Tranxending Vision

C374 Kindu's report

C374 Kindu's report

Jiang Ruyi's house was still the same as it always was. She was familiar with everything in her house, even the bathroom was no exception.    


Right after entering, Yang Yun handed a cup of water to Xia Lei, who thanked his repeatedly.    


"It's already summer vacation at school, why isn't Xiao Xue back yet?" Yang Yun asked.    


Xia Lei said, "She's in the capital right now and will not return. If she comes back, she'll definitely come visit Auntie. "    


"You moved?"    


"Nope." Xia Lei said: "It's just that I'm too busy with work, I rarely have time to go home."    


Yang Yun stared straight at Xia Lei, "I heard a lot about you from Ru Yi, you have a successful career now, but you have to do a job, your body is also very important, don't work too hard, it's not good for your body to tire yourself out."    


Xia Lei nodded, "Mn, I will pay attention to rest."    


"You're not young anymore, it's time to think about the problem of getting married. Do you have a girlfriend? You don't have to come back for auntie to see. " As she was speaking, Yang Yun glanced at Jiang Ruyi, who was beside her, and the latter rolled his eyes at her.    


Xia Lei was a bit embarrassed, "Have you found one before ? "It blew."    


"You flatter me!"    


"Huh?" Xia Lei's thoughts were already in chaos.    


"Uh, auntie said the wrong thing, what a pity." Yang Yun covered her mouth with a smile on her face, "I think girls who have grown up together with childhood are the best ?"    


"Mom!" Jiang Ruyi interrupted Yang Yun, "Didn't you want to go to the hospital to see my father? It's time to go, it'll be too late if you don't go now. "    


Yang Yun glared at Jiang Ruyi in dissatisfaction. Just as she was about to say something, her phone suddenly rang.    


The call was from the hospital.    


"No more money? Didn't he only save five thousand the day before yesterday? This also... "Alright, alright, I'll put it in my account tomorrow. Can I stop it? You guys can make some arrangements." Just a moment ago, she was still talking and laughing happily. After receiving a phone call, the smile on Yang Yun's face disappeared and was replaced with a depressed expression.    


Jiang Ruyi also seemed to be very worried.    


Xia Lei probed: "Auntie, what disease is Uncle Jiang suffering from?"    


Yang Yun was silent for a moment before saying, "It's uremia, we moved to our hometown because the cost of dialysis there is relatively low. But now that her father's health was getting worse, the doctor said he was going to have a kidney transplant. We can't find a donor, and even if someone does, it won't be our place. "Also, Ru Yi's father's illness these past two years has exhausted all of our family's savings. Even if there's a volunteer donor, the operation would cost us millions, so how would we have the money to do the surgery? Sigh ?"    


Xia Lei's gaze moved towards Jiang Ruyi, "Such a thing, you're not telling me?"    


"I ?" Jiang Ruyi wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei was a little angry, "You're hiding such a thing from me, are you treating me as an outsider?"    


Jiang Ruyi's eyes filled with tears, "It wasn't this serious in the past, every time I called Mother she would say that Daddy's condition was improving, why would I bring up something like that? "But, after dad came back, I knew that the problem was already very serious. I tried to call you, but I couldn't get through."    


At that time, Xia Lei might still be in Afghanistan.    


Yang Yun said, "Lei, you can't blame Ru Yi for this. If you want to blame me, then so be it. I don't want my family to be disgraced by my neighbors for helping me out."    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Take me to the hospital to see Uncle Jiang. I want to talk to the doctor, let me handle this matter."    


"This ?" The mist in Jiang Ruyi's eyes became thicker.    


Yang Yun held Xia Lei's hand, tears flowing down his face. "Lei, it's useless. Without a healthy kidney, you can just lend us the surgery fees. Ru Yi's father won't be any better. We appreciate your kindness ? ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted Yang Yun, "Auntie, are you treating me as an outsider too?"    


"No, no, no. I've never treated you as an outsider. I've always treated you as my son." Yang Yun said.    


Xia Lei was not interested in the meaning behind those words, he said: "Alright, let's go to the hospital. I'll talk to the doctor. There's a way for a doctor to deal with something like this. There were no voluntary donors, and the black market. "As long as you are willing to pay, it can be solved."    


"Black market?" Yang Yun seemed to see a glimmer of hope, as she was both excited and worried, "That, how much would that cost?"    


"Money isn't a problem. I'll pay however much you want." Xia Lei added, "I don't need you to return it."    


"How can that be?" Yang Yun didn't know what to say anymore.    


Jiang Ruyi wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in her throat. Black market to buy kidney, the cost must be frightening. The regular channels would need at least a million to complete the operation. Going through the black market channels and sitting down after the operation was done, wouldn't that amount to a few million? With so much money, she wouldn't be able to repay it even if she wanted to.    


"Come on, you're still so slow." Xia Lei said Jiang Ruyi.    


If it was before, Jiang Ruyi would definitely argue with Xia Lei, but today, she didn't. She nodded her head once, with a very docile look on her face, "Fine, let's go to the hospital."    


Yang Yun wiped away her tears, revealing a slight smile. She thought to herself, "No, at worst I'll just give my daughter to you ?"    


Arriving at the hospital, Xia Lei saw Jiang Ruyi's father, Jiang Shuqing.    


Jiang Shuqing was living in a sickly room. The environment was poor, and he was in a very poor condition. His face did not have the slightest bit of color, and his spirit was also dispirited. He gave off a feeling of being on the verge of death.    


To Xia Lei, Jiang Shuqing was actually equivalent to half a father. Five years ago, his father, Xia Changhe, went missing. At that time, he had just graduated from high school and no one wanted him to work at the construction site. It was also during that difficult period that Jiang Shuqing did not help him a lot, relying on relationships to help him find a job, secretly giving him money, comforting him, and encouraging him. Those memories were still fresh in his mind, and he would never forget them.    


Even such a family like uncle had turned out to be like this. A man as resolute as Xia Lei couldn't help but feel his nose sour, and almost shed tears. His voice also became choked with sobs, "Uncle Jiang, I've come to see you."    


When Jiang Shuqing who was resting heard the sound, she opened her eyes. Seeing that it was Xia Lei, she was startled for a moment, but then revealed a smile: "Oh, Lei Zi, when did you return? I just wanted to see you, but I didn't expect you to appear the moment I opened my eyes. "    


Xia Lei walked to the side of the bed and pulled Jiang Shuqing's hand, "Uncle Jiang, you take care of your illness peacefully, you will definitely recover."    


"No, I know my own situation." Jiang Shuqing sighed, "What worries me the most is our ruyi. She's too simple-minded and silly. If I leave, there won't be a man at home. How will the mother and son live ?"    


"Dad." Jiang Ruyi wanted to tell Jiang Shuqing the truth.    


Yang Yun held Jiang Ruyi's hand and walked out of the sickroom, leaving the two men to chat and reminisce.    


"Mom, what are you doing?" Jiang Ruyi said unhappily: "I want to tell Father that Xia Lei will help us. He has hopes of being able to cure us, why did you pull me out?"    


Yang Yun smiled and said, "It's alright to say it later, Mom wants to talk to you."    


"About what?" Jiang Ruyi looked at her mother strangely.    


"What's going on between you and Reiko?"    


"What do you mean what happened?"    


"Mom watched you guys grow up together. You like him, Mom knows better than anyone, but why aren't you together?"    


"It's too familiar, I don't feel anything."    


"Did he not feel anything for you?"    


"Mom, I don't want to talk about this." This was a wound in her heart. She would feel a dull pain.    


"Not talking about it?" What are you going to do about him helping us so much? "    


"Are there two things?"    


"What two things? If you're not anxious, then Mom will be worried for you. With that much money, our family definitely won't be able to pay. When the time comes, I'll pawn you for him to bear children, wash clothes, and cook."    


Jiang Ruyi, "..."    


A moment later, Xia Lei came out of the ward and followed Jiang Ruyi to find the attending physician, Jiang Shuqing.    


Once they met, Xia Lei went straight to the point: "Doctor, give my Uncle Jiang another VIP ward, and arrange for his operation as soon as possible."    


The main doctor looked at Xia Lei in shock, "Who are you?"    


Xia Lei said: "Xia Lei, Mayor Hu Hou is my good friend."    


Upon hearing that it was Mayor Hu Hou's friend, the attending physician's attitude immediately changed, "So it's Mr. Xia, hello. The situation is that there is currently no proper kidney, and the cost of surgery is about one million dollars. "    


Xia Lei replied, "Money is not a problem. I can give your hospital's account two million right now. If you can find a suitable kidney, I'll personally give you another half a million. "    


The attending physician was stunned for a moment before asking, "Are you joking with me?"    


Xia Lei lowered his voice, "I'm not joking with you, go through the black market. I guarantee that you won't lose out."    


The attending physician then said, "Mr. Xia, please come with me to my lounge for a chat."    


Jiang Ruyi also followed.    


Half an hour later, Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi left the main doctor's resting room. Jiang Ruyi's face also gained an additional smile, as his entire person relaxed. It was for no other reason but because Xia Lei had already talked everything through with the main doctor, and his father was saved.    


After leaving the resting room, the attending physician had personally arranged a VIP ward for Jiang Shuqing and had also replaced him with the best nurse. His attitude had undergone a 180 degrees change.    


Xia Lei stayed in the VIP ward for an hour before taking his leave.    


Jiang Ruyi sent Xia Lei out the door, and silently followed him.    


On the staircase, Xia Lei received Jiang Ruyi's bank account number. After that, he gave Guan Lingshan a call and directly called Jiang Ruyi's bank account number: 5 million.    


"Five million ?" Seeing the amount of receipts on the text message, Jiang Ruyi panicked, "We don't need that much."    


Xia Lei laughed and said: Why are you still looking at me like that? I am not lacking in money right now, so you can take it. As for the rest, use it as nutrition for me to buy for uncle. "    


"You ?" Jiang Ruyi's eyes became misty once more, "How can I repay you?"    


"I'm going to get angry if I return it again." Xia Lei took out a paper bag from his pocket and placed it in Jiang Ruyi's hands.    


Jiang Ruyi looked at him, "What is it?"    


Xia Lei said: "It was something I got from Afghanistan. I did it in front of your mother. I'm sorry to give you the noodles, but do you think it's suitable? "    


Jiang Ruyi opened the paper package. It was a dazzling jewel necklace. She was stunned.    


Xia Lei said, "My return this time is very tight. I will be returning to the capital tomorrow, and then I will be going to Russia to participate in a light weapons exhibition over there."    


However, Jiang Ruyi seemed to not hear what Xia Lei said, and was in a daze while looking at the gemstone necklace.    


"I'm leaving. Go back and stay with Uncle Jiang." By the way, let me tell Uncle Jiang that I'll come back to see him next time. By that time, he should have been done with the operation. I wish he were better. " Xia Lei said with a smile.    


Jiang Ruyi suddenly hugged Xia Lei and whispered into his ear, "I'll wait for you to come back, no matter how long it takes. When you're tired outside, come back and rest. "    


With that, she turned and ran away.    


Xia Lei stared at her back in a daze for a long time.    


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