xia Lei's thoughts were fluctuating.    


"All the signs indicated that Ootsuki would definitely not continue to cooperate with me. She would not let Tang Yuyan go, nor would she allow me to enter the ruins of the ancient city to excavate treasures. She would even sell me to the Americans in exchange for tribal peace and greater benefits. It's easy for me to get rid of her now, and it can cure the hidden danger of being betrayed by her. But, if I get rid of her, what about Tang Yuyan and Serenity? Would Syrani fight with me? Can I still enter the ancient ruins to dig for treasures? " One by one, these thoughts floated up and down in Xia Lei's mind, causing him to be unable to calm down.    


If he continued to follow Ootsuki, he would again fall into a very dangerous situation. At that time, not even his own safety could be guaranteed, let alone rescuing a hostage and looting another treasure. He had never encountered such a situation before, and it gave him a headache.    


Ootsuki opened her eyes slightly, observing Xia Lei's movements.    


Although her movements were indiscernible, Xia Lei still saw it. Xia Lei stood up without batting an eyelid, looked around, and pretended to observe his surroundings.    


Ootsuki seemed to have let go of her worries as the corner of her mouth curled into an inconspicuous sneer.    


After a while, Syrani got up from her blanket, and walked towards Xia Lei: "Xia, you go rest, I'll stand guard."    


"It's not too long ago. You should sleep for a while more." Xia Lei said.    


"I can't sleep, you go to sleep." Syrani hugged her AK-47, his face full of depression.    


Xia Lei pretended not to know, and asked probingly: "Syrani, who made you unhappy?"    


Syrani glanced at Ootsuki and snorted, "Yes."    


Ootsuki suddenly woke up and interrupted her, "What are you guys talking about?"    


"It's nothing!" Syrani said snappily.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Syrani had also just woken up.    


Ootsuki said: "Forget it, it seems like we are not tired, so we might as well continue on our journey. "That way, we can return to the tribe sooner."    


"Chief ?" Syrani wanted to say something, but stopped himself, as if she was worried something bad would happen.    


Ootsuki glared at Syrani coldly, "Cut the nonsense, go and lead the horse away, we are leaving this place!"    


Syrani angrily went to lead the horse, while walking, she kicked the sand.    


Ootsuki's eyes became colder and colder. Without question, she felt that Syrani was provoking her dignity. As the chief of White Huns Tribe, what she could not tolerate the most was someone provoking her dignity.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Syrani is still just a child, it's normal for him to have a child's temper."    


Ootsuki also revealed a smile, "I also think that she is very cute, but sometimes it does give me a headache. "Alright, let's stop talking. Clean up and continue on our way."    


At this time, Syrani brought two horses over, hers and Xia Lei's, but not Ootsuki's. Syrani passed Xia Lei's horse's reins over to Xia Lei and said in a very strong tone: "Chief, I can't pull three horses, you can pull yours."    


"No problem." Ootsuki walked towards the poplar tree that tied her horse.    


Just as she turned to leave, Xia Lei caught a glimpse of fury in her eyes. Syrani had obviously angered her.    


Xia Lei said worriedly: "Syrani, why are you angering your chief? She is your chief, if you anger her, you will be in trouble in the future."    


"Humph!" Syrani spat on the ground, "I respect her and everything will be up to her, but she has never thought about it for me. Every time someone invaded the tribe, I was at the forefront, but she treated me like a child. I tell you, if it weren't for me, she would have been killed by her competitors. I killed her competitor, and she became a chief, but now she treats me like a fool! "    


There was actually such a secret?    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with curiosity. Just as he was about to ask, Ootsuki had already brought her horse back, so he closed her mouth vigilantly.    


"Let's go." Ootsuki got on the horse and she looked at Syrani with a threatening gaze. Obviously, she had heard the complaints from Syrani just now.    


Xia Lei and Syrani also jumped onto their horses and followed Ootsuki around the oasis towards the Ika tribe.    


The last time they passed through the Ika tribe, it was a Pashtun tribe with a population of over ten thousand, armed with hundreds of people. Ootsuki had a good relationship with the tribe's chief, Abacus. They passed through the territory of the Ika tribe very easily, and even obtained some supplies and supplements.    


On their way back to the White Huns Tribe, they would still need to pass by the Ika tribe, but Xia Lei was already feeling very anxious. If Ootsuki obtained support in the Ika tribe and had help, she would be in a very dangerous situation if he wanted to lay her hands on him in the Ika tribe.    


"F * ck, can we kill them or not? If we go down there, we'll be in danger. How could I encounter such a troublesome situation?" Xia Lei was very angry in his heart.    


He even wanted to turn around and go back to his mission, but when he thought about Tang Yuyan and Serenity who were still trapped in the White Huns Tribe, and how he thought about those 101 Bureau agents who had sacrificed themselves for the mission, he could not harden his heart again.    


"I have to think of a way to solve the problem before I enter the Ika tribe, but what can I do ?" Xia Lei was extremely anxious as he thought of a countermeasure.    


Syrani slowed down and walked shoulder to shoulder with Xia Lei. She lowered her voice and said, "Xia, you can go back and stop thinking about your friends."    


Under the moonlight, Syrani's doll face was full of anxiety and anger.    


Xia Lei knew what she was anxious about and why she was angry about, but he pretended not to know.    


"You're a fool. You don't know what you're going to face." Syrani anxiously glared at Xia Lei.    


There was something seductive about her anxious anger.    


Looking at her enchanting face that had not yet recovered from its childish charm, and her astonishingly large breasts, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed across Xia Lei's mind. A solution that he couldn't come up with was naturally born.    


"I want to be with you." Xia Lei smiled, his eyes gentle, "Aren't we dating now? You let me go, don't you want to be with me? "    


A blush suddenly surfaced on Syrani's doll face, "Of course I'm willing, you're my hero. Other than you, I don't want any other man, but, but ?" She looked at Ootsuki's back figure in front of her, her eyes filled with hatred.    


Xia Lei reached out and held Syrani's hand. This was a gentle gesture of goodwill, and it was more effective than any kind words.    


Syrani was also very gentle, but it only lasted for a few seconds. When Xia Lei let go of her hand, her hand flopped and reached Xia Lei's buttocks.    


Xia Lei froze for a moment, but this was Syrani's style, he did not expect her to change.    


This was also not Xia Lei's solution. If there was another way, he would definitely not use such an old-fashioned stratagem with a pretty boy. But he had no other choice, right?    


Ootsuki turned her head to take a look, and berated: "Syrani, hurry! "Follow me!"    


Syrani retracted her hand from Xia Lei's butt, and hatefully said: "It's here!" She whipped her horse and ran after him.    


A smile quietly appeared on Xia Lei's face ?    


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