Tranxending Vision

C358 How dare he provoke a tigress!

C358 How dare he provoke a tigress!

Dare to provoke a tigress!    


The police had come, bringing away the crazy An Xiujun.    


An Xiujun, who had brought Xia Xue into the All De Roasted Duck, looked calm and composed. However, the An Xiujun who had left was covered in blood, and looked like a pig head, in an extremely sorry state.    


Anina drove her Suburban Land Cruiser van away. After leaving the All De Roasted Duck, Xia Lei called a taxi and headed straight for the headquarters of Bureau 101.    


In the carriage, Xia Lei tried to call Lu Sheng, but his phone was turned off and it could not be connected.    


Xia Lei's heart was heavy, and he thought about many things.    


After Lu Sheng recovered, Xia Lei transferred him and Qin Xiang to the capital base. There were people from the military guarding Rayma Military Factory, so there was no need for Lu Sheng to take charge of security. Hence, he could only take care of one duty, and that was to protect Xia Xue. He should have been by Xia Xue's side or near him, but he had disappeared.    


Xia Lei had a premonition that something had happened to Lu Sheng.    


The reason was simple, because if Lu Sheng was not eliminated, he simply did not have the chance to strike. Lu Sheng came from a special forces background, and even had a few years of experience learning Wing Tsun, so how could An Xiujun be a match for him? Moreover, Lu Sheng had become someone's bodyguard after retiring, so he had a high level of professionalism. This also changed and hindered An Xiuxian and An Xiujun's plans.    


From the looks of it, if not for Lu Sheng, An Xiuxian would have already made his move. The reason why he was making his move today was most likely because he had come out of "seclusion" today!    


The more he thought about it, the angrier Xia Lei became. The thing that he could not tolerate the most was someone hurting Xia Xue, but An Xiuxian actually did it!    


Entering the 101st board headquarters, Xia Lei found Long Bing.    


"I just got the news." Without waiting for Xia Lei to explain the situation, Long Bing said, "Calm down, do not be rash."    


She knew Xia Lei's temperament very well. It might be fine for someone to beat him up, but if someone hurt Xia Xue, he would turn into a terrifying beast and tear that person to shreds.    


Xia Lei said coldly: "I risked my life for this 101st game, but now that someone wants to kill my sister and use her to take revenge on me, you want me to calm down? "Let me tell you, the bodyguard I arranged to stay by my sister's side is missing. I can't get in touch anymore. Now that things have gotten to this point, can I still maintain my calm?"    


Lu Sheng had saved Xia Xue once before, and almost lost her life. Now that she had gone missing while protecting Xia Xue, how could he just sit there and do nothing?    


Long Bing was silent for a moment, then said: "Lu Sheng, I know this person. Originally, we had arranged for people to protect Xia Xue in secret, but you sent Lu Sheng to protect Xia Xue. The protection measures for Xia Xue had been lifted because they had evaluated Lu Sheng's ability before and felt that he was fully qualified for the job. "    


Xia Lei frowned, "You guys really can save a lot."    


"Alright, I know you're unhappy, but you have to understand the difficulties above. After all, human resources are limited." Long Bing said: "I think Lu Sheng should tell you that your sister is dating someone. That way, this kind of thing wouldn't happen." Long Bing said.    


"Xia Xue is very strong and very independent. I have analyzed it before, she should be secretly dating An Xiujun. Although Lu Sheng might know about it, my sister might still stop him from telling me. I don't blame Lu Sheng for this matter; I myself am clear of my own younger sister. " Xia Lei said.    


Long Bing shrugged her shoulders, "Tell me, what do you want?"    


"Well, I'm not an unreasonable person, I can understand that." "Xia Lei said:" My purpose for coming here is very simple. An Xiujun has already been caught, I want to interrogate him personally, I need his permission. "    


"This ?" Long Bing did not immediately agree, "I need to ask Boss Shi."    


The door of the office suddenly opened, and Shi Boren appeared at the entrance, "What do you want to ask? Go directly to the investigation! "Damn it, to dare to touch the family members of our 101st Board ? even if I don't kill him this time, I will skin him alive!"    


Long Bing and Xia Lei could not help but look at each other.    


Shi Boren could actually say such vulgar words, this was the first time he had met one.    


However, although it was coarse, this sentence made people happy. Xia Lei's mouth revealed a smile, "Thank you, Boss Shi."    


Shi Boren's face turned serious again, "You little brat, I have to remind you, don't go overboard. The Celestial domain group isn't made by Remar, nor is it a big deal to buy food on the streets. Do you understand what I'm saying? If you make me feel embarrassed, I'll deal with you, brat. "    


Xia Lei's face finally revealed a trace of a smile, "Thank you, Boss Shi."    


"Go to hell, you brat, you're always troubled." Shi Boren waved his hand.    


Xia Lei said: "Boss Shi, you can't blame me for that. If I did not go to Korea to steal the Sword of Attila, would I become enemies with An Xiuxian?"    


Shi Boren glared at Xia Lei, but couldn't find any words to refute him.    


An hour later, Xia Lei and Long Bing came to the police station with a piece of paper in their hands.    


The bureau chief of the Li family received Long Bing and Xia Lei, and personally brought them to a detention cell.    


An Xiujun had already woken up and was sitting on a chair in the detention cell. Seeing Xia Lei appearing, he immediately became excited, rushed to the steel fence and roared at Xia Lei: "Bastard! I want to sue you! "    


Xia Lei directly ignored An Xiujun's clamor.    


Commissioner Li frowned and said, "This guy is very arrogant. After saying that he is Korean, he wants to see their consulate and his lawyer. When our police officers recorded his statement, he used Korean. When we asked for an interpreter, this birdman actually spoke English again. "    


An Xiujun pointed at Bureau Chief Li and said, "I will not bother with your curses. This Xia Lei is a criminal, he injured me, you must immediately arrest him!"    


Commissioner Li smiled bitterly and said, "Did you see that? "That's his attitude. It's hard to handle. I don't know how to deal with this anymore."    


Long Bing said: "Chief Li, just leave him to us. These are papers. " She handed the paperwork over to Chief Li.    


Commissioner Li took the paperwork and looked as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. "Alright, I'll leave this guy to you."    


When Chief Li left, An Xiujun shouted: "Come back! You, come back here! Bastard! You will regret it! "    


"Be quiet." Long Bing said as she used the key to open the cell's door.    


"Beauty, how much do you earn for a year? I'll give you twice the annual salary and sleep with me for the night. " An Xiujun stared at Long Bing who had an explosive body, and said with a vulgar tone of voice.    


Just as he finished speaking, the back of Long Bing's right foot ruthlessly struck the space between his legs.    


"Ao ? ?" An Xiujun held onto his lower body, and dropped to his knees.    


Xia Lei also frowned slightly, feeling that leg seemed to have landed on that place. He felt that An Xiujun was really stupid, he dared to provoke Long Bing even at such a time.    


"Move your hand away." Long Bing said coldly.    


An Xiujun did not listen to their orders.    


Long Bing suddenly kicked An Xiujun's hands yet again, and his hands were still covering the spot between his legs. Although her foot was blocked by her palm, that area still received an enormous impact. He howled miserably as she curled up on the ground.    


Long Bing went around to the back of An Xiujun and kicked the place between An Xiujun's legs.    


"Ah ? ?" An Xiujun let out a miserable scream that sounded like a pig being butchered, and was in so much pain that he almost fainted.    


"Move your hand away." Long Bing said indifferently: "Take your hand away, I will only kick once. If you don't move away, I'll keep kicking you. "    


If he was going to kick that place, he would not let anyone block it.    


An Xiujun's tears rolled down his face, his heart was filled with grief and indignation, but when he saw Long Bing's cold and indifferent face, he finally released his hand.    


Long Bing immediately kicked it.    


"Ah ? ?" An Xiujun let out another miserable scream.    


Xia Lei started to suspect whether An Xiujun's place could still be used properly.    


Long Bing pulled An Xiujun's hair and pulled him up from the ground, then said coldly: "Let me explain to you the situation. If you still have half a word of disrespect towards me, I'll make you squat there and pee on your pants your entire life."    


An Xiujun's face was completely devoid of blood.    


"Kneel!" Long Bing roared.    


An Xiujun trembled and knelt down on the ground with a loud sound.    


Long Bing glanced at Xia Lei, "He's yours now, you can begin."    


Xia Lei nodded his head and then picked up that chair, sitting right in front of An Jinjian, looking down at him from above, "I'm just asking you a few simple questions, are you willing to answer?"    


An Xiujun stared at Xia Lei coldly, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.    


Long Bing slapped the back of her head, "Speak!"    


"I... "I do." An Xiujun was already afraid of Long Bing.    


Xia Lei said: "Very good, then I'll ask the first question. When did you first come into contact with my sister? "    


"Your sister and I only know each other, we only know each other ?" An Xiujun thought for a moment, "We have only known each other for a month."    


"What have you done?"    


An Xiujun followed up: "I didn't do anything, really, your sister is a very conservative girl, she was only willing to strike up a conversation with me after I chased her for half a month, then I had the chance to pull her hand a few times after twenty days."    


If it was an ordinary girl, she would have probably gone to bed in twenty hours after being scammed by An Xiujun, who was such a pretty boy from Korea. It could be seen that Xia Xue was not one of those girls that could be confused just by her outer appearance and flowery words. This was related to Xia Lei's "wealth". The pocket money he gave Xia Xue was a credit card with a limit of a million.    


"My second question, my sister has bodyguards by her side, how did you get close to her?"    


An Xiujun said: "I transferred from Korea. I'm in the same class as Xia Xue. When students come into contact with students, your bodyguard doesn't suspect me. Besides, your sister is very conservative and very careful. I don't have a chance. "    


In the end, he still succeeded, and used twenty days to move Xia Xue's heart, and was able to hold hands with him. One must know, a boy that could hold hands with Xia Xue, was already considered her boyfriend.    


"I'll ask you the last two questions, you can answer them together." Xia Lei asked: "What is your relationship with An Xiuxian? Where is my sister's bodyguard now? "    


"I ?" An Xiujun quickly shut his mouth.    


Xia Lei clenched his fists and was ready to ask further.    


At this moment, a loud noise could be heard.    


"You have no right to detain our citizens!" It was a man's voice. "I have the right to see him and provide him with judicial assistance!"    


"I'm a lawyer!" Another man's voice said, "If you do not follow legal procedures, I have the right to protest to the higher authorities and to hold those responsible accountable!"    


Xia Lei released his fist.    


A cold smile surfaced on the corner of An Xiujun's mouth.    


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