Tranxending Vision



Inside Interrogation Room, An Xiuxian was calm and composed, without a trace of panic.    


"I've made it clear. Kidnapping? Is there a need for someone like me to kidnap someone? " An Xiuxian said confidently, "Officer, I have nothing to do with any of your accusations. Also, I want to fight a Telephone. I have to tell my father and ask him to assign me a team of lawyers. This is my legitimate right, please allow it. "    


He was courteous, but An Xiuxian's tone carried an unyielding tone. He was conveying a message: My father is a very important person in Korea, do not touch me carelessly!    


The agent in charge of interrogating An Xiuxian slammed the table. "Everyone is equal before the law. The crime you committed is very serious. Even if your father were to personally come, he wouldn't be able to help you."    


An Xiuxian shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just affirming my legal rights. You don't have to threaten me, do you?"    


"Who threatened you?" The agent in charge of the interrogation had a headache.    


The interrogation was still continuing, but Xia Lei was no longer interested in watching. He turned around, looked at Shi Boren and asked tentatively, "General Manager Shi, are we going to let him go?"    


Shi Boren was silent for a moment before saying, "I don't know what the final decision is either. This person, it's up to the higher ups to decide whether to punish or release."    


Xia Lei suddenly felt a lump of anger. An Xiuxian had instructed An Xiujun to harm his sister, and she had used Lu Sheng as bait to lure him and Long Bing to save people. If not for the unique condition of his body and the fact that he had been drugged by the anesthetic gas, neither he nor Long Bing would be standing here. The outcome would be that Long Bing would be insulted by the Korea bodyguards and then killed, and Lu Sheng wouldn't be able to survive either. He, on the other hand, would be castrated and delivered to the hands of the CIA, where he would turn into an experimental mouse and die a miserable death. He actually had to wait for orders from his superior in the face of such evil!    


"Isn't everyone equal before the law?" Xia Lei said while holding back his anger.    


Shi Boren forced a smile, "Xia Lei, I know you feel very uncomfortable inside." However, I want to tell you, even the United States and Germany who are known as the most perfect laws, these words are just a beautiful piece of clothing that can confuse the eyes of the public. Isn't your Friends A Ninuo a clear example? She's not guilty, but she's the one German Secret Service and the CIA are going to arrest. If we did not save her, she would already be in the Guantánamo Prison. "    


Tang Yuyan interrupted, "Xia Lei, calm down. You don't need to worry about this matter. It's none of your business."    


Tang Bochuan also said, "An Xiuxian broke the law with us. Even if we have to release her, there must be a condition. The higher ups may want to use this matter as an article to earn the benefits that we need. It would be worth it if we could exchange a small An Xiuxian for the support of a political party in the Korea.    


As expected of the tactician of the 101st Bureau. In the same matter, Tang Bochuan saw problems from a different angle, so his interpretation was naturally different as well.    


Xia Leiku smiled but didn't say anything. Tang Bochuan's words made him understand a bit more, but he still felt uncomfortable.    


"You can go back." Shi Boren said, "Don't worry about it."    


Long Bing snorted, "Xia Lei, let's go and drink."    


Xia Lei followed Long Bing and left. After taking two steps, he turned around to look at the glass wall and thought to himself: "This matter is not over yet."    


"Xia Lei." Tang Yuyan said, "Dad said that the matter of you asking him for help has come to an end."    


Xia Lei was moved and turned around to look at her, "What's the result?"    


Tang Yuyan said, "I don't know. You can ask him. He will be home for a holiday tomorrow."    


Xia Lei said, "Then I'll go to your house tomorrow to visit Uncle Tang."    


Tang Yuyan smiled and said, "Sure, I want to buy more gifts."    


Xia Lei was about to say "okay", but Long Bing grabbed his hand and pulled him away.    


Tang Bochuan sighed, "Ai, Chief of Section Long has an objection."    


Shi Boren said, "That's her temper. Let her go. She'll be fine in two days."    


Walking out of the 101 sets of Headquarters, the night was dark, and on the streets, there were no Vehicle s or pedestrians. It was very quiet. Xia Lei wanted to go to the car, but Long Bing stopped him, "I'm not driving. Come with me for a walk."    


Xia Lei said, "Aren't we going to drink?"    


"Forget it, the bar is so noisy. Just accompany me for a walk." Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei nodded and accompanied her along the sidewalk. The street lamps were cold, and quite a few moths were flying around the lanterns. They didn't stop until one of them was dead. Long Bing would occasionally raise her head to glance at the street lamps, as well as the persistent moths. Her expression was somewhat dull.    


Xia Lei had never seen her like this. He was a bit worried, "What are you thinking about?"    


Long Bing sighed softly. "Say, do we look like these moths?"    


Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "I think it's better if I accompany you to hospital."    


Long Bing raised her pink fist and hit Xia Lei in the chest. She frowned and said, "Be more serious. It's rare for me to think about my own life, yet you are here to cause trouble."    


101 rounds of Ice Mountain Goddess can also comprehend life? This was indeed a strange thing. Xia Lei held back his laughter, and his expression became serious. "Then tell me, why do we look like these moths?"    


"Stubborn, stupid."    


Xia Lei was stunned for a moment. He suddenly understood why she said such a strange metaphor.    


Long Bing said faintly, "I am proud to have joined the 101st round. I defend the safety of this Country, I defend the dignity of the law. This is my mission, and it doesn't matter if I die for it. But, they caught the bad guy, why didn't they punish them? If we fail, we will die. He had paid the price with his life, but in the end, this was the result. Say, what is the difference between our existence and these moths? No one will remember us if we hit our heads so badly that we get burned by the lights. "    


Xia Lei comforted her, "Think more clearly, this is politics. I am the one who deserves to be punished the most, and I can think it through, so you should let go of the burden in your heart. If I were to take care of this from the perspective of those people up above, I will also use An Xiuxian to exchange for something that is beneficial to Country. "    


"Have you thought it through?" Long Bing stopped walking and looked at Xia Lei face to face.    


Xia Lei said, "Of course I feel uncomfortable, but I can understand what the higher-ups are doing."    


"Well, I don't want to think about it either."    


"It's good that you've thought it through. Actually, it's nothing. Even if Kid had come out, there would be plenty of chances to deal with him." Xia Lei said, "Next time, I won't catch him. I will use my method to solve the problem."    


"Mm …" Long Bing hesitated for a moment before saying, "Can I borrow my shoulder?"    


Xia Lei was stunned, "What?"    


"Do you want to borrow it?"    


"Do you want to cry?" Xia Lei nodded, "Then cry while leaning on my shoulder. It's good as long as you cry."    


Long Bing leaned into Xia Lei's embrace, burying her head on his shoulder. It was very quiet.    


Xia Lei patted her waist, "If you want to cry, just cry. No need to hold it in." There's no one else here, so I won't laugh at you. "    


"Mm …" Long Bing opened her mouth and suddenly bit Xia Lei's shoulder.    




Long Bing let go of Xia Lei and revealed a smile at the corner of her mouth, "Alright, I'm much better now."    


Xia Lei rubbed his bitten shoulder with a depressed expression, "Why are you biting me?"    


Long Bing laughed: "Who told you to lie to me and say that urination can decompose a anesthetic gas, that's not all, and yet you look at me … "That one."    


So this was the reason.    


Her white spot appeared in Xia Lei's mind. It was big and round, and there was also that shushing sound … The pain in his shoulder had mysteriously disappeared, and a smirk appeared on his face. "Which one did I see?"    


"Let me lean on your shoulder again." Long Bing moved closer to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei quickly jumped away, "Are you a puppy? Don't come near me! "    


Long Bing chased after him. The quiet, deserted street became the scene of a fight between the two. With Xia Lei's skill, Long Bing was no longer a match for him. However, he was still at a disadvantage when it came to this kind of fight. Long Bing could beat him on the chest with her hand, but did he dare to hit her on the chest?    


A Telephone made two people stop their fight.    


The Telephone was for Long Bing, Xia Lei stood beside and watched her talking.    


"We're outside, not far. What's the matter?" Long Bing's voice.    


Xia Lei thought in his heart, "Could it be Shi Boren? Has there been a new development in An Xiuxian's incident? It can't be that fast, right? "    


"Alright, I'll be there immediately." Long Bing hung up the Telephone.    


Xia Lei asked, "Is that General Manager Shi?"    


Long Bing nodded, "It's General Manager Shi. There's an emergency."    


"About An Xiuxian?"    


"No, it's from experts's group."    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "What happened?"    


Long Bing said, "General Manager Shi said in the Telephone that experts had gone mad. The situation is very dangerous."    


"Are you crazy?" Xia Lei was very surprised.    


Long Bing said, "That's what General Manager Shi said, but he didn't explain the situation in such detail. I don't know much about that either, and I'll have to check it out. "You can go back. I have to go back to work."    


"Wait." Xia Lei said, "Can you bring me along?"    


Long Bing said, "General Manager Shi didn't say anything about taking you there."    


Xia Lei was stunned for a moment and felt uncomfortable, "It seems that General Manager Shi doesn't regard me as one of yours. Go ahead, I will go home and sleep. "From now on, no matter what mission you have, don't come looking for me."    


"Don't be like that." Long Bing followed up, "I will fight Telephone with General Manager Shi and tell him that I want you to go and have a look as well. After all, you risked your life to bring experts and those things back. "    


Xia Lei did not say anything, waiting for her to beat the Telephone.    


That's true, those experts's things were brought back from the Afghanistan with all his might. Now that the things were all in the country, he didn't even have the chance to look at them, isn't this just destroying the bridge after crossing the river? If that was really the case, then if he still had to work for the 101 rounds in the future, then he would be as big as the moon, a Idiot.    


Long Bing walked to the side and fought Telephone for Shi Boren. She muttered to herself for a few minutes as if she was trying her best to get permission to bring Xia Lei there.    


Xia Lei was also anxious as he thought to himself, "If General Manager Shi doesn't allow it, I'll have to think of a way to contact Ning Jing. I can only find out the secret of the ancient alloy from her …"    


Long Bing kept her mobile. "Let's go, you are just like a child. You don't need to bring me along, you just have to vent your temper."    


Xia Lei laughed, "I'll go get the car."    


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